The three chariots were divided into three routes and drove in different directions.

On every car lay a man with silver hair, crying to death.

Gu Liancheng recognized the real Yang Xiao in the third car and ran after him fearlessly.

A man pursues a four wheeled car on two legs.

It looks ridiculous.

However, those who have seen the elder shrink to an inch and cross a hundred meters in an instant will not feel how the scene in front of them rises.

To be sure, Gu Liancheng's skill will not be worse than that of the elder.

It's not easy to chase a car that doesn't go at full speed.

What's more, the car didn't go far, so it slowly slowed down.

Car deceleration, for tracking people, should be a gratifying thing.

But Gu Liancheng, who was very excited, frowned deeply and stopped in the same place, watching the shadow of the car pulling away under the street lamp grow longer and longer.

Why not?

Gu Liancheng, who is suspicious by nature, will certainly have deep doubts when he meets something unreasonable.

If the real Xuanyuan king is carried in this car, they should make full use of their strength, advance at full speed, arrive at a place as fast as possible, and then change to a plane to leave.

How can we slow down.

It's obviously in the state of bait. It's attractive.

Is there a mistake?

Gu Liancheng's mind changed rapidly. The more suspicious he was, the more he thought.

If the car he chased was not the real Xuanyuan king, it would be even more impossible to explain that the three chariots were divided into three routes.

The third car is totally unnecessary in any way.

Empty bait and catch big fish.

Everyone knows that.

The first two cars have already played such a role. Only a fool can do the same for the third time.

What's more, the second car showed the most abundant bait, and also caught the big fish of flame valley.

If the third car is still empty bait, what's the point?

Gu Liancheng fell into a dead circle of thinking in which he constantly doubted himself.

Until a certain moment, with a buzz, the car engine roared, and the explosion-proof car suddenly accelerated, which made his tangled mentality disappear.


I almost fell for it.

How can I let a small car slow down and trip my heel? I don't know if Yang Xiao is in it. I'll catch up and stop the car.

Gu Liancheng cursed in his heart and let go of the speed again to catch up.

Before and after, that is, three or five minutes.

Seeing that the distance from the explosion-proof car in front of him was getting closer and closer, and there was a park around, he finally made up his mind to draw a whip from his waist.

Gold Luan rope made of three meters long soft whip, brush a brush out, entangled a uncle on the side of the road.

He burst out a huge force in his hand and pulled it hard to drive the whole person forward.

Pull in instantly.

This is repeated several times.

For the seventh time, the whip caught the door handle of the explosion-proof car.

Then, with the help of the drag force of the car, he took off like Superman, stepped heavily on the roof of the car and made a loud bang. Then, with the help of the force, he rushed forward again and landed firmly in front of the car.


The sound of the car's sudden braking is particularly harsh in the quiet night.

The driver, as if frightened by the sudden flying man, swung the steering wheel and drifted, forcing the whole car to stop in the middle of the road.

In the night wind, a person, a car, separated by 20 meters.

Gu Liancheng's muscles are tight, and the first thing to watch is the driver.

His idea is simple.

If the car in front of you is really Yang Xiao, then the driver must be an expert.

Only a real expert escort can ensure Yang Xiao's safety.

But when he looked up, he only saw a wretched old man sitting in the cab.

Before we found any other threatening targets, we saw the wretched old man, sticking out his head from the window, yelling at him: "silly B, I don't sleep at night, so I ran out to die. Go away, go away

The old man's voice was loud.

But I can't see how talented he is.

Gu Liancheng's paranoia is back.

Standing in the same place, Lengzheng for a long time, and began to doubt, this car in the end is not really Xuanyuan king.

Until a certain moment, the old man's several filthy swearing words completely angered him.

Gu Liancheng gritted his teeth and took two steps forward, waving his whip.

With a "pa" sound, the whiplash fell on one side of the car body, like a sharp blade, cutting off the thick metal rearview mirror in an instant.


The huge rear-view mirror falls to the ground.

Fortunately, it's just a rearview mirror. If it falls on a person's neck, it doesn't cut off the whole head.

I'm so scared that I can't stop scolding the old man.

As Gu Liancheng came closer and closer, the wretched old man, with a strange cry, pushed the door open and ran away.

"Help, monster, kill!"

The wretched old man was rolling and crawling, and the scream in his mouth was more shrill than that of the woman.

Now, it's Gu Liancheng's turn.

What the hell?

Is this the man Li Nanfang sent to protect Yang Xiao?

Without waiting for him to recover from the shock, he heard a click, the explosion-proof car in the middle of the road, and the half door of the rear compartment suddenly opened.

Gu Liancheng's reaction was so quick that he withdrew almost at the moment when the door opened.

He walked back dozens of meters before he could keep his pace and stare at the back of the car.

I don't blame him for being so careful. The main reason is that the assassination of Xuanyuan was too dangerous.

A little carelessness, even if he is Gu Liancheng stunt, is also likely to fall into the trap.

It's a common disease of the flaming Valley borer.

That is, no matter what you do, you must first ensure your own life safety before you can do it freely.

Guliancheng is at the far end.

The car is still in its place.

The half open door is like the mouth of a man eating beast.

No matter who dares to get close to the past, he will swallow the person in one mouthful, and there will be no bones left.

Gu Liancheng was even more nervous and hesitated for a moment. He suddenly relaxed his whole body, put away his whip, bowed to the front, and said aloud, "under the Xuanyuan throne, the second leader of the Presbyterian Council, old Gu Liancheng, please get on and off."

The cry echoed in the silent night.

Gu Liancheng didn't dare to get close to the past. He could only ask Yang Xiao to get off in this way.

He firmly believed that according to Wang's temperament, he would not hide in the car.

As long as the king can act on his own——

The king must be able to act on his own!

A few days ago, Yang Xiao flew to the height of a 20 story building, which Gu Liancheng saw with his own eyes.

Yesterday, Wang Shang's scene of curing illness and saving people was clearly seen on the TV news.

Even if Yang Xiao's body is different, she can still walk on the ground.

As long as she can walk, she will get out of the car.

After all, it was a decisive battle between life and death. Xuanyuan could not hide like a coward.

But the fact is completely opposite to what Gu Liancheng imagined.

He waited for three minutes. The car in the distance didn't move at all. No one got off the car. There was only the creaking sound of the door in the night wind.

What's in the car? Is the person in the car Yang Xiao?

Guliancheng is not sure.

He tentatively took a few steps forward, pulled in the distance, bowed his hands again, and said in a vibrating voice: "under the throne of Xuanyuan, the second elder of the Presbyterian Council, Laogu Liancheng, please get on and off."

The second question came out.

Gu Liancheng is more suspicious.

And inside the car——

Lu Ming Liang wiped his forehead in a cold sweat. He didn't dare to breathe.

Lao Lu was scared to death.

Earlier this evening, after the problem of the sick children in Mingzhu general hospital was finally solved, Lao Lu was relieved and still wanted to find a place to have a good sleep.

As a result, Li Nanfang suddenly found him.

To ask for help is to send someone out of the hospital tonight.

Lao Lu is no stranger to the person who gave it to him. It's Mr. Yang Xiao who used Qigong therapy to treat his children's diseases.

What a big deal.

In any case, as long as it's the Li brothers, even if it's to let him die, he has no choice.

But I really realize that tonight's business is likely to be the time to die.

Lao Lu was still trembling with fear.

I thought that taking the military's explosion-proof car meant that the kind of life risk that brother Li said would be less.

Who knows, someone stopped the car.

Looking through the window, he saw the man who was blocking the car outside. When he whipped his whip to cut off the rearview mirror, Lao Lu was so scared that he almost peed in his pants.

The old man waiting for the car squeaked and ran away.

Lao Lu was so angry that he wanted to curse his mother.

Before he came here, brother Li promised so well that the old man driving was enough to ensure their lives.

That wretched old thing, without a protector, how could he escape.

Just run. You can think of taking comrade LV Mingliang away.

Lao Lu really wants to leave with that old man. It's important to protect his life. Even if you don't run for your life, it's good to lock the door firmly and wait for help.


He can't help doing what brother Li told him.

Trembling, he stretched out his hand and pushed the door open.

And then——

Leave it to fate.

Lao Lu got under the stretcher bed in front of him and didn't dare to fart.

The man outside could not hear anything.

The only thing that can be sure is that not long after the man's second cry fell, the car that had been out for a long time no longer had power support, and the lights in the car went out slowly, completely integrated with the night outside.

Gu Liancheng saw the lights go out, and his doubts deepened.

He was sure that when he was on the top of the hospital building, he could see clearly that a doctor and a stretcher were in the car.

At that time, he firmly believed that the man lying on the stretcher was Xuanyuan king.

Now, he's not sure.

He wasn't even sure if there was anyone else in the car.

At that moment, Gu Liancheng's mind echoed countless ideas.

Just after the first hesitation, he stopped and the car disappeared in his sensing range for a few seconds. Did anything change?

Is there any high-tech instrument to simulate the smell of human beings, confusing his audio-visual in the car?

He rushes forward rashly, can there be innumerable machine gun muzzle fire?

Or, will there be a car full of bombs, always ready to explode in the moment he approaches?


Gu Liancheng, who was confused in thinking, scared himself so much that he stepped back a few steps. For the third time, he bowed and said aloud, "under the throne of Xuanyuan, the second elder of the Presbyterian Council, Lao Gu Liancheng, please get on and off the train."

This is the principle of Gu Liancheng.

If the Xuanyuan king does not come down this time, then——


The sound of metal metal collision suddenly broke out and interrupted all the thoughts of Gu Liancheng.

Is that the sound of the pistol opening the safety, or the sound of the bomb ring opening?

In his mind, Gu Liancheng finally made the final decision.

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