Shen Qingwu's mood can be described as ups and downs. At this moment, there is only excitement that can't be suppressed.

She spent a whole day dressing herself up and fooling Li Nanfang, the scum, into Xiliang village in order to meet Yang Xiao.

Just ten minutes ago, this wish became a little dim.

Li Nanfang suddenly fell into the cave of a tomb, and then countless corpses climbed up and forced her to retreat for a long time.

According to normal people's thinking, she can only feel that Li NanFang's misfortune is more than good.

So many corpses can kill a whole village.

As for Li NanFang's skin and flesh, let's divide it. Maybe it's not enough for those little insects to plug their teeth.

Miss Shen really doesn't care about scum.

She was annoyed that the scum's role had not been fully played, how could she die so easily.

At least, it should be to bring out Yang Xiao, whom she wants to see most, and then die.

Without Li Nanfang, the clue to find Yang Xiao is broken, which makes her feel at a loss and stand in the same place for a long time.

Just because she was stunned, the sound of the ground around her broke out again.

Take a close look.

The insects that forced her out of the grave, like the ebb tide, all shrank back and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Shen Qingwu immediately has the feeling of a kind of dark willow and bright flowers. He runs back quickly and stands beside the grave where Li Nanfang fell down again.

Yelled a few times, no response.

On the contrary, the ghostly fire floating back and forth, the wind blowing, echo melodious, scared her no longer dare to make a sound.

Think of the ghost story that Li Nanfang told before he disappeared.

No matter how arrogant Shen Qingwu was, he couldn't resist his inner fear.

Just when she hesitated to leave the right and wrong place while there was nothing.

In the distance, there was a faint flashlight from far to near.

I don't know what Shen Qingwu thought. For the first time, he dashed into the back of a big tree in the nearby mountain forest and hid.

After hiding for a short time, I saw a group of people coming.

And the first one is not the one Miss Shen wants to see. Who else can it be?

In an instant, Shen Qingwu was completely convinced by his intelligence.

I have known for a long time that if I catch Li Nanfang, I can meet Yang Xiao.

As soon as Li Nanfang is in danger, Yang Xiao will appear.

It's an irrefutable truth.

Thanks silently in the heart for a while, Li Nanfang, who had already lost his life, immediately left the scum behind.

Anyway, if Li Nanfang can survive, nothing will happen.

If he is sure to die, he will save a graveyard for the country.

Whatever you like.

No matter what, it can't compare with her. Miss Shen dressed up in front of her beloved.

With this in mind, Shen Qingwu lowered her head and began to take off the disguise on her face.

It's confirmed that Yang Xiao is here. She doesn't have to pretend to be another face.

Take off makeup and make up.

When all the preparatory work was finished and she stepped out step by step, it happened that old man Wang and elder elder Wang exclaimed at a solitary grave with one voice.

Yang Xiao naturally is also the first time, aware of the movement here.

In full view of the public, Shen Qingwu comes out wearing a long red coat.

I didn't wait to speak.

A roar broke the silence of the night.


Mr. Wang's eldest son has been in a state of high tension ever since he entered the ancestral tomb.

At this time, I suddenly saw a woman in red come out from the dark shadow under the tree. Without seeing her appearance, she was scared out of her wits. Of course, she threw down her things, howled and ran away.

Embarrassment, incomparable embarrassment.

Shen Qingwu never thought that a chance encounter she had prepared for Yang Xiao had been completely destroyed by a passer-by before it started.

More importantly, she was taken as a ghost.

In the heart a evil fire comes out, she wants to catch up at that time, the guy that howls disorderly dismembers.

Wang Laohan's eldest son has escaped the punishment of heaven, and may be persecuted by human beings. It's absolutely unfortunate.

Fortunately, Yang Xiao saved the boy's life again at this critical moment.

Almost when Shen Qingwu came out of the tree, Yang Xiao was shaking and came near.

At a glance, he recognized Shen Qingwu's appearance. Rao was the emperor of Xuanyuan who was not happy and angry. He couldn't help but be stunned: "how can you be here?"

It is this question that makes Shen Qingwu recover from his anger.

In the twinkling of an eye, he forgot the guy who just took her as a ghost. Shen Qingwu's attention was all on Yang Xiao. His eyes were smart, but his voice was quite disdainful.

"Why can't I be here?"

In a word, Shen Qingwu's arrogant attitude is obvious.

No way, even in the face of the people she loves, still can't get rid of the arrogance in her heart.

Unfortunately, Miss Shen has a high attitude, and Yang Xiao, the Xuanyuan king, has a higher spirit.

For those who don't answer his questions in a positive way, Yang Xiao has always dealt with them in two ways.

Either kill it directly or save it for later.

Shen Qingwu is honored to be the second kind of person.

Then Yang Xiao did not hesitate to turn around and go, leaving Shen Qingwu a lonely and proud figure.

When Yang Xiao returned to the elder, he returned to the topic and asked, "big, cough, what do you mean by white tiger carrying corpse?"

I just said that.

Before Shen Qingwu appeared, the elder and old man Wang exclaimed at the solitary grave.

What old man Wang said is easy to understand.

On the contrary, the four words of "white tiger carrying corpse" mentioned by the elder hook up Yang Xiao's curiosity.

What is white tiger carrying corpse?

This word is also a potential name in Feng Shui.

There are two phoenixes in Jidi, Chaoyang and Qianlong in heaven.

Accordingly, there are ominous places of geomantic omen.

As the saying goes, all things grow and conquer each other.

Xiliang mountain is surrounded by the most auspicious place "Qianlong in the sky", guarded by the four true gods, and the eastern Qinglong cave eye is the place where all the fortunes gather.

And the white tiger position in the West also has a very poor Feng Shui situation.

The ancestral tombs in Xiliang village occupy the "West White Tiger's forehead". From the forehead down, from west to East, it will reach the mouth of the true God of the white tiger.

White tiger position, also known as breaking the army, has its own powerful evil spirit.

The evil spirit converges between the mouths.

If a corpse is buried in this position, the scene of "white tiger carrying corpse" will be formed.

The evil spirit is concentrated in one place.

Corresponding to the fate of the eastern acupoint eye, the western white tiger with corpse can condense the evil spirit.

If coupled with it, the man buried there is a ghost of injustice.

That would be great.

It's very likely that the body is not rotten, the body is not rotten, the body is still alive, and it will harm the world.

"King, it's better to dig out the corpse in the grave immediately. Otherwise, when all the evil spirits are gathered together, there will be a bloodbath and life will be ruined."

After explaining the meaning of the white tiger carrying the corpse, the elder still couldn't help but put forward such a request to Yang Xiao with a tone of concern for the country and the people.

Yes or no?

It's all in Yang Xiao's mind.

In fact, he didn't want to agree at all.

There was a ghost fetus in front of him, and then there was a ghostly corpse, which Yang Xiao had never heard of or seen.

There are so many people around here that they have nothing to do with her Xuanyuan king.

In order to save the lives of a group of unrelated people, how can the king not see the legendary things.

"Old man, do you mean there are still zombies under that grave?"

A voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Yang Xiao and elder Qi Qi look back, the speaker is not Shen Qingwu, who can it be.

Just now, Yang Xiao does not give face to turn around and go, let Shen Qingwu depressed almost vomit blood on the spot.

However, what deeply attracted Miss Shen was Yang Xiao's arrogant personality. If she didn't have such an attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away, she would have disdained to come here thousands of miles away.

So Shen Qingwu didn't feel anything wrong.

But like a brown candy, he took the initiative to stick up, listening to the dialogue between the elder and Yang Xiao.

Feng Shui's fortune and evil spirit can be vaguely understood.

Among them, Shen Qingwu is most interested in the four words of "deceiving the corpse to revive the soul".

As the leader of the beggars' sect, she has been wandering at the bottom of the society for many years. She is full of curiosity about these things that can be called folk supernatural events, so she can't help interrupting.

The words are aimed at the elder.

Shen Qingwu just stares at the elder and looks at Yang Xiao like nothing.

It's hard to say exactly what kind of mentality this woman is.

However, the elder must be very confused at the moment.

From Shen Qingwu's appearance under a big tree not far away to Yang Xiao's passing by, he said a word and came back again. The elder saw all this.

What surprised him most was the woman's attitude towards the king.

A mouth is rude, but the king did not mean to blame.

It's a miracle.

With this surprise, the elder naturally focuses his eyes on Shen Qingwu's face.

The hair is seven feet long, dark as paint, and still shining in the waning moon and night.

Fengmu bright eyes, full of expression, elegant and elegant heaven, dignified and beautiful appearance.

The nose is straight and broad.

Especially the lips, plump and enchanting, no matter who saw it, they were all moved.

It's a pity that at the lower right corner of the mouth, there are a little more black spots the size of small grains of rice.

This is "eat mole", meaning to eat a hundred meals, no fixed place to live.

"Born rich, born beggars."

Turning this sentence in his mind, the elder's surprise increased a bit.

I never thought that there are people who face to the fate in the world. They are totally different from each other. How can they appear on one person at the same time?

The elder's heart was moved, so he quickly clasped his hands and saluted Shen Qingwu: "madam, I don't know you --"

"Who do you call Madame?"

Before the elder had finished speaking, Shen Qingwu gave him an angry rebuke and interrupted him.

How to address a strange woman?

It's a puzzle for many people.

The elder's eyes are poisonous. He can see that Shen Qingwu is over thirty years old. He says, "madam, there's nothing wrong with it.".

But how could he have thought that Miss Shen Da is now a single dog.

When he heard the angry rebuke, the elder realized that the address was wrong and wanted to change his words.

Another wail broke out from the crowd.

"Ah, it's moving, it's moving!"

The old man howled and climbed over, holding the elder's leg.

When they turned to look at it, they found that the earth on the solitary grave was falling. It seemed that something was coming out of the ground.

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