When many people are young, they will have a different fantasy.

For example, after watching cartoons, I began to fantasize about becoming Superman, Popeye and so on. All day long, I yelled, "I want to transform.".

Later, after watching martial arts TV, I began to fantasize about the life of one sword and one sword.

Fantasy, are born.

But those unrealistic ideas will gradually disappear with the increase of age and the oppression of all kinds of life.

Everyone began to be mediocre and gradually disappeared in this world.

However, this can not change the fact that many people are born different from others.

For example, Li Nanfang.

One millionth of premature senility falls on Li Nanfang.

Ever since he was a child, Li Nanfang has been vaguely aware that he may not live to be 14 years old.

Although at that time he was not very clear about the concept of age, he always thought that fourteen years old was his fourteenth birthday.

A number that you can't count with your fingers should be for a long time.

Then, he can realize his lifelong wish.

Compared with erlengzi and others, he wants to be the first.

For this reason, he made quite a lot of efforts, such as holding urine all day, in order to call erlengzi to compete with them when he really can't hold it.

As a result, every time, he broke the dike completely and wet his two trouser legs before he got together.

Then, he would stand next to his teacher's mother barefooted, listening to the teacher's mother's tearful rebuke, and seeing how his trousers were washed.

That kind of life is relatively carefree.

But with the growth of age, when Li Nanfang really understood that 14 years old was not his birthday 14 years later, but soon after.

He can't calm down any more.

Sometimes he would think about why erlengzi, Shuan and the stone grew taller and taller, while he always kept a thin and short appearance.

Erlengzi told him.

Everyone looks like their own father.

You and the old man look very much alike, indicating that the old man is your own father.

Li Nanfang believed it at that time.

But now I want to believe erlengzi's nonsense, I might as well find a piece of tofu and bump it to death.

The old man is just lewd.

Li Nanfang is never obscene.

He didn't understand why we all went to peep at the beautiful widow in the village.

Erlengzi and others were chased out of the mountain road for more than ten miles, almost breaking their legs.

And he is in pretty widow gentle eyes, peace of mind to go home to sleep.

In short, he gradually understood that he was different from others.

Finally one day, when he summoned up his courage and asked his mother why he was different from others.

His mother-in-law and the old man took him to his mother-in-law's house.

Then, just because of a little girl like bean sprouts, he was almost killed by the old man and his mother was injured.

It was like a turning point in his life.

Not long after he left his wife's house, he was thrown to Europe by the old man.

It was also from then on that his own conditions, such as ugly appearance, short stature and extremely poor physique, made him suffer from the coldness of others.

A sense of inferiority, like the spring weeds, began to breed and spread from the bottom of his heart.

Not only that, he was bullied by countless people, all day in a dark corner, difficult to survive.

Kongyou's gratitude and hurt taught him Kung Fu, but he was limited by his thin and dry body and couldn't play it at all.

No one taught him how to get along with others and how to survive.

For a long time, Li Nanfang was very confused.

Until one day, he met two people.

He couldn't remember what those two guys looked like, let alone their names.

He just happened to be in the way of the two men.

In other words, in the corner of the top of the dangerous building where he sleeps, the pile of waste cartons and his thin body hinder what they have to do.

So the two guys held out daggers to him.

As a result, they died and Li Nanfang woke up after a long coma.

There are two stinky corpses around, and the cash left on them also makes Li Nanfang have a good meal.

On that day, two C-class killers were accidentally killed on the international of killer platform.

Some people in the place of their death, see a shadow like a ghost, jump down, and then disappear.

The code name "Black Ghost" began to appear in people's vision.

Li Nanfang finally walked out of his own way of survival.

Of course, it will take some time for the black ghost to grow up.

At first, he didn't know he would kill people.

He just felt that he should try to live like a normal person.

Even in Europe, you have to be a decent garbage collector.

But after that day, his body changed differently, and he always had some incomprehensible dreams at night, which was beyond his expectation.

The process of inverse growth is quite rapid.

He developed from an old man in his eighties to a young man in his twenties.

In six years, he has completed the reverse growth of more than 60 years of life.

It's a pretty scary thing.

Every night, he would have some strange dreams, and every day he would wake up to find his own difference.

Inadvertently, a fist hit on the wall, can in the thick brick wall, leaving a deep fist seal.

A waste picker of the same age is just carrying a pile of waste plastic bottles around, but he can easily pick up dozens of kilograms of scrap iron.

There's a lot he can do.

This special ability excited him.

But in fact, he is a monster in everyone's eyes.

A monster without friends.

When someone ridicules him mercilessly, even when he bullies him in order to fight for an abandoned can, he does not dare to fight back.

Because once the idea of counterattack grows in his heart, he can see the bloody scene that all the people around him are torn apart and their skulls are smashed by him.

His ability is growing.

But his character is more and more cowardly.

A 14-year-old has not yet formed a complete world outlook.

In Europe's vicious capitalist society, living at the bottom of the society, they suffer from the double pressure of their own growth and external humiliation.

It's a miracle that Li Nanfang didn't become a crazy killer in the end.

Perhaps, it was that experience that made him more superior than ordinary people in self-control, always able to control the devil in his body.

But no matter how restrained he was, he couldn't contain a feeling.


Yes, it was the loneliness that drove him crazy.

He was eager to have a friend by his side.

Talk with him, tell his friends about the special changes of his body, and relieve his inner pressure.

At the same time, he also began to think about whether there are people like him in the world who also have special abilities or special physical experiences.

Maybe, I can't find normal people to be friends.

It's good to find the same kind.

He walked on the vast land of Europe relying on his two feet.

The process of searching for the same kind is doomed to be long.

He was afraid that he would always be alone and lose his language ability, so he would always stop in his spare time, facing the trees by the side of the road, the straw in the field and the gravel at the foot of the mountain.

Tell what he wants to say when he finds the same kind.

Until one day, he has said his own experience hundreds of times to different things.

Finally, I gave up.

No one is willing to say what is special about himself, and so is he himself.

In ordinary times, Li Nanfang tries to hide the fact that there is a black dragon in his body, let alone other people.

Even if they really meet the same kind, they will only pass each other in a normal manner, instead of laughing and chatting about their own special skills.

But the night he gave up.

When he had no illusions about the same kind, a miracle happened.

It was a vast night, a flower field at the foot of the Alps.

Li Nanfang was lying between heaven and earth, looking at the endless starry sky. Suddenly, he saw a man flying through the sky.

He was quite sure that it was a man.

No wings, only hands and feet, leaning forward, arms holding something, in the low altitude less than 100 meters from the ground, slowly drifting.

The man didn't fly fast.

Otherwise, Li Nanfang would not have rubbed his eyes several times and could see clearly.

I don't know what kind of mood and thought he was at that time. He just jumped up from the ground and yelled at the people flying in the sky, waving his hands and catching up as fast as he could.

Maybe God couldn't see Li Nanfang so lonely, so he let the man in the sky stop.

Turn around, look back and slowly land on the ground.

Li Nanfang finally saw clearly that he was a young man of the same age.

Just a hundred meters away.

Li Nanfang slowly stopped running and looked at the boy from a distance.

"Who are you?"

He asked out loud.

The boy answered.

But Li Nanfang could not understand what he was saying.

It doesn't matter. There are many ways to overcome the language barriers. When he was left in Europe by the old man, he knew what people here said was different from what he learned when he was a child at 800.

He can't understand each other, but that person can understand what he is saying.

Li Nanfang, who is full of searching for his peers and friends, has not yet taken the slightest precautions. In his teens, he did something that makes him want to do now.

He stood at the foot of the barren Alps, shouting at the guy who came from the sky and telling all about him.

It is he who has come all the way.

Every time I have leisure, I will face the plants, mountains and rocks and talk to myself about what I have said.

Li Nanfang is telling.

A hundred meters away, the boy is listening.

After all the stories were told, Li Nanfang yelled in a hopeful tone: "my name is Li Nanfang. Are you the same as me? What's your name? Can you make friends with me?"

A series of questions came out.

One hundred meters away, the man was silent for a long time before he finally spoke again.

Li Nanfang couldn't understand what he said.

But I think it's a statement of my own experience.

With the narration of that special language, the man approached Li Nanfang.

When they finally stand face to face, Li Nanfang can see the sincere smile on his face, and the gesture that he reaches for the box in his arms and prepares to take out some mysterious gifts.

"What's your name?"

Li Nanfang asked softly.

Although I can't understand what the other person says, it's OK to remember the name of the person by pronunciation.

The man's mouth moved.

A familiar voice rang in Li NanFang's ear: "uncle, wake up, I'm Chen Xiao, you don't know me?"

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