"I'm sorry, miss."

The two shrews went into Shen Yun's room and looked at each other. The one on the left said in a low voice: "master, please go to room 7 of Canglong villa and stay for a while. Please don't embarrass us."

After Shen Ming and Qing went out with a computer, Shen yunzai knelt down on the tatami and sobbed. After listening to the shrew's words, he suddenly raised his head.

The face full of tears was full of shock.

She really didn't expect that her grandfather not only took away her love, but also wanted to imprison her in order to prevent her from divulging information to crown prince Duan, so as not to let the Chinese military know that the plan of live ammunition exercise on Jianjun day was leaked and start an emergency response plan, so that this top secret information would lose its value.

The two shrews all know what the concept of room 7 is, let alone Shen Yun?

She is the only female in the Shen family for nearly a hundred years. She is regarded as the apple of the eye by the Shen family. Even the big brother who occupies a place in the blue house is too enthusiastic to see her.

Room seven, also known as the seventh floor hell.

In Chinese folklore, there are 18 levels of hell in the underworld.

They are tongue pulling hell, knife mountain hell and so on.

Daoshan hell is the seventh level of the eighteen level hell in folklore.

The "layer" of the eighteen layers of hell does not refer to the up and down of space, but lies in the difference between time and criminal law, especially in time.

The first prison takes 3750 years on earth as a day, 30 days as a month, and December as a year. The guilty ghost has to serve 10000 years in this prison, that is, 13.5 billion years on earth.

The second prison takes 750 years of human life as one day, and the criminals have to serve 20000 years in this prison, that is, 54 billion years of human life.

After that, the prison terms of the previous prison increased by two times.

According to this calculation, the sentence of the 18th level hell is equivalent to more than 2.3 * 1025 years in the human world, in which the guilty ghost falls, and the pain is beyond description.

As for whether the 18th floor hell is as terrible as the folklore, no one knows——

Anyway, the calculation method related to the 18th floor hell has long been popular among the people.

Just like when South Korean people hear about the 18 layers of hell culture, they will say that it was designated by their ancestors. Later, it was introduced into ancient Tianzhu, and then spread to China through Tianzhu. Finally, it was carried forward and made every South Korean feel proud.

It is no longer possible to verify whether the idea of "Eighteen levels of hell" was put forward by the ancestors of South Korea.

Moreover, it seems that the seven level hell in the Tibetan dragon villa can not be compared with the eighteen level hell in the folklore.

But Rao is like this. Shen Yun is still terrified when he hears that her grandfather is going to put her in the seventh floor hell.

It was totally subconscious. After a moment of astonishment, Shen Yun turned over and jumped up like a spring. He copied it with his right hand. As the cold light flashed by, the samurai sword on the turret was already in his hand.

But then, with a clatter, he fell to the ground.

Shen Yun's speed of turning over and bouncing up to copy a knife is fast, while the two shrews' reaction speed is faster.

As soon as she grasped the long knife, the shrew who was talking had jumped in front of her like an electric gun, bent her knees and raised her elbow, and hit her in the right rib.

The bodyguard who can be valued by the leader of the first invisible aristocratic family in South Korea is of course very good. It is far more than Shen Yun's "performer" who wields the sword more like a sword dance.

As soon as the sword fell to the ground, the other shrew's right foot was pointed. The sword flew up like a swordfish rushing out of the sea and landed on the rest of the sword.

But without looking at it, she and her companions grabbed Shen yunzai's arm and strode to the door without saying a word.

"Let me go, let me go! I want you to let me go

Shen Yun is 1.7 meters tall, but he is an ordinary weak woman in the holding of two tall shrews. No matter how hard he struggles, he can't get any effect.

At most, when she was crammed into a car by two shrews, she heard such advice again: "Miss, please don't embarrass us."

Shen yunzai is the apple of the eye of the Shen family.

When she was kidnapped by ham, Shen Ming and Qing would redeem her no matter how much she paid.

But the bigger fact is that no one in the Shen family dares to disobey the orders of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Since he gave the order to the two shrews to take Shen yunzai to the Canglong villa and lock them in room 7, they would not have any other reaction except to comply.

Dozens of kilometers northwest of Seoul, there are rolling mountains.

Zanglong villa is on the northernmost mountain of this mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking north with a telescope, you should be able to see the internationally famous line.

Three eight lines.

Of course, the so-called 38th line is not a single line, but a strip of no man's land with a width of 40 kilometers on both sides except Panmunjom.

Half a century after the end of the peninsula war, this no man's land has become a paradise for animals with dense vegetation and overgrown weeds.

It is said that there are Siberian tigers.

This hilltop is also the private property of the Shen family.

No South Korean cares whether this mountain is a private industry or not, because we all know that no one will want it even if the state gives it away.

There are no supermarkets, no banks, no discos, and even no women who rely on the door to show their laughter. However, at any time, they may be attacked by "mistakenly fired" missiles from the north. Only a fool can settle down in this place.

Built on the hillside of the zanglong villa, the area is not very large.

It's very similar to the farmyard in the mainland.

Several rows of houses are low and dilapidated, all made of stone and cement.

It's not like a place where people live. It's like a front-line temporary headquarters in wartime. It should be highly resistant to attacks.

If you let people know, just a few rows of gray stone house, or meaning to be called zanglong villa, you will certainly laugh.

That's because they don't know that there is a world under these rows of houses.

Underground buildings are the real zanglong villa.

It's an underground city where thousands of people can live under it for a year.

It is also the storage place of the real strength of the Shen family in South Korea.

All the people in the underground city were wearing Khaki camouflage suits, with the most advanced assault rifles on their shoulders.

As for why so many people are staying in the underground city, what they are waiting for or what they are waiting for, apart from the Shen family's owner, even Shen Yun doesn't know.

When Shen Yun was just getting off by two shrews, there were seven or eight fierce men and women in training clothes, waiting at the gate of the courtyard.

Li Mingdu, the supreme commander of zanglong villa, was also surprised when he received a phone call from Shen Mingqing saying that the South Korean princess was to be detained in room 7 of zanglong villa.

But similarly, they dare not ask questions casually, they have to comply.

Struggling all the way, without any harvest, Shen Yun also admitted his life.

It was she who destroyed her love by herself. This cruel reality made her feel as if she had no love in her life.

Li Ming and the two shrews looked at each other, nodded their heads and waved their hands.

Immediately, there are two female soldiers out of the crowd, to replace the two shrews, took Shen yunzai's arm.

"Don't touch me. I'll go myself. "

Shen Yun in the eyes of some blankly staring at somewhere, light said.

The two women soldiers looked at Li Mingdu.

"Miss, we are just following orders. Please don't embarrass us."

Li Ming all whispered a sentence, crossed one step, raised his left hand and made a gesture of please.

There was no need for two female soldiers to do anything at all. Shen Yun walked forward on his own.

She had been to zanglong villa several times before, so she knew where to go without others leading the way.

Li Mingdu and others, obediently accompany behind her, lips tightly pursed, dare not say a word.

No one knows how the master of the Shen family brought the little princess to the zanglong villa, and specially ordered her to be locked in room 7.

Nobody wants to know.

The more you know, the shorter your life will be. This truth is recognized by people all over the world.

Shen Yun, who leads the way, does not walk into the low stone houses after entering the courtyard. Instead, he turns left in the middle of the courtyard and goes to the west wall.

There is a corner door in the west of the courtyard wall.

Through this corner gate, there is a desolate plain.

The area of the flat land is about half an acre, covered with half a person high weeds.

The wind made the grass shake from side to side. From time to time, a gray white circle with a diameter of about three meters appeared.

It's like a super big plate on the grass.

The plate was plastered with grey cement.

Shen yunzai is very clear that this super large cement plate is actually a 30 cm thick anti nuclear steel plate.

As soon as she got to the plate, there was a slight vibration under her feet. There was a dull buzzing sound.

The dish is like a flying saucer to take off, rising slowly with the buzz.

When it reached two meters high, it made a slight click and stopped rising.

The buzz didn't stop.

Like a cylindrical plate, suddenly slowly split a seam.

This is an elevator.

It takes about half a minute to get to room 7 by this elevator.

According to the speed of the elevator, room 7 is about 30 meters underground.

Theoretically speaking, this depth is not enough to withstand the impact of nuclear bombs.

But people don't know that the grass around the super plate is actually 30 cm thick steel plate with a layer of soil on it.

The underground city of zanglong villa is more solid than the underground test base of the sun umbrella company in the science fiction movie biochemical crisis.

With a click, the elevator stops.

Li Ming took the lead to walk out of the elevator, flashed to the side, raised his hand again, and made the gesture of please.

Shen Yun, with a dull look and a dead heart, walked slowly out of the elevator and came to the narrow corridor.

But the two meter wide corridor is 15 meters long.

There is only one door in the corridor except the elevator.

This door is right at the end of the corridor.

A door also made of thick steel plate.

Some of the handles used to open doors are like the rudders used on ships.

How tall is a person? There is a screen the size of a cigarette case with red numbers flashing slowly.

These flashing numbers represent the temperature, humidity, noise level and oxygen index behind the door.

When Li Ming walked quickly to the iron gate, his right hand was on the handle of the gun at his waist.

He's never been in room seven.

Neither is Shen Yun.

Shen Ming and Qing are the only ones who are qualified to go in.

Every year on the third day of the third month of the Chinese lunar calendar, Shen Ming and Qing would come to room 7 of zanglong villa and stay for a few hours.

Li Ming didn't go in and didn't know what was in it, so why was he so nervous?

hear nothing of.

He didn't know it himself.

All he knew was that ever since he was qualified to accompany the Shen family leader to the door of room 7, he would have an indescribable sense of fear rising from his heart.

It's like there's a dragon behind the iron gate that can eat people.

Otherwise, every time he came here, he would not have hallucinations.

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