After the mobile phone, which can force Li Nanfang to stay here and talk with an old man, flew out, he made a quick response and rushed over.

But when the tip of his finger almost touched the mobile phone, one hand took the lead and grabbed it.

It's Li Mingdu.

Li Ming can grab a mobile phone, but it's not that he's better than Li Nanfang. It's just that he's just a few meters away from Shen Ming and Qing, and his mobile phone flies like him.

"Ha ha."

After grabbing the mobile phone with his left hand, Li Ming immediately reinforces Duan Xiangning's neck again. The saber in his right hand shakes and looks at Li Nanfang. He laughs: "stop! Back up, back up again. "

Seeing that he put his left thumb on the detonating key and tried to press it, with a slight movement of his right sabre, he drew a blood mark on Duan Xiangning's white and pink neck. Li Nanfang didn't dare to approach again. He only raised his hands and slowly retreated, laughing: "friend, please calm down, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive."

"Don't worry, I'm calm. The world is so good, how can I be willing to die? "

Li Mingdu also looked like a reflection, his face was red: "Li Nanfang, you are really a master who never came out of the world. I can see that from the way you come. But unfortunately, you are still a little late. I feel sorry for you. "

"Li Mingdu, give me back my cell phone quickly!"

Shen Ming and Qing, who finally leans back on the python, struggles to stand up and drinks harshly to Li Mingdu.

In the past, Shen Ming and Qing Dynasties could frighten Li Ming to kneel down and beg for mercy with just one word.

But now, even if he came with angry face and hair, Li Ming just raised his right foot and kicked him out: "I Pooh, you old man. I doubt what you've got in your head right now. It's all shit. Otherwise, why did NIMA yell at me when I saw clearly that you wanted me to die with you? "

Let alone the fact that Shen Ming and Qing dynasties have run out of oil and lights, even when he is strong, he can't stand Li Mingdu's strong hand.

With a hoarse scream, Shen Ming and Qing, who flew upside down, hit the python heavily. In his open mouth, he spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

This is the real old blood, such as false exchange.

So miserable, he still didn't forget to hiss: "Li, Li Ming. Quick, quick detonate the bomb, don't let Li Nanfang escape to the ground alive. Otherwise, the world will be in chaos one day. A lot of people are going to die. He, he is a monster. Only when he died, the devil could not change himself. He had to stay in that place forever for generations and be guarded by ZuLong. "

When Shen Ming and Qing said this, his mouth was bleeding all the time.

Words are also intermittent, at any time may not come up in a breath, so he drove West.

But he still insisted, holding the python to stand up, difficult to raise his hand, pointing to Li Mingdu: "quick, quick lead explosion bomb, never let Li Nanfang out alive."

"Old man, do you really think I'm stupid? Detonate the bomb and let me die with you? Ha ha, ha ha, dreaming. "

Li Mingdu's eyes began to turn red and his face was ferocious. He laughed and looked like a devil.

As soon as Shen Ming and Qing took a step, his eyes turned white and he collapsed on the ground. His left hand covered his heart and his mouth was wide open. There was still blood flowing in his mouth, but he didn't forget to say intermittently, "quick, quick, detonate the bomb. Don't, don't let him leave room seven alive. Otherwise, you'll regret it. You don't know, he is, is the disaster of darkness -- "

At this point, all the movements of Shen Ming and Qing stopped.

Life, also suddenly stopped.

The body also slowly forward, side face lying at the foot of Li Mingdu, almost staring out of the eyes of two eyeballs, as if covered with a layer of dead fish skin, but with a thick unwilling and regret.

He must be regretting why, after his son and granddaughter left room 7, he didn't immediately press the automatic detonator in room 7. He had to work with Li Nanfang for such a long time, which made him neglect the life that was passing quickly. As a result, he lost his strength and finally threw away the machine and fell into Li Mingdu's hands.

In fact, Shen Ming and Qing are also very clear that Li Mingdu, who has been regarded as a victim for a long time, will never let go easily after getting the ultimate weapon of mobile phone.

It's like nobody likes to die.

However, Shen Ming and Qing still had a little luck, hoping to arouse Li Mingdu's justice with his great ambition of saving all mankind. Unfortunately, he failed.

That's why I'm so unwilling to die. I regret it.

But who is to blame?

If you want to blame it, you can only blame God for favoring Li Mingdu so much that he let a cannon fodder take the initiative.

"You're an old man who has been damned ten thousand times. Before you die, you tried to bewitch me. You really think I'm not intelligent enough."

Li Ming grinned, raised his foot and kicked Shen Ming and Qing on the head. It was like kicking a ball.

No matter how strong his foot was, it was impossible for him to kick Shen Ming Qing's head off his neck. However, he could directly smash the body's chin, and two braces flew out. One of them flew to Li NanFang's right leg.

Li Nanfang frowned slightly and raised his leg in time to avoid the braces.

Although he lost his memory, some things that his teacher's mother had instilled into him since childhood had become his instinct.

Such as respecting the old and loving the young, people die for the big and so on.

We all know what it means to respect the old and love the young, but many people do not necessarily know the specific meaning of "death is the greatest".

When a person is alive, no matter how many evils he has done, once he dies, the sins he committed during his lifetime will be wiped out.

And his corpse deserves the respect of the living. This is also the basic reason why the victorious party would bury the enemy well after the battle between the two armies in the ancient battlefield.

What's more, when Shen Ming and Qing were alive, they were still the masters of Li Mingdu?

Now Li Ming is abusing his body, which makes Li Nanfang resent.

But as soon as he frowned, Li Ming immediately became alert. He pressed the trigger button with his left thumb and said in a harsh voice, "don't move, don't come here. Otherwise, we will all die together. "

"Well, I won't go. You let her go, you put down your cell phone, and I'll let you get out of here alive. "

Looking at the panic on his face and Duan Xiangning who was strangled by him, Li Nanfang sighed silently and said seriously.

That's what he said, so he promised to do the same.

Although Li Ming betrayed Shen Ming and Qing Dynasties and abused his corpse after his death, considering that no one wanted to die, he decided to forgive him.

But Li Ming didn't believe it.

He doesn't even believe in Shen Ming and Qing Dynasties. How can he believe Li Nanfang?

"Ha, hehe, do you think I'm a fool, too?"

Li Ming grins grimly and pulls Duan Xiangning back to the gate step by step.

All his attention was focused on Li Nanfang, but he didn't realize that his right hand with the saber was pressing down.

The sharp blade of the sabre has cut Duan Xiangning's white and tender neck, and the bright red blood overflows out. It looks so shocking under the light.

"I didn't treat you like a fool, and I didn't want to hurt you. So don't be excited, and don't be nervous. What do you want to do? Draw a line and let's discuss it. "

Li Nanfang deliberately does not go to see Duan Xiangning, but stares at Li Mingdu with an extremely sincere attitude.

He doesn't look at Duan Xiangning. He doesn't want Li Ming to find out that he cares about women.

When Li Ming found that he cared about Duan Xiangning, he would immediately realize her utilization price and watch her more closely.

Duan Xiangning is looking at Li Nanfang, some dry lips, hastily open and close, as if to say something.

Li Nanfang took the opportunity to wipe her forehead by raising her hand and understood what she was saying through her mouth.

Duan Xiangning is asking, "are you sure you can take away his mobile phone?"

Is Li Nanfang sure?

Of course.

As long as he wants, he can jump at any time and grab the mobile phone before he presses the detonating key.

Because he believes that Li Mingdu's subconscious mind should be very clear that once he presses the trigger button, everyone will die together.

If Li Ming had a heart of death, Li Nanfang would never dare to move.

As long as he had a little change, Li Ming would not hesitate to press the detonating button, and then with a loud bang, we all filled with smoke and went leisurely to the paradise in the West.

But Li Ming didn't want to die.

On the contrary, he was extremely afraid of death.

He is not afraid of death, he will not betray Shen Ming and Qing, and he will not kick the corpse's head with his feet.

The harder he kicked the corpse's head, the more afraid he was of death.

How can a person who is so afraid of death not hesitate to press down when he finds out that the enemy wants to grab the mobile phone?

Li Ming is sure to be hesitant. Maybe he will think: "lying trough, this guy really dares to fight. Then I press the trigger button, and we all die together? Or press the trigger button, and everyone will die together -- "

What Li Nanfang wants is Li Mingdu's hesitation for a few seconds at most.

The fleeting time is enough for Li Nanfang to grab his mobile phone before he presses the detonating key.

Therefore, when he understood Duan Xiangning's lips, he nodded slowly.

So, if Li Nanfang is sure to grab the mobile phone before Li Ming is determined to press the detonating button, why doesn't he do it, but here he is swearing and promising?

The reason is simple.

Li Ming may be afraid of death, but he is really a master of killing people.

This can be seen from his gesture of putting the sabre on Duan Xiangning's neck.

Holding a knife across the artery of someone's neck to threaten others to throw a rat's taboo is a simple action, but in fact it is a very technical activity.

Most people are used to holding the knife in the forehand.

But only the master who has received the relevant strict training can hold the knife in the backhand when the knife is across a person's neck.

The strength of holding the sword like this is that even if someone takes advantage of his unprepared and stabs Li Mingdu's head with a pistol in the dark, causing him to die in an instant, the inertia of his body when he falls backward pulls the sabre across Duan Xiangning's artery.

Then, the blood splashed, Xiangning beauty immediately disappeared.

Li Nan Fang was afraid of this and did not dare to act without authorization.

But he just went to read what Duan Xiangning was saying, but he ignored why she asked him like this.

Seeing that he nodded slowly, Duan Xiangning looked into his eyes and was pleased.

Even, the corner of the mouth also raised a smile.

Li Ming saw her mouth open and close a few times, but didn't think much about it. He thought it was because her neck was too tight and she couldn't breathe well.

He dare not strangle Duan Xiangning.

I don't want to.

Under the influence of Shen cunmao, Li Ming is also particularly fond of young women with beautiful buttocks.

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