What is Li Nanfang doing now?

Of course, with excitement, I watched his third heirloom scroll.

If the elder sees him doing nothing, he will be angry.

Can't you prioritize?

The most important thing he should do now is to slowly absorb the stored aura of heaven and earth and dissolve the evil spirit of the black dragon according to the Taiji book specially left by the elder.

Only when the anger dissipates, black dragon and Li Nanfang will become one.

Yang Guang's thinking disappeared, and he had no chance to occupy Li NanFang's body.

At that time, through the way of harmonizing Yin and Yang, let the black dragon without anger rush into Yang Xiao's body, change Xuanyuan King's cursed constitution.

What a perfect process.

It's better to finish it on the third day of March this year.

In that case, you don't have to worry about the evil guys who will harm the king.

Unfortunately, it's still what the elder said.

He can calculate many things accurately, but he can't calculate people's mind.

The most difficult thing to figure out is Li NanFang's inner thoughts.

He didn't think about it at all. Taking advantage of Yang Guang's weak body, he quickly tried to clean up the other side. Instead, he wasted his energy for all kinds of irrelevant things.

I ran into Chen Dashao, a member of the Chen family in Lingnan, and learned that flame valley was choosing another place.

He is bursting with a sense of justice, but he calls Hua yeshen and asks for his sins.

If you don't ask for a result, you don't want to think so much.

Then I remember what gulina said before. Su yaqi'er once sent an antique scroll to Mingzhu Academy of fine arts, so I asked for the location of the campus Museum and came to enjoy his heirloom.

This thing can't be lost. What are you doing with it?

Does he really want to break the anti-theft equipment of the scroll, put it in his arms and take his baby to wander around the world?

Of course not.

Li Nanfang just came to have a look.

After confirming that this picture was completely different from the two he had seen before, he left contentedly.

I have known for a long time that when Jing Hongming made arrangements for birdmen, it would never be just for one thing.

At the beginning, he came to Mingzhu. The task he received was to protect gulina.

Now it seems that the protection of gulina is secondary.

Let him see the new scroll here, take it back and send it to them. That's the main thing.

A picture of a lady is divided into many parts with subtle differences.

As Jing Hongming, it's not difficult to find out that Mingzhu Academy of fine arts also has a copy here.

Unfortunately, this scroll is equipped with anti-theft device, and no one can bring it out except Li Nanfang.

Well, who else can I send if I don't send him here.

But Li Nanfang just didn't want those birds to do what they wanted.

Laozi's heirloom.

From beginning to end, Li Nanfang found all these things, but they fell into the hands of Jing Hongming and others. They had nothing to do with him.

No matter who meets this kind of situation, there will be no rebellious psychology.

Li Nanfang confirmed the authenticity of the painting, then put his hands in his pockets, whistled and turned to leave.

He also wants to learn from Aunt Yue.

Let Jing Hongming and others want to get something from him, first give some benefits.

As for the benefits, Li Nanfang has not yet figured out.

I'm not in a hurry anyway.

He has plenty of time to think about it.

There is also plenty of time to enjoy the rare college life.

Li Nanfang came to Mingzhu this time. The question he had been pressing in his heart was why Jing Hongming sent him here.

When this question is answered, there is no pressure.

As for other things.

For example, is there a traitor in flaming Valley?

He had no idea.

For another example, what kind of contest is going on among various forces in the fight for Yin dragon pulse?

He doesn't care at all.

Early thought, take this trip to the Pearl, as a holiday.

Then you should have a vacation mentality.

The most wonderful thing is that someone offers him a chance to go on holiday.

When he went to a classroom in the school, ready to guard gulina all the time, monitoring and protecting the target.

Just saw gulina and a group of students get together, a pair of ready to travel in groups.

Seeing Li Nanfang from a distance, gulina got excited.

She was born with Fairy Spirit, always let the students around him.

In every group activity, she is the focus, but she has no friends around.

Li Nanfang, who has been in College for four years, has made her feel like she has found a friend.

So, as soon as she saw this guy, she couldn't help waving and shouting, "Li Nanfang, here!"

The call of beautiful women can always attract the attention of the crowd around.

As soon as gulina's voice fell, the originally slightly noisy group of students immediately quieted down, and everyone, men and women, followed the eyes of Gu Xuehua.

Gulina is used to the situation.

But Li Nanfang still can't stand being seen as a wonderful flower.

He just comes here to do what he wants.

Quietly hide in the ancient beauty's side, waiting for ye Xiaodao and Spurs to come back at night, replace him, it's OK.

How did you get so much attention as soon as you came out.

Oh, I can't help it.

It's all my fault.

Always able to attract enough attention, enjoy this kind of king like courtesy.

Li Nanfang is absolutely full of helplessness, hands pocket, head high, toward the direction of gulina.

I thought that this must be the most shocking way to appear.

But when I came near, I heard a lot of discordant voices.

"Ah, is this gulina's legendary boyfriend? I'm pretty good looking. Why don't I have any temperament? "

"Yes, I also heard that Gu Xiaohua has a boyfriend. I want to see her. I thought it was a handsome guy from which college. I didn't expect it was such a sloppy uncle. "

"It's not fair. This boy is rustic and far worse than me. How can he be worthy of the ancient school flower."

Chirping whispers came from the group of students.

Li Nanfang, who has a strong ear power, never loses a word. He has heard everything.

Since he has realized the perfect reverse growth, he has been the existence of attention everywhere. What he has gained is all kinds of sincere praise.

As a result, when I came to a school, I was slandered by these children who were still in college.

Where is my temperament?

All over the king temperament, scared your dog eyes, can't see it?

Those boys are jealous that Laozi is favored by jokes, even if they slander me against their will.

What's the matter with those chattering girls who can't say a good word about Laozi?

Li Nanfang was a little angry. He wanted to hold the little girls' hair and ask them.

What kind of Prince Charming is in your mind? Hurry up and compare with boss Li to see which is better.

Fortunately, gulina stepped forward in time and blocked Li NanFang's sight.

Only in this way can the disaster of the student party be avoided.

"Li Nanfang, why are you here?"

Gulina was laughing, winking at Li Nanfang, and asked in a low voice, "don't tell me, you are a fake graduate student, and you are also here. Do you want to tell me your true identity? "

It has to be said that a beautiful woman who is full of immortality suddenly and indirectly acts as a coquettish and cute girl, which makes people have a great liking involuntarily.

Li NanFang's resentment aroused by the student party dissipated and said with a smile, "what identity can I have? I'm just an ordinary student. No, I'm really a student of Professor Su. "

"Well, I believe you."

Gulina rolled her eyes. In a good mood, she asked tentatively, "I see you are idle. There is nothing wrong. Do you want to go out for a outing with us senior students. Senior Students -- "

Finally, gulina said it in a long voice.

Li Nanfang was called that for the first time in his life. He nodded his head without any hesitation and said, "yes, I'll follow you wherever you go."

Of course he can.

He came here just to follow the old school flower.

No matter where gulina goes, he must follow her all the way.

However, gulina didn't know the reason. She just felt that her little invitation had been agreed and cheered excitedly: "OK, let's go together. You wait and I'll borrow a Sketchpad for you."

With these words, Gu Meimei, like a little girl who received candy, hopped to borrow some drawing board.

Li Nanfang is the only one left to accept the comments of a group of student party here.

It's a coincidence.

This morning, there was a drawing skill elective course for senior students.

The teacher suddenly thought that it was fine outside, so he proposed to take everyone out for an outing.

To be able to play outside and study in class at the same time is absolutely something that all students can't get.

So they gathered together to collect the tools for sketching, waiting for the teacher to contact the school bus.

Gulina doesn't like this kind of group activities very much.

Because in every collective activity, she received great attention like a person who was excluded, and few people really dared to show concern for her.

Play outing, others are distracted.

For her, it's boring walking, and she doesn't even have a friend to talk to.

However, she was reluctant to give up the credits of this elective course.

After all, scholarships are linked to credits. If you don't get enough credits, you won't get the corresponding amount of scholarships.

Then the breakfast that she invited Li Nanfang to eat this morning was really nothing.


When she was full of entanglement, Li Nanfang came down from the sky and agreed to take this sketching class with her.

All the sadness disappeared, even after I got on the school bus, I couldn't restrain the happy smile on my face.

Li Nanfang is also very lucky.

Fortunately, he didn't stay in the campus Museum for a long time. He gave up the idea of taking away the scroll and came here to find gulina.

If she was two or three minutes late, gulina would get on the school bus and leave.

Where else is he going to watch and protect this important target?

Don't think, these days, gulina in school, no accident, that is absolutely safe.

That's the same thing.

Jing Hongming gave Li Nanfang a task, which would never be given casually.

Told him to protect gulina.

That means the girl could be in danger.

It's nice to talk about it at school.

But out of school, no one is sure what kind of emergency will happen.

It's like this moment.

All the students on the school bus are chatting excitedly.

Only Li Nanfang heard the report from the school bus radio: "last night, two armed bandits robbed Mingzhu commercial bank and absconded with money."

(I'm stuck. I'm thinking about a new plot. I'm thinking about a big event. I'm sorry.)

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