According to the overall plan for the capture of Crete this time.

Li Nanfang and others should sneak into the research base of flame secretly, first find the hostages, rescue them, and then take them to a safe area in the northwest of Crete Island, waiting for the rescue of large forces.

This is the rescue plan in the open.

The hidden plan is to collect all the research data from Crete while rescuing the hostages.

Complete data collection can destroy the enemy's base.

If the collection is incomplete, you need to control the whole island, or the entire research base, and then stick to it until the arrival of subsequent support forces.

As for everyone's Secret actions, it's not convenient to say for the moment.

Let's just talk about our common goal.

No matter rescue plan or capture plan, there is an absolute premise.

That is, the action must be secret and fast, and the enemy should not be given the opportunity to prepare in advance.

This is too difficult.

If it is carried out by a team with unified thinking, it must be able to avoid being detected by the enemy as far as possible.

However, this joint combat force is obviously out of place. Who can be sure that there are not two stupid foreigners in it, who accidentally aroused the enemy's vigilance.

Therefore, the people in Longteng group must speed up.

Sneak in before those pig teammates catch the enemy's attention.

"Manniu, find a way to destroy a passage when we came here, and speed the troops of other countries. Stupid pig, keep watching. In five minutes, we can design a route that will allow us to sneak in secretly. "

After hearing the analysis report of stupid pig, Captain Gong Jian thought for a moment and gave such an order.

Sabotage or something, of course, is a bull's specialty.

If it's not for fear of making too much noise, the bull can definitely create a disaster that will make the foreigners behind unable to land on Crete all their lives.

And for stupid pig, the design of safe hidden route is also his good play.

If people on Crete want to start from here and grab hostages from anchored ships, there will be a way to quickly enter their base after they come back.

It's absolutely impossible to go through the minefield.

Because, through the minefield trap, and then over the two igloos sentinel, behind are vast glacial ground.

Only the blind would think that a large secret research base would be in that place.

Pick up the night vision telescope again, stupid pig inch by inch to observe the situation of the entire coastline edge.

There was a piece of paper in front of him, and the pen in his hand moved gently on the paper.

People who don't know will only think that this boy is drawing a labyrinth road map. At the beginning, he is always broken because he walks into a dead end.

But when the time went to the third minute, stupid pig's hand movement, suddenly fast up.

A plan of the coastline of a small island appears on the paper. In the middle of the picture, a line is marked with thick lines.

When stupid pig drew a circle at the final point of the line, he finally put down his telescope.

"Report to captain tiger, I found the entrance to their secret base."

Stupid pig's face is full of excited smile.

He did not expect that once he was serious, he could do things so perfectly.

It is clear that we are just looking for a safe way to the island. Only after landing on the island can we find the entrance to the secret research base.

Who knows, stupid pig in this kind of pressure, concentrate.

After rapid brain analysis and research, it was found that the aborigines of Crete often walked a route.

The end of that route must be the entrance to the secret base.

Everyone was excited when they heard what he said.

At the same time, the figure of the bull also returned to our vision.

"Report to captain tiger, I have tried my best to destroy the route behind without causing a big stir. It will take me at least half an hour to get rid of those obstacles myself. "

Manniu's words are very real and easy to understand.

With his ability, it takes half an hour to solve the problem. It's impossible for those foreigners to catch up too soon.

After all, there are few people in the world who are as strong as bull.

Before and after, there was no worry. Captain Gong Jian's frosty face also relieved a lot.

"OK, let me make a strategic plan.

Everyone check their gear and move in a minute.

Stupid pig leads the way.

Poisonous snakes and lambs form the second echelon, which is responsible for observing the enemy situation in front of stupid pigs.

Yutu and chuantian monkey are in charge of the left wing and pay attention to the movement in the sea area.

Silly dog and Qianlima are in charge of the right wing. On the one hand, they avoid attracting the attention of the sentries on the island. On the other hand, they are looking for evacuation vehicles that can be used by us. Once the first step of the operation is successful, the evacuation will be very troublesome. So Qianlima, you must find the most suitable thing for us.

I, Heilong and Manniu are in charge of the rear of the hall. In case of an accident, we will take care of all the things. The others will move on and don't care about others.

The Iron Rooster is in the middle. We must ensure the supply of all people.

All march in diamond formation. Make sure to March quickly and quietly.

OK, one minute.


From Gong Jian's strategic deployment to his voice.

One minute is just right.

Stupid pigs are the first to jump off the abandoned ship they hide, and then the others follow.

Eleven people, like ghosts.

Even heaven has provided them with convenience. The brilliant Aurora disappears, making this area really dark.

Only a few stars shine down, reflecting mottled shadows from the sea and ice.

Tom, it's still the name of that rotten street.

But this time, the person it represents is not the one-year-old boy who hasn't been home for three years.

Three hundred meters off the coast, in a secret outpost set up by members of the flame group.

Another Tom stretched out for a long time, his eyes suddenly shining. Staring at the direction of the ocean, he said, "David, am I dazzled? How can I see a group of people walking over there?"

"A group of people? How many people? "

Another David responded bored, squinting at the shoreline, then he closed his eyes again and lay back, laughing: "I hope you see normal people, not snow monsters. I heard that another snow monster broke the fence of the base and ran out of control yesterday. God knows if that monster will rush here and tear us to pieces. "

"Don't scare me, David. I just saw a shadow, like a group of people, and -- "

Tom said this, a little meal, eyes gaze in the direction of a small iceberg sliding past, in the ice cast diamond shaped shadow.

Seeing this scene, his heart finally relaxed and said with a smile, "it's a little iceberg. It's a surprise to me. By the way, David, you told me last time that there was a stupid boy named Tom in the base. How was he stupid? "

A small iceberg serves as a cover for Li Nanfang and them.

The secret sentry on Crete didn't realize that someone had passed them and headed for the base.

Tom and David, it doesn't matter how to discuss how the other Tom became stupid.

What's important is that the actions of Longteng team members are accompanied by good luck.

by comparison.

Those who were left behind early in other countries special team members, there is no such good luck.

After the Longteng group left, the Russian White Bear troops with ropes became the most powerful people there.

If you want to continue the task, you have to use the only two ropes.

But the members of the white bear army are generally big.

As the descendants of the fighting nation, they always like to meet the tough. It's impossible for them to walk the tightrope as easily as the Longteng team members.

It took half an hour for the twelve Russians alone to board the second ship.

In order to seize the opportunity of the third wave, people from other three countries began to argue again.

The Russians found that the road behind was not so difficult, so they didn't need the broken ropes and speeded up to catch up with the Chinese troops.

The pursuit is fast, but the result is not too good.

The coastline can be seen from a distance, and then through the hull of two big ships, we can land on the island.

A pile of metal boxes, which didn't know where, blocked their way.

I can't move.

Push, push, don't go.

Forcibly demolishing can only lead to great movement.

This movement is enough to attract the attention of the sentries on the island and expose the whereabouts of these people.

"Report, the passage on the other side is blocked. It's impossible to get through. It's strange. Where did those Chinese go? Did they fly away with their wings? "

"What flies away? They set up these obstacles!"

The person who can become the leader of the white bear army is not a fool. It can be seen at a glance that such obstacles are deliberately left behind by the past people.

What else can Lao maozi do?

It can only be a burst of abuse: "what the Meidi people say is true. The Chinese are too cunning. At my command, work in pairs, move gently and remove these obstacles. Don't make too much noise. My task is to sneak in. Do you understand? "

"I understand!"

"Malagobi, I said to keep your voice down. Let's go, let's go. "

Poor Russian, turned into a hard-working porter.

Adhering to the principle of handling with care, in the narrow passage where only two people can stand side by side, those obstacles can be removed ha ha.

Wait until the tunnel is clear enough for them to walk through.

The people from the United States, Britain, the three islands, and Toyo also arrived here one after another.

The time advantage that laomaozi is not easy to get is of course Meidi.

In fact, the old Americans have been here for a long time, only to see the Russians moving things from a distance. They immediately stopped and watched from a distance.

They think they are very smart, and they regard the Russians as scavengers.

When the sweeper's work was finished, they were all so tired that they sat on the ground to rest.

Meidi people come out with a bright smile.

"Captain white bear, thank you. God will reward you for your selfless dedication. Hahaha."

In the arrogant American laughter, these Meidi people went through the cleared passage and successfully got to the bow of the ship.

The Russians did not care to have a rest, and with a heart full of depression, they caught up.

Through here, there is a huge metal box like a refrigerator, across the head and tail of the two ships, which is a natural channel.

Without saying a word, the seal captain was the first to jump onto the wooden box and walk on.

As he walked, he turned back and cast a sneer at the Russians.

But he's only halfway there.

With a click, the broken ship, which had been abandoned for more than ten years, broke.

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