No miracle can always cause a huge sensation.

When the terminally ill old man walked out of the operating room alone, there was a long silence in the hospital corridor, and then chaos broke out.

It was supposed to be a warm charging scene after the old couple left.

But was disturbed by others for a moment.

Many families of patients with progressive frostbite want to ask if the old man has been cured.

Countless reporters are eager to get an interview with the elderly, and then make headlines to announce the explosive news that "the world's first case of frostbite has been cured".

The angel group medical expert headed by Anji, with a blue face and desperate to push forward, is eager to cut the old man into pieces for research, proving that his frostbite has not been cured, so as to prevent the angel group from becoming a laughing stock in the world.

The people of Mingzhu general hospital are trying to maintain the scene.

No matter what the mood is.

There is a fact that can not be refuted, that is, the hospital once announced that only one month old people have recovered.

Depending on the situation, it's not a problem to live another ten or eight years.

Frostbite is a common disease that can be cured by being pulled down from the position of incurable disease.

It's the Chinese who do this.

Is there anything more exciting than that.

For a time, the news spread widely in the Chinese medical community, spread to the overseas Chinese, and then caused a great sensation in the international community.

Angie's Angel Group represents the top level of European medicine, as well as the world's top specialist treatment team for frostbite.

But the real famous doctors are not a team. There is not only one Europe in the world.

There are countless doctors all over the world

In terms of frostbite, there are plenty of people who work hard to do research.

All of a sudden, the news that such a incurable disease was cured by Chinese people shocked the global medical community.

It happened that the Pearl was holding an international medical exchange meeting.

Countless doctors gathered.

In less than half a day, countless people were attracted to other medical teams in Europe, the United States, Canada, Russia, Southeast Asia, South Korea, the East, South America and so on.

It felt like the meeting place of the international medical exchange was transferred to the Pearl general hospital.

The old man who should have had a good rest after the operation really didn't have any rest time.

He was regarded as a monkey in the zoo for various experts to admire.

There's no other meaning.

I just want to see the healing process of the old man.

Then, carefully study Li NanFang's treatment methods to find out whether there is a feasible way of wide spread.

However, these people came here to find out.

There's no treatment file.

Even the experts and doctors in Mingzhu general hospital did not know the specific treatment process of Li Nanfang.

Those nurses who followed Li Nanfang in the whole course of treatment could not ask one or two or three questions.

They don't know anything about acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine.

In the process of acupuncture and moxibustion, what kind of medicine Li Nanfang smeared on the silver needle is not what they can know.

Dozens of medical teams from all over the country and the world, hundreds of people, come to Mingzhu general hospital. How can they leave so easily.

So these people settled down in the capital.

We are waiting for Li Nanfang to come forward in person, so as to start medical exchanges at the first time.

Waiting has always been a painful process.

These people are so bored that they just take the case of an old man who is the only one who has been cured of frostbite in the world and study it carefully.

With such a study, problems arise.

Some people began to doubt whether the old man's illness was progressive frostbite.

It is the "Angel Group" experts headed by Anji who raise this question.

Under the leadership of Anji, these people tried every means to prove that Li Nanfang could not cure the disease.

I don't know if it was intentional or if it was based on scientific evidence.

Anyway, they put forward a possibility that the old man was not suffering from frostbite.

The spread of such a conjecture attracted a group of experts to argue enthusiastically.

As we all know, if you keep writing a word for a long time, you will soon have a strange feeling that "this word is not a word", and you will feel that it is not right.

So many medical experts keep studying a case.

Therefore, the idea that the old man's disease was not a disease came into being.

If a group of angels thinks so, it may not be believed.

But how many teams?

How about a dozen teams?

When an idea is accepted by more people, the false can become true.

Soon, the news that Li Nanfang "did not cure the disease, but cured an unknown strange disease" spread.

There was a lot of noise outside.

In the ward on the top floor of the hospital, Li Nanfang kept calm all the time.

He didn't know if the old man who was cured by him was suffering from frostbite.

He only knows a little.

The way to cure the old man didn't cure Yang Xiao at all.

Li Nanfang can foresee such a result.

After all, Xuanyuan's body is very different from that of normal people, and Yang Xiao's disease is only a superficial disease, similar to frostbite. No one can tell exactly what kind of pathology it is.

The same method doesn't work.

This is also reasonable.

But there is not much time left for him.

It's only six days before the third day of March.

How can he go on?

Yang Xiao's situation has become worse and worse. In recent days, the total awake time is no more than one hour.

She still has a lot of conversation to tell Li Nanfang.

But Li Nanfang didn't want to hear it at all.

He wanted these words to be kept for decades to come.

In the ward, the elder who is responsible for the continuation of Xuanyuan King's life is also exhausted. Everyone doesn't want to speak, just silently watching Li Nanfang walk out of the ward.

What is he going to do?

It's not hard to guess.

He's going to beg.

That is to ask the medical experts of the angel group to treat Yang Xiao.

Li Nanfang thinks that he has reached the limit and can't find any other way.

In front of Yang Xiao's life, it doesn't matter what face problem is. He only needs time, and enough time to find a better way.

Didn't Angie say they had the ability to extend a patient's life by three months.

He is going to ask for these three months.

Step by step down the stairs, the heart can not say heavy.

Standing in the middle of the stairs on the sixth floor and the seventh floor, you can obviously hear the noisy voice in the ward area of neurology department.

Take a few steps and open the door.

He can find Angie.


"What bullshit? But I just want to ask for help. I've been shameless for a long time, and I don't care about such trifles."

Li Nanfang cursed fiercely and asked to leave.

Suddenly, a cry came from behind.

"Li Nanfang!"

With the cry, Mai Qing steps down the stairs quickly, grabs his arm, and immediately asks, "Li Nanfang, you can. Now you've become a celebrity.

I said, what on earth do you do?

How can you treat others?

Does it make money to be a doctor? Do you have the ability to support a junior?

Forget it. I'll ask you why.

Say, how are you thinking about it.

I'll give you a month. You don't really want to spend it

Mai Qing's words, the whole Li Nanfang would like to strangle this woman.

What's the situation now? You're still in the mood to say that.

"Get out of the way. I don't have time to talk to you."

Li Nanfang pushes Mai Qing away with a cold face.

Sell big beauty stagger a few steps, not easy to stabilize the body, suddenly is angry rush.

"Li Nanfang, you scum!

What's your attitude.

I know you are dying of anxiety for your Yang Xiao.

Every man has his own destiny.

If God wants to die alone, can you resist God's will with your strength?

Besides, you look like a bear now.

Obviously, I didn't try my best to save people. I'm angry. Why should I vent my anger on this girl.

If I didn't just see you dejected, you think I'm full, and I ran to comfort you. "

When Mai Qing got angry, he talked like a machine gun and couldn't stop.

She stares at Li Nanfang, farther downstairs.

Seeing a group of foreigners running back and forth, they seemed to be aware of something. They snorted again: "I see!

I said how you look like you're going to die. Are you ready to beg others?

Go, go.

Hurry up and ask those foreigners who look down on China to make them feel that we Chinese people are not good.

You started everything before.

Now you don't work hard, you give up. I'm not worth it for Yang Xiao. "

Mai Qing's words are heartbreaking.

Li Nanfang couldn't stand it completely. He turned around and roared, "how do you know I didn't work hard?"

"You tried?


I see you boast that you have to use traditional Chinese medicine to cure and save people, and you don't take western medicine seriously at all.

In your eyes, face is more important than Yang Xiao's life.

You are happy when you cure an old man.

If Yang Xiao can't be cured, he will give up completely.

What's hard work?

You are afraid of failure.

I understand a truth, people and people's physical condition is not the same, get the same disease, it is impossible to use the same method to solve.

At least you should cure more people and know more about different diseases.

What's more, we should not only use traditional Chinese medicine, but also try the high-tech methods of Western medicine.

You can go out this time.

We should not ask the foreigners, but let them help you. If they don't want to, they are not their doctors in the world.

If we don't find them, we can't find others. "

Mai Qingwen is a long winded man.

But it is impossible for any normal person to understand what she meant by what she said.

Later, Li Nanfang said that he could not save face.

After a while, he said that he could not go down and ask for help.

It's a chat.

Are you sure you're not the monkey's Toby?

There was silence in the stairwell.

Li Nanfang frowned and didn't know what to say or do.

Although Mai Qinggang's words were illogical, he still understood the reason.

If he wants to cure Yang Xiao, he can't succeed all at once.

Even if we recognize the breakthrough direction of frostbite, we should have more successful cases.

He could go to another patient to do the experiment for him.

However, the people in the angel group can't give up.

It was at a loss when the mobile phone ring suddenly reverberated in the stairwell.

Li Nanfang quickly took out his mobile phone, looked down at it, slightly stunned, and slid to answer.

Who's on the other end of the line?

Mai Qing doesn't know.

She can only see that Li NanFang's expression stretches out with this phone call, and finally laughs like crazy.

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