Zhang Lianghua's massage technique is quite excellent. With her hands swimming powerfully on her body, the woman soon made a light nasal sound.

The ash in his hand was too long to smoke. He just closed his eyes and enjoyed the pain from his back.

When the body is massaged, there are intolerable soreness. One is that there is something wrong with the cervical vertebra and other joints of the body. The other is that the masseur is highly skilled and can repair the physical damage of muscle structure components through massage.

Helan Xiaoxin, who has good physical fitness, is the latter. In the successive attacks of pain, she relaxes all over and grunts more and more. It seems that there are tens of thousands of invisible needles piercing every inch of her body. She can't help screaming and crying.

The body gives her this kind of feeling, is the female technician has never given.

Seeing Helan Xiaoxin's five fingers in his left hand and constantly grabbing the sheet, Zhang Lianghua gently reminded: "new sister, if you really can't help it, you'd better shout, which is good for releasing pressure."

"Ah - ah!"

Helan Xiaoxin immediately raised his voice, just like a drowning man, with a sharp cry.

But there was a flame burning in his belly. He grabbed the elephant's nose with his backhand and looked back at him with his eyes like silk.

Knowing that it was time, Zhang Lianghua chuckled, took off his elephant nose shorts, and asked in a low voice, "new sister, what kind of posture do you like?"

Helan Xiaoxin didn't speak. He turned over and lay on his back. He grabbed him and pressed his hands on his chest. He bent his legs apart to both sides. He picked up his hair with his left hand and pressed it down.

What is it that women play with men like this?

Zhang Lianghua was very clear, but he didn't say it. He followed the movement of Helan Xiaoxin's hand, bowed his head and opened his mouth, tut tut.

He had served so many rich women, and had seen several white tigers, but he had never seen Helan Xiaoxin, a white tiger with a black and red cobra on it. The blood red letter was spitting out. With her ups and downs, she seemed to be alive.

With the joint efforts of Zhang Lianghua, He Lan Xiaoxin soon appeared the phenomenon of spray. He then raised his head and carried the long white legs of the woman who was squinting and shaking all over her shoulder, holding a baseball bat in one hand, just about to attack Huanglong——

Helan Xiaoxin suddenly opened his eyes and stepped on his chin.

Zhang Lianghua, who was about to shake up his spirits and use all his strength to conquer this charming woman, fell back and fell on the bed.

"New sister"

Zhang Lianghua was shocked. As soon as he opened his mouth and called out these two words, a beautiful little foot stepped on his throat.

Helan Xiaoxin turned over and sat up, holding the bed with both hands and exerting his left foot. He stuck Zhang Lianghua's next words in his throat. His face was still full of red tide, but his eyes were as beautiful as silk, but he shot cold: "did I say that I let you do this?"

Zhang Lianghua was so confused that he wanted to say that he used to serve women like this. After massaging the outside of his body, he massaged the inside. How did he change when he came to Helan Xiaoxin?

Helan Xiaoxin, who was stuck in his throat, didn't expect him to answer. With a sneer, he took the ashtray and smashed it on his big money.


Although his neck was trampled on, the pain still made Zhang Lianghua scream bitterly, struggling desperately, but he couldn't earn his foot.

Helan Xiaoxin, who has won the champion of Sanda in college, has never stopped fitness training in recent years. Her body is not as strong as Zhang Lianghua, and her strength is not as strong as him. However, she has certain fighting skills. It's just that ordinary people with strong body don't want to turn over after she tramples on her neck.

Zhang Lianghua thinks that this woman is a madman. Just now, she has already had an irresistible physiological reaction, and she is still using her hands and feet, using rude language and making waves. Why did she suddenly turn over?


Just when Zhang Lianghua was about to be brutally abandoned by the madwoman, the door was pushed open, and several people came in quickly. Hua yeshen stood outside the door: "let him go. I still have a few big customers. They all depend on him to pull business."

"Since flowers always plead for you, let you go and get out of here!"

Helan Xiaoxin released Zhang Lianghua's neck and kicked him off the massage bed.

Several female technicians from Haijie picked up the bathrobes on the ground, wrapped them around Zhang Lianghua, and walked out of the door with him on all fours.

"Take him to the hospital and withdraw 300000 from his financial account."

Always back to Zhang Lianghua's flower night God, so low voice command sea elder sister.

Zhang Lianghua was sent by her to serve Helan Xiaoxin. Now she is almost abandoned. She is somewhat uncomfortable, but she will never turn over with Helan Xiaoxin.

After Haijie and others left with Zhang Lianghua in a semi coma, huayeshen came in, picked up the bath towel and put it on Helan Xiaoxin's body.

"I'm sorry, sister."

Helan Xiaoxin calmed down a lot now and bowed his head to apologize.

She knew that the appearance of Hua yeshen in time was a premonition that she would turn over to Zhang Lianghua and wait outside all the time.

"It's OK."

Flower night God sitting on the bed, holding her left hand: "Alas, so many years, you still can't forget."

"Ha ha, I also thought that I had forgotten, but now I know, I'm afraid I'll never forget."

Helan Xiaoxin sucked his nose and looked up at the window. His eyes were confused and painful.

After learning that he was self defeating and nearly harmed Fusu, Helan Xiaoxin was upset. Ben made up his mind to let go completely tonight. Maybe he could get out of the shadow.

Just when she was blown out, she thought she had finally done it, but Zhang Lianghua's action of lifting her legs suddenly pulled her back to the night when she could not bear to look back.

Six years ago, Xiaoxin got married for the first time - he was a talented man from a rich family and had a good reputation among the younger generation in Beijing. He Lan Xiaoxin was also very satisfied.

But after the wedding night, she found out that the talented man was a silver like wax spear head, or just a silver like wax spear head, which meant nothing to be used. This was also "benefited" from the fact that he had been secretly defending numerous girls in his youth, leaving behind the root of the problem.

He Lan Xiaoxin can't bear to marry such a talented person. Anyway, it's not an incurable disease. As long as she is treated carefully and nursed well, she should be able to rise again. She's still young. It's OK to wait three or five years.

I didn't wait two years. Something went wrong.

That day was Caijun's birthday. He invited some friends and confidants to come home. Helan Xiaoxin was the hostess. Naturally, she was a warm host. Her tacit understanding of singing and following was enviable.

After seeing off the guests, she went back to her room to have a rest. In the middle of the night, a man climbed on her and gave her all kinds of kisses.

She was very happy. She thought that her husband was in a wonderful state today and was ready to show her strength. Naturally, it was tacit cooperation. When her husband lifted her legs and let her enjoy the happiness she deserved, He Lan Xiaoxin thought that he was flying in the sky.

But not long after flying, with her scratched left hand, she inadvertently turned on the lamp and fell from the high clouds. The man holding her legs was not her husband, but her husband's good friend.

At that moment, Helan Xiaoxin understood all of a sudden.

But she did not resist, but pretended not to find out, waiting for all good things to come to an end.

On the third day, the man who put up her legs died in a car accident. Later, Helan Xiaoxin went back to her mother's home. Finally, for other reasons, despite the strong opposition of the two families, she divorced and went abroad.

Except Hua yeshen, she didn't tell anyone the reason for her divorce. She would rather bear the blame of her husband's family and her mother's family, and silently bear the unbearable pain of ordinary people.

This matter has become the biggest psychological shadow and the most painful scar of Helan Xiaoxin.

Zhang Lianghua's Deja Vu posture tonight has opened the scar all of a sudden. It's normal for her to lose him in an instant.

If you let Zhang Lianghua know that he was almost disabled because of that posture, he would regret hitting his head against the wall. As the leading male technician in the club, he could play more than 100 kinds of postures. How could he choose this kind of posture?

"Xiaoxin, do you want me to do something for you?"

Flower night God accompanied her to send a meeting to stay, low voice asks a way.

"Thank you very much. No need. If I wanted to do it, I would have done it. "

Helan Xiaoxin laughs miserably and says it may be her life.

Everyone's destiny is totally different. Some of them are acquired and some of them are congenital.

Min's mother's congenital heart disease has been worrying old min and his daughter for many years. Just like this evening, min Rou is taking a bath and going back to her room to chat with Li Nanfang. Min's mother has a heart attack.

Send them to the hospital as soon as possible.

A few days ago, when min bought his family property, he chose the neighborhood nearest to the central hospital. In case min's mother suddenly fell ill, she could also be rescued in time.

She rushed min's mother to the hospital. After emergency treatment, she was out of danger. However, the hospital suggested that it was better to stay in the hospital for more observation for a few days, and try some new drugs by the way, so as to increase the income of the hospital.

Of course, the Min family has no objection to this, and they are not short of money.

Min Rou accompanies her mother. Min's father goes through the hospitalization procedures and asks for an intensive care unit. As soon as min's mother is settled in, the nurse comes in and tells her to move out quickly and lie down in the corridor. There is a promising patient who wants to live in this room.

The most promising patient is the mother-in-law of a chief physician in the central hospital. She is also suffering from heart disease. She has just been sent to be hospitalized. Of course, she can't live in an ordinary ward. She has only wronged min's mother.

Of course, Min's father and daughter don't want to. Min Rou argues that why should my mother move out? We don't want to move, let others move, we don't move!

The tough little girl is nothing in front of big people. Director Liu Guanghai doesn't bother to talk much. He directly orders the nurse to push min's mother's bed into the corridor, and warns min Rou that there is a need for a quiet hospital here. If she yells again, don't blame him for letting the security guard invite her out.

"Why did you let my mother move out?"

As soon as min Rou gets angry, her face turns red, and mist floats in her eyes.

Director Liu was very impatient with her rambling and said in a low voice: "sister, I can't afford other single room patients. So you should understand? "

Is that the reason?

Min Rou Leng down, tears do not compete with the flow down, loudly cried: "you can not provoke others, we are easy to provoke?"

Director Liu laughed: "sister, I think you're very annoying."

Min Rou is more angry when she hears this. She pushes away min's father, who is dissuading her. She points to Director Liu and cries. As soon as she wants to say something, she hears someone behind her saying coldly, "do you think she's easy to provoke?"

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