When Li Nanfang first saw the picture of a lady, he was attracted by the pattern on the censer.

Fall into a state of dizziness and blank consciousness.

At the time, he just felt sick.

With a shake of the hand, the scroll fell to the ground, and all the feelings disappeared.

So, from then on, when he saw the same picture again, he subconsciously avoided the pattern on the censer and did not pay too much attention.

I thought that this was the problem of the picture itself, and anyone who saw it would have the same strange feeling.

But he didn't know.

Jing Hongming and others saw the same scroll, even if they took a magnifying glass to see all the details, they didn't see the same situation as him.

This is enough to prove that the eccentricity of the lady figure will only have an impact on Li Nanfang.

What is the result of the impact?

This is what Li Nanfang is going through at the moment.

Just focus on thinking about the direction of those patterns, once again attracted the mind, the memory of things in the mind has undergone earth shaking changes.

Countless small black snakes gathered together, twisted and deformed, like a coiled python.

It's like a deep vortex.

The whirlpool twists and turns, producing a huge attraction, as if to extract his soul from his body.

Hallucinations are something everyone has.

Since it's "illusion", it's proved to be false. Just need some external stimulation and wake up.

But Li Nanfang may not be able to wait for others to pull him back from the illusion.

The black dragon, which has been lurking in his body and indifferent to the outside world all these days, is like a traveler seeing water in the desert at this moment.

When he took off, he ignored Li NanFang's aura. He made a full effort and rushed up.

From the sea of Qi in Dantian to the sea of knowledge in brain, it is nothing more than half a person's height.

Tengfei, the black dragon, can easily cross a distance of tens of thousands of miles in the illusion. It's not difficult to change his position in Li NanFang's body.

It just needs to rush into the sea of knowledge.

He pushed Li NanFang's soul thinking out of the sea of knowledge.

Let the illusion whirlpool appear out of thin air, completely suck away Li NanFang's human side.

As a result, no one can stop the black dragon from occupying the body and making waves.

Is this bad luck?

To kill Li Nanfang, he didn't believe it. He just accompanied Gu Lina here to have a class of collecting wind and painting from life. He wanted to paint on a whim, which could make him meet the great difficulty of life and death.

Of course, he doesn't have the energy to think about the reason at all.

All he knew was that he was going to die.

The feeling that you're really going to die.

The center of the vortex composed of countless pattern snakes seems to link to another world, where there is a paper human body without eyes.

In the dark, a voice told him that it was his destination, urging him to go quickly.

He didn't want to go.

He is very clear that there is no chance of survival without the finishing touch of paper man.

Let alone give him six souls, even if it is 60 or 600, how can a paper man be captivating if he has no eyes?

He pulled back with all his strength.

He wants to live.

He didn't want to die so unknowingly.

But there was no strength all over.

We can only watch the whirlpool turn faster and faster, the attraction of the center of the whirlpool is getting bigger and bigger, and the paper man of another world is getting closer and closer.

Perhaps, the next second, his consciousness will be completely blocked at the other end of the vortex.

All of a sudden, a Jiao drink exploded in my ear.

Someone pushed him hard behind him.

He carried it all over and ran into the center of the vortex.

Soon will fall into the endless abyss, never reincarnation, the vortex disappeared, countless snakes disappeared.

He just bumped his head on the drawing board, turned over and lay on his back, gasping, feeling the taste of being alive.

"Li Nanfang, are you ok?"

Gulina's anxious face appeared in front of her and asked nervously.

The black dragon in his body, roaring and sinking slowly, came back to his Dantian Qihai and curled up.

Li Nanfang knew that he survived.

At that critical moment, gulina reached out to push him and pulled him back from the illusion.

He wanted to say thank you.

It's a pity that I don't have any strength, and I can't even make a sound.

Around a group of students, only feel inexplicable.

We just looked at the guy who was painting. He stood there with a brush in his hand. He didn't take action for a long time.

When everyone was impatient and wanted to urge him to finish the painting, Gu Meimei suddenly reached out and pushed him.

The strong looking man was overthrown, and the drawing board was also smashed. The brush cut a long hole on the picture scroll.

A piece of art, just destroyed.

"What? It's boring."

In the crowd of the student party, there are several girls who have been envious of gulina for a long time and express their dissatisfaction in a loud voice.

I don't know if I'm blaming Gu Lina or if I'm jealous that Gu Xiaohua can find a talented boyfriend like Li Nanfang.

Anyway, ordinary people can't understand what just happened.

Gulina didn't care about the strange eyes of the people around her. She just squatted down, gently took Li NanFang's arm and pulled him up.

They stumbled away from the crowd, went to the hillside not far away, and sat down.

Li Nanfang, who finally regained some strength, turned to look at gulina and wanted to say thank you.

Gulina was the first to open her mouth and asked in an urgent voice, "Li Nanfang, did you just go crazy?"


"Yes, I've seen you like that. No, it's not like you. I've seen it before, and someone tried to draw it. He almost died and was rescued by my master. "

Gulina said, looking at the distant drawing board lying flat on the ground.

An unfinished painting evokes her long memory.

When she was still a teenager, she traveled around with her master and once went to a place like a fairyland on earth.

There are dense mountains and forests.

The valley is full of wonderful flowers, beautiful insects, butterflies, birds and cranes are dancing, and lovely animals and fish are playing around her.

In the middle of the valley, there is a simple wooden house.

There lived a handsome old man in the wooden house.

The old man always looks at her master with a kind of warmth.

It's a pity that master seems to be used to giving people a look, and always sneers at the old man.

Gulina, who was already sensible at that time, completely fell in love with the fairyland in the world. She was really afraid that master would annoy the old man and drive them out.

Fortunately, the old man's attitude towards master has always been courteous and courteous.

Gulina couldn't remember how long they had lived there.

I only remember that it was the happiest time of her childhood. I also vaguely remember that there were some unfinished paintings piled on the walls and tabletops of the small wooden house.

One day, tired of playing, she went back to the cabin.

I saw the master sitting by the window, while the old man was painting according to the master.

She knelt quietly beside the table and watched the beautiful picture slowly take shape under the old man's hands.

Gulina can't remember what's on that picture.

I only know that at a certain moment, the old man suddenly froze in the same place. For a long time, he did not continue to write. Two blood flows slowly from the old man's eyes.

Young gulina screamed with fright.

Only when her master realized that something had happened, she jumped out of the window and kicked the old man away.

After landing, the master picked up the rice paper on the table and just looked at it. With great anger, he tore the paper to pieces and yelled at his wife: "you still can't forget her!"

With these words, the master took her away from the valley.

Young gulina, go to ask the master what happened to the old man.

The master only answered in four words: "go crazy."

It's too far away.

It was not until I saw Li NanFang's same posture, holding a paintbrush and standing in the same place for a long time that I didn't take any action, that I remembered gulina.

She also didn't know what Li Nanfang was going through.

But she was very clear that Li Nanfang was in a very dangerous situation at that time, so she would take action at the critical moment.

Some things may have been arranged by God.

Those strange scrolls of ladies in Li NanFang's life are bound to leave a deep impression on him.

That thing can have a huge impact on him, and sooner or later it will happen today.

When Li Nanfang is in danger, who will show up and save him?

Perhaps gulina, who has experienced similar events, is such a key figure.

If it wasn't for gulina.

Li Nanfang will never know his cherished family heirloom and his ability to kill him.

"Thank you, gulina."

Li Nanfang finally expressed his thanks from his heart.

Gulina is smiling: "don't thank me, you're OK, we're friends. Friends should help each other. "

Then the girl reached out her hand, pinched Li NanFang's face and said with a smile: "fortunately, your condition is not too serious. Do you know that the old man I remember is bleeding from his eyes, which is particularly terrible. I just don't know how the old man is now. I really want to go to that valley again and see what the little animals I play with have grown up like? "

Gulina stood up, opened her arms and took a deep breath.

The girl with simple mind didn't care how important it was for Li Nanfang to push her just now.

She just simply recalled a happy childhood, which gave birth to many feelings out of thin air.

Li Nanfang is not a fool.

I can hear the meaning of expectation in gulina's words.

Although this expectation just arises spontaneously, it doesn't ask anyone to do anything.

But he still followed gulina's words and said with a smile, "where is the place you said? I'll show you back. "


Gulina turned her head excitedly, but then her face broke down: "no, master won't let me go back. Now I understand that master must love that old man very much, but there are others in his heart. Master, she will never go there again in her life, and she will certainly not agree with me to go. "

"Ha ha, I'll find a way from your master. You just need to tell me where that place is. I promise I'll take you back as soon as possible. "

The tone of Li NanFang's speech is full of sincerity.

He just wanted to help gulina to fulfill her wish and simply repay the girl for saving her life.

Perhaps Li NanFang's firm eyes gave gulina great trust.

She said with a smile, "I only remember that there were giant pandas there. I think it should be Wolong in Sichuan."

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