If there is a competition for the most dishonest award in the world, Li Nanfang will definitely win the crown.

Just now, I didn't want to take care of the lucky boy in the desert. I also said that I would not retaliate for the shot that the boy had no intention of attacking him. I turned and walked away.

But after walking more than ten steps, like a civet cat, he made a small circle and climbed up the treetop. When the lucky man was looking for him, he fell from the sky and kicked the muzzle of the gun that the other side wanted to lift.

Boss Li is not authentic.

Break one's words!

Of course, there are two people here.

Li Nanfang will never speak ill of himself.

The lucky man has no time to blame Li Nanfang for his dishonesty.

Fortunately, he hates his carelessness. Relying on his weapons, he thinks that others are lambs to be slaughtered, but he forgets that all the people here are special soldiers with the same level and even higher ability.

The Chinese special forces are the king in the jungle combat. When a king forgets his own skills and faces another king who brings his skills back to the extreme, will the result be good?

The lucky guy's reaction has been quick.

Almost heard the voice from the top of his head. Before Li Nanfang finished that sentence, he raised his rifle high and rushed up the muzzle.

Once you ask him to pull the trigger, you can imagine what part of boss Li will be shot.

Anyway, when this gun is fired, his death is absolutely not good-looking.

Fortunately, Li Nanfang was not an ordinary person. He was also a man squatting face out in the hut. When he jumped down from the branch of a tree, he made a weight drop to speed up the fall. Before the lucky man could lift the gun completely, he kicked the muzzle of the gun askew.

The person is still in mid air, he is dignified whole body, the toe of the other foot goes straight to the temple of lucky person.

After this foot weight, the lucky person can leave here and go to other places to rest.

However, the name "lucky" is not in vain.

Only those with excellent strength can grasp the opportunity of good fortune and become the real lucky ones.

Li NanFang's fatal blow did not reap a life as he had hoped, but hit the barrel of the gun heavily.

Lucky in the critical moment, with the rifle as a handy weapon to block, holding his own life.


The sound of the gun breaking was very clear.

If someone can stay in Li NanFang's body, of course, he can also hear the heartbreak at the same time.

The gun was regarded by boss Li as an artifact that could be used to pin bullets on the mouse's head, but it was kicked off by him.

Who is to blame?

Of course, it's the same lucky guy as the black sheep.

It's better to take Li NanFang's foot honestly and die before you feel pain. You have to use precious guns as blocking tools to stimulate boss Li's anger.

In a few seconds, Li Nanfang fell to the ground, his right foot suddenly started to work, and without waiting to stand firm, he rushed to the lucky man who was kicked by him.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

It's not a challenge arena fight. No one has time to fight with you for more than ten minutes. It's the only way to fight your opponent in one go.

Unfortunately, boss Li's opponent is not the kind of master who can be slaughtered.

In the process of flying across the body, the lucky man made the action of turning his body with the help of force out of thin air.

His body with lightning speed, adjust to face Li Nanfang position.

The whole person is like a spring. His legs are on the tree trunk beside him. He bends his knees slightly and stops laterally for a short time. At the same time, he reaches out his hand and pulls out the stab in his right boot. His strength bursts out and he holds the stab flat. He goes to the heart of Li Nanfang.

All this happened in the power of lightning and flint.

Li Nanfang was impressed by the speed of the lucky man's reaction.

It is worthy of being able to pass the early selection of Longteng troops. If this skill is put into any special forces in the world, it can also become a king of soldiers.

But unfortunately, he met Li Nanfang, who was inspired by his heart and went all out.

Li NanFang's speed did not decrease, and he took the initiative to meet the spear. When he saw that the blade was about to enter the flesh, his body had a strange twist.

Yoga and jujitsu.

Li Nanfang used it for the second time here. Xue's mother-in-law carried his ear and taught him the skills.

The lucky man watched the inevitable blow fall, and the sharp blade of the spear rubbed his opponent's chest and slid past. He was completely stupid.

With the help of his strength, he is in the middle of the air, and there is no possibility to borrow his strength for the second time.

While Li Nanfang stood on the flat ground, his body flexibility reached the extreme.

Therefore, the lucky one's silly eyes this time is also the last moment when he can open his eyes to see the world on the virtual training ground.

Li Nanfang twisted his body in a strange posture to avoid the military stab. At the same time, he grabbed the wrist of the other side holding the military stab with his right hand, raised his left leg and pushed his knee against the man's stomach.

Fortunately, his whole body was bent like a cooked prawn. Li Nanfang pulled him to the ground from mid air. The hand holding the military spike was twisted off again with great strength, and the general stabbed him into his heart.

The rain is still falling, but it's not only the rain on the ground, but also the dazzling scarlet blood.

Li NanFang's muscles relaxed, and then incomparable doubts filled his mind.

"Why did the body stay?"

Looking at the flesh and blood on the ground, with cold temperature and no pulse, Li Nanfang might have suspected that he had taken the life of a young man if he had not deeply understood that this place was virtual.

"Under normal circumstances, shouldn't the corpse refresh and disappear, leaving only money and equipment after fighting or killing? At least I have played some online games. "

Li Nanfang squatted on the ground, issuing doubts from the bottom of his heart.

In the real world, the training ground under Longteng training base is No.3 virtual training room.

Five researchers rushed to a virtual cabin marked 44 with extremely nervous attitude, and took down the neural link equipment of the soldiers in the cabin as soon as possible.

The instructor in the first district of the base is even more worried and staring there.

Seeing that the soldier had been helped out from the virtual cabin, but he was still absent-minded, the instructor of District 1's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley and roared on the spot: "take him to the recovery training room, open a set of recovery training plan, and report the progress of recovery training all the time!"

With the voice of the instructor in the first district falling, two "local" soldiers rushed up immediately and helped the No. 44 away carefully.

Although many people call virtual reality training a high-tech military technology with unlimited value, in fact, the disadvantages of this technology sometimes far outweigh its value.

Virtual reality training allows soldiers to experience countless times of life and death training without worrying about their own safety.

But the first time I participated in this kind of training, I had to bear the huge pressure of facing death.

Virtual reality technology enables the death on the virtual training ground to realize the real sense of death in the form of data. That's the data that countless experts have calculated after recording the physical indicators of tens of thousands of deaths.

People with great psychological endurance, such as Jing Hongming, also have a blank mind for at least ten minutes after trying to taste death.

They can rely on their strong willpower to dispel the psychological shadow left in their hearts.

But what about the recruits?

The No. 44 recruit killed by Li Nanfang has a strong psychological endurance. Only in this way can he wake up safely and accept recovery training.

If we put it on the people with weak psychological endurance, they will form a deep consciousness of their own death in the subconscious, and then they can no longer open their eyes.

Whether it's the virtual world or the real world.

Looking at the new recruits who stagger and are helped away, the high-level of many Longteng training bases look heavy one by one.

Until Jing Hongming stepped in front of the crowd and said, "the development of individuals, the army and even a country has to go through hardships that ordinary people can't understand.

Before this training, we already know what will happen, so there is no need to make meaningless regret here.

Real soldiers need to experience the tempering of blood and fire, and also can withstand the training of life and death.

If they can't stand suspended animation on the training ground, how can they get immortality on the real battlefield?

Everyone, return to their jobs, and soon there will be more "dead" to be received by us

Jing Hongming's words dispelled the oppressive atmosphere here.

Everyone is in a good mood and back into the tense work.

After returning to the No. 11 research room again, Jing Hongming stared at the three side-by-side "virtual cabins" in the room on the other side of the reflective glass, thinking about a problem carefully.

"Do you want to do something for the devil?"

Jing Hongming said to herself in a low voice.

The oldest researcher who is nearest to him stares at the back of director Jing Hong with an unbelievable expression.

The old comrades may be deaf.

It turns out that "move hands and feet" sounds like "move hands and feet".

Well, even though the devil is a man, he has a daughter body, which surprised everyone present. But will it do some harm to the dignity if we do this thing in the capacity of director Jing Hong?

The old comrade sighed and shook his head, not daring to say more.

If Jing Hongming knew what the old man was thinking, he would scold him for being "old and not serious".

I'm not Li NanFang's scum who can do anything dirty.

If Li Nanfang had been here, he would have taken the question of "is Yang Xiao a factory official" and really explored the body parts that can distinguish his gender.

But Jing Hongming had seen the red No.1 document for a long time.

After confirming that Yang Xiao is Xuanyuan king, we already know where the devil comes from.

How could his jinghongming have a bad idea about a day woman and night man? Even if he did, it should be Shen Qingwu. Forget it, none of the three people in the room could move.

However, thanks to Shen Qingwu, the woman claims to be extremely smart, and even falls in love with the devil without knowing Yang Xiao's real identity and physical condition.

Forget it, with Shen Qingwu's inexplicable restraint, I'd better try not to touch the devil.

"He is more valuable alive than dead."

Jing Hongming said to himself again, proving that he had given up the idea of killing Yang Xiao. He turned back and asked the researchers, "how can we detect the cause of the variation of the person's physical condition? This kind of thing can be explained scientifically, right

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