Just a word can make the four big birds of Longteng, who have experienced numerous storms, look pale.

Enough to see, this sentence derived from the content, is how shocking.

Staring at that sentence for a long time, Jing Hongming slowly closed the file, looked up at several people around, and asked: "now, what should we do?"

"Wait, what else can we do?"

Xie Qingshang casually hit ha ha and sat on the chair beside him, looking up at the ceiling.

The sudden arrest of Li Nanfang and the information displayed in the red No.1 document make Lao Xie feel as if he had experienced the ups and downs of his life.

But the more restless you are, the more you have to show a calm attitude.

Only in this way can he become more and more like an expert in the world. Looking at his silly old brothers, he is enjoying himself.

"Don't even look at me. I'm just a villain and a villain. I'm responsible for the implementation of such a big thing when you make a decision. It's better not to be a war leader. Let me assassinate anyone. That's still possible. "

Xie Qingshang said, lit a cigarette, leisurely up.

Qin Laoqi grabs Xie Qingshang's cigarette, holds it in his mouth, and says with a smile: "don't look at me, the black dragon army and the Golden Dragon army are both preparing for the recovery of their homeland. The key is never to return to China and never use them. Ye Xiaodao is a good tool. I can't count him in. "

Don't say anything about these two guys. Hu mietang will not be outdone.

He snatched Qin Yuguan's cigarette, took a deep breath, and said with a smile, "I kill too many people. I need to slow down. Let me scare someone. That's OK."

"Hu Laoer, you have to be shameless!"

Jing Hongming, who had always been steady, was on fire when he saw that these old brothers were all pushing 265.

Especially Hu destroyed Tang Dynasty.

How can such a big killer be used as a frightening toy.

How could he have the face to say that?

"I don't want to be ashamed. Now it's clear that it's not time for the grand finale. What we can do is to prevent those who don't know the truth from making trouble in the valley of fire. It's not good to start killing people. Just scare them and let them retreat. "

As soon as Hu Mie Tang's voice fell, Qin Yuguan clapped and agreed: "Lao Hu is right, we just do something small. Li Nanfang is responsible for all the big things. Let him solve them by himself. Lao Xie, is that the truth? "

"Absolutely. Don't we old guys just use it to relieve the pressure on that smelly boy and wipe his ass. Xiaoming, don't be so nervous. You are the top leader here. You can give us an order. "

The three people spoke in turn in reverse.

This lets Jing Hong Life suffocate almost a mouthful old blood spurts out.

These shameless people are really not in their position and do not seek their own policies.

If they were to sit in the position of chief of the supreme Security Bureau, it would be uncertain who would be more leisurely.

"Well, you said that I would give orders, so don't blame me for being impolite."

A smile appeared on Jing Hongming's face.

Familiar with this cold-blooded person known as Jing Hongming, it is very clear that when he smiles, it generally means that someone is going to have bad luck.

Hu Mie Tang, how can they not know this matter? Looking at Jing Hongming's sneer, Qi Qi's eyebrows jump. It's too late to talk.

"Lao Hu, go and see Yue Zitong. If that woman knows that Li Nanfang has been captured in flame Valley, heaven knows what will happen. You can't let her run to the valley of fire. "

Jing Hong gave the first order.

Hu Lao er's eyes were almost staring off, and he asked difficultly, "can I do something for myself? In fact, it's not difficult for me to kill people."

"No! Don't you mean you want to scare someone? Then go and scare Yue Zitong. "

When Jing Hongming, Xie Qingshang and Qin Yuguan were in the golden triangle, they had direct contact with the master-in-law.

At that time, Yue Zitong was absolutely angry with them, but he had no choice. He hated that woman for a long time.

Only Lao Hu has not yet learned what an arrogant and domineering woman looks like.

As a good brother, how can we not share good things.

Looking at Jing Hongming's face, Hu mietang wanted to beat the other side down with his fingers.

But in the end, he could only sigh helplessly, thinking whether he wanted to go to the house of his wife's family and continue to practice the calligraphy he had given up long ago.

After Hu exterminates Tang, Jing Hongming turns to Qin Yuguan and says, "Lao Qin, you should know Hua yeshen."

"Yes, what's the matter? It should have nothing to do with that girl."

When Lao Qin heard that Jing Hongming raised Hua yeshen, he had a bad feeling.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with Hua yeshen. What scares Lao Qin is someone behind Hua yeshen.

Jinghong old ten should not let him, to attract that person's attention?

As an old brother for many years, you can see what is in your heart.

Qin Laoqi subconsciously wants to help Hua yeshen get rid of the relationship just because he is afraid that Jing Hongming will make him do something headache.

What's terrible, what's coming.

Jing Hong's life wants to entrap people. Even Qin Laoqi can't avoid it.

"Lao Qin, how can you say that Hua yeshen has nothing to do with this.

As we all know, Hua yeshen is the undercover agent sent by the old man to flame valley.

Now, there are so important activities in flame Valley, can she not go back.

If she goes back to flame Valley, it's 90% likely that she will turn over with Yang Xiao and be ready to die with Li Nanfang.

If Hua yeshen dies in front of Li Nanfang.

Do you think that boy will go crazy? Is it possible to solve this problem safely.

It's not conducive to our actions in the future.

So, you have to find a way to prevent the flower night God from returning to the valley of flames. "

When Jing Hongming said this, Qin Yuguan took a breath.

Just for huayeshen, it's easy to do. As long as it doesn't involve that person, it doesn't matter.

Thinking of this, he relaxed and asked casually, "come on, let me stop that girl."

"Go after her."


"Yes, she forced Hua yeshen out of her way and made her unable to return to the valley of flames.

Moreover, in the process of pursuing and killing, you have to mobilize Shen Qingwu.

You may not know.

Shen Qingwu takes Yang Xiao as a man and falls in love with him.

This time Li Nanfang is taken away, it will definitely cause quite a stir. Shen Qingwu will pay attention to it and know a little bit of Yang Xiao's secret.

But I don't want her to see through the truth so quickly.

Shen Qingwu, an uncertain factor, may have an unexpected effect when Li Nanfang is really in danger.

So, Lao Qin, you should not only hunt down Hua yeshen.

Let Shen Qingwu know about it, and put all her attention on protecting Hua yeshen.

Only when these two women have no energy to pay attention to the valley of flames, can things continue to develop according to the original trajectory.

Lao Qin, am I right? "

Jing Hongming's smile became more and more genial.

When he was young, he was also a talented young man. This smile still has the power to charm thousands of girls.

But Qin Yuguan is not a girl.

He is a man, just want to hit the old punch, let that smile disappear completely.

At the end of the day, things are moving in the direction he least wants to see.

What he is afraid of is to get in touch with the woman Shen Qingwu. Jing Hongming asks him to do it, but he still does it on the opposite side.

This is not a pitfall!

Hu mietang, who had a headache in the face of Yue Zitong, was very happy.

The thug patted Qin Yuguan on the shoulder, raised his fingers to Jing Hongming, and said with a loud smile, "Lao Shi, who has been a leader for several years, has no problem with this kind of work arrangement. Lao Qi is a good hand at dealing with women. He can definitely shoulder this heavy task. Ha ha ha -- "

Hu mietang's laughter spread far away.

Qin Laoqi's anger suddenly changed his direction. He wanted to beat the crooked Hu to destroy Tang's mouth, but he just thought about it. He couldn't beat it.


What would happen if the famous Russian blood sucking bats came out when we went to hunt down huayeshen?

I have such a wonderful idea in mind.

Qin Yuguan was happy.

Similarly, he reached out and patted Hu mietang on the shoulder and said, "this is the same for each other.".

These two old guys have different ideas.

Jing Hong's life is too lazy to pay attention to it. She turns her head to Xie Qingshang and says, "Lao Xie, just check the Yin dragon pulse."

"Yin dragon pulse" is like a special magic.

It not only makes Xie Qingshang's face dignified, but also makes Hu Mie Tang and Qin Yuguan, who are fighting with each other, turn around and look at it.

"Lao Shi, are you sure that the Yin dragon pulse has something to do with flame Valley and Li Nanfang?"

Xie Qingshang was silent for a long time and asked this sentence slowly.

Jing Hongming sighed, put his hand on the cover of the No.1 red file, shook his head and said, "I'm not sure. But after reading this sentence, it's hard for me not to associate with Yin dragon. Maybe the key to the perfect solution of the whole thing is the Yin dragon pulse. "

The room, once again into a long silence.

I don't know how long it's been. The four stood up at the same time and looked at each other with a smile.

Hu Mie Tang, Qin Yuguan, Xie Qingshang, Qi Qi put his hand on Jing Hongming's shoulder, said "be careful in everything" and left here.

The three of them went to do what they should do.

However, why should I ask Jing Hongming to say that before leaving.

Because they are very clear that it seems that Jing Hongming has given them an extremely difficult task, but in fact it is to make them completely separate from the direct conflict of the whole incident.

It was Li Nanfang who was led away by Yang Xiao.

The most serious contradiction lies in the valley of flames.

These three people all want to stay away from the valley of flame. Who will take care of the valley of flame, which is closely watched by all parties.

Only Jing Hongming.

Only Jing Hongming has the conditions to mobilize his strength, so that all those who are ready to spy on the dragon's national fortune will fail.

What he wants to do is the most dangerous thing.

Kunlun Mountain, the ancestor of the world's Dragon.

The direction of dragon's movement is not only related to the land of China today.

It extends up to the vast western villa, down to the Australian island in the southern hemisphere, east to the vast Pacific Islands, and west to the European continent.

Countless countries, large and small, are affected by the dragon's luck because they are in the same world.

Outside China, it's not just Jing Hong who keeps a close eye on the flaming valley.

No one knows what kind of things those guys outside China will take this opportunity to do.

In order to make things go smoothly.

Jing Hong is determined to stop those people.

The task is not difficult, but the danger is great.

"I hope everything goes well."

Jing Hong lives to read a sentence secretly and turns to leave.

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