Is it good to be emperor?

No matter what other people think, Li Nanfang thinks that the position of emperor is not as easy as scum.

Since ancient times, who has been the successor to the throne has ever had a real childhood and enjoyed real happiness?

King Qi of Xia Dynasty has never seen his father since he was born.

When he was three years old, he had to learn how to ride a horse and shoot arrows.

When King Wu of Zhou was six years old, he lived like an ascetic monk with his father, looking for Jiang Ziya.

When hanwendi was nine years old, he had to start thinking about how to govern the country.

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was 12 years old, he would be familiar with all the schools of thought.

When he was in his twenties, he thought about how to kill his brother.

Zhao Kuangyin, the ancestor of the Song Dynasty, was in his thirties and was forced to wear a dragon robe.

Emperor Kangxi was in his sixties, and he had to think about how he could make his favorite Minister He Lin live well after his death.

It's better to be an Emperor than a scum.

But in contrast, being a scum has its disadvantages.

At least the emperor will not step on land mines, scum will.

A land mine trapped Li Nanfang from dark to dawn. This feeling is not too good. He didn't know why he had to survive here. With a slight lift of his foot, he could leave the ghost place and look for his aunt.

But the problem is, it's really disgraceful to go like this.

If you go back, aunt Yue asks him what you have been doing in recent months.

What does Li Nanfang say?

Said he took part in the selection of Longteng training base and was killed and eliminated in the end?

God knows if it will become a joke for his aunt to laugh at him all his life.

Of course, Li Nanfang can also lie to his aunt, but those who have seen him in such an embarrassing state can't cheat him.

The snake who set up mines, the stupid pig like a swindler, and the jade rabbit who can read the mind are all very clear about the reason why Li Nanfang was eliminated.

Remove these three people.

In addition, the monkey who wants to pull Li Nanfang to the end, just like a talker.

In addition, at the beginning of the virtual training selection, Gong Jian, the instructor who gave Li Nanfang a fierce look.

Also, the bull who threatened to have a good fight with boss Li here.

What's more, up to now, we don't know whether it's dead or alive.

These people are quite concerned about Li NanFang's performance.

If he is eliminated one step ahead of these people, will he still have face to see others in the future?

As a famous black ghost, he is not allowed to be eliminated by a mine in this kind of training ground.

There is a saying: "do not steam steamed bread for breath."

Li Nanfang, for the sake of his own face, must not leave like this.

Giving up and being forced to leave are two completely different concepts, which should not be confused.

Li Nanfang didn't want to give up when he thought that there were so many troubles when he was killed here. From the middle of the night, with the only weapon he carried, the spike in his boot, he began to dig a hole next to the mine at the foot of his left foot.

I still remember that when I went to see many military war records before, I would mention the bridge section of stepping on land mines.

If a man steps on a mine, his comrades in arms will come running.

Then, in the quarrel of "you go, I won't go", the comrades dug up the soil beside the mine and penetrated the sole of the army boot with the spike.

The next moment, it is comrades in arms with all their strength, holding both ends of the spike, pressing the mines.

Next, in the quarrel of "you go quickly, I won't go", the man who stepped on the mine left in tears, and the poor Comrade detonated the mine and died on the spot.

Li Nanfang wished he could have such a comrade in arms.

As long as someone is willing to do this for him, he will shed two tears of gratitude.

Unfortunately, no one has been here since the rabbit left.

He could only dig a hole in silence until dawn. Finally, he dug a 30 cm deep mud hole on both sides of the mine under his feet.

At17 anti infantry mine, the main body is about 170 mm in diameter of the ball, 30 cm deep pit, enough for Li Nanfang to look into the bottom of the mine, and find a section of hard tree root.

It was this root that made Li Nanfang, who had been depressed for more than ten hours, finally show a smile.

As I said before, the location where the snake buried the mine was very ingenious. It happened to be at the bottom of a big tree with a diameter of more than two meters.

Next to it is a tree root protruding from the ground. No matter who comes here, he will step over the tree root protrusion and step on the mine accurately.

Unless the kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, have to step on the protuberance of the place to jump over.

If you step on a mine, you'll die.

Anyway, there is nothing around that can be used as a shelter. With Li NanFang's ability, he can't escape, let alone other people.

This is the situation of ten dead without life, but let boss Li find a chance to escape after a long time of calm thinking.

There is such a big tree with a two meter thick trunk nearby. If a section of the root can protrude from the ground, then the roots below the ground must be more dense.

No more. Just a section just below the mine's burial site.

Dig out the soil around the root of the tree under the ground, and cut the clothes into two long strips. One end of the strip is tied to the root of the tree, and the other end is tied to the two ends of the spike that penetrates the bottom of the marching boots.

At this time, military spikes, mines and tree roots will form a "Gong" shape.

After the two pieces of cloth are wrapped tightly, the left and right opening bets of the word "Gong" can be made, which is similar to the word "Gu".

Cloth, spikes, tree roots and soil firmly fixed the mine in the middle. After weaving with cloth, the pressure produced by the spikes was driven to replace Li NanFang's weight, forcing the fuse of the mine not to be touched so easily.

Can this be regarded as a ray of life?

When all the preparatory work was finished, Li Nanfang squatted down, pressed down on both ends of his military boots and slowly pulled out his feet.

This is his first time to clear the mine. All his plans are limited to imagination and are not sure whether they will succeed or not.

What's more sad is that since he has decided to do so, he is bound to use his hands to press instead of trampling on the soles of his feet, so he has to face the mine head on.

There is no room for maneuver now.

Once there is a mistake, the mine explodes, and boss Li's handsome face is the first one to accept the impact of the explosion. He can't even die if he doesn't want to.

But if it works.

Hehe, let's find another shoe to put on.

As his feet slowly moved out of his military boots, a drop of sweat on Li NanFang's forehead flowed into his eyes, making him a little blinded.

He didn't dare to wipe his sweat. He simply closed his eyes and put all his mental energy into his ears to listen to the subtle sound of the mine press fuse.

Fortunately, when his left foot completely broke away from his boot and stepped on the solid ground, there was no abnormal sound.

Now, it's time to let fate take its course.

Li Nanfang took a deep breath. His whole body was like a snail shell. His legs slowly gathered strength and his hands slowly recovered.

Right now!

When he heard the slight sound of the friction caused by the different gravity bearing channels from the mine fuze, Li Nanfang no longer hesitated, and the whole person rubbed back and took off.

With a bang, his back fell heavily on the ground, and he didn't care about the pain at all. With the help of the power of leaning back just now, he rolled again and finally hid behind another big tree.

be quiet.

It's so quiet.

The mine didn't explode, and so on. At this time, what did the customs do if the mine exploded.

As long as I'm sure that I'm still alive, that's enough!

Leaning on the tree trunk, while breathing fresh air, while wiping the sweat from his face, Li Nanfang is finally sure that he has successfully extricated himself from danger.

Even though I knew very well that I would not really die even if I was killed by the explosion, the fear of death and the desire for survival just now were still extremely real.

Thus, whether in reality or in virtual training ground, the psychological pressure brought by death is exactly the same.

No one can face death calmly when he knows he won't die.

The lack of fear of death is the lack of respect for life.

People who don't respect life are still human?

Li Nanfang, who survived, was so full of such thoughts that he suddenly remembered the people he had killed.

He remembers that a long time ago, only when he was sure that a person would die would he really start killing. And he was not sure whether the man should die or not. When he started, he must be controlled by the black dragon's evil nature.

However, since entering this virtual training ground, except for the first lucky one who died under his hands, the rest of the people did not cause any discomfort in his heart after his death.

Especially last night, he killed three lives to death.

What is this?

Does it seem very domineering that he kills people like a cat playing with mice or a cheetah locking prey?


At that time, he was more like a beast, a beast.

There are only two people who can kill people like that. One is Yang Xiao, and the other is Li Nanfang, who is controlled by black dragon's demons.

In a word, it is definitely not Li Nanfang who knows himself.

Having experienced life and death, Li Nanfang once again broke out in a cold sweat when he recalled what he had done before.

He has understood that he must have done something wrong.

Why do you do it wrong?

Is it because of the pressure of life and death that Yang Xiao brought to him, which forced him to have a distorted psychology of "I can't live, no one can live well"?

"No, I still cherish life and love life."

Li Nanfang shook his head hard to stop thinking about such a serious problem.

"Anyway, those people are not really dead. When I leave this virtual training ground, I'll apologize. Anyway, this place is either you die or I live, right?"

After finding the most reasonable reason to comfort himself, Li NanFang's mind finally stabilized.

However, the evil in other people's sex did not disappear because of his self consolation. Instead, it was deeply rooted in his heart and waiting for germination.

Boss Li, who abandoned his thoughts, soon regained his confidence and thought of something more enjoyable.

The viper, the stupid pig and the jade rabbit all decided that I would die here.

If they saw that I was still alive, how rich would their faces be?

Especially the poisonous snake. It's said that I have to be my younger brother. If I give it for nothing, I'll be a fool.

Li Nanfang showed a comfortable smile on his face and stretched out his hand to flick his trouser legs.

Although the wet mud stuck on the trouser legs can not be solved by a single flick, only by this kind of action can he show his true meaning of "when things go wrong, I brush my clothes and hide my merit and fame"——

Wait, someone's here.

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