"It's him, that man, who must be captured alive - eh?"

When he heard the long roar like the dragon's voice, Kingston roared and issued orders to his men.

But before he finished, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

There are seven or eight big men, like a superpower.

There are countless members of the flame in the side do not stop the body, to compress the space, leaving no room for anyone to move.

Even so, he broke free.

Even the bull, who boasted of endless profits, could not believe that anyone could achieve such achievements.

Li Nanfang roared and burst out all the strength in his body, striving to get up.

The top group of people listed just slipped down.

In the middle, it was already flying uncontrollably.

The most pitiful or the bottom of the two people, Li NanFang's sudden force, directly crushed their bones.

When there was no one to hold them down, the poor man flew up like a ejection seat.

One did fly.

But the other one only flew half way and was grabbed by Li NanFang's feet and wrists as a weapon of human nature, hitting all the people crowded here with his head.

The original unbreakable wall of the human body collapsed in an instant.

The rear army, once again dominated by fear, kept retreating.

Gong Jian, Manniu and Xiaoyang also got breathing space at this time. They quickly cleaned up the enemies around them and made peace with Li Nanfang.

The four men stood side by side again and yelled at the crowd in front of them: "kill

Shout and take a step forward.

As they move forward, the armed members of the flame group step back.

Until, there is no retreat.

The team of eight or nine hundred people was compressed into a 100 meter long passage.

In front of them are the murderers who make their hearts tremble.

Behind them is the boss they dare not disobey.

So many people, like meat stuffing in the fire, can't make their own inner decisions.

At this time, Li Nanfang finally dropped the human weapon that had become soft like noodles and stood there panting.

I can't walk any more.

It's not only Li Nanfang, they all expended great physical strength in the battle just now.

Even if it is difficult to raise one's arm, how can we continue to kill the enemy and break through the encirclement?

Li Nanfang looked up at the front, still a vast area of people extending to the corner of the stairs, but he laughed.

This battle is the best one he has ever fought.

It's also the battle in which he killed the most people in a short time.

If you give him an open battlefield, he has the confidence to finish a thousand people chop alone.

But in such a narrow space——

Ha ha, don't joke. These people are not fools. Sooner or later, they will have no patience and use bombs and guns.

In time, everyone will die.

Unless, he can go back to room 1, jump into the sea, fight for a chance to live.

And pray that the eels won't be interested in him.

But he can go, Gong Jian and others can't.

Let him leave his comrades in arms and escape alone.

Sorry, Li Nanfang can't.

The passage at the bottom was quiet again. The little sheep took this opportunity to check the injuries of several people.

Also at this time, in front of the flame organization crowd, there was a large riot.

It's already crowded and airtight, and hundreds of people are forced to squeeze out a passage.

A young man with an obvious Chinese face walked to the front of the crowd and bowed to Li Nanfang with a gentlemanly gesture.

"Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the flame organization, I would like to express my highest respect for your indomitable spirit."

A very polite opening.

If there is another occasion, Li Nanfang thinks that he will respond to the past with the most solemn courtesy of noble gentlemen like a high-quality cultural man, and then tells this guy named Jin sider: "Lao Tzu, Li Nanfang, you don't need your respect. Go away and let us go."

Unfortunately, the occasion is not right.

He also really did not have the strength to answer each other, just turned his head to pass a look at the lamb.

"See, this should be the boss of flame organization. Your task is not to kill him, determine the target and look for opportunities."

This is what Li NanFang's eyes mean.

Of course, the little sheep knew it, and he bowed his head to hide his killing intention. He reached to his waist and was ready to draw out the pistol which was specially reserved for the leader of flame organization.

Who knows, they just finished this little action.

Looking up at the past, kingstead retreated to the crowd.

You are special.

This man is sick.

I finally showed up, just to show my respect here, and then leave?

Yes, that's what Kingston thinks.

"Gentlemen, I know you can't surrender.

Either fight or die.

I admire that spirit.

But as an enemy, I have to remind you.

The next five minutes may be the last five minutes of your life.

In five minutes, you'll either kill all my men and break through.

Or my patience will wear away, and I don't care whether you live or die.

It's not a choice for you. It's just a notice.

Everybody ready! "

Jin sider stands in the middle of the crowd, stabilizes the morale of the army as the boss, and gives a reassurance to all the younger brothers.

Said to inform Li Nanfang of them.

In fact, it is to tell the soldiers of flame that as long as they persist for another five minutes, the battle will be over.

Everyone has been holding on for so long. Who cares about the five minutes.

If you survive, you can be reused by the boss.

With this hope, the fearless flame of the people once again have confidence, with the words of "everyone is ready" by kingstead, they enter the fighting state again with high morale.

If the muzzle gun can work at this time, Li Nanfang really wants to drown the king.

A few hundred armed men, who have never consumed any physical strength, can completely crush their four or five men in five minutes.

You don't have to think about it if you're a sharp forward.

Li Nanfang, Gong Jian, Manniu and Xiaoyang stood side by side, and they only wanted to never retreat in the last fighting time.

As long as they don't retreat, death is their victory.

Seeing their bravery and fearlessness of death, Kingston was also itching with hatred.

He has made such a long time of efforts to capture Li Nanfang alive.

But the more things develop, the less hope he has. He really doesn't want to kill people.

As long as we give up the goal of catching alive, it means that all our previous efforts are not only in vain, but also a rather stupid decision.

How can you make him the boss?

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and took several deep breaths. Finally, he decided to put all his eggs in one basket.

"Give me --"

Kim said, "give me a punch." it's one word short.

Is it hard to say it?

It was really difficult, because the howl from Fang at the end of the whole team interrupted him abruptly.

"There are enemies in the back, block them, block them!"

The team of more than 800 people, since kingstead came, extended to the floor again.

How could the leader of flame not be escorted by bodyguards.

When such a group of people came over, they let a group of minions turn into meat out of the fire.

In such a relaxed environment, you can see many people flying down the stairs with blood.

Then, there were eight special forces in white camouflage suits, silent, armed with spikes, constantly watching what intruded.

Before Jin sider could figure out what the situation was, Li Nanfang and others, who were already at the end of the crossbow, roared and charged again just like a chicken.

Their support is here.

The remaining eight members of Longteng team gathered at the main gate of the base and fought all the way.

At this critical moment, it directly disrupted kingstead's plan.

"Stop them, shoot, people coming in from outside, dead or alive. The one in front of you, go ahead and catch those inside alive. "

Kingstead stood in the middle of the crowd, completely flustered.

As like as two peas, he saw that the new ones were the same as those who had not been able to fix up for so long.

Not four, not to mention eight.

Fortunately, there were no dark disaster stars in the eight, so they could shoot them.

However, he didn't wait for his order to be conveyed.

The top leaders of the flame organization who fell behind became the hostages of the other party.

Mice, poisonous snakes and others rushed in, not for killing, not for victory, just for meeting with Li Nanfang.

The people of flame have no scruples. They have hostages in their hands. They have no scruples.

A group of scared mobs are still the opponents of this group of elites.

No matter how much he yelled and directed, it seemed that he could not stop a group of people from passing through them.

Especially after the two bullets were quietly launched and blocked by the bodyguards around him at the cost of their lives, kingstead was too scared to fart, hid in the crowd and tried his best to retreat.

"Report to the captain, the rats are back!"

"Report to team leader, Yutu back!"


In the blink of an eye, all the members of the Longteng group joined up perfectly.

Gong Jian, Li Nanfang, Manniu and Yutu, who have been fighting for a long time, are finally relieved.

Can be relaxed after, but also a deep helpless lingering in the heart.

"Comrades, be prepared to fight to the death. This time, the enemy will no longer ignore casualties. All we can do is fight to the death."

Captain Gong Jian said this with a bitter smile, but when he looked at all the players around him, he was full of excitement and excitement.

There's nothing more glorious than having comrades in arms fighting side by side.

Even if we all die in a collective battle, of course, it's best not to die.

Gong Jianshen took a breath and said in a shaking voice, "in a diamond formation, you can break through without giving the enemy any breathing space."

"Captain, can you go on fighting?"

"Nonsense, how can this injury affect our combat effectiveness. Go, break out as fast as you can

It has to be said that Gong Jian's battlefield command ability is more than ten levels higher than that of Jin sider.

Also a battlefield commander.

Kingston only knows how to save his own life.

Gong Jian is to seize the opportunity of the enemy's chaos, leading the team to charge.

When Jin sider finally came back to the last side of the battlefield and was relieved to save his life, he turned back and found that nearly a thousand armed men trained by the flame organization did not even have a decent fight, so he let the Chinese special forces fight back.

"Waste, a bunch of waste! Stop them, no, kill them, kill them all, leave none

Kingston gave up the dark star completely, just wanted to kill those people.

But as soon as he said this order, there was a cry of panic behind him again: "it's snowy monster, snowy monster is back!"

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