Time goes back to five hours ago.

When the multinational joint operations force just boarded the icebreaker and went to Crete.

A video on the Internet, spread at a very fast speed.

In the video, three hostages are surrounded by a group of terrorists who call themselves members of flame.

The guns in their hands were located in the back of the hostage's head. They issued a statement demanding that Britain, the United States, Russia, Toyo, Huaxia and other five countries immediately release the detained member of flame group, Ms. Avril, former president of British Mishima Yaping group.

Without a reply within an hour, the criminal acts of the five countries in the Arctic region were immediately exposed.

If Avril is not released within 24 hours, they will immediately execute all the hostages in their hands.

As soon as the video appeared, it was taken as a spoof.

The speed of transmission is very fast, but few people believe it.

In the past, we all saw terrorist organizations, which made appalling incidents, and then sent a video to show that they were responsible for something.

But these days, the world is peaceful, there is nothing similar to suicide attacks.

That video is not a spoof, what is it?

But just ten minutes later, countless people who saw the video and wanted to amuse their friends suddenly found that the video had disappeared.

Members of the flame organization sent videos to the most popular interactive websites in the world.

In some countries, thunder has been used to delete videos as quickly as possible.

The 15th minute of the video release, North China.

After the end of the Dragon battle in the field mission, the combat headquarters here were directly transformed into the mission combat headquarters to capture Crete.

In the office of the command center.

Jing Hongming, President Chu and senior high tech chief sit side by side. On the computer screen in front of them, several foreigners' faces appear.

They are the team commanders of other countries in this multinational joint operation.

We conducted a video phone communication with the fastest speed for that online video.

Before that, no one expected such a thing to happen.

The people of Crete, members of flame, who carried out inhumane biochemical experiments, took the initiative to disclose their existence to the world.

This kind of behavior is too special and unreasonable.

The flame organization has been developing in Europe for nearly a thousand years and has never done anything in a big way.

Why did all the countries suddenly come up with such an accident when they formed a joint force to deal with them?

Does the flame organization no longer want to hide and take this opportunity to show its followers to the world.

Or, it may be that some members of the joint inspection team who had been detained before could not withstand the torture and said that there would be a follow-up plan for the joint multinational force to capture Crete.

The people of flame want to use this way to warn the countries around the Arctic circle not to act rashly.

During the videoconference of the commander of the multinational joint force, the top officials of various countries constantly put forward their conjectures.

Whether these conjectures are close to reality is uncertain.

But time flies. That's for sure.

Half an hour has passed since the first video was sent out.

The video conference was suspended and everyone was waiting for the news from flame.

It's not that if we don't respond in half an hour, we will expose the criminal acts of the five major countries in the Arctic.

Let's see what evil can be exposed by a small flame organization.

Soon, the world's major portals, appeared signed "flame organization" short video.

This second video takes five minutes.

After the complete video was played, the combat commanders of various countries almost fainted.

Unexpectedly, the people of the flame organization were so cunning that they turned black and white in front of the people all over the world.

A foreigner kneels in the middle of the video, holding his ID card high in his hand, and spent a full minute to prove who he is, who his parents are, what he does and what colleagues he has.

All in all, I want to tell everyone who saw this video one thing.

This Oriental named chunteng has a real identity and is an on-the-job expert in biological and chemical weapons research in the Oriental government.

For the past 30 years, ivy has been working for a secret agency of the Toyo government to conduct research on biological and chemical weapons.

All his research materials will be sorted out and transported to Crete in the Arctic.

On this island, there is a secret research base for biological and chemical weapons jointly established by Britain, the United States, Russia, the Oriental Ocean and China.

The main task of the base is to provide the most advanced war equipment for these five countries.

Of course, on the surface, it is impossible for Crete to brand itself as a research base for biological and chemical weapons.

To cover up.

The founders of this research base, the official figures of five countries, jointly supported an organization called flame.

Flame is very secretive. It's the owner of Crete.

What they are doing here is the scientific research of genetically modified organisms.

After 30 years of development, the transgenic technology of flame organization has made great progress.

There are countless new medical technologies and food processing technologies, all of which are developed by flame organization and promoted all over the world.

After this secret organization, which was originally used as a cover for the research of biological and chemical weapons, has its own development cause, it really can't stand the inhuman acts of the five countries on Crete.

They want to get out of the control of these five countries.

As a result, it was severely suppressed by the military of five countries.

Flame's strongholds in Europe have been cleared, and many of its members have died.

The most terrible thing is that a senior member of flame group, Ms. Avril, President of Yaping group, was detained by the five countries because she learned a set of important genetic codes.

That genetic code is pretty amazing.

Once obtained by the people of flame organization, it will be able to realize the breakthrough progress of gene medical technology, so that human beings can get rid of the fear of cancer.

But if the five governments knew, they would be able to produce the most terrible biological and chemical weapons.

If those terrible biological and chemical weapons were put into human society, the disaster would be immeasurable.

As a result of the disaster, the five countries have resorted to the chaos that broke out all over the world. In the guise of safeguarding world peace, they carried out the facts that upset the beautiful situation of world peace and finally launched the Third World War.

These five countries, like the Nazis in World War II, attempted to divide the world.

The high level of sacred flame organization, aware of the terrible consequences, resolutely decided to break away from the control of those countries and expose all the ugly acts in order to save Avril president.

And we call on people all over the world to stand up and resist this terrible act.

The Japanese named chunteng gave a tearful speech, describing the flame organization as a warrior for world peace, and belittling several world powers as evil warmongers.

The consequences of such a reversal can be imagined.

As soon as the second video was released in exile, it spread all over the world in less than ten minutes.

The governments of the five countries that really know the inside information can block information in their own countries.

But what about the rest of the world?

The Krauts who once stirred up the world war two times will not be happy when they find that there is another big war, but it has nothing to do with them. Soon an official press conference was held to ask the countries mentioned in the video to give a reasonable explanation.

It is better to take them on the issue of launching the Third World War.

The Frenchmen, who were destroyed in two world wars, once again realized the crisis.

Back to the world war, back to the French suffered from the disaster, no one is more afraid of war than them, without saying a word, held an official press conference, asked the countries mentioned in the video to give a reasonable explanation.

It would be better to take them on the issue of launching the Third World War.

In addition, many other countries are also making statements.

There are condemnations and hints of cooperation.

There are also countries like South Korea, which are shameless and focus on exotic things. They say that Avril is a South Korean and hopes to detain the guy who is the president of dayangma and release their legitimate citizens immediately.

Three small videos were broadcast at the top of the so-called forever neutral Switzerland, the country's largest spray portal.

In just half an hour, the number of hits has exceeded 100 million, turning the five governments mentioned in the video into targets.

For the first time in history, there are problems that can make several world powers headache.

How can this be done?

Isn't it a pleasure to put a dung bowl on someone else's head?

Let's not say whether the task of occupying Crete can proceed smoothly.

The officials of the five countries immediately held a foreign affairs meeting to prove to the world that we are peace loving and ask the people of the world not to believe the lies of a terrorist organization.

That's a lie.

It is clear at a glance who is studying biological and chemical weapons. At least, launching a war is not good for all countries.

It is impossible for us to believe such a ridiculous "truth" with the one-sided words of a foreigner.

Panic around the world comes and goes quickly.

After all, the United States, Russia, China and the Oriental countries, which are obviously on opposite sides of each other, suddenly unite to do one thing again, which is really unreasonable.

What's more, they also brought with them the British three islands, which have long been half dead and whose international status is very embarrassing, which makes them even less credible.

We really want to make the video of flame's statement a joke.

But another hour later.

Flame released the third video again.

In the video, the same person kneels there and tells the same thing as the Oriental.

However, this time, they were changed to Meidi people with names and surnames. They were also public officials registered in the Meidi government and scientists who had won the Meidi national scientific research award.

Now, no matter how you want to cover up the whole incident, you can't cover it.

"Pig teammates, they are pig teammates! We shouldn't have agreed to form a joint force at the beginning. We should do it ourselves. "

In the temporary operation command room of Longteng army in Northern Xinjiang.

After the third time President Chu hung up the inquiry phone of the superior leader, he could not help but yelled.

Since its founding nearly 70 years ago, new China has always been a just man to safeguard world peace.

But this time, I cooperated with a group of guys with dirty buttocks and pulled myself into the mire.

It's strange that President Chu doesn't scold.

But no matter how much you scold, it won't help.

"Headmaster Chu, calm down. The blazing fire organization has turned black and white upside down. It is they who seek their own death. We have enough evidence to prove our innocence. "

Jing Hongming said calmly: "what we should worry about most now is how the task of occupying Crete is developing."

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