Since ancient times, there are many legends about blood sucking monsters.

The ancient Persian vampire, the ancient Greek werewolf, the ancient Egyptian dog headed man and so on, these are the lives that depend on sucking human blood to survive.

Among all the blood sucking monsters, the one with the longest history is the ancient Chinese zombies.

The classification of white stiff, black stiff, jumping corpse, flying corpse, dry deer and so on, as well as the research of 18 kinds of corpses, shaping and preferences, are all introduced in great detail.

But in the new China, after a round of ideological work of breaking the four old and feudal superstition developed.

Few people study zombies.

I don't know from which year cremation became popular, which made the influence of Feng Shui on the dead disappear completely.

On the contrary, European and American countries, taking advantage of the opportunity of cultural invasion, have delivered a large number of films and games, which have exerted a subtle influence on the thinking of Chinese youth.

In the end, "vampire" took the place of zombies in the hearts of Chinese people.

But no matter what their names are, they all have one thing in common.

Only dead people can become this kind of monster, and this kind of blood sucking is accompanied by the spread of a specific virus, which will produce great infectivity and generate more blood sucking monsters.

Bai ling'er and Wang Dui are both criminal investigators. They are not allowed to believe in the existence of superhuman monsters because of their ideological education.

But rich work experience reminds them.

We can ignore the absurd conclusion of the two autopsy reports, but we must not ignore the forensic department's description of the details of the body.

All corpses, whether human or animal, had lacerations in the neck.

The wound was like a human tooth mark.

There was a massive loss of blood from the body.

With the above three key information, it is enough for Bai ling'er and Wang team to put down all the work at hand and rush to the morgue to see the situation of the corpses with their own eyes.

When they came to the morgue, they found the whole forensic department gathered here.

The disorderly and noisy voices can be regarded as a great collision between modern science and ancient legends.

"I think the assailant must be a vampire. The shape of the wound is similar to that of a human, and it's like a baby with tiny teeth. A new born baby can't bite, so it can only be a vampire with a small mouth

"No, it can't be a vampire. It's more like a koehead. All recorded blood sucking monsters transmit a virus that infects the creatures they have bitten with the same habits. But these corpses have no change, and no special components in the blood have been detected. Therefore, they can only be dog headed people who have to absorb the biological soul after sucking the blood. "

"There's no koeheads. I think they must be zombies. During the period of the Republic of China and the early days of the people's Republic of China, there were records of zombies going out to harm people in Mingzhu. You young people, when you have time, read more history and improve yourself. Don't look at a few foreign movies, just regard the foreigners as good things. I'll tell you, the vampires and werewolves are all the things left by our ancestors. They just let those foreigners learn to go. "

More than a dozen people are talking.

Bai ling'er and Wang's team didn't know whether to be happy or sad when they saw this scene.

It is absolutely a good thing that comrades work so hard and come together to discuss the case.

However, in the police station, a vicious case has been unable to come to an accurate conclusion, and a group of forensic doctors are also specialized in finding a breakthrough in the domestic and foreign legends. This is simply a big joke.

Team Wang coughed heavily and interrupted the discussion in the morgue.

When people saw the leader coming, they quickly shut up and scattered to both sides.

Bai ling'er and Wang ling'er went to the middle of the crowd and looked at the corpse that had been dissected completely. After a long period of silence, team Wang stood at the angle of the host and took the initiative to call a leader in charge of the forensic department.

"Lao Li, tell me what's going on. On the conclusion of autopsy report, write vampire, how do you think of it

Team Wang scolded when he opened his mouth.

There's no way. Anyone who hears such a conclusion report will swear.

Team Wang believes in the professional skills of these forensic doctors, but he can't look directly at the word "vampire".

That old Li faced the leader's question, on the contrary, he was upright and said: "report team Wang, the conclusion of autopsy report is made by us collectively.

Of course, the use of words may not be very particular.

If you think the word "vampire" is unacceptable, we can also change it to "human blood sucking monster".

If it doesn't work, it can be changed into a zombie. "

Lao Li's voice just dropped.

Wang team's nose is quick, angry and crooked to roar: "I change your sister! Lao Li, this is work. Do you think it's a joke? "

"Team Wang, we're not kidding. That's the conclusion --"

"Shut up, don't tell me the useless. Now tell me whether the murderer is a man or a beast."

"Report, it's people!"

Lao Li gave the answer without hesitation.

Wang's mood finally calmed down.

As long as the perpetrator is human, it's easy to deal with. It's not beyond the normal human understanding of worry.

But Lao Li's words almost made him angry.

"A man like a beast."

"I, I --"

Team Wang can't even swear.

Bai ling'er takes a step forward to block Wang's team. They come here to listen to an accurate conclusion, not to listen to who is swearing.

She glanced around and confirmed that all the people on the scene were the police. She had no worries and said, "Comrade Li, we are here to ask you about your professional judgment.

So, the next time, you tell me the most real answer.

No matter how bizarre the answer is.

Even if you say that aliens have invaded the earth, as long as you can guarantee that your guess is the most correct, you will say it.

I believe in you.

You have to tell me the truth, too. "

Xiao ling'er is not the hot-blooded young woman of that year.

Speaking and handling affairs showed a sense of maturity and steadiness, and gave full face to all colleagues in the forensic department present.

Finally, Lao Li was dignified and said, "wait a moment, leader". Then a large group of forensic doctors gathered together and discussed for five minutes.

When Bai ling'er was almost impatient, a group of forensic doctors finally dispersed.

Lao Li sincerely saluted and said in a loud voice: "the report leader, after the collective discussion of the forensic Department of Mingzhu City, came to the conclusion closest to the truth."

"What conclusion."

"It is reported that there are two murderers who killed two wild animals and two armed robbers in total.

One of the culprits, an abnormal human, feeds on blood. He can't determine his figure, but his teeth are similar to those of a baby.

An accomplice, a normal human, helps the principal to forage.

Therefore, we conclude that this is a premeditated breeding of a monster.


There are corpse keepers in the Pearl. "

Lao Li spoke very slowly, and with the most clear and complete thought possible, he said the conjecture closest to the truth.

The reason for this is that he will be responsible for his words.

Lao Li's attitude proves that the terrible degree of the case is beyond common sense.

Bai ling'er frowned tightly and looked at the corpses lying on the morgue. He asked reluctantly, "is it someone who's mad and mentally abnormal, like a rabid dog?"

"No, no disease known at present will allow people to drink blood. What's more, there are no signs of fierce fighting at all the murder scenes. People with abnormal spirit can't do such a thing."

Lao Li's words broke the last illusion in Bai ling'er's heart.

"Are there really zombies in the world?"

Bai ling'er seemed to be talking to himself.

But Lao Li, standing opposite her, pondered for a moment and said softly, "yes."

"Yes? Comrade Li, have you ever seen a zombie

"Yes, I have."

Lao Li, who has been engaged in autopsy for 40 years, said this slowly. Everyone present was shocked.

No matter how amazing it is that they mistakenly guess that the ghost baby Li Sujin is a zombie killer.

At least, the fact that Lao Li had seen zombies was enough to cause a huge shock.

When all eyes are focused.

Lao Li sighed and told a story that happened more than 30 years ago.

At that time, the Pearl was not as high as it is now. There were high-rise buildings everywhere, and the streets were full of people who could not see the edge.

There are fishing boats on the Huangpu River.

There are also church buildings in the British concession on Wan Ju road.

The only thing we don't have is surveillance cameras that can be seen everywhere.

At that time, the funeral home was also called a crematorium.

The furnace burners in the crematorium don't have to take any civil service examinations to compete for posts. Only those idle people are caught and dragged to do the work of dealing with the dead.

At that time, the salary of tens of yuan a month was not enough for a single stove burner to eat and drink.

It's impossible to feel a woman and enjoy the taste of love.

Long lonely, it's easy to make people's psychology become distorted.

Over time, there was a single furnace burner who had a strong interest in the female corpse sent to the crematorium.

What kind of things do people do every night? Just imagine and think about it. I won't say much here.

Just a thunderstorm night.

Once again, the single furnace burner on the night shift received the body of an unknown woman.

It was a young woman who committed suicide.

The abdomen is slightly raised, as if pregnant.

The burner glanced at the log book and guessed that the woman's body was unmarried and pregnant. She was spurned by her family and fled. She was so sad that she chose to cut her wrists and commit suicide.

One dead body, two lives, in the wilderness.

After being found, they were taken to the police morgue.

The police tried every means to find the family members, who refused to claim the body, but had no choice but to let their parents sign and the police cremate the body.

All the preliminary work has been done.

No one arranged for the girl.

Only that night, cremated, ashes in full bloom, buried in the cemetery.

While eating a meal of three Liang Shaojiu and two sesame pancakes, the single stove burner watched his work log.

I know that he is the only one tonight, and there is a young girl's body for his company.

I'm sorry for not doing anything on such a stormy night.

With deep curiosity, he went into the morgue and stretched out his hand to open the white sheet covering the body.

The girl who seems to have fallen asleep has more delicate skin than tofu.

High nose, cherry like mouth, the two groups in front of the chest can burst the clothes.

I've never seen such a beautiful person in my life.

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