Why does Li Nanfang feel at ease to be captured?

What's the nerve of him to keep teasing a small head of flame organization here?

It's just for the purpose of his coming here.

In order to save Avril, he would risk his life to sneak into the deepest part of the secret base alone.

There are hundreds of rooms on the bottom floor of such a large base. It is difficult to find the one that once held Avril in a short time.

Therefore, we must find someone to ask.

But around the bottom of the whole circle, he did not see any living people.

It can be concluded that after the alarm in the base went off, everyone went to other places to gather.

The guard will go to the main gate to launch a defensive operation.

Ordinary staff, to be assembled to a safe place.

The only people who can provide information to Li Nanfang are the guys in this room.

Because of a small negligence, let him strong assault in, save the hostage, by the way subdue the gangster plan failed.

He can only become a prisoner, here and a group of terrorists for cordial and friendly exchanges.

From that point of view, when he doesn't want to communicate, that's when all the enemies here have to die.

In the whole room, there were ten enemies with threats and five prisoners without threats.

The space is narrow and it is not easy to fight.

He can only kill all the enemies by thunder to ensure that the other five people, including Zhang Zhidong, will not be hurt at all.

He has the ability to do it.

But he couldn't do it immediately.

Because he still needs to leave at least one living person to tell him where Avril was once held.

In order to prevent these guys from providing him with wrong information, he can only waste time again and again, arguing with that John constantly, lowering each other's intelligence quotient, and then, at a more reasonable time, asking the questions he cares about most.

John, who is obviously biased by his thinking rhythm, has no mind to consider Li NanFang's purpose.

What boss Li can only ask is what he thinks.

"Who is Avril?"

John asked back this sentence, which made Li Nanfang dumb.

He wanted to shout that Avril was my woman.

But just say that.

John, who just wanted to shoot a video and was about to jump off the building, will ask again, how can I know who your woman is.

In order to avoid this embarrassing situation.

Li Nanfang had no choice but to patiently explain: "Avril is the president of yingmishima Yaping group. Because she learned a set of gene codes, she was under house arrest for a long time. As a result, she was hijacked by others before you asked her what the genetic code was. Now, do you have an impression? "

It's so clear.

If John can't remember who Avril is, it's the hell.

One of the important purposes of his eagerness to shoot videos here is to get Avril back from Britain, the United States and other countries.

I remember who Avril is, but John's mind is more confused than before.

He glared at his eyes and tried to figure out his way of thinking, but the obvious lack of brain power still made him ask the most direct and realistic question: "Avril has been taken away by you. You ask me, where is she locked up, what does it mean?"

"Who told you Avril was taken by us?"

"The day Avril disappeared was the day that your so-called multinational joint expedition came to Crete. Who else can it be if it's not you? "

John's answer is exactly the idea of the whole flame organization.

They've been under house arrest for Avril for so long, trying to find out the genetic code.

But in the end, even a little sign did not ask out, Avril disappeared.

People inside the Crete base can't do such a thing. They can only be those guys who were trapped in the sea area of the island at that time.

It is precisely based on this idea that after a long period of high-level discussion, they decided to completely disclose the existence of flame.

As the identity of the flame organization becomes public, it is a string of words that confuse black and white.

As long as we can successfully make the research of biological and chemical weapons concerned by people all over the world, we can force more forces to pay attention to Avril.

At that time, no matter where the president of oceanhorse is, there will be two results in the end.

1、 The person who took Avril away was to prevent the information from being revealed, kill people, and make the gene code not known by anyone.

This is the rhythm of death, no one wants to see.

Avril is more useful to live than to die.

Therefore, no matter which side controls the woman, the chance of killing her or even hurting her is very small.

2、 At present, the power to control Avril can't stand the pressure from all over the world. Releasing that woman also makes the genetic code no longer a secret.

Compared with other countries and forces, that gene code can produce the most direct and rapid effect on the research of flame organization.

The flame organization can completely form a chemical and biological weapons force in a short time.

Then, after attacking China, attacking the valley of flame and taking the nest of the magpie, he spied on the secrets of the dragon.

As long as we control the Dragon veins, the world has the final say.

It's time for things to come to an end. Flame has been secretive for thousands of years, and it's time to tell everyone they exist.

So what John is doing here, that is, it comes naturally.

The dawn of victory is just around the corner.

It all started because Avril suddenly disappeared.

It's all over after Avril shows up and says the genetic code.

If this woman is still in Crete, the people of the flame organization can keep it secret for even a thousand years. They just want to know what the genetic code is.

But now, Li Nanfang said, "no one has ever taken away Avril. She is still on this island, even in your secret research base."

Hearing such news, John could only shout with his mouth wide open: "impossible!"

"Why not?"

"Because after Avril disappeared, we searched the whole island and didn't find her."

"I didn't find it, because you found the wrong place. There is a way to the outside world under the secret room where you hold Avril. It's just that the passage is temporarily blocked, Avril can only be trapped in it and can't get in or out. We are the people who attack here to save her

Li Nanfang said the most crucial information.

Then, seeing John's face full of shock and fear, he stretched his neck, turned back to his men and cried, "you two go to room 1 immediately, turn it upside down, and see if there is a secret passage."


The two little brothers nodded and walked out quickly.

With the departure of those two guys, Li Nanfang laughed and said to John, "thank you."

Thank you very much for the friendly sponsorship of Mr. John, who is short of brains, so that he knows exactly where Avril is trapped.

"Well, while you check the results, should we get down to business?"

Li Nan Nan patted John on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I can't wait to show my style in front of people all over the world."

This is the truth of boss Li.

To be a man is to seek fame and profit.

He has a thirteen year old girl who is the queen of drugs in the golden triangle. He can't spend all his money in his life. He has already made a profit.

Well, it would be better to have a chance to be famous.

Now there are so many Internet celebrities who can do anything to be famous.

What's wrong with Li Nanfang showing his face in front of people all over the world by using the hands of terrorist organizations.

He is eager to have a live global video that belongs to him.

At the same time, there are countless people eagerly waiting for him, or a Chinese preaching video to appear.

Flame organization, every hour will open a video, this has become a fixed routine.

It has long been said that, compared with the fear of biological and chemical weapons, we pay more attention to the reaction of China.

Britain, the United States, Russia, the four Oriental countries and China were originally on the same starting line. However, after the previous videos were broadcast, they were eager to wash their dirty water and voluntarily gave up the people in their country. At the same time, they shared the initiative in dealing with the incident in Crete.

Everyone knows about it, so they are qualified to join in.

The four countries that have lost the initiative, of course, hope Huaxia can stand with them again and make the same decision.

Other forces around the world also hope that Huaxia can clean itself up so that the relevant events can become a common problem for the whole world.

Unfortunately, these people are doomed to be disappointed.

Huaxia has decided to do the opposite, so it is bound to get the chance to solve Crete independently with a sufficient reason.

This opportunity also comes from a small video released by flame.

But the problem is, things don't seem to go very well.

"It is reported that the three members of Longteng team, in the process of entering the secret organization base in Crete Island to seek contact with Professor Zhang Zhidong, encountered the enemy's gun resistance. At present, it is uncertain whether the battle can be resolved within three minutes. "

The mouse's report was sent back to the local command room of China.

The headmaster of Chu, Jing Hongming and others could not help frowning together.

They want the people of Longteng team to contact Professor Zhang Zhidong in order to solve the whole incident perfectly.

Professor Zhang will be persecuted and killed by the enemy if he is determined to fight to the death.

If he complies with the enemy, he will be used by the government and abandoned completely.

The result of these two situations is the same, that is, the country will lose a gene research expert with outstanding professional ability.

It's a huge loss.

It will bring accidents that no one can predict.

To avoid that, even if it's only a second.

We need Longteng team members to report back the real situation of Professor Zhang Zhidong.

However, as time went by, Gong Jian, Xiao Yang and Manniu, who entered the base in Crete, were still unable to successfully enter the bottom.

On the way, they happened to meet the fire organization armed team who ran back from the front door to replenish weapons and equipment.

It was not easy to solve that team, but four well prepared guys came and stopped them.

The headquarters can't predict Gong Jian's troubles.

What they can foresee is that the sharp arrow made up of the Chinese army has already been shot to the key place.

"Report, this is the command center of Bohai aircraft carrier combat formation. We still have one minute to reach the Bering Strait. The front forces have not yet formed an effective block, so it is suggested to break through by force. Please give instructions. "

Another report was sent back to the operational headquarters, which made the situation more serious.

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