"It's time to end."

After the elder of the hungry ghost road had obviously no strength to launch a sharper attack.

When ye Xiaodao turned around and moved horizontally, he pulled out a pistol from his waist.

The muzzle of the gun was aimed directly at the elder's temple.

At the moment of saying that, Dao Ye pulled the trigger.

Until the moment of death, the elder of hungry ghost didn't understand how there could be such a shameless person in the world.

All the time, we used cold weapons to fight. Why did we draw the gun at the end.

It's against the rules!

I can't help it. When Dao Ye kills people, he always doesn't obey the rules.

It's the rules of elder hungry ghost road. Save them to talk to the people in Yanluo hall.

After killing, ye Xiaodao was relieved.

Staring at the center of the ancient city of Shule for a long time, I didn't notice any movement, and I was sure that Li Nanfang had done everything.

"Spurs, it's time for us to go."

Dao ye turned back and said the words of quitting after success.

Step in the past, reached out to touch the Spurs hip, and finally completely relieved.

Hurry to Gu Yao.

"Hey, brother-in-law, help me. I'm hurt and can't walk at all."

"Then climb."

Dao Ye is magnanimous all his life. He can only help drunken beauties walk on the roadside. Others don't care. Grandma doesn't help him. How can he be a black boy.

After indicating that the Spurs could crawl away, he reached out and helped Gu Yao up from the ground.

"Uncle Gu, let's go. We can't stay here any longer."

Ye Xiaodao's attitude towards Comrade Lao Gu is extremely easy-going.

Maybe it's because she was born cheap. In the past ten days, Gu Yao has been patting the back of Dao Ye's head.

But ye Xiaodao let bygones be bygones.

They also treat Gu Yao with the treatment of drunken beauties on the roadside.

"Thank you. May God bless you, good boy, ye Xiaodao."

Lao Gu put his hands together and bowed deeply to Dao Ye.

If it wasn't for ye Xiaodao and Spurs, Gu Yao would have been a corpse for blocking the door when the group of people in the hungry ghost road of flame Valley arrived.

Among the 32 people who entered the ancient city, two of them were killed by spurs and ye Xiaodao.

It's just that the killing was in the dark.

It's much easier than picking up the hungry ghost elder this time.

"Ha, don't thank me. Let's go."

Ye Xiaodao laughs casually, but also wants to help Gu Yao to leave here.

However, comrade Lao Gu's legs seemed to be fixed on the ground. Not only did Wen Si not move, but also he grabbed Ye Xiaodao's arm and said softly, "no, I can't go yet."


"Because the man sent by God has not arrived yet."

Gu Yao's reply almost made Ye Xiaodao vomit blood on the spot.

At ordinary times, looking at this old comrade, I don't think he is such a talkative person.

At most, there is a traditional belief in the heart.

How now suddenly, it's like a magic wand. It's crazy.

"I'm the one sent by God. When I arrive, you should go too. Is that ok?"

Dao Ye is not in the mood to talk nonsense with the ancients.

The gun battle in the center of the ancient city is enough to prove that Li NanFang's action was unexpected.

In particular, Qin Yuguan sent his Ye Xiaodao here, and made it clear that Li Nanfang would come to him, but so far, neither of the two brothers in a pair of underpants has met.

It's not an accident. What is it?

Ye Xiaodao has never been a soldier.

But he is very clear about what follow-up measures the military will have when dealing with related incidents.

If what happened in the ancient city of Shule is reported in the news, it will definitely cause a large-scale panic.

For the stability of the country.

Some people have to do something that goes against the normal perception.

For example, the whole ancient city was completely destroyed when the troops came to clean it up.

At the thought of cleaning up the troops, Dao ye could not help shivering.

Those guys are totally cold-blooded.

As long as the higher authorities give orders to crush a city, they will not hesitate to implement them, and they don't care who else is in the city.

It is not easy for China to have the present stable situation.

If a small group of criminals are allowed to do appalling things, it will lead to panic among the people and turmoil in the current situation.

That's what no one wants to see.

The role of cleaning up troops should not be ignored.

When Dao ye thought of these people, the only idea in his heart was to leave the ghost place before those guys arrived.

Even if he met him on the way, he would stay away.

The end of Li NanFang's gunfight means that the clean-up troops may appear at any time.

If you don't go now, when will you stay?

In the face of Gu Yao who repeatedly said, "if God doesn't come, I won't go," Ye Xiaodao wanted to knock people unconscious and carry them out.

Who knows, before he really wants to shoot the old brain melon seeds.

A burst of intense gunfire immediately came from the wooden door at the other end of the passage.

As soon as the gun comes, so fast it goes.

I only heard the sound of a heavy object hitting the wooden door at the entrance and exit. Then, the wooden door that went out suddenly opened a crack.

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

A grenade like thing was thrown in from the outside.

"It's a smoke bomb. Cover your mouth and nose!"

Ye Xiaodao is a little flustered.

Pull old fast retreat, homeopathy also is still climbing forward spurs also to lift up.

The three quickly retreated to the entrance to hide.

Thick white smoke completely enveloped the whole passage.

I'm afraid.

If Gu Yao hadn't stopped him just now, ye Xiaodao might have pushed open the door of the exit and rushed out.

He doesn't know that there are still people guarding the hungry ghost road of flame Valley outside. Once he goes out, he is bound to be killed by the guy hiding in the dark.

Well, even if the Dao master's skill is excellent, he can live for the first time and fight with the enemy outside.

Maybe they will be killed directly by the clean-up troops who have come here before they can really fight.

Only when the people who clean up the troops do not know who is the enemy or who is the friend.

They only know that the people who really can't be killed have retreated to the designated places in the instructions given by the higher authorities. All the others are enemies, no doubt.

A cold sweat seeped from his forehead.

Ye Xiaodao can't help but take a deep look at Laogu and thank the old God stick for saving his life.

Otherwise, he would have been shot to death.

There's no time to think about it.

When the white smoke in the passage reaches a certain level, you can clearly hear the sound of someone breaking into the door, as well as the light of a few strong flashlights, which are waving in this direction.

Ye Xiaodao made a quick decision and yelled: "don't shoot. I'll wipe it. I said don't shoot!"

Dao Ye wants to show his identity.

As a result, as soon as he opened his mouth, countless bullets cut off half of his hidden corner.

The people who cleaned up the troops were cold-blooded.

It's so special. You're going to kill people.

"Dragon! I am the dragon

If there is no longer a trump card, someone will soon throw the real grenade. Ye Xiaodao opens his mouth and shouts, throwing a flag into the passage.

It's a mercenary flag.

There is a five clawed Golden Dragon embroidered on the flag surface. Under the illumination of a strong flashlight, it reflects a brilliant light.

When the flag lands, you can hear a crash.

The sound was obviously the uniform movement of a group of soldiers.

"Dragon, evacuate immediately, this place must be cleared!"

The person opposite finally answered.

Ye Xiaodao didn't dare to talk nonsense. Holding Comrade Lao Gu in one hand, he raised his foot to kick the ass of the Spurs.

"Get out of here when you die."

As the voice fell, he took the lead, picked up the Dragon flag that had fallen on the ground, made no eye contact with the people in the passage, and rushed out of the tunnel as fast as he could.

At such a critical moment, it was the Dragon mercenary team flag that Dao Ye always carried, which saved his life.

The Dragon army and the black dragon army are two mercenaries trained by Qin Yuguan for the recovery of China's homeland.

Few people are aware of their existence.

But some people have to know them.

To clean up the troops is to know the existence of these, so as to avoid the conflict of accidental injury of one's own people in a certain mission in the future.

Fortunately Ye Xiaodao was alive and the flag was thrown out.

Otherwise, the three of them would have been unjust ghosts on the way to huangquan.

"The God of heaven, it's true. The God of heaven is coming. The God of heaven is showing his power."

As soon as she walked out of the ancient city of Shule, Gu Yao crawled on the desert land, thinking of kneeling around and kissing the most sacred and pure yellow sand in the eyes of the desert aborigines with her lips.

Ye Xiaodao was so angry at his appearance.

"I said, uncle Gu, why are you still nervous here? I don't usually see you so devout. "

Dao Ye is not a believer in ghosts and gods.

As a killer, if he believes in gods and ghosts, he might as well go to the street to beg for food.

At the moment, he was simply not angry. Lao Gu was totally indifferent to his efforts to fight to death and clean up the troops. He was here to thank the ethereal God.

So he opened his mouth and joked: "Uncle Gu, I told you that I am the God of heaven. Do you want to worship me?"

"Stupid Ye Xiaodao, may God forgive your ignorance."

"Hey, I'm so hot tempered, I don't know."

Ye Xiaodao laughed angrily on the spot.

Gu Yao stood upright and knelt there, raised her hand to the bright moon and the starry sky, and cried out, "it's sand, it's gone!"

This words a, leaf small knife stay Leng in situ.


Why is the sand gone?

For 30 years, wind and sand have been lingering over the ancient city of Shule.

It's like a wage earner. He goes to work on time every day. He doesn't know how to rest.

But tonight, like a retired old man, he left his job.

Who can explain this situation?

No one can explain why sandstorms are formed.

Ye Xiaodao was staring at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking, until Gu Yao reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

"Stupid Ye Xiaodao, thank you for letting me come out alive.

Thank you for letting me witness the will of God.

With the disappearance of wind and sand, the ancient city of Shule no longer needs gatekeepers.

I should comply with the will of God, and wind sand, leave here, peace of mind to pension.

This is the money I've saved these days. I'll give it to you. Thank you

Lao Gu's trembling hand took out a small wooden box from his arms and delivered it to Ye Xiaodao.

The lid is open.

Inside is a lot of scattered notes, it looks like twenty or thirty thousand.

Dao ye will care about this little money?

"No, keep it for yourself."

Ye Xiaodao waved his hand gently.

Gu Yao immediately put the wooden box into her arms and exclaimed: "ah, this is also the will of the God."

"Does God want you to be a miser?"

Dao ye turned his eyes helplessly.

Gu Yao has turned around and left.

This figure is slightly depressed, ye Xiaodao asked for no reason: "Uncle Gu, what's your full name?"

"Gunahanmuzalulisi Keyao."

Gu Yao looked back and said, "it means that the gods are looking after people."

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