Li NanFang's words are like thunder.

All the people present were so surprised that they couldn't shut their mouths.

For a long time in the past, the elder sister of the nurse who first took out the stretcher bed first responded with Li NanFang's hands: "do you think this child is not dead? Really? Come on, save him quickly. "

The elder sister of the nurse was very excited.

On the contrary, Li Nanfang was a little embarrassed.

He has no ability to bring people back to life, but Yang Xiao just came to his ear and said such a sentence.

If it wasn't for Yang Xiao's words, he couldn't have rushed to hit people all of a sudden.

In Li NanFang's opinion, although vice president Cheng's medical skills were not very good, his moral character was also somewhat corrupt.

However, after the incident, the measures taken are commendable.

Dissection of a dead child, looking for the cause of the disease, the right medicine, in this case, is absolutely the most correct choice.

After all, there are so many small lives waiting to be treated.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we must try. Even if it goes against the common sense of human relations, it is not as important as saving more lives.


If the child doesn't die, it's another matter.

A good child, by this group of quack announced the death penalty.

If it wasn't for the presence of Yang Xiao, the master of traditional Chinese medicine, it would be judged that the little boy had entered the state of suspended animation only by the word "Wang".

God knows what kind of treatment the child will suffer after being sent to the operating room.

If you don't die, you will be killed by Vice President Cheng.

Li Nanfang just shot, two big slaps in the face to help vice president Cheng wake up.

Now tell the truth.

Everyone's pinning their hopes on him.

Without waiting for him to solemnly invite Yang Xiao to the stage, a miracle performance of bringing the dead back to life.

Vice President Cheng, who was lying on the ground, yelled, "he saved a fart! Who said just now that this boy killed people? I suspect that he was carrying a special virus, which intensified the illness of the sick children. Pick him up and send him to the operating room for dissection. "

Some people really don't know.

Having been taught a lesson, he did not admit his mistake, but continued to brag.

Vice President Cheng is absolutely a typical representative of death.

Li Nanfang gently pushed away the emotional nurse in front of him and walked towards vice president Cheng.

Isn't this guy going to dissect him?


Let's go to the operating room and see who dissects who.

Seeing Li Nanfang stride over, vice president Cheng screams with fright and turns around the stretcher bed to escape.

Cheng always thinks that Mingzhu general hospital is his territory. So many people here will help him. While running, he shouts for people to arrest Li Nanfang.

With his cry, someone came close.

However, it is not to catch Li Nanfang.

Instead, President Qin and LV Mingliang kick vice president Cheng to the corner at the same time.

If you don't want to die, you should put it aside.

Lu Mingming turned his head and stood in front of Li Nanfang, and said in a hurry, "brother Li, the most important thing now is to save people. Please tell me what's the matter with the child. I can't find any vital signs just now."

With old Lu's question, President Qin and several old doctors of the hospital also came together and carefully examined the children on the stretcher bed.

In the end, everyone shook their heads heavily.

The most authoritative people in Mingzhu general hospital all sentenced the child to death. Who dares to say that he can survive.

Just at this time, a voice came from outside the crowd: "a group of quack doctors, even can't judge whether they are dead or alive. Fortunately, they say they are doctors."

As the voice fell, Yang Xiao stepped into the middle of the crowd.

Li Nanfang laughed and said nothing.

Lu Ming Liang's eyes were full of light and thought.

Other people don't know what kind of identity Yang Xiao is, but it doesn't hinder their eyes. They see an extremely incredible scene.

Yang Xiao stretched out his hand and patted on the face of the child who was thought dead.

The little guy immediately opened his eyes.

No crying, no panic.

The two big eyes of the little boy blinked and blinked, but he stretched out his little hand to Yang Xiao.

With a smile, Yang Xiao leaned over and gently grasped the little hand.

And then——

Everyone's broken.

"My God, it's a corpse trick!"

"Ghost, the little boy is fine."

"Help! The hospital is haunted. I want to go home!"

Many medical staff on the scene were so scared that they ran all over the place, and even some people wanted to leave the ward area.

Just ask, can have that normal person to see dead person come to life, can face calmly.

The whole corridor was in a mess.

Until President Qin stomped his feet and stood on the top of the rest room. He was condescending and roared, "be quiet

The authority of leadership always works at critical moments.

With the roar of President Qin, the noisy scene was relieved immediately.

"Everyone, go back to their jobs. No one is allowed to leave the ward where you should stand without my order. Now, all those who should disappear will disappear for me! "

President Qin's voice has just dropped.

All the people rushed into the surrounding wards at an unnatural speed.

It's better to cheat the corpse.

Come back from the dead.

Anyway, even if the sky falls down, there is a tall chief of the Qin Dynasty standing in front of him.

Never mind what you shouldn't.

In the blink of an eye, the corridor became quiet.

Yang Xiao didn't feel much about such a scene. She did what she should do and walked to Li Nanfang.

No matter what happens, it's not as important as being with her loved one.

Li Nanfang is naturally happy to see such a result.

Yang Xiao is his woman.

His women do shocking things, men of course feel more face.

However, how did a child who was declared dead come to life with a pat under Yang Xiao's hands?

They whispered with their heads down.

On the other side, LV Mingliang quickly walked to the stretcher bed, picked up the child and put his ears on the baby's chest.

"The heart rate is a little faster.

The temperature is still slightly above normal.

When breathing, the chest is accompanied by a slight abnormal sound, and the child's illness is still not good.

But -- "

LV Mingming's blink of an eye confirms the child's physical condition and turns his head to look at Li Nanfang.

To be exact, he looked at Yang Xiao and said in a very surprised tone: "however, in the final analysis, the child is still miraculously alive."

In fact, Lao Lu is also redundant nonsense.

The blind can see that the child is alive.

The key problem is how the child was brought back to life by Yang Xiao.

There is no need to ask anything, just those confused eyes, can let Li Nanfang understand the thoughts of several medical experts present.

Li Nanfang looks at Yang Xiao around him.

Just look at Yang Xiao always put his eyes on him, without any shift, you know that the great Xuanyuan king, disdain to explain to a group of quack doctors.

For the sake of those guys' thirst for knowledge, boss Li would like to tell them the answer.

As the old saying goes, "men dominate the outside, women dominate the inside."

Yang Xiao solved the problem.

Li Nanfang took advantage of the situation.

be perfectly logical and reasonable.

Li Nanfang put his hands behind him and looked up at the ceiling at a 45 degree angle, with a proud smile on his face.

"You quacks just confirmed that the child had no obvious vital signs. But that doesn't mean he's dead. He just cried so hard that he stopped breathing. As long as his breath was relieved, he would be OK. "

Li NanFang's words are easy to understand.

However, several experts and scholars present did not believe this explanation at all.

Have you been crying?

Can you do more!

In front of them, they are excellent doctors who have been in medicine for many years. They have experienced more life and death than ordinary people have heard. They are very sure of their own judgment.

Especially vice president Cheng.

It's all because of the use of all kinds of medical equipment. It's really the nurse who pushes people out after repeatedly confirming that the child is dead.

"No, it's not scientific!

Even if he's gone, why hasn't he had any reaction for such a long time?

From just now to now, the child's breathing and heart beating have stopped for at least ten minutes.

It's impossible for adults to hold their breath for such a long time.

Not to mention a child. "

President Qin didn't believe the facts in front of him, but he couldn't believe their collective diagnosis and made a mistake.

If it's not clear today.

God knows how much psychological shadow they will have in their future career as doctors.

The patient's life and death are not clear, how to treat and save people.

Li Nanfang didn't understand their feelings. He just told them in his words according to what Yang Xiao had explained to him just now.

"Who told you that children can't keep their breath shut as much as adults. Even for adults, there are historical cases of long-term survival. You are all doctors. You should have heard the story of Li Shizhen's "diagnosis of the dead"

Li Shizhen, diagnosis of the dead.

This story, as long as it is a doctor, there is no unknown.

According to legend, during the Ming Dynasty, Li Shizhen, a medicine sage, and Wang Guanghe, his great apprentice, came to hukou.

Walking on the road, I saw a group of people carrying coffins for burial in the distance.

In modern times, there must be innumerable literati and refined scholars, shouting "see the coffin and get rich".

But Li Shizhen is different.

As a doctor, the first thing you see is always something that others can't notice.

There has been blood flowing out of the coffin, which is absolutely not an ordinary event.

Li Shizhen came forward and saw that the blood was not congestion but blood, so she quickly stopped the crowd and asked the man carrying the coffin to stop, saying that the man in the coffin was still alive.

They all looked at each other in disbelief.

Li Shizhen did not care how shocked the funeral people were. After repeated persuasion, she finally made the host agree to open the coffin.

The dead in the coffin was a pregnant woman.

Li Shizhen's idea of saving people is even more urgent.

He first gave the pregnant woman a massage, then took out the silver needle and put a needle in her heart.

Before long, everyone heard the pregnant woman in the coffin snort, so she came back to life.

Moreover, with the help of Li Shizhen, the pregnant woman gave birth to a son.

All the dust is settled.

The host's family presents a heavy gift, thanks Li Shizhen, and then goes to ask what is the reason, so that the living man died but survived under his treatment.

Li Shizhen said that the woman was in suspended animation because of dystocia.

The story of the sage of medicine has been handed down for thousands of years. President Qin, who was just a little stunned, guessed that the child in front of them must be the same as the pregnant woman in the story, because they cried so hard that they fell into a state of suspended animation.

It's just——

"This lady, how can you save people with a pat?"

Mr. Qin asked.

Li Nanfang said with a smile: "of course, it's the same as Yaosheng. He used acupuncture and moxibustion."

He gently held up Yang Xiao's hand, between two fingers, a silver needle glittering.

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