In 1132 ad, the second year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty, when the Jin soldiers went south, the great song dynasty hall was in danger.

All over the Chinese mainland, there are scattered soldiers on their own.

No one who has the ability to pull up a war team does not want to be an emperor.

Li Heng is a bandit leader with an emperor's dream, who claims to be the 78th generation of the legitimate royal family of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Heng is not very talented, but he has the strength to fight with others. He is not afraid of death. Only in this way can he pull up a team, burn, kill, rob and do all kinds of evil.

This kind of person should be damned.

We should go back to report to Yama directly before we were born in the womb.

However, if God allows him to survive well and lead a team, it indicates that he should make some due contribution to Chinese history and even world history.

Li Heng's contribution is to force another person named Chen Gui to change the world.

It should have been a sunny day. Li Heng led thousands of younger brothers to attack De'an city with knives, guns and sticks.

At that time, he was the magistrate of De'an. He had only 60 soldiers who could be regarded as having combat effectiveness.

With 60 against thousands, there is nothing to resist.

But the old rule is to take these 60 people, two people in a group, hold a bamboo pole, carry a lot of gunpowder, stand under the gate, with less than three cups of tea, and beat Li Heng's thousands of troops to pieces.

When Li Heng's face was blackened by gunpowder and his chest was full of flesh and skin, he cried out: "what kind of magic is the use of the upright

Stereotype minran a smile, light say two words.


Therefore, "the originator of modern tubular firearms" came out.

In nearly a thousand years after that, muskets spread from China to Europe, and then from Europe to North America. With the pace of capitalist invaders, muskets spread all over the world.

Today, everyone talks about the "gun".

It is because of the invention of the musket that countless foreign devils knelt down under the feet of their Chinese ancestors and developed the musket perfectly, which led to the death toll of any modern small war far exceeding that of the ancient large war.

Therefore, the invention of the gun can not be regarded as an excellent technology to promote the development and progress of the world.

It can even be said that guns and drugs can be called the two accomplices of all crimes in the modern world.

To take the simplest example, the Qing Dynasty, which was closed to the outside world more than 100 years ago, was infiltrated by "drugs" and then "guns" to open the door of the country, which made hundreds of millions of Chinese people suffer humiliation for hundreds of years.

It can be seen that the strict control of firearms and drugs in China today is a very beneficial decision for the country and the people.

However, no matter how strict the control is, these things still circulate in the dark areas of the vast land of China.

Shule ancient city must be one of the darkest areas in China.

If this ancient city, which has been under the attack of wind and sand for many years, is not a dark area, there will be no place where light can not be seen.

There are all kinds of bad people here. What's more, there are a large number of foreigners here.

If we look at the population composition alone, the proportion of foreigners in Shule ancient city is dozens of times that of Hong Kong Island, which can be called the Pearl of China.

Such a place, from head to toe, is the capital of sin.

In the past 30 years, there has never been a circulation of "guns" and "drugs".

Even if the black jade produced here is the blackest thing in the world, the people here are much cleaner than those villains who live in the daytime.

This is a pure land only for jade business.

But the arrival of brother Dao has completely polluted this pure land.

The drug lords from the Golden Crescent, regardless of the survival rules of Shule ancient city.

First of all, he used money to appease the leaders of the top forces here. And then use guns to frighten the bottom working people here. Finally, we used drugs to control all kinds of minions in the middle.

Maybe it's because brother Dao had a few years of life experience as an old fool on Hong Kong Island, or maybe when brother Dao was an old fool, Hong Kong Island had not returned.

He learned thoroughly the means that the British three islands, which were once colonized in Hong Kong, used to erode the Qing Dynasty more than 100 years ago, and perfectly used them to control the whole ancient city of Shule.

In a short period of one month, brother Dao not only collected the remaining forces of Lao Hei, but also used the method of extortion to squeeze the survival range of other forces.

The ancient city of Shule, which was originally divided into three regions and seven small forces, became a confrontation between the two sides.

On the one hand, they obey brother Dao, on the other hand, they don't obey him. He hasn't had time to deal with them.

"The ancient city of Shule has changed."

A month later, Gu Yao, the gatekeeper, opened the door of the ancient city in the early hours of the morning, knelt down on the ground and prayed to the gods. As she watched more than a dozen corpses being carried up from the ground and thrown into the desert, she murmured to herself.

The ancient city of Shule has really changed.

In Gu Yao's view, it became hell.

But in the eyes of young goalkeeper dikuza, it has become a paradise.

Brother Dao has drawn countless beautiful women from central and South Asia, who are easy to have amorous feelings, adding beautiful colors to this ancient city. A professional engineering team was called to decorate the underground ancient city and turn the ruins here into underground palaces. Setting up casinos, selling drugs, trading in jade, buying and selling in love and color, together with the unique wind and sand climate and natural landscape, the ancient city of Shule has suddenly become a tourist attraction for many rich people.

Brother Dao even made bold remarks that he could turn the ancient city of Shule into Macao island in the desert of northern China in one year.

Originally only able to do jade trading, barren mining cities are gradually developing towards modern cities with developed tourism.

Dare you say, compared with before, it's not like heaven here?

Do you dare to say that what brother Dao has done is not in line with the general policy of national heavy industrial city development and transformation?

If there are still people to stop such a "good for the country and the people", should it be damned?

Brother Dao, holding a submachine gun, asked the above three questions when facing the local leaders who dissuaded him from Shule the ancient city of Hulai.

Then nodding people, send back to continue to enjoy happiness, shaking people directly send a peanut, say goodbye.

Since then, no one dares to stop brother Dao.

Brother Dao naturally started his journey of making money.

With the help of jinxinyue's contacts, brother Dao sent his brochures to all parts of the world.

Countless rich people came here happily.

In other circles, it is hard to say how to evaluate the ancient city of Shule.

However, in drug circles all over the world, everyone knows such a message.

Compared with the drug queen of the golden triangle, the drug kingpin of the Golden Crescent opened up the drug market in China and set up a drug sales base in China.

Huaxia, known as the drug forbidden area, seems to be about to untie her veil to the drug lords all over the world.

Who doesn't know that Yuejie, who had controlled the four regions of the Golden Triangle six months ago, tried to infiltrate into the mainland of China to develop drug business.

But with the passage of time, I didn't see much noise from sister Yue.

It is also rumored that the drug queen Yuejie is busy giving birth.

A woman who wants to have children has no great future. If she doesn't lose the reputation of the golden triangle, even if she has great ability.

Although many drug lords, as always, purchase from the golden triangle, we all have a high look at the Golden Crescent, the second largest drug producer in the world.

Fame and wealth, fame and wealth, people live a lifetime, value is these two words.

Drug dealers do not lack profit, but fame.

If we can make such a grand move to open up the Chinese market in the drug industry, it is not too much for the name of Golden Crescent to be recorded in the history of the world.

It is precisely because there is such a focus that we are interested in.

Shule ancient city, which has undergone earth shaking changes, has become the focus of many forces.

It doesn't need much. As long as three months later, the old city of Shule was not suppressed by the Chinese authorities. So we'd rather have more trouble and run a few more steps than cross the golden triangle of Southeast Asia and go to the Golden Crescent of South Asia to establish some contacts.

That's the pioneer of Chinese market.

One or two small county towns are slightly exposed from their fingernails, which are several times more powerful than the purchasing power of a province in North America.

As a result, under the promotion of many unknown forces, the name of Shule ancient city is growing.

Even Yuejie in the golden triangle, daweige in the British three islands, and Sakura in Toyo have to comment on it.

"To die!"

These are two words spoken by three people in different hells of the world after hearing the report from their subordinates.

After that.

Yuejie continues to raise her baby with peace of mind.

Brother David continued to find special personnel to design the packaging boxes of "Friends of women" and "new anticancer drugs".

Sakura went on to develop her second industry, Toyo film company.

Who are they talking about?

There is no one else except brother Dao who is now in high spirits.

If brother Dao heard the three comments on him, he would nod sincerely.

Because when I first came to China, brother Dao was running for death.

At that time, brother Dao had only one purpose, revenge.

He does have a brother, and his life experience is just like the touching story he told.

So, after learning that his brother died, brother Dao only wanted to take revenge regardless of everything.

It's not hard to come to China and kill people.

It's just that brother Dao heard that his brother picked up an abandoned meteorological satellite with Lao hei and planned to smuggle it out of China. After that, he was a little silly.

Revenge is half gone.

When you come to the ancient city of Shule and see the special environment here, brother Dao's other half's revenge will disappear.

He thanks for his brother's death. If that unfortunate brother doesn't die, how can he find such a place suitable for the development of drug industry in China.

So, brother Dao gave up revenge and made the proud achievements mentioned above.

Of course, brother Dao is not stupid.

He was very clear that Huaxia's crackdown on drugs was quite severe, and the transformation of the ancient city of Shule was like digging its own grave.

How to make the drugs of jinxinyue take root in the ancient city of Shule and not be oppressed by the Chinese authorities has become a problem that brother Dao has been thinking hard for some time.

He felt he had found a solution to the problem.

What's the solution——

"Boss, here comes Lin Dashao from Jinghua."

Brother Dao's thinking was interrupted by his shouts.

Big brother smiles instead of angry.

Because, here comes the man who helped him solve the problem.

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