Under the guidance of Xue's mother-in-law, Li Nanfang seriously studied the knowledge of poisons in the world.

Although his level is not as good as Yang Xiao's, he is still very clear about how much influence a cobra's toxicity can have on him under the action of antidote herbs.

When it comes to lying for three hours, it's definitely only a lot more.

Depending on his own constitution, he must go through this period of time to get through the paralysis time of venom.

This is the first time in her life that she has been affected by the poisons of spring and medicine accidents. It's absolutely not pleasant.

But he didn't worry at all.

Because it was poisoned that made him realize that the black dragon in his body was gone.

From this we can see that everything in this world is false.

Since it's fake, why fear life and death.

It would be a good thing if we could lie down here and spend the whole final trial.

It's a pity that we have to go through so many times in our life, and things go against our wishes.

Boss Li was just closing his eyes to recuperate when he suddenly felt something kicking him in the leg.

"Hey, man, what's your district?"

His strong voice proved that it was a man who kicked boss Li.

At this moment, Li Nanfang didn't even have the eyes to lift.

Just now, he thought that at least there should be a valiant female soldier to take away his life in the virtual training ground and help him get rid of this meaningless life this morning.

It turned out to be a man.

Identity hostility on the training ground. Do you have a common topic about the origin of life? Why talk more nonsense.

Love me, love me.

Anyway, my friend can't do anything except lying on the ground with a corpse, so there's no need to see how the other party ends up.

But I didn't expect that after a moment's silence, the elder brother didn't ask anything. He directly reached out and began to take off Li NanFang's pants.

"What do you want, man?"

"Use your belt to strangle you. I'm not used to strangling people with my bare hands."

Hearing such an answer, Li Nanfang was almost angry.

As the saying goes, a good scholar can be killed but not humiliated.

Although he didn't want to make some brilliant achievements in this training field, and even decided to shoot him at random, he didn't intend to fight back, but he didn't consider to die in such a humiliating way.

Strangled by others with his own belt, is there any reason for this.

Li Nanfang raised his eyelids and squinted.

I see an ordinary person who looks ordinary, has an ordinary figure, has an ordinary temperament, and you can't recognize him when you throw him in the crowd.

Of course, if anyone really regards him as an ordinary person, it's a big mistake.

The living people who can appear in this virtual training ground are all the people who have been carefully selected for countless times. Just like the thirteen Taibao and the twelve Jinchai under Jing Hongming, they are so common that no one cares.

But their ability in killing people is beyond the sum of hundreds of ordinary people.

If you think about the double bodyguards of Yue Zitong's family leader, Qi Yue and Wang Yang, you can know how much energy they have in front of them.

Li Nanfang has always been quite friendly and courteous towards men who are not as handsome as himself.

After all, this kind of person does not inherit good genes from his parents, and will not get some fair treatment when he grows up, which is too pitiful.

As a result, Li Nanfang automatically ignored the trivial matter that this man wanted to kill him, and only raised a very critical question from the just and important aspects: "brother, don't you think it's a bit too much for you to untie a man's belt?"

"It's too much, but I didn't find any tools. Besides, I also want to know what will happen after killing people here. Don't worry. I'm quick. I won't be able to kill half of people. "

The man who spoke was quite honest.

Honest Li Nanfang did not have the heart to let him live.

In particular, this guy grabbed the metal buckle of boss Li's belt with one hand, kicked his butt with one foot, and yelled, "lift it, I can't smoke.".

Such humiliating treatment instantly aroused Li NanFang's desire for survival.

"Come on, don't try so hard on my belt. Can you hold my neck with one hand and hold my chin with the other hand? No matter which direction you twist it, won't it be a good solution? "

Li Nanfang is good at persuading the man.

The honest guy looked up and thought for a while, then nodded his head seriously and said, "I don't want to hold a man's head in my arms, so please lift your butt and let me take out your belt."

"Me, your sister!"

"I don't have a sister."

It's true that Li Nan Nan felt that if he died in the hands of such an honest fool, he would really disgrace his reputation.

He closed his eyes, took several deep breaths, and finally accumulated some strength. Then he opened his eyes again, looked at the honest man who was ready to turn his body over with his toes, and said, "man, don't move. Before you kill me, at least tell me which district you are from and what's your name? "

"My name is Yue, er. By the way, I'm not allowed to say my name until the training is over. My code name is silly dog, from zone 2 of Longteng training base. "

Silly dog, cough, this is really not a curse, is a code, completely in line with the honest man image temperament code.

Seeing the change of Li NanFang's expression, silly dog explained: "I didn't start the code myself, just because when I first reported the code, my reaction was one second slower, and the instructor of our district gave it to me. Now that you know who killed you, would you please raise your ass? "

Silly dog's tone is so sincere.

Li Nanfang always thinks that the kind of guy who makes the victim pose himself when he kills someone is either a forced criminal or a dead pervert. Today, he finally met the third kind of people, but let him suddenly eliminate the backhand kill this silly dog.

Of course, there's another reason. This silly dog didn't mean to mention his surname Yue just now. He came from the Second District of Longteng training base.

As we all know, the people from the Second District of Longteng are all the sons and daughters of the major clans in China. Which clan of Yue in China can send their children to the Longteng army.

It can only be Yue Zitong's Yue.

If you don't keep it together, this silly dog will have a relationship with aunt Yue.

If you have contact with aunt Yue, you should have close contact with boss Li.

Since it's our own people, it's not good to make life and death.

So, Li Nanfang clenched the head of the cobra that had been dead for a long time in his hand. At the same time, his other hand was just an antidote herb. Then he began to shout: "silly dog, look here."


With silly dog's suspicions, the snake's sharp teeth with residual venom punctured his jugular vein accurately, and then the grass with a large mass of soil was pushed into his open mouth.

"I advise you to chew it up and swallow it, then you can still stay in this virtual training ground."

Li Nanfang finished the sentence with a very fast speed, and then he lay on the ground, without the strength to open his eyes.

You don't have to look, you can clearly know that silly dog has become a half dead dog now.

No way, who let this boy a little vigilance and wild survival experience are not.

He only saw that boss Li was bent on dying, but he didn't see that Li Nanfang also had the ability of dying.

As expected, the greenhouse flowers from the clan still lack the necessary qualities to be a top special forces soldier. The code name of silly dog really deserves its reputation.

In this way, less than half an hour later, Li Nan Nan's lonely life of corpse lifting had an additional person who could talk with him a little.

They lay side by side in the jungle wetland, watching the sky overhead covered by a dark cloud.

"Hey, silly dog, why don't you talk?"

Li Nanfang left that guy to relieve his boredom.

But since the silly dog lay down, he didn't say a word, which made Li Nanfang feel quite uncomfortable. He looked at it with slanting eyes and asked with a smile, "shouldn't I thank you that I didn't really kill you?"

"Why thank you? When I was going to kill you just now, I also wanted to let you go. We have the same idea. It's even. It's necessary to thank you? "

"Lying trough, are you really stupid or fake stupid? It's impossible for an ordinary fool to say such shameless things. "

"I said, my code name is from the instructor, I'm not stupid, I'm not shameless. I was just thinking, if you stood up before me, how would you kill me. What's more, do I have a chance to get rid of the guy who cheated me? "

Silly dog's performance is really unacceptable.

He clearly has the simple, honest and lovely personality of a good man among ordinary people, but also has the morbid mentality of some clan children, who want to face up to their failure and live to suffer, and vow not to admit what they have done wrong.

Li Nanfang felt that if he talked to him more, he would be influenced by him. In the future, even when he was a Yin man, he would speak out his plan in advance and honestly.

This is the psychological quality of a psychopath.


"I call it silly dog."

"Well, silly dog like a psycho, now I sincerely ask you, what did others cheat you about?"

Action blocked, Li Nanfang only as much as possible to say a few words, to ease their boredom and depression.

This silly dog is a very suitable person for relieving boredom. Without any hesitation, he told the truth again.

"Some people lied to me that the people in the three districts of Longteng base are dregs, and they don't have much ability at all. So, after meeting people in the third district, just rush up and kill people. However, you are obviously poisoned and paralyzed, but you still have the strength to put me down, which proves that you are not scum. That is to say, the man is deceiving me and making me deliberately belittle the enemy. "

"Ha, do you think I put you down because you despised the enemy?"

"Isn't it? If I didn't underestimate the enemy, when I first saw you, I would not kick your leg, instead, I would rush to step on your neck. "

"Then I should thank you for your kindness?"

Li Nanfang threw a white eye at him. He was really worried that if he said a few more words, he would be annoyed to death by this silly dog.

It is clear that Lao Tzu's Jedi fought back and brought him down, but he said it was because he belittled the enemy and completely ignored the power of boss Li. How can people bear it?

"You don't have to thank me. As I said just now, we have the same idea. There is no one who owes anyone."

Silly dog still with his not angry uncomfortable honesty, stimulated Li Nanfang a, eyes straight into the sky: "it's going to rain."

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