What happened in the ancient city of Shule fully proves one thing.

Plans don't change as fast as they do.

The military's mission objectives are constantly adjusted.

From protecting key people to eliminating instability.

This small change makes the hungry ghost road in the crack flame Valley lose most of its combat power before they start their looting operation.

Hungry people are not stupid.

In just one hour, half of the staff could not be contacted, which has aroused their vigilance.

It's just, with a lot of confidence in your ability.

They don't think that the people who lost contact have become corpses.

It is only the complex environment of Shule that leads to the failure of the gathering.

In this case, there needs to be a big event enough to attract all people's attention to make them reunite, and all people twist into a rope to achieve their goal of grabbing the line.

The public exhibition of black dragon ball should be such a good opportunity.

Just recognize the most valuable thing here.

At the right time, they can control the field quickly.

Therefore, when Lin Kangbai moved the auction time forward, the hungry ghost people were very excited.

Excited to ignore the danger around.

Correspondingly, the members of Longteng's reserve team had to terminate their assassination because the auction started ahead of time.

Now, everyone is coming together.

Not to mention killing, even the slightest disturbance will lead to large-scale chaos.

Under the chaos, whether the black dragon ball has been auctioned is the second.

It doesn't matter how many people die here.

Whether Lin Kangbai can get the truest information about the "Yin dragon" is the matter that the officials are more concerned about.

Focus changes.

Li Nanfang and their tasks also changed.

Up to now, we can only watch what's going on here, and then——

adjust to changing circumstances.

"All of you, gather in area 5 and find your hiding places. The first goal is to keep Lin Kangbai alive. If necessary, catch the target alive. "

The command words of Captain Gong Jian were passed on to everyone.

No matter where you are, move forward to area 5 of Shule ancient city immediately.

It's also here.

Li Nanfang finally saw the legendary "black dragon ball".

In the past more than a month, this jade has touched the hearts of countless people.

But not many people have really seen it.

All the important people from all sides sent their confidants in advance to explore the reality and determine whether such a rare piece of black jade exists.

Lin Kangbai will not refuse anyone who comes.

No matter who it is, no matter what the purpose of those people is.

But all those who asked to identify the authenticity of the black dragon ball were politely led into a secret room, and let them identify the black dragon ball completely.

Whether it's this jade or the news about the Yin dragon vein, it's all true.

Of course, Lin Kangbai didn't worry about others coming to check.

It has been said for a long time that his purpose is to sell jade and news, two valuable things, by auction.

Let the guy who finally won the auction, grab the limelight, and draw everyone's attention away.

Just after tonight.

Everyone will focus on the real location of Yin dragon vein thousands of kilometers away.

Around the Yin dragon to fight.

The ancient city of Shule, where Lin Da Shao lived, can rest easy and live forever.

Therefore, Lin Kangbai is more urgent than anyone else. He wants the auction to start and end quickly.

Especially after he killed brother Dao and had a serious contact with all the forces who were qualified to know the news of Yin dragon, his urgent mind became more intense.

No matter what the auction time is, the jade will be displayed in advance and the auction will start in advance.

Lin Kangbai's advance has completely disrupted many people's plans.

Shule ancient city area 8, Dao brother's drug warehouse.

A group of strong men with Central Asian faces are nervous. The leaders keep raising their hands to look at the time. They are extremely anxious.

"Under what circumstances, why can't brother Dao cancel such an important action without giving an order?"

This person is obviously talking to himself and does not expect others around him to give an answer.

They were brought out from the Golden Crescent by brother Dao, a group of the most elite thugs.

No one knows about them except brother Dao.

The purpose of these people's presence here is also very clear, that is, after the auction of black dragon and Dragon Ball started, they plundered the whole ancient city as robbers, robbed the precious jade and kidnapped several people who looked respectable.

After the event, they will follow the retreat route arranged by brother Dao and flee all the way out of the country.

The black dragon ball will be secretly sent to the Golden Crescent.

And these people will take the fat sheep they kidnapped to the golden triangle by the way of Golden Crescent.

Until the golden triangle.

Their identities will change again and become the subordinates of the drug queen Yuejie.

Then, in the name of Yuejie, they contacted Huaxia authorities and asked Huaxia to eradicate the Golden Crescent drug business in Shule ancient city and let people in the Golden Triangle enter.

If you don't agree with their demands, those hostages with high status may lose their names.

At that time, the attention of Chinese officials will be focused on the golden triangle.

Brother Dao will show up at the right time to help the authorities and help Huaxia rescue the precious hostages from the golden triangle.

If the operation goes smoothly and finally succeeds.

The golden triangle will become a thorn in the flesh of China.

The Golden Crescent represented by brother Dao will become a good citizen to help Huaxia deal with malignant events.

There are many favorable conditions for good people.

Brother Dao firmly believes that by virtue of his intelligence and means, he can open up a way to avoid being suppressed by the Chinese authorities, rather than relying solely on the help of Lin Da Shao.

No matter how well Lin Kangbai said before, brother Dao always didn't believe this dandy.

What's more, I don't believe that the legend of Yin dragon vein, which is empty and nonexistent, can make the ancient city of Shule last forever.

Therefore, brother Dao will be separated from Lin Dashao.

He planned everything perfectly.

In the end, Shule city will become an official drug trading city.

All the plans are wonderful,.

But before the operation started, brother Dao went to another world early to report, so that a group of younger brothers waiting for the order of robbery had no command.

Fortunately, this plan was made a long time ago.

Even without brother Dao's direct orders, they can still start.

However, Lin Kangbai suddenly showed the black dragon ball ahead of time, which made a great change in their plan.

According to the original schedule, when the auction was in the middle of the auction, they rushed into the auction hall with a big bang, successfully grabbed the black dragon and dragon ball, and after controlling a small number of hostages, they quietly entered the secret channel that brother Dao had arranged for a long time.

Follow the secret passage for an hour to the end of the passage.

At that time, it was the time when the wind and sand on the ground of Shule ancient city stopped at midnight every night.

Get to the right place at the right time.

Push the seal on the top of their heads, and then they can run away without worrying about the coming of any pursuers.

But such a good plan is flawed because the auction is suddenly advanced.

These people can't get brother Dao's orders, and all actions are imminent.

What should we do?


Seeing that the whole ancient city of Shule is becoming more and more lively, I don't know which big man bought the black jade named Heilong Longzhu after a while.

People here can't wait patiently any longer.

Pack your bags, be fully armed and make the final preparations for the robbery.

Then secretly go to the auction house of black dragon ball.

At the same time, in the so-called slums of Shule ancient city, another group of people are gathering.

Coincidentally, they are also ready to start in the auction, to snatch the black dragon ball, and to have a black eat black.

The only difference is that the ultimate goal of these people is not to grab the treasure and leave here.

It's about killing brother Dao.

There are only a group of people who want brother Dao to die.

The old city's great men.

They want to take the opportunity of killing brother Dao to regain control of the whole ancient city of Shule.

The former principal of Shule ancient city, the leaders of three major divisions and seven small forces, almost all gathered here.

Except for the old black, who died long ago.

In the past three months, it seems that for these eldest brothers, they have experienced an extremely dark life, and there is no hope at all.

Since brother Dao came here.

First, he used money to attack and gained a place in the ancient city of Shule.

With the help of a short rest, brother Dao immediately takes people to fight back.

They used guns blatantly to control the whole ancient city of Shule, and let these bosses dig out their hearts and spit out more money than they got at the beginning.

When the money and prestige of the elders are gone, all the younger brothers will run away with others

Until then, brother Dao really became the master of the ancient city of Shule.

When they were driven out of their original homes and squeezed into the slums to make a living with the humble natives.

These old boss, finally know regret.

At the beginning, he was greedy for so little benefit and agreed to take root in the ancient city of Shule with brother Dao. He felt the regret.

However, there are all kinds of products sold in the world, but there are no regret drugs.

Simple regret is useless.

These can only live in the slum boss, after a long time of secret conspiracy, finally decided.

At today's auction, take back what you lost.

It's not only to rob them of the jade business they used to live on, but also to rob them of all the things that can make money.

After killing brother Dao, we should re divide everyone's sphere of influence, and let the ancient city of Shule return to the peaceful state of seeking development in competition.

Such an action brings together all the original leaders of Shule ancient city and all the strength they have accumulated in the past 30 years.

It's very tragic to put all your eggs in one basket.

There's always a feeling that if they don't succeed, they will become benevolent. If brother Dao doesn't die, they will die.

But they don't know.

Brother Dao was killed by Lin Kang two hours ago.

Don't wait for the auction to start.

In fact, this group of big guys will attack now, and it's easy to get back what they lost.

At least, he won't be attacked by brother Dao's men. He may also share a common hatred with those people and kill Lin Kangbai.

It's a pity.

Lin Da Shao sealed the news that brother Dao died.

As long as the auction is completed, Lin Da seldom has the means and time to clean up the interior of Shule ancient city.

Because his men also have a group of armed forces.

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