Athens, Greece.

In the center of the city, in a relatively ordinary junior high school.

Looking through the walls and railings of the school, except for the difference in architectural style, I always feel that there is no big difference between the school here and the Chinese school.

It was just after school that the students came out of the classroom in twos and threes, either carrying schoolbags or carrying textbook notes.

Some take their bicycles and go straight home, while others run to the playground, drop their schoolbags, put on their shoes and sportswear, and prepare for a football match.

People come and go. It's very busy.

If you want to say that Chinese people see such a scene, perhaps the biggest feeling is that there are so few people here.

Schools of the same size can have thousands of students in any small county in China.

And here, the capital Central School of a country, I'm afraid the total number of teachers and students is no more than 200.

Perhaps it is because of the small number of people that many obviously unsociable people become particularly conspicuous.

It's just outside the Bishop's building.

A black man in a black suit, eyes like falcons, staring at the passing crowd.

At the same time, he put his hand into his open suit.

If you look at it from a gap above, you can see that she has a muffled pistol in her hand. In the shirt pocket on one side of the pistol, there is a US federal agent's ID.

This man is from the British Isles.

It's not just him, a whole team of more than a dozen agents, plus the secret agents who have set up contact points here in Greece for a long time.

There are 30 people, scattered around the whole school.

In a Cadillac business car 500 meters away from the main entrance of the school, the old lady Charlie of Interpol, who had caused a huge cyber war, had serious eyes.

Behind him, sitting in handcuffed hands is convya.

The purpose of catching this woman is to attract the black ghost out.

However, he always felt that the weight of a single woman was not enough, and more chips were needed to attract the Black Ghost, or even to capture this internationally famous wanted criminal without any effort.

Therefore, they did not return to the United States immediately after they arrested convya.

Instead, they gathered some of their colleagues in Europe to Athens, Greece.

The primary goal is a girl who is still at the beginning of her life - Angel.

Soon, old lady Charlie's eyes flickered.

Because from the telescope in his hand, you can see such a picture clearly.

Little Lori, a black haired porcelain doll of mixed blood, walked out of the school building surrounded by four or five European handsome boys with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Angel, it's going to be summer vacation. Shall we go to Las Vegas together?"

"Yes, let's organize a summer camp alone. This time, we don't need any parents or teachers. We just want to have a good time ourselves."

"Ha ha, Las Vegas, we can take more money to gamble."

Many young boys, surrounded by angel, busily put forward various suggestions for summer camp, which can attract little Lori Mei's attention and get one or two replies.

Fortunately, they succeeded, because the beautiful girl answered.

Unfortunately, the girl only said two words.


Obviously, they are all children of the same age, but angel has a lot of physical and mental maturity that can't be compared with her peers.

Perhaps it is because of these advantages that he attracts so much attention.

Even if those little boys were still undaunted, they still kept on walking around the girl.

When they passed by the black man standing by the door of the teaching building.

There was a rather embarrassed expression on that dark face.

"Boss Charlie, do I have to do it or not? The situation is different from what we expected?"

The black agent originally wanted to take advantage of the moment when angel came out alone to kidnap him quickly.

But the little girl is now under the care of several "bodyguards". It is very difficult for her to succeed without causing great attention.

It's not necessary for him to say that Charlie has seen all this for a long time.

"You're hiding for a while. Change to two."


In the contact, there's a response from the black agent.

Charlie, holding a telescope in the distance, slowly shifted his eyes from angel in the crowd and turned to the teaching building, just to see how the black agent handed over to other people.

As a result, we can see at a glance.

A second ago, the black man who was still standing in the open space in front of the building disappeared in the blink of an eye.

What happened?

When did the great American federal agents become so aggressive in the course of their operations?

Charlie couldn't believe what he saw in his eyes.

In the impression of countless tasks, every time his people do the work handover, they are just like white-collar workers after work, dragging their tired bodies away. How lazy are they.

But this time, the federal agent, who has been in Greece for a long time, is acting so quickly.

It seems that when this time is over, we must seriously study the black man's resume and consider whether we should take him with us.

Filled with admiration for his subordinates, Charlie moved his telescope again to find Angel's whereabouts.

After school, it seems that the girl did not intend to leave school early, but walked to the edge of the playground and sat in the stands.

Around the little boys, still keep putting forward suggestions to organize summer camp.

Such proposals as seven day tour of gambling city, yacht sailing and car driving tour are absolutely unthinkable to countless people of the same age.

But in the mouth of the second generation of the little rich, it has completely become something that can be achieved casually.


No matter what they say, in angel's eyes, it's still childish.

The black haired half blood little Lori, completely ignoring the attentive examination around her, just looked at a hairpin on her hand.

Slender hairpin, even in China, it is also a dollar to buy a big bag of things, flat on the ground, beggars will not look at it.

But in angel's eyes, the hairpin is like a artifact.

Because once there was a tall man, holding the hairpin, opened the door in front of them.

"I want to go to Huaxia."

Angel finally spoke.

This word, in exchange for a lot of boys around the collective silence.

"Why Huaxia? I've heard there's nothing interesting there. "

"Yes, I've heard teachers say that Chinese is ancient and mysterious, especially their Chinese Kung Fu. If you look at them more often when you walk on the street, they will beat you to death with Chinese Kung Fu."

"By the way, by the way, I've also heard that there is a special species in Huaxia called Huaxia little sister. When they see young gentlemen in the west, they will turn into dinosaur Warcraft and rush up screaming to stick to you so that you can't get away."

God knows what kind of education these Greek junior high school students have received.

When it comes to Huaxia, they have so many misunderstandings.

But they also don't think, since it is in this pursuit of the angel "angel" in their mind, how can they go against the angel.

"I'm just going to Huaxia. You don't have to worry about it. Even if you want to go, I can't play with you. You are too naive. "

Angel rarely said a few more words.

It's a pity that these words are too violent for those young Western gentlemen.

A group of little boys blinked, got up in silence, packed up and scattered away.

It's not that they gave up chasing angels.

Instead, I only dare not go to ancient and mysterious China with angels.

In a flash, this small area of the playground stands empty, leaving Angel alone, in a daze facing the hairpin.

It was also at this time that Charlie in the distance was finally excited.

"Two groups, fast up, must be the fastest speed to control people, must not cause any attention."

At Charlie's command.

It can be clearly seen that the three strong men in black, from three directions, quickly approached the position of the grandstand.

But before they get to the edge of the stands.

Sitting there, angel suddenly got up, with an excited smile on his face, ran and jumped out of the stand, into the arms of a mature, blonde girl.

"The main target appears, two groups withdraw quickly, carry out B plan."

Through the telescope, Charlie saw the accident at the scene and immediately gave new instructions.

In their plan, the kidnapping of angel is just a prelude.

The role of the introduction is to bring out the larger target, Serena.

According to all kinds of information, Charlie can confirm that Serena, the granddaughter of the Greek ship king, has a deep relationship with the Black Ghost.

If it wasn't for Serena's existence, it would not have caused the contradiction between Rodman's killer organization and the Black Ghost.

If this contradiction does not appear, I am afraid they will not know the real identity of the Black Ghost so soon.

Now that the big goal task has appeared, he will certainly carry out a more stable plan.

I'm afraid the people under my command can't carry out his orders well.

After Charlie confirmed Serena's identity, he immediately turned his eyes and found three people in the second group to give a few targeted instructions.

Who knows, his eyes turned away, and he didn't know what to say.

Just now, the three men who were still scattered around the stands disappeared in the blink of an eye.

That's strange.

In the past, these guys were lazy as much as they could when they were working. People wanted to be behind them, carrying a whip and worrying about their going forward.

Now, I just gave a big order.

These people immediately executed it perfectly.

Said to disappear, is like evaporation, collective no one, Charlie can't believe, those people are his men.

Come on, believe it or not, the facts are in front of us, and the result is very good.

He didn't even have time to ask where those people were hiding.

Just because some opportunities are fleeting.

"The third group immediately took action, implemented plan B, released smoke bombs in the crowd to attract the attention of the bodyguards around Serena, and the rest of them launched an attack, even if they killed people, it doesn't matter. We must catch Serena and her daughter alive."

Charlie turned to the walkie talkie and said what he wanted with great speed.

Then, it is waiting for the people under his command to give him a surprise and let him see the fine style of US federal agents.


"Where are the people!

What do you eat?

When I asked you to withdraw, so fast.

Now it's going to rush up. What are you grinding about?

Come on.

Smoke bomb. Where's the smoke bomb? "

Charlie screamed.

What he got in response was the sound of the car window being knocked.

Dazed, he gently pulled down the window.

A smiling face of an oriental face appeared in front of us: "the smoke bomb you want is here."

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