Kangweiya belittles Yue Zitong, and even looks down upon the leader of the family.

When she was brought here by her mother-in-law from the British Isles, she never took each other seriously.

A silly woman just for so much money, accidentally pit themselves.

So that the kidnapping incident has become a problem of confusion, and even the British media in the three islands have brought disaster to China.

All these things are done by Yue Zitong.

Ms. convya, who was supposed to be euthanized or put on jail in the British Isles, came to China alive.

It's just being abused by someone.

Up to now, even the pain of suffering are not, but also to become a group company president, enjoy the flattery of his subordinates.

The change of comvia's life is very dramatic.

Instead of thanking Yue Zitong for all this, she once thought that this woman was a useless vase, and even the means of torture were very monotonous.

But in fact, the master-in-law's level is not as simple as a vase. He is a person who has experienced several years in Guoan.

How about her hand?

Just look at kangweiya, don't understand why a simple slap on the face made her turn around, dizzy and fall to the ground.

What is her ability?

You can't understand it if you look at it. It's a computer file that has been encrypted for more than ten times, but it's easy to decrypt.

What's her eye?

Just look at kangweiya Mingming trying to hide his hatred, but because someone has learned a lot about criminal psychology, he can see it at one stroke.

Therefore, Kang Weiya has a heart to heart with Yue Zitong, that is, it is ridiculous for the local rich man in the village to show off how rich he is to the richest man in the world.

When the computer fell down, convya's fear reached the extreme.

Fortunately, the master-in-law didn't kill her, so she had a chance to dodge. She was hit in the back by the falling computer and gave out a dull hum.

But this is really painful.

Kangweiya only felt black in front of her eyes, and doubted whether she had broken her spine. She was going to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair.

Fortunately, her worry was unnecessary. At least when she saw Yue Zitong hook her fingers, she could stand up with pain and bow to her ears.

"Convya, I have a mission for you. If you can do it well, then I will temporarily forgive those things I just saw on your computer. "

"Mr. Yue and Mr. Yue, you have orders."

"Come on, tell me if Nanfang group has done any trade with South Korea."

Mr. Yue's voice was very light and his tone was very casual. It was the normal rhythm of the boss asking his subordinates about work arrangements.

This kind of performance is also a message to kangweiya.

That is, as long as you listen to me honestly, I will not let you suffer more.

If you look at it this way, convea should be glad.

But the woman was more frightened than before.

Because Yue Zitong mentioned South Korea, which is the place where someone's dregs fall.

He's coming back, isn't he?

Is Li Nanfang going back to China?

When he saw the news of unsalable southern silk stockings, boss Li had a hard time. For a moment, he really wanted to return home immediately.

Southern silk stockings is his masterpiece, and Southern Group is his own industry.

If at this time, the product goes wrong and the company is facing bankruptcy, boss Li has no place to cry.

Fortunately, he soon calmed down.

First, he is a Ye Shen who has lost his memory. He will never rush back to China just because he sees a company going bankrupt.

Second, his Southern Group is not only supported by the perseverance of his boss. He believes that Dong Shixiong will solve the problem. Even if it can't solve the problem, it won't make such a big company go bankrupt in a flash.

Thinking through these two points, Li NanFang's mood stabilized.

But he turned over and lay back on the bed, did not continue to perform the "taming technique" on Shen Yun, or exposed his inner worries.

Feeling that the pressure behind him disappeared, Shen Yun was stunned. He quickly turned around and looked at Li Nanfang: "Ye Shen, what's the matter with you?"

"Ha, nothing. It's just strange. Is this southern silk stockings famous. But he is a stockings seller. After the appearance of unsalable, he has been on the page of international business news? "

Li Nanfang scratched his head and tried to act as if he didn't care at all.

Shen yunzai really didn't care about his performance and seriously explained: "Ye Shen, this southern group is really your industry. Now that there is something wrong with your company, you should think of a way to help it out. "

"I'll find a way to help the company through? Well, even if I'm really the boss of this company and the company's products are unsalable and the goods are squeezed, it's my subordinates who should solve the problem. What can I do? Do you want me, the boss, to go out with the goods and sell them at the stall? "

Boss Li's idea is very close to the development of facts.

If he's still in the company, if he doesn't have enough insurance, let the woman of conwya force him to put it on the table - er, if boss Li is in the company, there won't be such problems.

"How can you set up a stall?"

Shen Yun, with his wife's eagerness to care about her husband's career, rushed to dispel his unrealistic idea: "Ye Shen, southern silk stockings is a high-end brand, and your product is a luxury among silk stockings. Have you ever seen a stall selling luxury goods? High imitation goods can't be sold like this. "

"How can I sell it?"

"Of course, it depends on your contacts to expand the market and seek new partners."

Shen yunzai is not a professional businessman, but she has learned some business rules from her childhood.

At the moment, crawling in front of Li NanFang's chest, a finger in the strong muscle hook ah hook ah, dig empty head to help Li Nanfang think of a way.

Boss Li couldn't help laughing. He gently grasped the small hand that kept teasing him on his chest and asked, "where should I go to find a new partner?"

"We Shen family can do it. In fact, the brand of southern silk stockings has long been able to expand overseas. It's just that you have been committed to domestic development before, and have never thought of expanding overseas. "

Shen Yun became very excited when he found that he could not only satisfy boss Li physically, but also help his lover in his career.

She sat up straight and let Li NanFang's hand swim on her, but her eyes flickered and explained excitedly: "in shopping malls, difficulties are often accompanied by great opportunities. If you can take this opportunity to open up the international market, so that southern stockings sold to the world. Your company will certainly grow and become a world chain brand. Needless to say, just in Seoul, I can help you deal with all the obstacles. "

Shen Yun is more and more happy. His little face is red. He seems to have seen the scene that he has become the most loyal lover around him.

"Well, that's what you said. If Nanfang group is really my enterprise, if it can't get through this difficulty. Then I'll come to you to solve the problem. "

"Well, I, um, I haven't finished yet --"

Shen yunzai's imagination has not been fully publicized, so boss Li blocked it.

When all worried problems are no longer problems, of course, we have to celebrate with a barrage of fire.

A wisp of hair in the hand, looking at the delicate face at the bottom of the faltering, ups and downs, any man will seriously enjoy this moment.

Enjoyment belongs to enjoyment, but we have to say that boss Li's practice is a bit excessive.

Shen Yun is also a little princess of South Korea. How can he let the princess do such a thing.

Even if he is the son-in-law, even if she is very willing, this kind of thing will not be accepted by the majority of people in Seoul - although no one will see this scene.

You know, just because ye Shen is a Chinese and Shen yunzai is a South Korean, their wedding is not only a personal combination, but also a national relationship.

What's the official saying?

Yes, the two countries have been friendly for generations.

The Chinese people are very friendly. In the past few decades, countless Chinese people have made great contributions to the tourism, retail and hotel service industries in South Korea.

After decades of development, an island country in the East China Sea has entered an era of economic downturn. People's life is getting worse and worse, and the form of employment pressure is severe.

However, South Korea can still maintain its development under the same circumstances, which must be attributed to the full support of the Chinese people.

Otherwise, where do you think the beauties who have plastic surgery spend their money?

Otherwise, do you think those people who claim that they can buy anything on behalf of others in the circle of friends all day are just for the sake of love?

OK. After all, China is rich in land and resources, and there are many poor people.

But there are also many rich people. The poor can borrow money from the rich to support the construction of other countries.

As a result, things like "spend nothing" and "plastic surgery loan" are born.

It's not easy to comment on things born out of the times.

Anyway, to say so much is to express a meaning that the sustainable development of a country's economy is inseparable from our contribution.

In recent days, however, things have taken a turn for the better.

This turnaround started with a small stone pot bibimbap restaurant in the catering industry.

It has been revealed by the media that South Korea's Shiguo bibimbap restaurant, which claims to have chain organizations all over the world, used inferior rice transported from its domestic market and sold it to Chinese consumers.

Once confirmed, the news spread on the internet almost overnight.

The brand of this chain restaurant is that it uses high-quality rice imported from South Korea for food production. The price is too high.

As a result, the rice they sold for 100 yuan turned out to be inferior rice that they didn't even use to feed pigs.

Since ancient times, China has always believed in "food is the most important thing for the people".

If you dare to do something in the sky, we young and old men can make you unable to see the sky above your head.

The same chain restaurant across the country was strongly resisted by the righteous overnight.

Customers claim, stores are smashed, foreign chefs turn into street mice, everyone yells.

It's very noisy. The media from all walks of life stand up and call on everyone to be calm and restrained. At the same time, they regard those who take the lead to defend their rights as heroes to make a big report.

Then the whole thing was completely out of control from the beginning.

In just three days, the Chinese people, who already know how to use justice and legal means to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, have found evidence of South Korean inferior products in other industries.

As a result, the army of rights protection expanded from catering industry to other industries.

A mighty "boycott of Korean goods" Movement broke out in the whole industry.

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