Instructions: before using this product, please gently shake the bottle to promote the uniform fusion of the liquid medicine.

Select a small amount of this product. It is recommended to inject it intravenously in the range of 30-50 ml. it takes about 5-10 minutes to take effect.

The dosage of this product should not exceed 100 ml each time.

It is forbidden to use it three times a day.

It is forbidden to use continuously for one week.


No oral use!

The last four words Amanda saw in her life were "no oral use.".

The bottle of medicine, which was transported all the way from China and was successfully developed half a month ago, has always been stored under the counter of the coffee shop.

Amanda has long wanted to find some Chinese to translate the instructions for him.

But it's been put off until today.

It is often said that Chinese medicine is bitter and beneficial to disease. No matter what it is, just open your mouth and drink it.

Therefore, there is the heroic spirit of drinking a big bowl of medicine before the duel with Li Nanfang.

It turns out, mom, it's not too good.

I thought that if I took one bite, I could transform into a super powerful one and kill all sides.

Who can imagine, played for a long time, also did not notice any special things happen.

So Amanda took the initiative to interrupt the rhythm of the two men's attack several times, and did not hesitate to delay the time with her mouth, just to wait for the drug to take effect.

Finally, it was Li Nanfang who told him the instructions for drug use.

And when he was in a daze, the bullet that pierced his forehead.

"Remember to learn more foreign languages when you are reincarnated in your next life."

Li Nanfang gave Amanda his best wishes. Then he tore down the lining of the guy's clothes.

The last two scrolls are available.

If you think about it carefully, the only thing you have left is the one controlled by the traitors in flame Valley, and the one that was thrown into the East Sea and disappeared out of thin air with a whole boat.

A ray of sunshine rose from the eastern sky.

I don't think it's time-consuming to kill a killer organization here, but it's still dawn unconsciously.

Just like the embellishment in life, staying in different places, no matter how long the time is, when I really want to leave, I always feel that the past days are too fast.

It's almost over before we taste it.

Waving goodbye to Ye Xiaodao, who couldn't open his eyes completely, Li Nanfang got on the plane to Meidi alone.

Bermuda Triangle.

Also known as the devil's triangle.

The Sargasso Sea, located in the North Atlantic Ocean, is a triangle formed by the British Bermuda Islands, American Puerto Rico and the southern tip of Florida.

According to legend, there are often supernatural phenomena and events that violate the laws of physics.

From 1880 to 1976, hundreds of ships and planes crashed, and thousands of people died here.

These strange and mysterious disappearances are mainly in the "Sargasso Sea" area of the western Atlantic Ocean.

There are eddies, typhoons and tornadoes with the fastest rotation speed in the world, and there are trenches with a depth of nearly 10000 meters.

In the last decade, the whole Bermuda Triangle has become a place that all countries must avoid on their shipping routes.

The government is hiding.

The direct result is that many ships who smuggled, smuggled and robbed this route as God left a corner of heaven here.

At the end of June and the beginning of July, the whole northern hemisphere began to warm up.

This is also the time when the warm ocean current is deeply active. Even those who live with their heads on their waistbands dare not easily set foot in Bermuda at this time.

But there was a woman who didn't care.

With her little brother, she went directly to the deepest part of the sea.

The legendary "bloody ham" is cruel to others and ruthless to himself. Even though he has become the mother of a child, he always adheres to the belief that if he doesn't die, he won't die, and specializes in doing things that kill him.

The ship she was on had been gliding eight times over the edge of the huge ocean whirlpool.

The pirates, robbers and traffickers who kill people on the whole ship do not blink. Now, one by one, they either get into the cabin or bind themselves firmly to the disguised fence.

In the face of the power of nature, it is impossible for anyone who criticizes heaven to face it calmly.

Perhaps, only ham, who has a deep understanding of some secret information, can be a little calm at the moment.

Over the past year, the population business of ham has become more and more difficult.

There are not many good resources in Africa.

In Europe, all countries united to maintain maritime security, especially against her Medusa Dynasty.

Ham is about to eat up, and his younger brother can't afford it.

Unfortunately, it can only be reactivated, which is a treasure handed down from ancient times.

It is said that one day, thousands of years ago, when the ancestors of the ham traffickers stopped on the European road, spread their branches and started business, they sent out a ship.

The ancient Chinese ship, full of gold and silver, porcelain and silk, set out from the westernmost end of Europe, all the way west, looking for more foreigners.

However, the ship did not reach the place where they should have gone, but crashed somewhere.

Later, after thousands of years of inheritance and exploration of the Han trafficker organization.

Finally, it was determined that the ship sank in what is now the Bermuda Triangle.

As long as you find the ship, you can find countless treasures of China. As long as you have the treasure in your hand, ham can replace all the broken ships and iron under his command, and reestablish the reputation of the Medusa Dynasty in the world.

So, this trip.

We must succeed, not fail.

If you fail, you'll drown here, and you won't have to go back to Africa and starve to death.

"Lihan, it's better for your dead father to let us die first, and then help us suffer all the sufferings in hell, so that we can live safely this time."

Ham smiles and whispers to the little kid who can already crawl back and forth on the dashboard of the ship's cockpit.

I don't know if Li Han can understand.

Perhaps he really thought of the dead father, will be very happy, holding a rod hard to break into his arms.


Ham didn't change much.

But the first mate of the crew, who had been blue with fright for a long time, trembled all over like chaff, and screamed: "old boss, it's broken, the push rod is broken!"

"Nonsense, do you think I'm blind? Of course I can see. I told you a long time ago that you should remember to repair and maintain the ship, but you just don't listen to me. Now, OK

Ham rolled his eyes and gently reprimanded.

At the same time, he reached out to pick up Li Han. By the way, this half of the joystick was used as a toy to amuse the children.

All the peddlers nearby are going to collapse.

"Boss, the boat, the boat can't stop."

"I know."

"It's no use just knowing. Boss, you should tell us what to do now."

"It's easy to do. According to what I said, we can find a Huaxia boat and directly hit it. Then we can stop."

"Boss, this is the Gulf of Mexico in North America. Where did you get the Chinese boat?"

"Don't talk nonsense. You can do whatever you want!"

Ham angrily scolded. Seeing that Li Han was already sleepy, he picked up the child and walked towards the bed.

A large group of peddlers are staring at each other.

They all want to revolt, but now the problem is that even if they revolt, it is impossible for them to leave this ghost place unharmed. It is better to find a boat to hit them as the boss said.

As for whether it's a Chinese boat or not, it doesn't matter.

For the ninth time, people in the ship's cab were all wide eyed, looking for the existence of special objects on the ship's radar locator.

But it didn't wait for them to find success.

There was a gust of wind, lightning and thunder.

There was a storm again on the sea, which was not so quiet.

God knows what kind of strange thing was blown up in the sea and directly knocked over the radar on the top of the ship.

The whole crew's cockpit was darkened and all the instruments were out of order.

"Wait till you die."

The chief mate is in despair.

All of them were sitting on the ground with their hands and feet limping.

The whole ship is like a plastic bag floating in the air, with dark clouds above and boiling water below.

Between heaven and earth, there is only a narrow passage left.

At the end of this passage, a black hole appeared out of thin air. From the beginning, it was only the size of a palm, expanding and expanding at a very fast speed.

Within a few minutes, it expanded to the size of a basketball court.

Then, there is the penetration of a ship, emerging from the black hole.

It's a pity that the younger brothers of Ham's peddler group were scared out of their wits by the sudden storm, and they didn't see such a magical scene at the first time.

When one of them saw another ship on the sea with his naked eye, it was after the whole ship was vomited out by the black hole.

"Look at that, there's another boat over there. It seems that it's still carrying the Chinese flag!"

"What, where?"

The reply on the bed, the man who heard his subordinates, was absolutely in despair, excited to see hope, and rushed forward with a roar.

Through the windshield of the cabin, it is obvious that a fishing boat flying the red flag is going further along with the wind and waves.

"Come on! Come on, come on, hit him, hit him

The first mate's hysterical roar.

The ship of the peddler, like a mad beast, roared at the fishing boat.

This scene, to speak of, is very spectacular.

It's like a car crash.

But in fact, it is very difficult for the two ships to collide at full speed on the sea like on land.

The only thing the traffickers could do was to get the boat as close as possible.

Then, the two ships are firmly fixed together with ropes and iron chains.

Until, they pass through the storm area together, and then come to the clear sky, calm sea.

With the respectful help of his younger brothers, ham walked up the temporary deck and onto the fishing boat.

Yes, just look at the flag floating on the top of the ship, we know it's a Chinese ship.

However, this modern fishing boat is far away from the ancient ship full of gold and silver in Ham's mind.

In particular, ham, full of anger, asked the owner of the fishing boat what they had was the most valuable thing.

The boss of the fishing boat actually lifted a fish high.

Ham really had the feeling of being teased. He wanted to kill all the people on the fishing boat at that time.

But without waiting for her attack, a pair of scroll suddenly fell out of the big belly fish raised by the boss of the fishing boat.

Open the scroll.

Ham laughed: "contact Huaxia, we want to auction an antique."

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