A businessman can't get up early without profit.

Whenever it's a business, it's all about making money.

Boss Li made two phone calls in succession. He really made a lot of money for Nanfang group.

But the problem is that the money is transferred from his left hand to his right.

It seems that the problem is solved, but in fact, it's still something that you break your teeth and do at a loss.

Sui Yueyue's words made Li Nanfang quite depressed.

Even though two tens of millions of funds have been put into the accounts of Nanfang group, the people in the meeting room are excited and cheered. Chen Dali and Wang Defa have racked their brains to come up with all kinds of words to praise the boss.

This did not make Li Nanfang feel better.

"Come on, come on, don't cheer here. Someone will come to pick up the goods soon. Lao Wang, go and get ready. "

He waved his hand to calm the crowd.

Wang de was ordered to leave.

Li Nanfang focuses on kangweiya again.

No matter whether it's at a loss or not, the goal is not to let the oceanhorse succeed.

I really think that Nanfang group, the property under boss Li's name, is something you can covet.

Seeing Li Nanfang planning her affairs for several months, it took only two calls to complete them in a short time. Now kangweiya has no courage to look at each other.

"No, I don't believe it!"

Bowed down and silent for a moment, kangweiya suddenly raised her head again and yelled: "Li Nanfang, if you really have such great ability, you can't use it until now. You are the one who came to help you act in the island and Sui Dynasty. Do you think I'm going to believe your pediatrician skills? "

Convya does not admit defeat.

She can lose to anyone, but not to a business idiot like Li Nanfang.

Just imagine a company with such a good brand as southern black silk, and its products are favored by countless consumers. It's been more than a year since it was founded, but it's still in a small place like Qingshan.

Can't it be said that the decision-maker of the company is an idiot who doesn't know how to develop?

If there had been such a willingness, kangweiya would have opened the South black silk's exclusive cabinet to every corner of the world.

Therefore, she never looked up to Li Nanfang.

This kind of disdain is a kind of disdain as a businessman.

After a long time of disdain, it gradually evolved into other aspects, which formed kangweiya's disdain for Li Nanfang as a whole.

Despise what he has done.

It was this idea that gave her confidence when she found that she was about to fail.


It's definitely acting.

Not only Li NanFang's own acting, but also the people at the south end of the telephone, as well as his loyal followers in the conference room, have been discussed for a long time. In front of her, play a good play of "Jedi meet life", let her give up the plunder of the southern group.

When she really gives up, these guys will be able to breathe and develop slowly.

Yes, it must be like this.

Kangweiya's brain hole is infinite. He thinks he has seen Li NanFang's trick thoroughly. He holds up his arms, raises his head again, sits upright, and sneers: "Li Nanfang, you can't cheat me."

"Oh? How do you say that? "

Li Nanfang asked with a smile and put his feet on the table. Chen Dali, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately came to light a cigarette for the boss.

Just now, he was in a bad mood because of Sui Yueyue. It happened that kangweiya himself went up.

Boss Li, who has always been taking advantage of nothing but gain, certainly took this opportunity to find a happy thing to do.

"You think it's impossible for you to cheat me out by just making two calls. I don't know how to do a complete set of acting. I have the ability to call and sell all your overstocked goods. "

Kangweiya tit for tat, also tilted his legs, lit a cigarette.

"Ha ha, Mr. Kang, I'm sorry to tell you. The reason why we keep the inventory is that it will be used in the later exhibitions. I'm afraid I'll sell the goods all at once, and I won't be able to finish the big list I'll get at the fair later. "

"Hahaha, do you still want to get orders at the fair? Dream about it. I'm here to see how you got those 20000 southern black silk. If I can't get rid of those goods, I'll immediately dismiss you guys who are not good at business and have to lie about reimbursement as the president of kaihuang group! "

The more she laughs, the louder she is. She is determined to spend time with Li Nanfang.

Since this woman is begging to be beaten in the face, how can boss Li not satisfy her request.

"Well, Mr. Kang, we'll see."

Li Nanfang spread out his hands at will, and they were just waiting in the smoky meeting room.

The Southern Group quieted down.

However, the other two places of Castle Peak are busy.

The vast Nanshan tourist area on the other side of Qingshan is in a bar on the east side.

A small bearded Islander with short stature slapped the table hard and yelled at the players over there: "come on, everyone, let's get the goods!"

With the sound of shouting, a group of people who were bored immediately cheered as if they had beaten chicken blood.

"Keep your voice down. I'm afraid others don't know what we do. Use all the cars that can be used, and the target is southern group. "

Five short and three thick, moustache is a reprimand, the noise is much smaller.

In less than a moment, countless cars came out of the back of the bar and went straight to their destination.

It's only a minute before and after. It's also in an entertainment club at the bottom of Nanshan District.

A woman with an enchanting figure, brown skin, and obvious face with a sign of Southeast Asian people also patted the table hard and yelled: "the boss has come to order. Let's go to a place called Southern Group as soon as possible to pick up the goods. Don't be stunned. Act now

With these words, the group of strong men with bare upper body and painted tiger suddenly came to the spirit, and the wolf howled and rushed out of the door.

Even if all kinds of cars were gone, there were even three large vans left with them.

Two long-distance motorcade, along the castle peak city all the way north.

On the only way to the South Group, it happened that the cars of the leaders on both sides were going hand in hand.

Five short and three thick moustache twisted his face and saw the Southeast Asian woman, her face suddenly changed: "it's yuesang's people. Hurry up, they must be robbing us."

Southeast Asian women also saw moustache, and their eyes became rather dim: "speed up, we've met our old rivals. The boss said that this batch of goods must be obtained as soon as possible, and no one can take the lead. "

There was a buzz, and the speed of the teams on both sides went up to the highest.

Who are these people?

Of course, it's the people from Shangdao cherry blossom and Sui Yueyue.

More than half a month ago, Yue Zitong called together the southern harem alliance in the city and called Shangdao cherry blossom and Sui Yueyue to Qingshan.

In the end, the first league meeting just elected a league chairman, and then it ended hastily.

Before leaving, Shangdao and Sui Yueyue, who came from the ocean, left one of their own men in Castle Peak, just in case they couldn't catch up in a moment when something big happened. They also had someone to help them.

It's just that they are also big drug lords in the golden triangle. The relationship between the two eldest brothers is inseparable because of a man, but their subordinates don't know.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, they arranged their men in two distant places, East and West.

Fortunately, the people they left behind worked at this time.

But also because of Li NanFang's two phone calls, let belong to the competitive relationship, two groups of people and horses meet in Qingshan city.

They all thought that the other party was coming for the same batch of goods, so the person in charge left behind on both sides urged them to speed up.

It took them more than 20 minutes to get to the place that used to take an hour's drive, and they gathered in front of the building of Nanfang group.

The appearance of two groups of powerful motorcade makes Wang Defa who has been waiting here feel surging.

"The boss is worthy of being the boss. These two calls directly let people take the initiative to give money and pick up the goods. It's just the reincarnation of nature and human beings and the extraordinary bravery that business can be so domineering. "

In his heart, after paying the highest respect to boss Li, Lao Wang immediately welcomed him from the leading motorcade on both sides.

But just a few steps out, Lao Wang's legs began to shiver.

Look at the people who get on and off those cars?

Is that a good man? He would like to slash people with his teeth. It's more terrible than Chen Dali's way of muddling through the society.

"The goods, take them out quickly!"

"Don't take it. Those goods are ours!"

Five short and three thick moustaches and Southeast Asian women almost filled in front of Wang Defa at the same time, shouting this sentence.

What can Lao Wang do? He quickly accompanied the smiling face and said in a loud voice: "two bosses, don't fight or rob. There are so many goods. Everyone has a share."

Heaven and earth conscience, the old help this sentence is absolutely to tell the truth, but also to let the two do not seem to have a harmonious relationship between the boss to calm down.

But as a result, the two did not stare at each other, but widened their eyes and looked at Wang Defa.

A lot of goods?

What's the origin of this guy? He dares to talk such big words with us.

Wang Defa didn't know that the two people on the other side regarded buying silk stockings as buying drugs. He quickly wiped his forehead in a cold sweat and led them to the back yard.

To say that these people buy smuggled guns, Lao Wang must believe it.

You said they came to buy silk stockings?

None of them seems to be able to use silk stockings.

Lao Wang's brain is a little confused.

And upstairs, in the conference room, kangweiya was a little confused.

Chen Dali, who stayed by Li Nanfang, always stood by the window to observe the situation below.

As soon as the mighty motorcade appeared, brother Dali immediately reported it in his voice.

With unbelievable mood, kangweiya came to the window, and her eyes were almost dizzy at that time.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. By the way, these people are coming so fast. It's obvious that Li Nanfang asked them for help. "

Kangweiya kept comforting herself. She turned back and sneered at Li Nanfang: "Li Nanfang, I'll go down to see the actor you've got."

As the saying goes, if you don't die, you won't die.

If kangweiya believes in boss Li's ability, I'm afraid she won't run down foolishly and compete with a group of drug dealers.

Sui Yueyue and Shangdao Sakura's subordinates know that they are fighting for me to rush here, but they almost turn their eyes and smoke them on the spot after buying silk stockings.

Full of excitement into depression, dejected to command the hands of servants, those who can not eat when wear when fun stockings into the car.

At such a delicate moment, a Western woman suddenly appeared, with a loud voice: "how much did Li Nanfang pay for you rubbish?"

Convya is very proud.

Unfortunately, she was arrogant and wrong.

You can say that beggars are rubbish, but you can say that drug dealers who lick their blood on the edge of a knife all day are rubbish - the result is unimaginable.

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