Li Nanfang didn't care what the characteristics of a woman's voice were. As long as he could buy his ticket, he nodded with a smile: "Hey, you're a good judge. Yes, the VIP ticket with the best location can interact closely with the idol, and maybe take a picture with her. "

In order to show that he is not an evil scalper, Li Nanfang described himself as an idol of the imperial concubine. He would rather sacrifice his parents than worship her iron powder. In the hands of the scalper, he bought these two VIP tickets at the price of 80000 yuan per ticket.

Who thinks that man is not as good as nature? Just when he was about to enter the meeting with a great admiration for idols, he received a phone call from his father, saying that there was a fire in his home and millions of properties were burned down. He was told to go home quickly and the fire was flourishing.

"I had to make a hard choice between my idol and my family, and finally chose the latter."

He raised his hand to wipe the corner of his eyes. Li NanFang's voice choked and said: "beauty, I hope you can replace me and show my deep love to my dream lover - these two tickets are yours, 100000 yuan. My mobile phone supports major banks, Alipay and WeChat transfers.

"Are you really the iron powder of Zhan Fei?"

Maybe she felt that she was wearing a mask and was a little sultry. The woman raised her hand and took it off, revealing a cold but pretty face. Under the yellow light, she looked like a spirit from an alien world.

This is a woman who is not inferior to Yue Zitong and min rou. The key is that she is cold. It's not Yue Zitong's affectation, but from the bottom of her heart, with the momentum that people dare not face.

However, in this unspeakable cold, there is also a hint of flattery.

To paraphrase Ye Xiaodao's words, this kind of woman is naturally indifferent. However, as soon as she meets a man who can convince her and arouse her inner charm, she will immediately become a cannibal and show 18 kinds of martial arts skills. She will never stop squeezing a man into a dry one at a time.

This woman has the final say that she is born with what the devil can do in that area. Once a man riding her, he wants to disarm and surrender quickly.

Therefore, ye Xiaodao regards this kind of woman as dangerous goods. He would rather spend a night in front of the pole than provoke her before he has enough life.

Wocao, how can Qingshan city have such excellent products?

Li NanFang's eyes narrowed slightly, feeling that he didn't see the woman wrong. On the surface, he pretended not to notice her face and nodded with a smile: "that's natural. I have seen Zhan Fei's concerts many times before. Of course I know her - alas, it's a pity that now she has come to Qingshan City, but I have to give up the opportunity to get close to her. Can you feel the pain in my heart? "

"I can't feel it. Sorry, I won't buy a ticket. "

The woman said coldly and walked forward quickly against the wall.

When she passed Li Nanfang, the night wind blew up her long hair, exposing the skin behind her ears, which was whiter than the snow of ten thousand years, and made his heart beat wildly. The devil showed signs of awakening and lowered his head in a hurry.

"It's shameful to say that I don't want to buy it. It's really shameful for me to stop talking about the boss."

After the woman left, Li Nanfang scolded bitterly. Looking at the two VIP tickets in his hand, it was like chicken ribs. It was tasteless to eat and a pity to abandon them.

"I'd better go to the alley and yell. I don't believe I can't even sell two tickets with my three inch tongue."

Li Nanfang is fierce, full of energy, head high, strides to the alley.

"What are you doing?"

He had just gone a little while when a woman's shrill voice came from behind him.

Looking back, I saw two men coming from the other end of the alley. They met the beauty of the snow mountain. They were immediately overwhelmed by her peerless appearance. They no longer cared about her gentlemanly demeanor, and immediately began to express their strong love for her.

I can't accept it.

On the left was a bald man with a face full of flesh. He was almost forty years old. The demand for beauty was so strong. He was full of flesh, and his mouth was full of wine. He began to pull the woman's shoulder: "what are you doing? Hey hey, beauty, I look familiar with you. It's really familiar, like that star. Come on, let's find a place to have a good chat. "

Bareheaded companion, is a light do not say doer, no nonsense, directly open hand to hold a woman's waist.

The woman raised her hand to block it, but the man took advantage of it to hold her arm.

Bareheaded also caught her left arm, forced to the arms of a pull, hand to cover her mouth.

It's better not to let the victim make a sound when doing bad things, because that will affect the good image of friends.

"Ah, ah, that's about it. Didn't you just drink two more cups of horse urine? As for those who are not good enough to use their hands and feet without other people's consent? "

Although Li Nanfang is not angry with this woman, she ignores his enthusiasm and refuses his kindness, but she still can't stand her being bullied by two big men. She raises her hand and grabs the bareheaded wrist.

"Grass, whose crotch is not tight enough to show you?"

Drunk bald angry, just scolded a voice, his only do not say companion, has simply used a skygun, straight to the bridge of Li NanFang's nose, to a full face bloom.

If you just say but don't do, you can see that men themselves bear the responsibility of indecent beauties. As long as they know the current affairs, Li Nanfang will let them leave unharmed.

But you can do it when you come up. What is this? Is there any royal method under the heaven and earth?

Li Nanfang was very upset when he ran into two compatriots who didn't know Wang FA. He decided to help them take off the hat of being law blind. Of course, the method used in popularizing the law was a little more violent, which was understandable.

The crooked head dodges the big fist of the bowl, raises the foot to lift in that person's crotch.

Without waiting for the compatriots to scream, the little bald head under the bald head also got a kick, immediately released the woman, covered her hands and fell to the ground.

It's very strange that the one who just doesn't talk, after a heavy blow, screams as if he is killing a pig, and the bald one who likes to whine just hums.

Although the two men were a little dirty, their sins were not unforgivable. The real source of their sins was the alcohol burning in their blood. Therefore, Li NanFang's kicking was just right, which could make them lose their resistance, but would not be fundamentally hit.

"Well, beauty, you can go now. Don't thank me, let alone ask my name. I won't tell you my name is Li Nanfang. Muzi Li, the northern swallow flies to the south of the south. "

Li Nanfang was a little shy before the woman began to speak: "of course, if you have to thank me, I will not be respectful."

The woman looked at him, blinked her eyes, with a little sarcasm, her voice was still as cold as snow, without any fluctuation: "how do you want me to thank you? Do you agree by example? "

"That's not necessary. Is Li Nanfang the kind of person who takes advantage of others' danger?"

Li Nanfang said with pride, turned his right hand, showed the two tickets, and said sincerely: "after the friendship price, you can get another 10% discount, 60% discount, 90000 yuan!"


The woman definitely looked at him for a moment, gently spit out these two words, turned around and quickly walked into the back door of the gymnasium, raised her hand and knocked, and soon flashed in.

"Lao Tzu's heroic act of pulling out a sword to help others is regarded by her as a nerve? What's more, I just watched her go

Li Nanfang, who felt insulted, was full of anger and had no place to vent. He had to raise his feet on the two brothers who were lying on the ground humming, and gave them a good kick, which made him feel better.

Ding Ding, the mobile phone exploded. After seeing the caller ID, Li Nanfang finally thought of how to deal with the two VIP tickets in his hand.

On the way to the gymnasium on foot, min Rou looked back several times and made sure her father didn't follow him any more. Then she called Li Nanfang: "where are you now?"

"Why, the blind date ended first? Didn't you find a high-grade western restaurant and let the handsome guy pretend to be forced? After that, hand in hand go to see a thriller movie and feel the -- "

"Don't talk nonsense. It's boring. Say quickly, "where are you now?"

Listen to him more say more next road, min Rou quickly interrupted him, but some sweet Zizi in the heart, because can hear Li Nanfang jealous.

"Where can I go if I'm lonely and nobody loves me? It's just walking around in the street. "

"Come to the gym and I'll invite you to the concert."

"Don't burn money. Tickets are very expensive."

"I'm not bad for money."

Min Rou glanced around at the scalpers and said, "run ahead immediately. I'll buy tickets right away. I'll see you at the gate of the gymnasium."

"Don't, don't buy, buy it. You can buy mine!"

Li Nanfang quickly stopped: "I still have VIP tickets here, which are hard to get."

Min Roucai doesn't believe that Li Nanfang has VIP tickets, because she can see with her own eyes that as the concert is about to start, the imperial concubines and fans are going crazy. One ordinary ticket is worth ten thousand, and there are three rich women who raise the price to one hundred and thirty thousand in order to compete for a VIP ticket.

Is Li Nanfang like a man with 260000?

The answer is no doubt no, even if he handed two VIP tickets to min Rou, she didn't believe it was true. She asked with her mouth wide open: "this, this is not fake?"

Looking around for Li Nanfang who was discovered by Yue Zitong, he sneered: "hum, I'm kidding, brother. Do I look like the kind of person who comes to pick up girls with fake tickets? Do you know how much I paid for these two tickets to accompany you to the concert? That's my innocence. I'm such a great man that I was killed by the bearded scalpers

Listen to him more say more disgusting, min Rou quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth, push him to the ticket gate.

Li Nanfang can break Meng Changxin's arm twice. In secretary min's opinion, it's absolutely a trivial matter to get two tickets. It's really not worth investigating.

She only knew that to be able to sit with Li Nanfang in the VIP seat nearest to the idol and watch the concert together was a kind of happiness that she would not change anything.

She never told him that she was very fond of Zhan Fei, but he got two tickets ahead of time and waited for her here. Girls in love always see everything as beautiful, and then ignored Li NanFang's bad behavior of taking money from her purse to buy popcorn.

"Here, to reward your excellent dogleg behavior, I'll give you popcorn."

After sitting down, min roucong took a popcorn and sent it to his mouth.

Li Nanfang bowed his head and opened his mouth. With a wave in his heart, even the two scallion white fingers were in his mouth.

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