All that Yuan's descendants have paid for the Anti Japanese war deserves everyone's respect.

In contrast, Li Nanfang has been a bit despised.

On the first floor of Mingzhu general hospital, it leads to the corridor entrance of infant ward area.

There are countless reporters on the outer third floor, and countless hospital security guards on the inner third floor.

These people have been fighting here for more than ten minutes. No one can persuade the other. They can only stand in a stalemate here.

All of a sudden, the reporters saw that the door of the ward area not far away was suddenly opened, and two young doctors, carrying a man out, directly threw the man in the open area of the corridor.

With a thump, the body fell to the ground.

People who see this scene all feel the same pain.

A moment later, the man who was thrown out slowly got up from the ground and gently rubbed his face.

"Little boy, we are married."

Li Nanfang was full of grumbling.

But the reporters were so excited that they were going crazy.

"Ah, here comes the hero!"

"Hero, why were you thrown out?"

"Hero, what's going on inside now, can you tell us?"

That group of reporters you fight me to rob, started another round, and the hospital security push and shove.

No way, who let everyone today's luck is good enough.

I just feel that this trip to the Pearl general hospital is a special benefit, with current news and hero interviews.

In the face of the reporter's enthusiasm, Li Nanfang turned away with a cold hum.

He just knew that dozens of children were suffering from strange diseases, which could not be cured by the doctors. It is estimated that the reporters came here after hearing the news.

We all know as much as we do. What else can we find out.

However, in their "hero, hero" voice, so intimate.

Just calm down.

"Hey, don't make any noise, someone will tell you the situation later!"

Li Nanfang yelled at the crowd of reporters.

His intention is to make the reporters quiet.

Who knows when he opens his mouth, it will only make reporters more excited.

Everyone thought that he knew the inside story. He was eager to rush over on the spot and arrest him and torture him.

The scene is getting more and more chaotic.

Suddenly, the entrance of the ward area opened again, and several medical staff came out.

The leader is Qincheng, the president of Mingzhu general hospital.

The people in the hospital are finally willing to stand in front of the media.

Reporters immediately let Li Nanfang off and turned their attention back.

I saw that President Qin, with a steady step, walked behind the security crowd, gently let the security guards separate a little, and then stood in front of all the cameras.

It is worthy of the leadership of the party.

When President Qin went to that station and looked around, he used a special momentum to put invisible pressure on everyone.

The excited reporters slowly quieted down.

Until no one spoke any more, President Qin spoke slowly.

"Fellow journalists, this is the hospital.

We don't hinder your interview, but I hope you don't break the rules of the hospital.

Do you know the slogan on the wall?

"No noise.".

I hope you will remember this sentence from now on! "


Li Nanfang really can't imagine. President Qin has such a decent side that he can suppress everyone just by his momentum.

It is said that a tiger father has no dog.

How can such a good father give birth to a grandson like Qin Longyu.

Is it natural?

Li Nanfang looked at Qin Longyu, who was lying on the ground and grinning at him, and felt extremely ridiculous.

At this time, President Qin spoke to all the reporters again.

What kind of medical accident happened in Mingzhu general hospital is the truth.

It started the night before yesterday.

In the neonatal ward of Mingzhu general hospital, more than a dozen children were crying at the same time.

At that time, the Duty Officer immediately called all the medical staff on duty to deal with the problem.

After a night's hard work, the situation of those children was stabilized.

I didn't expect that.

We have just breathed a sigh of relief and are preparing to study the causes of the unexpected situation.

Those children who cry at night have a high fever.

Now it's in trouble.

If it's pure crying, it's easy to say, but the baby has a high fever. If we don't know the cause, God knows what kind of consequences it will cause.

It's even more difficult to deal with the bad situation that more than a dozen children have a high fever.

The director on duty felt that the problem was serious and contacted the president immediately.

Then the hospital medical staff canceled the weekend holiday and returned to the hospital.

Nurses take care of sick children, and medical experts meet to discuss treatment.

Just at this time, Qingshan and Jinghua medical team, who came to Mingzhu general hospital for Medical Exchange yesterday, happened to catch up with this incident.

He was also left behind by President Qin to help solve the problem.

The whole day passed.

The dozen children were not cured, but there were more than a dozen crying children.

Things are getting more and more complicated.

Until today, the number of children with unknown diseases has increased to more than 40.

Everyone is at a loss.

When the parents of other people's children saw that their children had a strange disease, the hospital couldn't solve it. They just felt that these doctors were perfunctory and didn't intend to save their children at all.

In anger, the families united and went to the city to seek justice.

As a result, the reporter was provoked.

That's what happened.

Of course, as the head of the hospital, President Qin will not tell the matter in such detail.

He just gave a brief briefing, that is, he solemnly said that the hospital would try its best to cure every child.

It's clear.

Those reporters wanted to enter the ward area to shoot and interview, which was severely rejected by President Qin.

It seems that no one can do anything but wait.

When President Qin and others turned to the ward, the reporters immediately pointed at Li Nanfang.

"Hero, do you have time for our interview?"

"Accept us. I'm a reporter of Mingzhu satellite TV. I can arrange your TV scenes."

"Hero, say something."

A group of reporters "attacked" Li Nanfang across the security wall.

Li Nanfang felt quite speechless.

He's here waiting for the people in the hospital to lure the reporters away so that he can get away.

As a result, the people of the hospital just stood here and said two words of guarantee, and it was over.

Is there any mistake?

Can you find a place to hold a decent press conference?

It's too hasty of you to make public the news.

Your sister!

You still have to rely on yourself.

It's better to expect a sow to go up the tree than to expect others.

Li NanFang's mind suddenly changed, and when he got concerned, he looked up at many reporters, just like President Qin just now, with a cold look.

Momentum is something that can't be explained clearly, but it does exist.

Li NanFang's momentum should be more murderous, right?

In a word, this glance made the reporters shiver.

Li Nanfang said in a deep voice: "do you journalists still have humanity?"

His mouth is a big curse, directly let those reporters more stupid, someone subconsciously cried: "how do you curse?"


Ha ha, I did not hit you already was your lucky!

There are so many children in it who are in critical condition that they may even lose their lives. Do you think about your own news reports? Do you have any respect for life, compassion and love?

Together, it's not your children. You're not in a hurry, are you?

What do you want these reporters to do? Do you want to come here to watch the excitement?

Do you know your mission as a journalist?

You don't do things, you solve them through media channels! "

A group of reporters looked at each other.

Who said "journalist mission"? Why haven't we heard of it.

It's not right.

Is that man out of his mind? Are you journalists or are we journalists?

They are silly, and Li NanFang's words continue.

"What happened here today is not a medical accident at all.

It's a war between our country's excellent medical staff and death!

Since it's war.

Then we can't just have the medical staff of this hospital fighting in the front line.

We need more support. We need support! "

Li NanFang's voice is not big, but people here can hear it clearly.

President Qin, who was about to open the door and enter the ward area, suddenly stepped and turned his head to look at Li Nanfang with a kind of surprised eyes.

"Comrades, listen up.

The doctors in the hospital need you.

Those sick children need you.

Our whole society needs you, too.

Take out your sense of social responsibility and report it with your greatest strength.

Tell all the medical experts about infants and young children to come here to help.

What are you still doing? Go and invite all the medical experts from all over the country.

Whether those children can get out of danger as soon as possible depends on whether you report fast enough! "

Li NanFang's voice fell.

There was a complete silence in the corridor hall on the first floor of the hospital.

I don't know how long ago, some of the reporters finally responded.

"Yes, the hero is right. Our reporters not only report news, but also make our own efforts to solve problems and save people."

"Yes, I'm going to contact the nearby hospital now."

"I'll send the report back to the station now and let them do the live news immediately."

A group of reporters, all of them are enthusiastic.

Instead of rushing in, they turned around and did what they could.

A moment later, the hospital corridor, which had been blocked for nearly an hour, was empty.

Li Nanfang gave a sneer.

In my heart, I sigh that journalists are also straightforward. They believe what Laozi says.

Hey, sure.

Seeing that there were no obstacles, Li Nanfang wanted to leave here immediately.

Just at this time, the broad palm of his hand had been patted on his shoulder, and President Qin stepped in front of him.

"Young man, what you said just now is good!"

The head of the hospital of Qin praised from the bottom of his heart.

Li Nanfang waved his hand casually: "little things, little things. Do you still want to ask my name? OK, I'll tell you. My name is Li Nanfang, Muzi Li, and beiyanfei is in the south of the south. "

President Qin was confused by his sudden self introduction.

It's just a compliment. Why did you get up all of a sudden?

"Oh, Hello, Mr. Li. What are you doing in the hospital? What can I do for you?"

Qin courtyard long guest sets one to ask.

Li Nanfang is a flash: "yes, of course, I need you to arrange expert consultation."

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