Yin dragon vein.

These three words for the dragon in the air, is a weapon of Lin Kangbai.

He never felt how important that was.

But Longcheng doesn't think so.

With her brain capacity and mind, she throws out the dragon in the sky for several times. Just in the illogical narration of the dragon, she realizes what she should care about most.

Since ancient times, the question of who can be an emperor has long been carefully studied.

One of the most ridiculous is about Yin dragon.

A drop of blood can make a king.

It's ridiculous to think about it.

Whether it's true or not has never been decided.

But many people with high status would rather believe it is true.

Don't you see that those who always like to worship Buddha and burn incense day by day are all dignified people.

Longcheng is the kind of people who believe in it.

What's more, what makes her feel extremely terrible is that she has a very terrible idea as the Dragon slowly narrates the events in the ancient city of Shule.

Can her son longnancheng be an emperor?

If you let Li Nanfang know what Longcheng is thinking at the moment, he will fan the melon seeds without hesitation.

How many times.

There's nothing good about being an emperor. His son should be a scum who is "better than the blue but better than the blue".

What's more, I want to go on the road of emperor through the Yin dragon.

That means Li Nanfang has to die.

He didn't want to die so soon, even though the time of death was very near.

If there is any woman in the world who can keep a high degree of consistency with Li NanFang's thoughts, she must be Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao has gone to college.

No matter how good she got in the national draft, and no matter how terrible things she encountered in the golden triangle, in Chen Dali's view, it is necessary to go to university.

Fortunately, when Chen Xiao encountered these problems, he had already finished the college entrance examination and had already received the admission notice of a university.

If we say that experience has brought Chen Xiao any benefits.

The most obvious thing is that the eldest sister who used to dominate a high school in Qingshan is indomitable and invincible in the University.

In a short period of six months, he dominated the campus and won the favor of countless little boys.

Is this Chen Xiao's special achievement.

If this is not the case, then the younger sister is now able to make decisions for her brother, which can be regarded as extraordinary achievements.

Chen Dali's attitude towards Chen Xiao took a 180 degree turn after his sister went to university.

In the past, Chen Dali, who used to fight and kill, always killed himself and swept the invincible little overlord in the world, now sees his younger sister as if he had seen a cat's mouse.

Even, no matter what happens.

Chen Dali's first thought was to discuss with his lovely sister.

No way. Elder brother is like father.

Like a father, Chen Dali has the most traditional Chinese parents' thoughts.

If you have no education, you are looking forward to your children going to college.

When their children go to college, they begin to feel inferior, and even have a strange idea that they are not worthy to be parents for their children.

Don't think it's bullshit. It's true.

Take a very sensational example.

Two girls as like as two peas came from a village in Qingshan county. Their parents were all farmers and their family conditions were identical.

But Xiao AI's father is a man with ideal and responsibility.

He resolutely gave up the hard but relatively stable life that he had before.

In the strange eyes of people around, holding a computer, with two fingers of Zen Kung Fu, knock down tens of millions of Chinese characters on the keyboard, forming a popular network novel.

Thirteen years have never been cut off. Since then, he has been regarded as the richest man in the village.

Let his daughter Xiao AI, who has just entered senior high school, have no financial burden in life and study. A pair of casual shoes can cost as much as 2000 yuan.

With this pair of shoes, it can also cover the living expenses of the whole family in the previous two months.

And Xiao AI's good classmates, good friends, good friends, small pen students, obviously do not have such a fate.

His parents are still great farmers, but life pressure them, unable to live a more affluent life.

But small pen, but also envious life of Xiao AI.

When they go to a tutorial class together.

Xiao AI paid 5000 yuan for half a month, studied hard every day and went home on time.

Xiaobi pays the same tuition fee, but does some understandable puppy love with the little boy in the guidance class, but she can't forgive calling her parents to urge her to get money.

Xiaobi's parents, who helped people to plug the gap and catch rubbish on the dam, risked their lives and earned 2000 temporary workers.

Under a phone call from Xiaobi, I gave it out completely.

And then what did the money do?

Open a room, is that kind of four or five hundred a night, can feel all kinds of stimulation with little boys in the lovers room.

Xiaobi's parents don't know about this. They just want to try their best to make their children succeed in their studies and enter a good university.

Xiaobi doesn't know what his parents have done. He just squanders his parents' blood and sweat and does something that everyone wants to kill.

Only Xiao AI and his father can see clearly from the perspective of onlookers.

However, I don't know how to manage it.

There is no reason, no qualification to manage.

Can only let small AI and small pen slowly cut off the relationship.

Whenever I walk on the path of my hometown and see Xiaobi's parents' face full of wind and frost, Xiaoai's father is always sad.

And then, thankfully, he went the right way.

He also had a pseudonym he cherished - sunshine in the wind.

Cough, it's too far away.

But the above story really happened around me.

I would like to put forward a suggestion to the readers.

Work hard in the current environment, don't be silly parents in children's eyes in the future.

Chen Dali is undoubtedly one of the silly parents. His head is pinned on his waistband. He can't earn much money, and he has to provide Chen Xiao with a noble school.

But Chen Dali was very lucky to meet Li Nanfang, and his life changed from then on.

Chen Xiao is also a sensible child. He was admitted to a good university that makes Chen Dali very proud.

After that, the relationship between brother and sister Lovers has changed dramatically.

It turned out that the younger sister was under the control of the elder brother.

Now it's my sister who says East, but my brother doesn't dare to go west.

For example, Chen Dali likes to find Chen Xiaoshang to deal with things that can't be solved in the southern group.

People who have gone to college have more brains than he is.

Recently, the Southern Group has indeed been in trouble.

The source of the trouble is still kangweiya, the president of oceanhorse, who should be cut to pieces.

Before that, Li Nanfang brought countless orders of southern black silk to Nanfang group, which was enough to support the development of the company for decades.

But as soon as he left, kangweiya made a comeback and kept putting pressure on Nanfang group, so that it was always unable to complete the order production normally.

Those partners dare not cut off business with the southern group.

However, the development of southern group itself is suppressed, and the reputation of the industry is getting worse and worse, which is definitely not a long-term solution.

After all, Dong Shixiong and Chen Dali are not as bold and powerful as Li Nanfang. It's impossible to hang kangweiya up and beat him up, and it's impossible to find a big man to help.

It doesn't help that a group of people sit together every day with sad faces.

Chen Dali took it for granted that his younger sister, who had been to university, would certainly have a way to solve the problem, so he took Chen Xiao to Nanfang group.

Chen Xiao does have a way.

However, this method is not learned in the University.

It's the innate nature of women's shoes.

At that stop, Chen Xiao clapped the table and roared: "find someone to cut that bitch!"

As soon as his voice fell, he was immediately slapped on the back of his head by Chen Dali's bus.

Chen Xiao is honest, and hastens to say something more moderate.

Find vice president min.

Yes, they can't talk about other big people, but there is one person they can see.

That's min rou.

At present, only min Rou can help them if boss Li doesn't return.

As a result, this is the scene of Min Rou sitting in the meeting room of Nanfang group, staring at Dong Shixiong and Chen Dali.

"I can call president Yue and talk about it."

Min Rou's voice is very soft.

What she said seems to be a solution to the problem.

But Dong Shixiong and others obviously don't have much confidence in the feasibility of this solution.

They all know.

Mr. Yue is no longer the beautiful president of kaihuang group, but a big family owner who can't reach other people's feet when they step on a 100 meter high elevator.

The real meaning of the identity of the owner of a family is that Mr. Yue manages everything every day and has no time to deal with the lives of these small employees.

"Why don't I call president Yue and ask when Li Nanfang will be back?"

Min Rou's words immediately got everyone's strong nod in response.

It's unrealistic to ask Mr. Yue to help them solve their problems.

But please let Mr. Yue tell boss Li about the current situation of Nanfang group and let the boss come back in person. This is what we all hope to see.

Min Rou had to sigh and walk to the window with her mobile phone.

Chen Dali and others miss boss Li so much that Min Rou is not.

She wanted to see Li Nanfang come back more than anyone, but she didn't know where Li Nanfang had gone.

In the past three months, she has called Li Nanfang countless times.

Turn it off, turn it off, or turn it off.

Li Nanfang, who served in Longteng, couldn't carry a mobile phone all day.

Miss feeling more and more thick, min Rou is not to ask Yue Zitong, Li Nanfang where.

But she's not qualified to ask.

Just as she did not dare to compete with Mr. Yue at the beginning and deliberately left Castle Peak. Since having a real marriage with Li Nanfang, in addition to her full of happiness, she felt more sorry for General Yue.

She didn't want to make a scene like a grumpy woman, calling a real lady and asking for a man.

Even yesterday, when she saw Li Nanfang suddenly appear on a global live network video, min Rou was worried to death and did not dare to call to ask.

She can't do anything.

Li Nanfang is in danger. She can only stare at him.

Only a big man like President Yue can be able to rescue Li Nanfang.

Min Rou doesn't want to be upset because of her phone call.

But now it's better.

It's settled.

General manager Yue must be with Li Nanfang. It's about Nanfang group. It's right to call now

With these in mind, min Rou turns on her mobile phone.

But without waiting for her to find out Mr. Yue's phone, the whole office building of Nanfang group was completely black.

power failure?

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