Min Rou is a little happy to see that Li Nanfang really dresses like a dog according to her own requirements.

But this guy always stares at her and doesn't talk after he comes. What's the matter?

"Excuse me, this fairy from the Moon Palace, are you min Rou, Miss min?"

Although Li NanFang's way of picking up girls is still a few grades worse than ye Xiaodao's, men naturally know how to pretend to make girls happy.

"You are mistaken, sir."

Min Rou raised her chin and said with a proud face.

Li Nanfang scratched the back of his head, glanced around, turned around and left with a puzzled face, and said to himself, "well, I must have recognized the wrong person. How could minrou, that ugly girl, be so beautiful? "

"Hum, who is the ugly girl? I'll break your teeth."

Min Rou couldn't hold her face any longer. She giggled, grabbed Li NanFang's arm with her left hand, and drew her right hand to his face.

The scallion white fingers swept across his face, very light, just like the night wind blowing from the south. He caught them easily and could not help but bow his head and kiss them gently on the back of his soft hand.

Min Rou's face turned red. She drew back her hand like an electric shock, raised her foot and kicked: "I hate it, so many people."

"Are you reminding me that I can kiss you when there are few people?"

"Go away."

Min Rou is more shy. She stomps her feet lightly, turns around and lowers her head.

The girl is not affectation, she is really never with men in private, had this kind of intersection, for a time and anxious and shy more sweet, do not know how to do.

Looking at the golden setting sun and the girl in white, Li Nanfang suddenly thought of a poem by a modern talent. The most important thing is the tenderness of the bow, like a water lotus, which is too shy for the cool wind.

When Li Nanfang turns his right hand behind him, a red rose in bud appears in front of Min rou.

"Ah, what a beautiful flower."

There is no girl who doesn't like flowers. Min Rou's eyes brighten immediately, reaches for her hand, closes her eyes, sniffs under Xiao Qiong's nose, and says with a smile, "it smells good."

"Someone asked for some perfume to sprinkle on it. Can it smell sweet?"


"It's nothing. I just let it slip. Didn't you hear me say it was picked from the flower bed in the park?"

"Li Nanfang, if you don't destroy my favor for you, will you feel uncomfortable?"

Min Rou got angry and raised her feet again.

Li Nanfang quickly retreated, reminding her: "now the wolves look around, be careful."

Min Rou looked up and saw that there were many men around her, all looking at her. Her eyes were very frightening. She quickly put her hand around Li NanFang's arm and said, "let's go, let's go."

"Look at the ticket again! However, you can get a 20% discount for friendship. "

Scum is not comfortable if he is not kicked. Only in this way can his face be filled with a proud smile. When the wolves look around, min Rou, who is holding his arm down, drags him to the East in a hurry.

After a few restaurants, min Rou never stops at her feet, which makes Li Nanfang wonder: "if you want to eat anywhere, just find a place?"

"Here, over there."

Min Rou finally stopped, released his arm, and pointed not far ahead.

"Is that a coffee shop?"

Li Nanfang understood: "I don't like to drink that stuff. I want you to drink it. His family should also sell dinner, right? Although it tastes like pig food, the ancients said it's delicious. Even if I don't eat it, I'll die sooner or later as long as I stare at you. "

Minrou ignored his nonsense, looked over there and asked, "do you see the man at the door, holding a white rose?"

"Your eyes are so good that you can see the white rose from such a distance?"

Li Nanfang understood: "Secretary min, you don't come out tonight to have coffee with him, do you?"

Min Rou said to herself, "his name is Wang Ziqiang. His father is engaged in building materials business, it is said that tens of millions of worth. My father hopes that I can call him. It's better to go on a blind date tonight, get engaged tomorrow, and walk on the red carpet the day after tomorrow, so that some scum won't hook up his precious daughter. "

Li Nanfang laughed: "it's been a long time. You're asking me out for dinner tonight to see him on a blind date. I said min Dami, you are too unkind. Let me be the light bulb. "

Min Rou takes out a pile of cash from her bag, pulls his hand and pats it in the palm of his hand.

"Is it a reward? It seems that it is less. I'm a professional light bulb. The price is several times higher than that of an amateur one. "

"Any more glib, I'll ignore you. This is the money to pay later. Think of a good way to deal with him. Don't hurt his self-esteem, so as to avoid the embarrassment of the adults at home

"Don't worry. I'm good at stirring up a pair of young lovers. "

"Don't go too far."

Min Rou ordered a, left him to walk quickly in the past.

"Lao min really has no conscience. I've helped him so much, and he called my son-in-law. In the end, he still gives good things to others, but he can't bear to give them to me. It's really unreasonable."

After min Rou walks into the cafe behind a handsome guy, Li Nanfang shrugs his shoulders, hands in his pants pocket, turns and walks away, and soon disappears into the crowd.

"It's wise of you to realize that you don't deserve my little soft."

Hidden behind a tree, min Fu came out and looked at the direction of Li NanFang's disappearance. He nodded happily.

To tell you the truth, Lao min appreciates Li Nanfang very much. If he doesn't have those bad deeds in the past, even if he is a street sweeper, he won't interfere in his pursuit of his daughter.

All fathers who think about their daughters will have this idea, so after Li Nanfang found him, he left minrou decisively and left alone.

He doesn't want old min to argue with min Rou just because of himself.

Min Rou looks gentle and amiable. In fact, she is a very independent girl. Once she conflicts with old min, she will take extreme measures to force her father to approve Li Nanfang.

For example, he and Li Nanfang go to a hotel to have a happy evening, cook cooked rice, or run away from home. That's not what Li Nanfang wants to see. He envies min Rou for having a father who is not afraid of scum for his daughter's sake.

When Wang Ziqiang saw min Rou at the first sight, he fell in love with her deeply. He prayed to the gods and Buddhas passing by to help him win the heart of beauty. Then he would never go to the nightclub again.

After sitting down, Wang Ziqiang had a good tongue. Taking the fact that they were alumni as the starting point, he bombarded the schoolgirls and said that after dinner, he would go to the gymnasium to watch the performance.

At 8:30 tonight, there will be a grand performance in the gymnasium. Zhan Fei, a pure singer who has been popular all over Southeast Asia, will present her natural sound to thousands of Qingshan fans.

Of course, if you want to listen to the natural sounds of the exhibition stars, you will certainly pay a certain price, such as a ticket worth 800 yuan, which is still in the back. If you want to sit in the front, you need to pay ten times the price.

It's still the official price. Most people can't buy it. As early as two months before the concert, all the tickets were swept away. Later, if the imperial concubine wants to come to the scene in person, the ordinary tickets have been fired to 5000 or 6000. As for VIP tickets, it's absolutely unacceptable for wage earners.

But even so, it's hard to get a vote.

The gymnasium is 800 meters to the west of Baihua park. Wang Ziqiang said that when he came here, he saw dozens of people competing for a card in the scalpers. How can fei Fen's love for idols be described as crazy?

Min Rou is also one of the imperial concubines. In her college days, when her father was still in the spotlight, she once went to the South and spent tens of thousands of dollars to support her.

But later, with the decline of her family, she had to hide her deep love for Zhan Fei in her heart - a girl who only lives on a thousand yuan a month, only when she has a cute brain, she would be so stupid that she would not hesitate to sell her kidney and idolize her.

Now min's life is getting better again. Min Rou has absolute capital and can buy ordinary tickets from the scalpers, provided she has Li Nanfang to accompany her tonight.

But why hasn't that scum come in yet, lost or hit by a car?

Min Rou's face with the Secretary's professional smile when receiving guests, and Wang Ziqiang perfunctory, from time to time to look at the door.

The coffee is almost cold. I can't help but hint to her that I'm rich. Wang Ziqiang, who is very manly, is thirsty, and Li Nanfang doesn't show up. After listening for a long time, min Rou, who has never heard of anything but his head teacher, is angry. She's ready to get up and say sorry that she's busy. When she leaves him, she sends a text message.

Your dad, just outside the cafe. But he didn't realize that I had seen him. As a qualified good child, don't let dad angry, is the most important.

After seeing this message, min Rou suddenly realized that no wonder Li Nanfang didn't come in as a shield. It turned out that her father followed her here to prevent her from "cheating.".

If it wasn't for Li NanFang's warning, don't be angry about it. Min Rou will definitely run out and question Lao min what he wants to do face to face. He is so old that he follows his daughter to fall in love——

"Let's go to the concert. It's eight o'clock."

After min Rou ate a small bowl of rice, Wang Ziqiang immediately took out two ordinary tickets, but the position was better. In the middle and front row, he boasted how foresight he had. He knew that he wanted a beautiful woman to have an appointment tonight, so he bought two tickets in advance. Now it's worth at least six or seven thousand yuan on the black market.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang. I suddenly feel a little sick. I want to go home early and have a rest. I'll invite you to dinner some other time. "

Min Rou stands up, laughs apologetically, does not wait for him to say anything, turns around and walks out of the coffee shop quickly.

In order to take care of her father's mood, min Rou Leng sat there and listened to Wang Ziqiang boasting for nearly an hour, which moved her. Look, Dad, how filial is your daughter?

Holding the pole, Lao min, whose legs were sore, was also very satisfied and didn't hide his whereabouts. He quickly ran after him: "xiaorou, how do you feel?"

"Dad, why are you here?"

Min Rou's face is full of surprise. Influenced by Li Nanfang, the child now lies without blushing.

"Passing by, just passing by, hehe."

Of course, Lao min won't admit that he has been following his daughter for a long time. After laughing, he talks about Wang Ziqiang.

Min Rou kept walking forward under her feet, and replied that when they met for the first time, they could have any special feelings. How could they communicate with each other several times.

Lao Min said yes and asked where she was going.

Min Rou said she wanted to go there to see the concert. She asked Lao min if she would go. It was her treat.

Lao min would not be so stupid as to give money to those stars. Naturally, he refused and told his daughter to be careful outside. He went home early and left.

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