Hacker is a Chinese word, all derived from English hacker.

Many people who don't understand the division and composition of hacker forces assume that hackers are criminals who use advanced computer technology to control other people's equipment or steal other people's information.

But in fact, the real cyber terrorists are called "hackers" in a larger sense.

"Hacker" only refers to the computer skilled talents.

There are white hat hackers and black hat hackers.

White hat can contribute to the development of society and mend the loopholes in the official network, just like the legendary swordsman.

Black hat is the kind of person who specializes in using technology for personal gain. It's not destructive, but it's also a headache for the authorities and the police.

Speaking of hackers, we have to mention the "network computer virus" that hackers often deal with.

Speaking of virus, how can we not talk about panda burning incense.

Around 2007, "panda burning incense" caused disastrous damage to Huaxia network in Changle.

Everyone can remember the name of the virus clearly, and even some people can draw the sign of panda burning incense.


Who remembers the designer of panda incense?

Li Jun.

A technical secondary school graduate went to Ruixing and other network technology companies to apply for a job. Because of his educational background, he failed to get the ideal job, so he returned to the rental house, got three or five friends to start his own business, and finally led the design of panda Shaoxiang.

It's a very inspirational story.

The results were also very encouraging.

Li Jun was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment for the crime of setting up a gambling house privately.

This special Baidu Encyclopedia found on the results, can also be compiled into a paragraph to use.

It's ridiculous that a hacker was sentenced for running a casino.

But what's more ridiculous is that after Li Jun was arrested, technical experts from rising and other network technology companies went to the detention center to find this guy to design anti-virus software for panda burning incense.

Li Jun is very obedient, designed an anti-virus software.

However, his achievements have been denounced by many experts, saying that his design is so simple that it is impossible to completely clean up panda incense burning virus.

And draw a conclusion according to the above situation.

Li Jun is just a technical secondary school student with average technical level. Panda incense burning can't be designed by him. The biggest credit should be the expert team behind Li Jun.

So here comes the question....

Li Jun, a technical team formed by technical secondary school students, will there be famous technical experts or talented students from 985 or 211 universities?

The status of the people around him should not be much different.

So, what's the psychology of experts deliberately belittling Li Jun?

Not to mention these historical problems.

Just look at the present.

Li Jun has long been released after his term of imprisonment. Where does he work now?

And the team members who helped him design panda incense, where did they go?

Cough, sorry, water again.

It seems that we are not talking about panda burning incense. What we are talking about is the computer interest club activities of Pearl Academy of fine arts.

Qi Jun led several students to fight against the IT elites of seniors and big companies who had already graduated.

It's going to be completely suppressed and win the confrontation.

All of a sudden, an individual appeared, turned the situation around, and killed the team led by head Qi in the blink of an eye.

It's all in the circle.

Who doesn't know who's good at it.

If those seniors have experts, they can't show their real strength when they fail.

Those shameless people asked for foreign help.

Their foreign aid, identity is also very strange.

Qi Jun had seen that guy, only because he was so obscene that anyone could remember him. What's more, that guy has been wandering around the school during this period of time. Occasionally, he will run to the activity site of their computer interest club and watch their activities with disdain.

Qi Junman thought he was an unknown student.

But now, the other party is obviously not a student.

Of course, it can't be a former graduate.

So who is he?

Why is it so skillful to use the Internet worm virus, similar to panda burning incense, to control the opponent's computer in an instant, and quickly infect other computers in the same camp, but not harm our camp?

Qi Jun stares at the guy.

And the mouse is bored to the seat back up, high up index finger, toward Qi Jun gently shake twice.

For more than a month, mouse, one of the members of the special group of dragon's twelve zodiac animals, has been working in the Pearl Academy of fine arts, working with other team-mates to protect the target character gulina secretly.

Tonight, it's time for the mice to rest.

Have nothing to do, walk around the campus, try to develop a girlfriend.

As a result, I didn't find my girlfriend. Instead, I saw the competition of the computer interest society.

This kind of children's family like confrontation game, in the eyes of mice, a computer hacker expert who can be recruited into Longteng's army, can't really arouse much interest.

Just to pass the time and have a look.

Who can think of it? The man he's looking at is so stupid that he can't handle the simple data flow hedging.

He was so angry that he called the man a fool.

The IT elite graduates who are busy playing with their forehands and feet are annoyed by this sentence. They turn their heads and say, "you're not stupid. Come on."

The mouse is not polite: "I'll come, I'll come."

Then, the results are obvious.

"Commander Qi, they are playing tricks to invite foreign aid."

The students in the computer interest society, after the failure of the second round attack, immediately found the cause of the failure and reported it out loud.

However, Qi Jun was not angry at all. On the contrary, his heart was full of fire.

He waved to the members around him to be calm. He still stared at the mouse, pointed to the computer in front of him, and said, "one game will win. Do you dare to fight?"

Is a mouse afraid of a young student.

"Fight as you fight."

Voice down, the two are like soldiers fighting in the battlefield, hands on the keyboard, began a new round of confrontation.

As the saying goes, the expert looks at the door, the layman looks at the excitement.

Such as the network hacker war, the average person will only feel very boring.

Computer screen so many strange symbols of programming language, like a bullet screen like brush ceaselessly, in the end what does it mean?

It's not as interesting as watching others play Tetris.

But in the eyes of professionals who know a little bit of programming language, the confrontation in front of them is like watching the World Cup finals for fans, which can make people excited.

Hackers have always been the envy of people in the circle. No one can be named as such. They are basically the same as killers in the real world. The skilful skills are bound to be like swords and blood.

Unfortunately, this exciting battle ended in less than five minutes.

The Qi army was a total failure.

But the mice didn't bite.

After all, Qi Jun is still a student. He has a lot of room to grow up, and it's a great achievement to fight him for five minutes. If anyone else here gets on the computer, the mouse will keep it for ten seconds, making the other party regret touching the computer.

Who knows the mouse cast the past praise eyes, return is Qi Jun quite unconvinced cry.

"No! It's not fair. Just now you have been observing for a long time, and have been familiar with my usual attack routine, but I know nothing about you. It's normal for me to lose in the confrontation. This game doesn't count

The mouse laughed: "what do you say to do? Another round? "

"Another game is the same result. I can't change my attacking habits in a short time. Otherwise, we will change the way of competition, not against each other, but attack other networks to see who is the first to break the firewall of other networks. "

Qi Jun may have thought of such a form of competition for a long time.

If two people attack other networks together, it's a fair and just way to compete, even if they win.

The mouse nodded slightly and said, "OK, where shall we attack?"

"How about the campus network of Pearl Academy of fine arts?"

"No, I've already broken it."

The mouse waved at will.

Next to the computer department professor in charge of campus network maintenance, his face darkened.

Qi Jun ignored his teacher's feelings and set a new goal.

"How about the official website of a large video website?"

As like as two peas, the firewall technology of commercial websites is the same. I have studied it thoroughly, and you can have such a skill level. You will not see those commercial websites. Does it make sense for us to do so? "

"Where do you say to attack?"

"Little classmate, can't you have some courage? Anyway, you have to attack others. Play bigger."

Mice do not know what kind of mind, deliberately guide Qi Jun to make things big.

Qi Jun, on the other hand, was full of thinking about how to pull back a city. No matter whether it was going to be big or not, he simply raised his head and pondered for a long time. Then he clapped his hands and yelled, "I think of it! My biggest wish is to break through the internal system of the Federal Reserve and take their money for a walk. Otherwise, let's go over the wall and attack the Federal Reserve on the Internet. "

That's what I said.

The mouse poof, just drink into the mouth of the water, spray everywhere.

We mice think that you are a promising young man, so we can guide you to be positive, enlarge the pattern of life, and become an ideal and aspiring young hacker.

But your ideal and revenge are too big.

The Federal Reserve?

"Hey, I like it, then the Fed. Five machines for one person, who will attack first will win. If they don't attack, it depends on who holds the longest time in the opponent's counterattack. How about that? "


Three high fives from the mouse and Qi.

They sat down again, quickly got the stage computer and put it in front of them.

This kind of large-scale hacker attack can't be solved by one computer and one mouse.

Really want to break through the Federal Reserve's firewall.

There must be a computer feint, a computer as a guard, at least three computers virtual, all using different IP and data flow to really launch the impact.

They're both here preparing.

The onlookers around are already enthusiastic.

The confrontation between individuals just now is just a game.

Now this kind of behavior of launching an impact on foreign websites is the real war.

Although no one believes that the two guys in front of us can break the capital pool of the US superpower, the incident itself has risen to the level of national jihad.

If you can't get in, there will be no loss, let alone the problem of losing face.

But if we really attack it, whether it's sabotage or not, it's absolutely a big event for many Chinese it elites.

At this moment, no one cares, who will lose and who will win in the end.

All we care about is whether these little people can open up the little treasury of the US superpower.

After all the preparatory work, the mouse and Qi Jun immediately switched IP, cut off the school intranet, and went over the wall to the international network area.

Meanwhile, Shen Qingwu's office in the office building of the east campus.

Li Nanfang, who was watching a movie, suddenly got stuck around: "hmm? Is the network of virtual world not good? "

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