Chen yu'er once told Li Nanfang that no one would come to Duan's room before she went out.

So she let Li Nanfang play with her happily.

It was true.

If Duan has nothing to discuss with Li Nanfang.

I went to Duan Xiangning's room to find Li Nanfang, but I didn't see his Duan fragmentary. After asking a housekeeper's "aunt", I found out that he had come here.

As a result, when she came, she found that Duan was not at all. Instead, when she was outside the door, she overheard Chen yu'er talking about a deal.

After hearing this, Duan fragmentary felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Very angry.

So I didn't scold Li Nanfang as a rascal after breaking into the house. I just can't stand what he said.

Li Renzha left regardless. Duan Fen really wanted to catch up with him. He stamped his foot with hatred, but he thought it was better to deal with Chen yu'er first.

It's too humiliating for her to be like this. Duan Fen is really afraid of causing any more trouble after she leaves.

"Don't you feel ashamed?"

Chen yu'er's shameless look at her makes Duan sporadic feel particularly twisted.

Chen yu'er didn't speak.

I have a rag in my mouth.

"When I first met you, I thought you were an excellent person. Now I know that you are so shameless. "

Duan fragmentary went to the bed, pulled out the rag in Chen Yu Er's mouth, and picked up the scissors.

After a few clicks, Duan fragmentary cut the hemp rope, and then pulled a shirt of Duan chuhuang from the nearby hanger and threw it on her: "put on your clothes quickly and get out. In the future, you can't come back to this room. "

After letting his clothes fall on him and then slide down his silky skin, Chen yu'er shakes his wrists, which are strangled by hemp rope. He still looks indifferent and asks faintly, "are you the owner of this room?"


Although she didn't want to say these two words at all, she had to say them.

"Since you are not the owner of this room, you have no right to drive me away."

Chen yu'er said, lying down on the bed, pulling the blanket over him, staring at the ceiling and saying, "besides, I don't think it's shameful for me to do this. You should have heard me. I just want to make myself feel better. I've made a big mistake. What's the shame of doing this for peace of mind? On the contrary, it's you who don't feel shame. "

"Nonsense, where did I lose face?"

Duan raised his foot sporadically and gave a hard kick on the edge of the bed.

The more angry she was, the more calm she was.

Eyes a turn, looking at her smile, leisurely said: "you like your brother-in-law."

"You are Farting

Duan sporadically stupefied, and finally said some indecent words in anger.

Chen yu'er turned over from the bed and sat up, looked at her and asked quickly: "if you don't like him, you won't break in when he tormented me just now. Because I'm a sinner of the Duan family. Just now I've been tortured by a stranger of the Duan family. You will only feel relieved and hope that he will do so. He will never be so angry that he is not a person

"I, I stop him, just don't want to see him bully women."

Duan is still very angry, but her voice is much lower when she retorts.

Chen yu'er sneered: "hum, we are all women. We are born with a keen sense of this. You can't cheat me, and don't deny it. Anyway, I don't care whether you really like him or not. I just say what I feel

Duan bit his lower lip hard, his eyes twinkled and said, "you're bullshit. I only met him last night, and he is Xiangning's husband. How can I like him? "

"Love does not matter how long you have known it or whether the person you fall in love with is your brother-in-law. It will come when it should. It's like the first time I see the crown prince, I feel that I have to marry him. "

After Chen yu'er said this, his eyes darkened: "but no matter who I marry now, I can't marry him."

Duan said nothing.

In the final analysis, she and Duan Xiang are not the same people.

She has the simplicity and kindness that Duan Xiang doesn't have.

From the change of Chen yu'er's eyes, Duan can see her remorse and pain. I can't bear to hit her any more.

But she doubted what Chen yu'er said.

How could she like Li Nanfang?

Don't forget, they just met last night.

He is Duan Xiangning's "husband" again. He is her brother-in-law.

Although, in the morning when she suddenly ghost body, take the initiative to do so shameful thing for him.

When Duan fragmentary thought about this and instinctively stared at the floor, he heard Chen yu'er say: "Duan fragmentary, to tell you the truth, the so-called Duan family's four phoenixes, I think you can become some climate. Don't thank me. I'm not flattering you

"Well, do I want your compliment?"

Duan snorted coldly, pretending to disdain.

Chen yu'er didn't care about her attitude, just said what she wanted to say: "I look up at you, not how excellent you are, but the shortcomings of the other three styles are more obvious.

Duan Xiangning shouldered the heavy burden of Duan family's power to the north. With the strong support of Duan family, she could only play with the small family like Lu family for several years, which can be described as a standard mental handicap.

Duan Xiang is the most hardworking and ruthless of the four winds, but he is a narrow-minded person. He doesn't know who can be offended and who can't.

As for Duan Ning, she may have been infected by Duan Xiangning. She is not only worried about her IQ, but also timid. She can also play a lady's temper in Duan's family.

Do you know?

Ha ha, Duan sporadic, do you know why I want to look up at you? "

If it had not been for this problem, Duan would have turned over a long time ago.

Although she also admits that Chen yu'er's analysis of the three sisters is really thorough.

Seeing that she just gritted her teeth but didn't speak, Chen yu'er knew what she was thinking in her heart and laughed: "the only thing that you are better than your three sisters is that you are simple minded and kind-hearted. It is these two advantages that can make you stand out among the four phoenix of Duan family. And what's more, girls with simple and kind minds are generally better off. "

Duan fragmentary can finally say: "ha ha, I didn't expect that Chen Wu of Lingnan, a famous place, still has the potential to be a god stick."

Chen yu'er lightly responded: "wrong.

I can see that it's not that I have the potential of a god stick, but that I'm born to see through the nature of others.

Otherwise, I would not have been in an important position of military intelligence when I was young.

Similarly, if I didn't see that the crown prince was a rare talent in a hundred years, would I be so infatuated with him?

Unfortunately, I destroyed him myself. "

"Ha, you say it like that."

With a sporadic smile, Duan suddenly remembered something: "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that there are many people in Lingnan who know the art of Xuanmen. If you have this ability, you should have been taught by an expert. "

Chen yu'er pursed his lips and didn't speak.

That's right.

Duan fragmentary interest: "ask you something, do you think people have always been so accurate?"

"Sometimes I can't see through."

Chen yu'er shook his head and began to wear his shirt.


"Your sweetheart."

"My sweetheart?"

Paragraph fragmentary a stay, then wake up who she is talking about, immediately shamed angry curse: "nonsense - how can you see through him?"

"It's like he's hiding in a fog."

Chen yu'er buttoned up the last button of his shirt and looked up out of the window. His voice suddenly became ethereal: "I thought he was very ordinary at first sight. But when I look at him the second time, his appearance changes

Duan was a little surprised: "will he change his face?"

Eyes sweep, see eye segment sporadic, Chen yu'er really want to scold "idiot" two words.

The words came to his mouth, held back, shook his head and said, "No. I said that his appearance had changed because his face and temperament had suddenly changed. It's not his facial features, it's what's changed. "

Xuanmen stresses that the fate of a person's whole life is hidden in his facial features.

This is the so-called Mingge.

Generally speaking, after people have passed the age of the crown of hair, their temperament has matured and will not be changed easily.

There was a scholar in the Song Dynasty. When he was on his way to a temple on the mountain, the host only looked at him and was surprised. He said that he would be dead in three months. I'd better go home and prepare for the future. Don't go to the capital.

The scholar was so surprised that he almost peed at that time.

The host was not interested in chatting with a dying man. He took a broken bowl and went out to make love. The scholar didn't know it. He just knelt in front of the Buddha statue in a daze.

I don't know how long later, a woman came to pray for Buddha.

After the woman left, the scholar saw a burden on the futon beside her.

Open a look, inside is a pair of jade Ruyi.

Although the scholar's time is running out, he is worried that the owner of the lost pair of valuable jade Ruyi will be anxious because he can't find them. So he holds the burden and waits nearby.

Sure enough, when it was getting dark, the woman who had come to pray for Buddha came back crying.

After seeing the empty futon, the woman screamed and pretended to die on the incense table. Fortunately, she was stopped in time by the scholar, and then she took out Yu Ruyi to ask her if she was looking for life or death for the lost one.

It turned out that the woman's husband was ill and was anxious to pay for medical treatment. When she took Yu Ruyi to the city, she went by the temple to pray for her husband's blessing. As a result, she left in a hurry and lost her things.

After finding Yu Ruyi again, the woman of course was grateful to the scholar. She almost promised him in front of the Buddha.

The scholar naturally refused.

After sending the woman away, the scholar slowly went down the mountain, ready to go home and prepare for the future.

On the way, I met the abbot of the Huayuan temple.

When the host saw him, he was surprised again. He even said that he would hurry to Beijing to take the exam. Don't miss the time, because he might be the prime minister in the future.

In this regard, the scholar scoffed, saying that the old thief was playing with people. In the morning, he said that his life would be over. In the evening, he said that he could become a prime minister. His life would be eighty-two years old.

The host quickly explained that he was not a playwright, because the scholar's features and temperament had changed.

In the morning, the scholar is really a short-lived ghost.

But in the evening, his life was attached to Dayin virtue. He must have done something good to change his life.

The scholar was also stunned and said that he had done a good deed just like Uncle Lei Feng - it turns out that the host was right at all. After the scholar entered Beijing for the exam, he was a top three in senior high school and finally ranked the prime minister. He lived 82 years.

It was with this skill that Chen yu'er created the name of Chen Wu in Lingnan.

As long as Chen Wu wants to see someone, he can't see through.

But after meeting Li Nanfang, she was at a loss.

Ordinary people, even if their temperament can change, can change twice in their life at most.

Li NanFang's life style is changing rapidly.

She can't understand what she thinks.

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