Li Nanfang thinks that a self destructing program can destroy the whole Huaxia network.

In reality, it's just like nuclear weapons. It's just like throwing out nuclear weapons to destroy the whole country.

If you throw this thing into the stomach of the black dragon and don't blow it to pieces, you will be sorry for the attention and fear of people all over the world.

As a result.

The time bomb representing the self destruct program exploded on time.

But I didn't even hear a sound. I could only see the black dragon belch and puff out a cloud of black smoke.

Who do you want to reason with?

In fact, Heilong was more shocked than Li Nanfang.

Before the premonition that the flashing red light thing, can cause the life threat to it, it just rushed over in a hurry.

Wait for Li Nanfang to throw that thing into his stomach.

It is ready to cry "I'm not willing" before it dies.

Who can imagine that the thunder is loud and the rain is small.

Junk is not as terrible as you think.

Li Nanfang and Heilong are standing at the commanding height of the Dragon King system, staring at each other, completely not knowing what to do next.

by comparison.

The leader of the Dragon King research room soon calmed down.

In his understanding, only one person in the world can do it.

"Did Victor do it? What the hell is he going to do? "

With this question, Longtou rushed back to his desk, turned on his computer, logged in to the top hacker chat group, and saw a series of news without waiting to speak.

Chris: what's the matter? I haven't cleared the Chinese data here. Is there a delay

JEP: "it's not delay. I'm still in Huaxia network. Nothing happened."

000: "dragon, you play with us!"

Master pixel: "it's not a dragon. A few seconds before the self destruct program starts, the dragon's data stream exits. It seems that someone else terminated the procedure. Victor, you come out. Did you do it? "

Victor: "it's not me. I don't understand the self destruct procedure of Longwang. If I want to stop this procedure, I need at least one day to understand the whole Longwang. It's only five minutes. I, wait. I seem to know who did it. "

Chris: who did it? V God, speak quickly. "

Victor: "you may not believe it. I think the person who gives the hand should be the God of heaven."

Lao Wei's last sentence directly became the end of the topic.

What is the God of heaven?

Lao Wei, as a hacker ranking first in the world, can't you say something responsible?

This is the end of the communication in the chat group.

Everyone uses their own means to find the source of the problem.

Longtou didn't say a word, but just after confirming that the person who organized Longwang's self destruction wasn't Victor, he received a phone call from the superior leaders and was busy explaining the current situation.

In the Internet world, there are chaotic scenes everywhere.

It's like waiting for the end of the world, only to find out in the end that even a raindrop hasn't come down from the sky.

It always gives people an unreal feeling.

In cyberspace, the quietest ones are black dragon and Li Nanfang, the enemies of life and death.

One sits cross legged, the other curls up.

After a long face-to-face silence.

Li Nanfang raises his hand and presents a three-dimensional picture in front of him.

"Black dragon, the situation is very obvious now.

We are both trapped in this space called dragon net, and we are still in a parallel plane, so we can't collide with each other.

So, I can't kill you, and you can't kill me.

Then, we don't have to keep fighting.

The most urgent thing is to get out of here like a way and let the consciousness return to my body.

At that time, it's up to us whether I dominate the body or you.

Just because, in this situation, if we do not cooperate, no one will go back.

It's not good for you and me to die together in the end.

Do you understand? "

Li Nanfang is patient to explain.

Black dragon is rare not to be irritable, but silently nodded his head.

"You see, if we had been able to communicate with each other so peacefully, there would have been no need for us to have such a stalemate.

Come on, listen to me.

When I first came in and observed the dragon net system, I was thinking about it.

I didn't understand one thing until you swallowed that bomb without any damage.

We don't belong in this world.

Just because of a network war, was involved in.

The reason is that when I was sleeping in the non virtual training cabin, someone controlled all the network equipment of the Pearl Academy of fine arts, and artificially cut off my access to the outside world.

It's also at this time that you have an impact on my space of consciousness.

The huge impact had a special effect.

My consciousness couldn't find a way to return to the real world, and I was forced to bring it into the cyberspace.

Do you understand that? "

Li Nanfang explained and touched the whole process of their entering here in the model he showed by turning over his hands.

Even a fool should understand.

But the black dragon shook his head slowly.

No way, do you still want to look forward to the reincarnation of Yang Guang, the emperor of Sui Yang thousands of years ago, to understand the modern network information technology.

"Well, I didn't say that before."

Li Nanfang rolled his eyes helplessly. Instead of explaining the reasons, he turned the topic to how they went back.

"I know you haven't seen the matrix.

However, I can only use that film to explain the current situation.

The people in the movie, want to return to reality from the Internet world, need a channel, their channel is the telephone.

And our return channel is much more three-dimensional.

Only one real IP data is needed.

It's still able to connect to the IP of the virtual training instrument outside.

Before the IP do not know who robbed, as a bait tool thrown out, into the whole network world, missing.

In addition, countless hackers are fighting here. Almost 90% of the IP addresses are broilers, so they can't be real.

If we want to leave, we can only restore the world's power first.

Clean up all hackers and eliminate all false information.

Get the whole network back to normal.


You can find the one that links with my virtual training instrument from many real data.

There's no one outside to help us now.

We can only help ourselves.

Fortunately, I'm a stranger here. I'm not familiar with anything.

What you eat is the best carrier to swallow up false data.

So, the two of us work together.

I'm responsible for rebuilding order, and you're responsible for swallowing all the data streams.

When it's done, we'll go back together.

When it comes to this, do you understand? "

Li Nanfang always feels that he has the potential to be a teacher. This ability of preaching and imparting knowledge can be used in the classroom, so he can cultivate countless top students from Tsinghua University, Peking University, Cambridge and Harvard.

Yes, of course.

If the student is a fool, he is a teacher who is blind no matter how hard he tries.

Black dragon shook his head again.

Li Nanfang snapped his forehead and said, "I'm sick too. I've explained so much to you.

Black dragon you say, do you want to go out alive, do you want to go back to the previous state of life.

If you want to, eat now.

Swallow all the strange things in this world into your stomach.

Anyway, you just ate a nuclear bomb, nothing happened.

Eat some small fish and shrimp, and you can fill your stomach.

Can you always understand that? "

The black dragon finally nodded this time. In a flash, he stretched his body and rose up.

But the next moment, the huge tap turned back, two big eyes staring at me.

Li Nanfang understood, waved his hand and said, "don't worry. After finding the way out, I won't leave you, and if I don't have you, I'm not sure I can go back."

This sentence is like a reassurance to the black dragon.

The dragon's head is high and sends out a frightening long roar, rushing to the distance.

Looking at the disappearing dragon, Li Nanfang smiles: "it's the first time that I find that the black dragon is so cute. If I really find the way back, will I take you out? Dream about it. "

Don't blame him for his caprice.

No matter who has a threat hidden in his body that is ready to go to you, control your body, and extinguish your own consciousness, will calmly allow this threat to continue to exist?

If you don't do it for yourself, heaven will destroy the earth.

Li Nanfang just made a choice that everyone would make.

Of course, it's too early to say that.

The most important thing is to restore order in this dragon net world.

As he explained to the black dragon before, now the dragon net, that is, the whole Chinese network world, has been disturbed beyond recognition.

Only when order is rebuilt and everything is restored to normal can we get there and go back.

As for the work of restoring order, he also had an idea in his mind.

First of all, everyone's computers should be restored to normal use.

Only when the most basic terminal equipment returns to normal, can the IP data that cannot be used by him be excluded.

Nowadays, the network terminal equipment in China is still occupied by the "00:00" countdown screen of Longwang's self destruction.

Li Nanfang can throw the self destruct program away like a bomb.

It's not easy to get rid of the same kind of programming language.

Just find the source of this command and cancel it.

Then everything changed.

No, it's not enough to simply cancel the order. Many devices are interrupted and are still occupied by Li NanFang's photos as wanted criminals. Then change the order and eliminate all the same type of photo data information.

Li NanFang's action was only accomplished by waving his hand.

But the consequences that he caused have gone beyond everyone's imagination.

Longwang base in North China.

Longtou has just finished the call with the superior leader, and is still in a daze at the information in the hacker chat group, waiting for Victor, who ranks first in the world, to give him an answer and make it clear who the God of heaven is.

Just at this time, a member of the team yelled.

"Report! Find out the reason why the self destruct program is locked. Someone broke through all the firewalls of Longwang and locked all the programs in the last minute of Longwang's self destruct. "

"What? One minute

The sound of the tap was enough to prove how shocked he was to hear the news.

However, more shocking is still to come.

"Yes. That person not only locked the self destruct program in a short time, but also directly broke into our dragon net command system, and is rapidly recovering all the data and information of China in an unprecedented coding way. "

"Connect his programming language!"

With the leader's command, a picture quickly appeared on the large screen of the research room.

The content shown above is completely dazzling data language.

It can be clearly seen that all the network terminal devices in China are recovering their independent control at a very fast speed.

"Who is this?

Is it from outside?

How could he design such a programming language to recover data? "

In the research room of Longwang base, everyone counts one by one. Looking at the big screen, they are stunned and can't do any extra action.

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