Mingzhu general hospital is Li NanFang's territory.

President Jiang Muran and his relationship, needless to say.

Just a few days ago, he caused such a big sensation in the medical field, and has become the most admired person of all medical staff in the whole Pearl general hospital.

It's not easy to ask where the seriously injured person from the police is.

But unexpectedly, the ward was empty.

When Li Nanfang asked the nurse on duty again, he realized that two hours ago, Han Chengxiong's family took home the patient who had only half his life in spite of the hospital's opposition.

At this time, Li Nanfang finally realized that it was not so simple.

Only Mai Qing and Han Chengxiong can't make a deal. Is it a conflict?

It may be a sudden event, but there must be something more hidden behind it.

Han Chengxiong is famous as a star entrepreneur.

With a female college student, doing that kind of money and meat, body trade, itself is eager to hide things.

How could he allow this kind of thing to spread to the police.

What's more, a big boss worth hundreds of millions of dollars doesn't need to hold on to this poor girl student.

Even if it comes to court and wins the lawsuit, how much do you expect Mai Qing to compensate him?

What's more, if Han Chengxiong is seriously injured, he can't arrange it himself.

It's his family who can deliver the evidence to the police station.

But this is even more unreasonable.

Han Chengxiong's real wife won't watch her husband curse on his back and get involved in some dirty business.

And his father-in-law, who works at the mouth of the government, is not likely to want things to get big and affect his official career.

Things that shouldn't have happened.

Why is it all so weird?

Just because Han Chengxiong was stabbed, let them angry rush, lose their mind?

make fun of!

When things go wrong, there will be demons.

Li Nanfang realized that the situation was not right. The first thing he thought of was to go to Han Chengxiong's home and ask why.

A light rain falls on the night of the Pearl.

In a villa area in the Pearl Zhabei District, Li Nanfang pulls the silk stockings on his head and flies towards a villa like a ghost.

When I went to the hospital just now, I wanted to talk to Han Chengxiong in his unique way of Li Nanfang.

But at that time, we didn't find how complicated the situation was, so we didn't make more preparations.

But now it's different.

When the problem is far beyond the normal understanding, it is absolutely necessary to take preventive measures in advance.

At least, Li Nanfang can't be seen going in and out of Han Chengxiong's home late at night.

If Bai ling'er knew, it would be a big trouble.

Of course, a silk sock with a hood can't stop Li NanFang's heroic light. Finally, Bai ling'er recognizes it. That's not what he can stop.

The light rain in the late night is pattering.

In front of Han Chengxiong's home, the lights are bright.

Li Nanfang quickly lurks in the past. His intention is to stick to the window and see clearly the situation inside. Then he rushes in like a God to surprise the Han family.

However, without waiting for him to get close to the courtyard fence of the villa, he suddenly noticed a trace of crisis.

Enough to make the sleeping black dragon, are slightly raised in the crisis of life and death.

He stopped abruptly and retreated quickly.

The speed is fast, but it still leads to accidents.

"Who is it?"

A shout came from the dark corner of the courtyard.

Surprisingly, there are hidden sentries in Han Chengxiong's home.

If it's just a bodyguard employed by a rich businessman, it's nothing.

But Li Nanfang could see clearly that the man who rushed out from the dark was carrying a micro punch in his hand.

What made him even more incomprehensible was that the man's voice was not Chinese, but Oriental.


Why are there foreigners in Han Chengxiong's family?

Li NanFang's doubts are deeper.

At the same time, you can see the brightly lit villa in front of you. The door opens and a group of people rush out with weapons.

The movement and momentum are definitely well-trained armed personnel.

No one spoke, but the leader frowned and looked at Li Nanfang, raised his hand and made a gesture.

Then, four or five guys quickly climbed over the fence to form a half pack of encirclement and catch up.


Just look at the actions of these people, Li Nan immediately guessed the identity of each other.

It's a kind of organization that makes every country's official all over the world have a headache. There are thousands of types, large and small, distributed in every corner of the world.

As long as they have money, there is nothing they can't do.

Why do mercenaries appear in Han Chengxiong's home? It's also a Japanese mercenary organization that set foot on the land of China's pearl.

Li Nanfang thought a lot at this moment.

However, no matter what he thought, he firmly stopped and rushed back.

Such armed terrorists are not allowed in China.

Now that he has met him, let these foreigners stay forever and spit out some useful news by the way.

The light rain in the night became Li NanFang's best cover.

Changing path, around a half circle, back to the other side's encirclement, in action, the ghost army stab in the hand, accurate stab into the last man's back neck.

The special sound aroused the vigilance of others, and the remaining four turned quickly.

Can meet them, is the cold tingling and whole body strength with the blood loss.

There was a click.

Spring thunder exploded, covering up the burst of gunfire for a moment.

Five bodies, lying on the path of the villa.

When Li Nanfang looked back, he found that the courtyard of Han Chengxiong's villa was empty.

The rest of the mercenaries, instead of escaping or pursuing, chose to return to the villa.

It can only prove that there are very important things in the villa.

Or move quickly.

Or destroy it immediately.

Li Nanfang did not dare to have any delay. He burst out with all his strength and rushed into the house directly by knocking open the door of the villa.

The lights are out.

And then there was a line of gunfire.

The burst of gunfire lasted for half a minute before it finally stopped.

When the ceiling light of the living room on the first floor turns on, there are only three bodies left in the room, and a half dead man with broken arms who was trampled by Li Nanfang.

"Who are you? What about Han Chengxiong? "

Li Nanfang asked him two questions that he was most concerned about.

Unfortunately, it was a strange sneer. The Japanese mercenaries who had broken their arms didn't even scream in pain. They just giggled, and their mouths were full of swearing words.

"Damn it

Li Nanfang frowned deeply, raised his foot and stun the other side.

Then he looked up at the second floor of the villa.

He remembers clearly that when he felt it carefully in the battle, he could clearly perceive that there were only ten people in the whole villa.

Five died outside, four on the first floor.

There is also one who must be the leader of this group of mercenaries, hiding in a room on the second floor.

According to the situation, Han Chengxiong can't be here.

Only by grasping the leader can we ask everything clearly.

No need to think about it.

He leaped out, stepped on the handrail of the stairs, identified a bedroom, and just stood in front of the door.

A bang.

The bedroom door was like a cannon shot, and the whole door flew over.

The huge impact force made Li NanFang's hair tremble and he could only cross his arms in front of his chest.

There was another loud noise.

The wooden door broke Li NanFang's body, but he broke the stone railing behind him and fell to the living room on the first floor.

I can't remember how long.

After so many battles, he didn't get hurt and turned over his boat in such a small sewer.

The ghost spear flies out.

Li Nanfang felt his arms numb and trembled slightly.

The blow just now was really terrible.

When he was not possessed by the black dragon, he tried his best and could not blow a door out, producing an impact no less than that of a shell.

Is this still human?

How can normal people do this.

There's no time to think about it. The black dragon in dantianzhong has raised his head to give a warning. Li Nanfang absolutely uses his strength to roll on the spot, grabs the remnant's spear, and flies to the back of the heavy sofa.

Behind him, a series of bullets hit the ground, wiping out countless sparks.

With the gunfire, it's someone's crazy laugh.

Fortunately, there is always a time when the bullets are finished.

When the gunfire stopped, the laughter stopped.

As soon as Li Nanfang wanted to relax, he suddenly realized the crisis and quickly deviated.

The sound of the air burst in my ear. A small shot, like a spear, was thrown out and penetrated the back of the sofa. Finally, it hit the corner of the wall and smashed.

If Li Nanfang hesitated for half a second, he would have been killed by the body of the gun.

This is definitely not something that normal human beings can do.

Even in exchange for Jing Hongming's life, it was impossible to use the gun as a long spear, and to penetrate the back of the solid wood sofa 30 cm wide.

It doesn't make sense.

If Toyo has such a powerful master and such a powerful explosive force, it only needs him to dominate the whole mercenary world.

Li NanFang's eyebrows twisted into a twist, just listen to the voice above, you can be sure that the man jumped down from the second floor.

No hesitation.

He raised his foot and kicked the solid wood sofa in front of him as a football.

The original intention is to block the other party's action.

As a result, he saw a more shocking scene.

The man just opened his hands, and the huge solid wood sofa was torn in two.

There was no time to exclaim how awesome the other party was. Li Nanfang picked up a fallen gun, aimed at the target and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang!

Three shots.


The bullet hit the man in the chest with accuracy.

It really gives Li Nanfang an unreal feeling.

The other side clearly shows great power, how can not even avoid bullets, is it the kind of pure pursuit of power, and gave up the speed of the freak?

It shouldn't be.

Even if the speed is not fast, there should be at least avoidance awareness.

At least do a lie down action, let Li Nanfang treat you as a character.

Li Nanfang is a little confused.

Clearly thought that the next will be a fierce battle, who would have thought, fired three shots to solve the problem.

I knew it was so simple. I should have avoided the key and left a living.

He shook his head helplessly, got up and wanted to throw the gun away.

It's just half done, and then it stops.


The man was still standing there.

Li Nan Nan's heart was raised in his throat. He could not believe it. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to say it.

The man - still alive!

The man who was shot three times in the chest raised his head slowly.

Li Nanfang then saw clearly that the other side's face was hideous and twisted to deformation.

What makes him more unacceptable is that the other person's eyes, with a violent - Scarlet.

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