Serena won't tell anyone, her sweetheart.

Just because she has been in love with the man for ten years, in the end, she is really for money, regardless of her feelings, even her life and death.

Father Onassis sent an elite mercenary team to China to rescue Serena and her daughter.

This operation, the success or failure, but let Serena mother and daughter out of danger temporarily.

I thought that if I found my sweetheart, I could be completely safe.

Who knows, that surname Hu is actually a person of flame valley.

Feeling the danger, Serena asks for help from Suya Qier.

Hu, however, discovered that his secret identity had been revealed and hired a killer to pursue Serena and her daughter.

The contradiction between the two sides is extremely clear.

There's just one problem. It's crucial.

That's what a man named Hu, who has a good eye on earth, makes Serena so scared that she doesn't even dare to make a phone call to her home, for fear of revealing her whereabouts.

Li Nanfang is very clear.

Serena is deeply in love with that man and will not easily tell anyone the real identity of Hu.

But he couldn't help asking.

It's a pity that the answers are the same.

"Hu Dao Dao"?

Who do you want boss Li to deal with such a lousy nickname.

When the sun rose in the East, Serena fell asleep.

The blonde, who had been injured for several days, insisted on talking with Li Nanfang so much that she couldn't hold on and needed a good rest.

Li Nanfang turned and walked out of the room, stood in the corridor, lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

There are priorities.

For him, the most urgent task is to find out what kind of person Hu Daodao is.

Only when he has identified the enemy can he arrange the whereabouts of Serena and her daughter.


"Can you be sure who that person is by imagination?"

In the Pearl Hotel.

Bai ling'er sends out a dissatisfied complaint to the Wang team, which is absolutely the voice of Li Nanfang at this moment.

After a full day's rest yesterday, Xiao ling'er put himself into work today. After coming out of the police station, he rushed to the Pearl Hotel for the first time.

This is the key place where the police cracked the shooting.

Just because in the shooting, the mother and daughter, who were protected by bodyguards, lived in this hotel for as long as three months.

Three months.

The time span is so long that there is no video surveillance record of the mother and daughter in the whole hotel.

All the information the police can get is from the hotel staff.

When things get to this point, a fool can guess who has erased the traces of the existence of the mother and daughter.

Who can have such great ability to erase the monitoring records of Pearl Hotel?

You know, this hotel is the official reception hotel of pearl.

Almost every ten days, a great man of high status will live in.

Therefore, the hotel security facilities are the highest, and it is impossible to have any problems.

But that's the problem.

When Bai ling'er knows all this, he must find Wang team for the first time and ask if he can give the identity of the black hand behind him.

As a result, guess what Wang said?

"We can imagine," he said

Imagine your sister.

Does the police handle cases by imagination!

Of course, Bai ling'er would be angry, guarding so many people to reprimand Wang's team.

Team Wang was not wronged by the training this time.

He is not unable to delimit a suspect's crowd scope for Bai ling'er, but he dare not.

Do you want him to tell Bai ling'er that the only people who can erase the monitoring records of Mingzhu hotel are the five big men in Mingzhu Longjia and Mingzhu Municipal Standing Committee.

None of these people can be offended by the leader of the small Criminal Police Brigade.

Once the range is given, officer Bai will take people to the door.

Cross examine why, find out the real culprit behind the scenes, and everything will be all right.

But in case, nothing can be asked.

You bailing'er can't solve the case. Pat your ass and go back to Castle Peak.

Team Wang can't leave.

Stay here, can only bear the anger of those big guys, the position under the bottom of the ass absolutely can't keep.

So, in the face of officer Bai's question, what else can he say besides "Imagine"?

Oh, by the way, we can change the subject.

Team Wang didn't dare to look at Bai ling'er. He just looked to the other side and said cautiously: "officer Bai, in fact, we can solve the case from another aspect. I've arranged to try the best Sketcher to draw the mother and daughter's appearance according to the description of the hotel attendant. In this way, we can release information to the public and ask the public to help us find these two people. You say, don't you? "

Wang's attitude is very low.

Bai ling'er was too embarrassed to lose his temper.

Other people's team Wang is not her subordinate, just to cooperate with her in handling cases. Why should she train her into a sock.

Xiao ling'er could only knead his temple and said in a soft voice, "OK, now I can only do it according to the way you said by team Wang."

"Well, I'll arrange it now."

Team Wang was very happy.

As long as Bai ling'er doesn't follow him to ask the big guys questions, he will fully cooperate with the work of officer Bai.

Just at this time, the police sketch master also completed the work, back here.

Two drawings are placed in front of Bai ling'er, two exotic beauties, one big and one small, appear on the paper.

At the thought that such a weak woman was in danger of being chased by a killer, and her whereabouts were still unknown, Bai ling'er's heart was tied together and it was hard to calm down.

"Immediately form electronic photos, distribute them on the mobile phones of the police force in the whole city, and try our best to find the target person. By the way, send another copy to the foreign affairs department and ask the Greek embassy to help confirm the identity of the mother and daughter. "

Bai ling'er finally gives the order.

The King team went away.

It is estimated that this is the end of the investigation work in the Pearl Hotel.

However, when Bai ling'er turned around and saw the sketch master who was packing things, he moved in his heart and cried out: "comrade, just a moment, please help me draw a person."

Officer Bai's request is a superior order.

The sketch master quickly took out his tools and began to draw on the paper with Bai ling'er's description.

Who is Xiao ling'er going to draw?

Of course, the young girl you Qingmei met at her home yesterday was as pale as a dead woman.

I said that before.

Yesterday, she went to Ms. you to ask for help. She didn't get any useful results, but she saw a strange looking woman by accident.

I don't know why, that woman left a very, very deep impression on her.

It was because of that woman that he had doubts about Ms. you.

Xiao Zhao, who ordered to drive yesterday, went to team Wang to investigate the monitoring of the neighborhood where Ms. you lived to see if there was anything suspicious.

As a result, the trend is nothing.

In the past few days, when the murder happened at the early hours of the morning, no one had ever come out of the Wutong people's community.

Ms. you's suspicion of murder can be ruled out.

However, her distant relative made Bai ling'er keep on thinking about it, which led to a sudden whim. She asked the police sketch master to draw down the young girl's appearance, and then according to the portrait, to investigate the identity of the other party.

In less than five minutes.

A piece of face image paper is presented in front of Bai ling'er.

I'm really a good Sketcher. I made a nine point likeness of that woman.

Especially with white paper, even the woman's pale look was a little.

Bai ling'er nodded his head with satisfaction, gave a thank-you to the comrade, and put the paper in his hand.

At this time, the people arranged by the police have been packing up one after another and preparing to evacuate.

The investigation of the hotel has been completed.

Room 8006, where the mother and daughter once lived, was the focus of the investigation. Almost no corner was left to look for clues that could confirm the identity of the mother and daughter.

Now all the work is done.

If you don't leave, do you want to stay as terracotta warriors?

Bai ling'er sighed. He felt that the work was not going well this time.

I want to leave here and go back to the police station to sort out the case again.

Just the moment she turned her head, her eyes fell on the door of room 8008 opposite.

She remembers clearly.

Team Wang said that when he arrested Li Nanfang a few days ago, he saw the scum go out from room 8008.

I haven't seen him for several days. Is that guy still here?

Bai ling'er thinks so in the heart, forward one step, raised a hand to knock on the door.

A moment later, the door opened, and an old man with white hair and beard appeared in the door.

"Hello, comrade police."

The elder is modest and polite. He smiles at Bai ling'er.

Xiao ling'er didn't expect that an old man would open the door.

Li Nanfang, the scum, certainly won't live with an old man. Looking at the situation, it should be that the guy has already left the room and new guests have come in.

Thinking of this, she quickly adjusted her mood and gave a polite smile: "Hello, old man, I'm from the police joint investigation team. I knocked on the door to ask you about the situation. Have you ever seen a group of foreign mothers and daughters living opposite you before? "

"I'm sorry, officer. We've only checked in recently. Since I came here, I've never seen anyone on the other side. These questions have long been asked by other police officers. "

"Oh, well, thank you."

Bai ling'er nodded his thanks.

The reason why I asked just now is to ease the embarrassment of prizing someone's door.

If you can't find Li Nanfang, she won't stay long.

Just ready to turn around, just a kind of instinct toward the room swept a glance.

After that, she was stunned.

She saw a young girl, a very, very familiar person.

He found that Bai ling'er stopped to look inside. The elder sighed and said, "officer, what can I do for you?"

"Ah? Oh, sir, how many people are you staying here? "

"Three, me and my two granddaughters."

With these words, the elder pointed to the house: "that's my great granddaughter Yang Feifei. The child is thin skinned and doesn't like to talk."

"Oh, that's OK."

Bai ling'er casually agreed, pretending to turn around and go, but his brain kept turning, thinking about where he had seen the girl.

In a few seconds, countless faces crossed xiaoling'er's mind.

When the door behind her was about to close, a name finally came to her mind.

Bang of a, small work properly son quickly turn round, pressed the door.


"Officer, what else can I do for you?"

"You, step back!"

Bai ling'er raised his hand to signal the elder to get out of the way and stepped into the room. His eyes were fixed on the girl who was pouring tea. Finally, he confirmed her memory and blurted out: "you are Yang coffin!"

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