Dragon hidden deep stream, cross rob octogenarian.

The eight words left by the old thief of Kongkong are taboo to all the people of the Li family.

But some things can't be avoided without saying.

What should come will come after all.

The white hair in Li NanFang's black hair is a sign of his imminent aging.

Two years ago, Emperor Xuanyuan jumped out of the longan of flame Valley to restore his day man and night woman. After combining with Li NanFang's Yin and Yang, he completely cut off the black dragon and tried to destroy the dragon vein, which led to wars all over the world and revived the dream of the Sui Dynasty. As a result, the great earthquake occurred in the valley of emperor and the nine storey pagoda collapsed and sank into the ground.

Yang Guang, the black dragon who suffered such a heavy blow, could no longer compete with Li NanFang's humanity and was expelled from the body.

Li Nanfang finally got rid of the demons in his body and became a normal person, which is gratifying.

The question is, without the boarding of Heilong, Li Nanfang, who is a patient with premature senility, what else can he rely on to support his vigorous energy?

He will grow old.

After the signs of aging appeared, his aging speed was about 30 times faster than that of normal people.

In other words, it may take 40 or 50 years for normal people to grow old from the age of 27, but it only takes Li Nanfang more than one year, or even shorter.

Although he had been prepared for this for a long time, Yue Zitong could not bear the heavy blow when he saw the white hair. His knees softened and he sat down on the ground.

Li Nanfang raised his right foot in time and crossed between her legs in an improper way. He asked with a smile again, "what's the matter? You look like you've lost your husband and want to be a little widow. "

"Yours, nothing. I just thought of a terrible thing."

After sitting on his lap, Yue Zitong was about to say what he saw, but he changed his words in time.

She didn't want her husband to know that he was aging.

Although this kind of thing cannot be concealed.

But one more day, one more day.

In the past two years, he has been silent too much. What should he do if he knows that he is going to collapse after he shows signs of aging?

Li Nanfang was very strange: "what terrible thing? Talk about it. "

Say a fart.

Do you want my palace to tell you that you are already showing signs of aging and will die in a year at most, leaving you a lot of coquettish women as widows?

In the past two years, Yue Zitong, who has been spoiled, has been trying to resist the impulse to make rude remarks. When he turns his mind to make excuses, he really thinks of: "south, do you still remember that dream you have every month in the past year?"

The smile on Li NanFang's face slowly converged.

Just as Yue Zitong and others especially taboo mentioning the word "aging", Li Nanfang also particularly hates talking about dreams with people - he can know that the demon dragon once hidden in his body is known through dreams.

But no matter how much he hated talking about dreams, he still laughed again: "of course I do."

Over the past year, Li Nanfang has often had a dream.

Dream of a mountain, a river, a deep hole, a person, a python.

Mountain is zanglong mountain, river is zanglong River, cave is room 7, man is Duan Xiangning!

The boa constrictor, whose body is dark and thick as a bucket, can swallow a sheep with a big mouth, is the founder of the Shen family in Seoul.

A few years ago, Duan Xiangning, who was engaged in Jiangbei business, was married to Lu hang of the Lu family in Jinghua by the Duan family of Dali. Later, when she became Vice President of Qingshan College of traditional Chinese medicine, she ran into Li Nanfang and started a bad relationship.

Finally, taking advantage of Li NanFang's amnesia and Duan Xiangning, who "married" with him, taking him back to his mother's home to show off, in order to help Duan, the only successor of Dali's third generation, crown prince Duan, stand up as a scapegoat and go to the Shen family in Seoul to find Shen yunzai, hoping to get back the computer that caused the trouble.

Since Li Nanfang is her husband, of course she will follow her and go to zanglong mountain in Seoul with her.

That's where Duan Xiangning buried her bones.

After so many years, Duan Xiangning is still buried in the stone crevice beside the zanglong river. She would rather rest in a foreign country forever than return to Duan's home in Dali.

Li Nanfang respects her last wish. Every time she dies, she will pour three glasses of wine there. May her spirit in heaven be happy and healthy forever.

Duan Xiangning's death is the eternal pain in Li NanFang's heart.

But he rarely mentioned it.

No one likes to touch the most painful scar in his heart, until half a year ago, after he began to have that dream.

In her dream, Duan Xiangning was still as plump as before, with bare snow feet, white gauze and wreath on her head. She stood on the misty surface of the Tibetan dragon river like a fairy.

But on the fairy's body, there was a black snake that was almost the thickness of a rolling pin.

The black snake swam slowly on her body, opening its mouth from time to time, and the scarlet letter contracted rapidly.

Duan Xiangning should be afraid of the black snake, but she dare not touch it.

More should walk into Li NanFang's dream, ask him to help her drive away the black snake.

She didn't.

Still very reluctantly, charming smile, repeatedly said three words - do not come.

Li Nanfang would like to ask her why she said that.

But without waiting for him to ask, Duan Xiangning and the black snake were all covered by the water mist, and they could not be seen any more.

After the water fog dissipated, the mountain was still the mountain, and the river was still the river. There were flowers growing savagely on the crack of a mountain, and even the big stone he used to trample on Bodhisattvas and barbarians.

If this dream is only once, Li Nanfang will not take it seriously.

At most, I only think that this may be because he has been living in peace for a long time. Only when his life is extremely boring can I think of the ups and downs he has experienced.

He has had this dream twelve times.

Every time, it's on a full moon night.

In her dream, Duan Xiangning is always as charming as she was when she was reborn, but the black snake on her body is getting thicker and longer, and the color is more black and brighter.

It's a python.

Last night was exactly the night of full moon. He saw Duan Xiangning again. When he heard that she didn't want to come, he also noticed that the despair and fear in her eyes were stronger. The black snake, which was getting thicker and thicker, finally became a python, and its scales were dark and shining, reflecting the demonic luster.

When the black Python's rolling pin was thick and thin, it was wrapped around Duan Xiangning. Now the bucket is thick and thin, and it's still wrapped around her.

The difference is that Duan Xiangning used to take it, but now it takes Duan Xiangning.

Like, the black Python and Duan Xiangning are the same life.

What does this dream represent?

After dreaming of Duan Xiangning for the second time, Li Nanfang, who feels very strange, can't help telling Yue Zitong.

Yue Zitong scolds him for his efforts. There are so many coquettish women around him who are willing to be spoiled by him, but he is not satisfied. He has to miss a dead woman - Duan Xiangning cheated him into being Dali Duan's son-in-law through Li NanFang's amnesia. Yue Zitong still worries about it.

Li Nanfang, who was scolded as bloody, only gave a sneer and never said it again.

But every time he had this dream, Yue Zitong would know.

Although she spoke so mean, she paid much attention to it. She sent Yang Xiao to the northwest behind her husband's back and found master Kongkong to solve her dream.

When someone goes to find the old thief, he will pretend to be an expert and avoid him.

But Yang Xiao, who knows she's coming, has already watered down the street and waited for the old Xuanyuan king to come.

Duan Xiangning entrusts her dream to Li Nanfang because there is a black snake in her resting place, which entangles her body and makes her unable to break free.

Moreover, the black snake was not an ordinary snake. It was the descendant of the black Python killed by Li Nanfang in room 7 under the Shen family.

The black Python had just laid a nest of eggs before it was killed.

According to the normal law of nature, boa constrictors usually lay eight to fifteen eggs at a time.

After the black Python died, all the eggs that were buried at the bottom of the hole should have hatched, but because it was cut and killed, there was no enough temperature, most of the eggs became "Stinky eggs", and only one hatched successfully.

Boa constrictor is actually a kind of mysterious creature. The black boa will give off a strange smell before it dies. After years, it will warn its companions or descendants that it is dangerous here. Don't come here to die.

After the little Python hatched, it clearly felt the dangerous breath left by the black Python before it died, and quickly ran away from the cave along the zanglong river.

It can not only feel the dangerous breath left by the black python, but also know how its mother died from this breath.

His mother was killed.

Who killed his mother? The little Python didn't know, but he could smell the murderer's breath in the crack of a mountain on the Bank of the zanglong river.

The python found the seam and saw a corpse.

That's his mother's killer, the python, wrapped around the corpse.

With the rapid development of modern science and technology, people no longer believe in traditional culture and call it "superstition".

But no matter how advanced technology is, even if human beings finally find a black hole and can step on the moon in a few seconds, some phenomena will not disappear.

Duan Xiangning, who is still dead, lies alone in the cold and dark crevice of the mountain. After being entangled by a python, something strange happens.

Master Kongkong told Yang Xiao: "we can temporarily call the strange phenomenon of Duan Xiangning's corpse as Xianghun. Her soul, very frightened, began to give her favorite people dream, told him that she was entangled by a small python. She hopes Li Nanfang can help her drive away the python, but she feels some danger and doesn't want him to go. "

Yang Xiao was puzzled and asked, "what's the danger? It's just a black python. In those days, the man in my family could kill his mother. Now, of course, he can also kill it. "

Master Kongkong was silent for a long time and said two words: "the sky changes."

What is the change of heaven?

Yang Xiao doesn't understand. He will definitely ask Master Kongkong.

But the old thief Tu replied, "the secret can't be revealed. I want to live a few more years."

Although Yang Xiao was kneaded as a smelly sock in Yue Zitong's hands, she was always a devil in the eyes of outsiders. She said with a gloomy smile, "you don't have to die. If you don't, you will die now. "

Unexpectedly, master Kongkong would rather be killed by her than reveal her secret.

No matter how Yang Xiao is a big devil, after being taught by Yue Zitong for a long time, his evil nature is much smaller.

Five fingers are like hooks. After stretching and stretching for many times, he hummed bitterly. His eyes left from master Kongkong's shining forehead and turned to go.

She has already known that Duan Xiangning's dream to Li Nanfang is nothing more than a corpse entangled by the descendants of the black python.

Since Duan Xiangning's soul still has some conscience and knows that Li Nanfang can't leave Qingshan easily, Yang Xiao can go over and kill the black Python and bury her body again.

In the old days, it was easy to kill a python.

As for what master Kongkong meant by "Heaven changes", Yang Xiao was too lazy to pay attention to it.

But she just walked out a few steps, and then came the warning of master Kongkong: "except Li Nanfang, who will go, who will die. Benefactor, you can't either. "

Yang Xiao suddenly turned around, eyes like electricity, coldly looking at him, did not speak.

Master Kongkong, who clearly felt the boundless intention of killing, trembled with both hands, and said, "Amitabha, benefactor, have you forgotten that the dragon vein of Kunlun has been restored, that there was a big earthquake in the valley of the emperor, and that the nine storey pagoda is deep in the yellow spring?"

"Of course I know."

Yang Xiao asked almost every word: "so what?"

Master Kongkong said softly: "when the nine storey pagoda is deep in the yellow spring, it touches the branch line of dragon vein extending to the peninsula."

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