There are rules everywhere.

There are rules that we must abide by. This is a truth that everyone knows.

Therefore, after threatening and luring Gu Yao to tell him all the news about shulegu county that he knew.

Li Nanfang decided to break the rules here.

Shulegu county is divided into three areas, which are the activity areas of the local people, the foreigners and the foreigners.

Among them are seven or eight small forces.

Lao Hei is the boss of a small force among the foreigners.

An old black man, as his name implies, is really a black man, the kind of black man who goes out in the middle of the night and laughs and makes people feel like his teeth are flying out.

Twenty years ago, Lao Hei joined the Chinese nationality and came to shulegu county with his former boss.

As time goes on, after seeing off three eldest brothers who have earned enough money to return home, Lao Hei finally gets his wish and takes the position of eldest brother.

According to this rule, I believe that in the near future, Lao Hei will choose a replacement for him, and then return to Meidi, where he was born, with a large sum of money to enjoy his old age.

Unfortunately, Li Nanfang came before Lao Hei left.

Then, Lao Hei will never have to leave again.

In the face of Gu Yao, Li Nanfang disguises the purpose of his coming here with no intention to hide his killing.

To kill Lao Hei, Li Nanfang made an unalterable decision after he determined who had the satellite.

Imagine a Meidi who joined Chinese nationality 20 years ago and lived in shulegu County for such a long time. If he had not done anything harmful to Chinese interests, he would not believe it.

Such people deserve to die.

Of course, before Lao Hei died, he had to tell Li Nanfang where the satellite was hidden.

Gu Yao didn't know Li NanFang's real purpose.

Even if he knew, he couldn't tell where the satellite was hiding.

A doorman like Lao Gu can know that Lao Hei picked up a big guy from outside, which is also due to the news that Lao Hei deliberately released all the people here in order to pull them into the water.

Otherwise, who would spread the story of finding a satellite around.

In Gu Yao's opinion, Li Nanfang is a boss from the golden triangle.

The old Taoist came all the way from southern Xinjiang to northern Xinjiang for the famous Moyu. On the way, his younger brother was detained by the military. His boss lost countless hands before he could escape here, which happened to be picked up by Gu Yao.

Li Nanfang is really a drug lord.

Gu Yao judged that Li Nanfang was not lying from his unswerving eyes and fierce momentum.

But when he said he wanted to kill Lao Hei to make up for the loss of his men, Gu Yao still couldn't help but curl her lips secretly.

No matter how old you are, you will be the boss of the golden triangle.

This is northern Xinjiang, shulegu County, and the strong dragon is not the local leader.

What's more, Li Nanfang and Lao Hei are both strong dragons.

It's a fool's dream for you to kill a boss with hundreds of fully armed younger brothers under your hand.

At this moment, Gu Yao suddenly wants to ask Li Nanfang how much cash he has. Take it all out. Anyway, you won't be able to use it in the future.

"Lao Gu, do you have guns?"


Lao Gu was thinking about the cash in his heart. He was suddenly asked by Li Nanfang. He was stunned for a moment. Then he quickly said, "there's a gun. But only a few of them have pistols in their hands. What's more, there are a few big boys with shotguns in their hands, and there are no others. "

"You can't do without a gun! I want to buy more spare bullets. "

Li Nan Nan talks and slaps a silver sand eagle on the table. This scene makes Lao Gu shiver.

As an antique who has been burning for 30 years in shulegu County, Gu Yao knows better than anyone that there is no reason for a large number of arms circulating here.

When shulegu county was just developed, Guyao was the gatekeeper here.

One night, the two forces conflicted and used guns. The sound of the guns could spread far in the sandstorm.

As a result, the gunfight lasted just ten minutes, and eight entrances of shulegu County suddenly opened from the outside.

Countless Chinese soldiers, like gods, came down from the sky. After they came in, without saying a word, they saw a man with a gun in his hand and blew his head directly.

Later, all the firearms, even those buried in the ground, were found by the Chinese soldiers with detectors and taken away.

That night's chaos didn't last long.

The Chinese soldiers came with the sandstorm and left in the sandstorm.

For people living underground in Guxian County, the sandstorm, like a deadly hell, has no effect on those soldiers.

What impresses Gu Yao even more is that the soldiers raided here, but they only took away the firearms and didn't look at the valuable black jade products in front of them.

Since then, the rule that no one is allowed to hold a gun and no one is allowed to shoot a gun in shulegu county has been passed down.

We all know in our hearts that if the Chinese military wants to deal with them, it's like playing games.

Just don't know for what reason, did not remove them all.

There is no doubt about that.

Decades ago, the place where the first atomic bomb exploded in China was not hundreds of kilometers away from shulegu county.

No matter how fast they run, can they pass the missile?

But now, Li Nanfang came up and took out the pistol that no one dared to use here.

Gu Yao was so scared that her legs softened. She fell down on her knees and cried out, "guest, no, boss."

"Call me boss."

"Ah, dear boss Li, please put away the gun for the sake of God. Please don't destroy this place because of your personal enmity."

Gu Yao confides in fear the reason why guns are not allowed here.

Of course, Li Nanfang knows these things.

The materials Shen Qingwu gave him were very clear, but boss Li didn't feel at ease, so he would try it out in this way.

Unexpectedly, the rule of no guns is so important in these people's eyes.

More unexpectedly, Gu Yao, a small doorman, would have such a high ideological awareness.

"Lao Gu, I don't see that you are a person who takes the overall situation into consideration. I'm not afraid that I'll shoot you, but I'm afraid that I'll use my gun to destroy the ancient city of Shule? "

"Dear boss Li, I've been here all my life to make a living. This is my home. It's worse to destroy a home than to kill me. "

Watching Li Nanfang slowly put the gun away.

While answering questions, Gu Yao shows respect to boss Li.

"It's interesting. You're a man to my taste."

Li Nanfang nodded happily and understood a truth more deeply.

No matter where it is, even the golden triangle, the source of the world's evil, there is no shortage of pure minded people.

Laogu is a man with pure mind.

Although greedy, but the big world view is right.

If this kind of person is properly educated, he is definitely a good puppet. He doesn't have to worry about his ambition or doing anything out of line.

The only pity is that he is an old man who looks like Wang Defa.

If she is a young and beautiful girl, then the land of Northern Xinjiang is also boss Li - ah, bah, bah!

Li Nanfang shakes his head quickly and makes up the idea of being the boss behind the scenes of Shule ancient city.

It's a dangerous idea.

He is here to accomplish the task for the country, not to develop his personal power.

"Lao Gu, get up and talk."

"Yes, dear boss Li."

"Tell me, with what --"

Li Nanfang wanted to continue to ask some questions, but when his ear moved, he heard a rush of footsteps running towards this side.

At this moment, he got up and jumped back to bed with the speed of covering his ears. He took up the dirty quilt to cover his body and winked at the old man. Then he pretended to be sick and wilting.

Lao Gu didn't quite understand why Li Nanfang did it.

However, dikuza, who opened the door and came in, didn't give him a chance to understand.

"Laogu, it's a good thing."

With a look of great joy, dikuza rushed into the house. In reality, he saw Laogu standing there. Then he came in and leaned against Li Nanfang, who was half lying on the wall. He couldn't help laughing: "Laogu, your nephew is awake. That's just right. Hurry to the west side. Lao Hei is going to bleed. "

Before, when Lao Gu came down with Li Nanfang on his back, he met this dikuza.

Like Laogu, dikuza is also a figure excluded by the three forces in the ancient city of Shule.

These people are doorkeepers, cleaners, cookers and porters. To sum up, they are "security guards, nannies and cleaners".

There are hundreds of such people, who support the life of shulegu county. They are also the lowest level people here, and they can earn up to 800 yuan a month.

For decades, I have never thought of changing the status quo.

Dikuza is still young, so he can't calm his restless heart naturally.

Now, he is an outsider of the old Mafia. Maybe after the old Mafia leaves, his boss's boss will succeed him.

By then, dikuza won't have to worry about just a few hundred salaries.

When Lao Gu said that his eldest nephew was a rich man who came to search for goods, dikuza was very happy.

Bringing in a new client will enable him to take a step forward as a full member of the old Mafia.

Today, in the process of the second wave of sandstorm attack, the old black side spread the news that they wanted to bleed, which made dikuza more hopeful.

Bloodletting means that Lao Hei wants to auction the stocks he has kept for many years.

After making a fortune, he left with a bulging purse.

Can dikuza not be happy if he goes one step further as a full member.

Can you come here with displeasure, ready to take Lao Gu's nephew to the deal.

Lao Gu understood dikuza's meaning, and he also understood Li NanFang's thought of winking at him just now.

But the problem is that if Li Nanfang is taken to see Laohei at this time, it's not really going to make a big mess.

This kind of thing could not be interrupted by Laogu, but when he came down behind Li NanFang's back, he could not get rid of the relationship completely because of his free words.

"Bloodletting, do you have good goods to sell? I'm just going to have a look, uncle Gu. Let's go. "

Li Nanfang, who is sick and wilting, lifts up his quilt and jumps out of bed.

Gu Yao's face turned black again.

Dikuza didn't know Laogu's idea. He was only glad to get customers like Li Nanfang.

Of course, while we are happy, we still need to ask about some things clearly.

"Well, Lao Gu, his nephew, do you have any money? I can tell you that Lao Hei's blood is at least several hundred thousand dollars. You can hear clearly. It's US dollars. Do you have the money? "

Dikuza, staring at Li NanFang's face, asked this question.

Li Nanfang laughs and throws one thing into dikuza's hand.

"You see, is that enough to prove my financial ability?"

In the voice of boss Li, dikuza looks down at the palm of his hand.

It's a piece of flawless black jade that has just been unearthed.

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