Baby's age, still can't distinguish between mother and father's difference, of course, also can't see father suddenly fly, head hard hit the wall, hit fainted.

Zhanxing God can see it.

She also knows that Li Mu Chen's Kung Fu is higher than her.

But just as Li Muchen rushed out of the house, he was kicked back as a scarecrow.

Who is that man?

My Lord!

Only the king can kick Li Muchen like a scarecrow.

"Don't worry, baby. Dad is just a little tired for a while. He wants to have a rest."

Zhan Xingshen was very surprised. When she knew that the king was coming up, she kicked Li Muchen to show her strong intention of killing him. However, she was no longer as scared as she had just been. She held the child in her arms, covered her eyes like black grapes with her hands, and looked back slowly.

It was already bright.

The golden morning sun, sprinkled on the man at the door, plated a layer of mysterious luster on his face.

Not the king.

Yes - Li Nanfang.

Zhan Xingshen was stunned when he saw this face.

In the past two years, this face is not only the protagonist in her nightmare, but also the only one in her spring dream.

Nightmare, she can come to today's end, is because she provoked this face.

Spring dream, because the owner of this face, in that small mountain village, almost every night will give her uncontrollable joy, give her a lovely baby.

However, how could Li Nanfang treat Li Muchen like this?

Just because, Li Muchen had threatened the flower night God, want to bite the king?


Li Nanfang in Zhanxing's impression may be a villain, but he would never treat Li Muchen like this.


Just when Zhanxing God saw the face in all kinds of dreams, he was shocked and thought of so many times in a moment. Li NanFang's body was in a flash and disappeared.

Although Li Nanfang disappeared very fast, faster than electricity, he could not catch the eye light of zhanxingshen.

She clearly captured that Li Nanfang was also shocked when he saw her, and then fear came to his face.

"Will he be afraid of me?"

Zhan Xingshen was stunned again. He couldn't understand why Li Nanfang was afraid of her.

Besides, I'm still so afraid.

When Li Nanfang saw her face, he should have thought that she was Zhanxing God.

A world of difference is as like as two peas, but she has a different temperament. Especially after she has a baby, the figure will definitely be affected.

"Did Li Nanfang do something sorry to the king before he escaped? After suddenly seeing me, I was frightened and scared away“

When zhanxingshen thought about it again, he suddenly realized that it was not the right time to think about it.

No matter why Li Nanfang is afraid of Wang Shang, it is true that he stuns Li Muchen.

And his eyes in the instant of looking at Zhanxing God were full of terrible awe inspiring evil.

Zhanxing God must leave here with Li Muchen when he is scared.

Untie clothes, put the baby on the chest, and tied with a towel, exhibition star God back up coma Li Muchen, quickly walked out of the room.

She looked up and looked around. She didn't see Li Nanfang or anyone. After walking out of the fence, she got into the orchard.

It is in midsummer that large areas of leafy fruit forests are connected together, winding back to the mountain, forming a natural barrier.

In the past two years, although zhanxingshen has devoted himself to the baby, he has a solid foundation in Kung Fu. Holding the baby and carrying the tall Li Muchen on his back, he can still trot to the back mountain.

There is a cave in the back hill, covered by thatch.

When they found the cave, zhanxingshen and zhanxingshen took it as a hiding place, picked it up, and regularly changed water and food for a rainy day.

I didn't expect to use it today.

With the help of the cover of the fruit forest, Zhanxing always feels that she is staring at by a pair of evil eyes in the distance when she trots to the back mountain.

She looked back several times and saw nothing.

When crossing the back hill, the baby asked, "Mom, why do we run?"

"Because there's a villain who's going to bully mom and dad. We need to hide and not let him find it. Baby, don't talk, OK“

"Good. The baby doesn't talk“

The baby's milk, let the exhibition star God want to cry, silver teeth clench, open the thatch, rushed into the cave.

The cave is not big enough for Tibetans.

After putting the child on the straw carefully, zhanxingshen whispered in her ear: "baby, please don't talk any more and stay with dad. Mom goes out and will be back soon“

She wanted to go out and erect the fallen grass carefully to hide her tracks.

But before her voice fell, the baby suddenly asked, "is he the villain who bullies his parents?"


Zhanxing God's delicate body trembled, and suddenly turned back, he saw a man appeared at the entrance of the cave, with evil eyes staring at her, and said with a smile: "ha ha, you are Zhanxing God. I thought you were Yang Xiao. Good, good. This baby is Li NanFang's seed, isn't it? Good, good, good. I didn't expect to meet you here. Ha ha“

Evil laughter, back and forth in the cave drum, shock of the exhibition star God ear pain, baby wow cry.

But Zhan Xingshen didn't seem to hear the evil laughter and baby's cry. He just looked at Li Nanfang and didn't understand why he said that.

It's normal for Li Nanfang to mistake her for Yang Xiao.

It's normal to finally recognize her as Zhanxing God.

Even if he and Yang Xiao became enemies, it was normal.

Abnormal is, why does he say Baobao is the evil breed of Li Nanfang?

"You, aren't you Li Nanfang?"

After Li NanFang's laughter fell, Zhanxing God seemed to understand something.

"Ha ha, of course, I'm Li Nanfang. Beauty, I'm not Li Nanfang. Who am I“

Li Nanfang seems to have just seen the funniest thing in the world. He is out of breath laughing. He walks over slowly, reaches for his hand, and raises Zhan Xingshen's chin with his fingers. His action is extremely frivolous.

"You, you are not Li Nanfang!"

When Zhan Xingshen suddenly raised his head and dodged his fingers, Li Muchen, who was lying on the ground, sprang up and screamed.

At that time, she just rushed out of the door and saw Li Nanfang. Before she had time to say anything, she was kicked off, hit her head on the wall and fainted.

Li Mu Chen wakes up from his coma and realizes that he is not Li Nan Nan.

"Who are you?"

Exhibition star God startles a voice to ask a way.

"Who am I?"

Li Nanfang seemed to speak slowly, and his figure suddenly shook.

Without waiting for zhanxingshen to respond, the baby was raised above his head with his hands and laughed wildly again: "ha, ha ha. Actually, I don't know who I am. Why did you come to this world. All I know is that I want to take revenge on Li Nanfang. ha-ha. Oh, yes. Before, I thought I was Ye Xiaoqian. That's because I'm attached to her body. Now, I am attached to Li Nanfang again, so I can only be him“

Zhan Xingshen and Zhan Xingshen don't know that Duan Xiangning's soul is haunted by demons. Of course, they don't know that Li Nanfang has been to Seoul, but he is possessed and almost killed Shen yunzai's mother and son.

But the two of them can see from Li NanFang's sudden lifting of the baby that he is going to kill the baby.

The two of them screamed together, let go of the child, jump on.

They are quick to attack and can be kicked faster.

Bang bang!

Almost at the same moment, when they collided with the cave wall, they felt that their bones would be broken.

"Who are you? Don't hurt my children. Give the baby back to me“

Zhanxingshen was black in front of her eyes and couldn't stand up. However, her mother's love made her kneel down and cry to Li Nanfang.

Li Nanfang sneers. Just as he is about to smash his child on the head of Zhanxing God and let their mother and daughter go to heaven together, he stops.

Let Zhanxing God hold his leg with his left hand, cry and stretch out his hand. When he reached for the child, he laughed obscene and said leisurely: "if you want me to let this baby go, it's OK. But you have to do what I say“

As long as the child can be saved, no matter what Zhanxing God is asked to do, she will not have the slightest hesitation: "you say, you say. Do you want me to die“

"How fun is it to let you die?"

Li Nanfang bowed his head, giggled and said in a soft voice: "although this smelly skin bag is my enemy, no matter what I do, it's him. But now it's my mind. Well, I should say that I controlled his mind. We are alone now. I know what he knows. But what I know, he doesn't know - cluck“

In the evil laughter, Li Nanfang said leisurely: "so, I can know that he has made friends with you. But what about me? I haven't had time to enjoy the taste of mating. I can't help it. Who let Chen yu'er kill me? Ha ha, fortunately, I can occupy this leather bag and use it to realize using this smelly leather bag - if I am a girl, you will die“

Zhan Xingshen and Li Nanfang are staring at each other. They really don't understand what he said.

"Take off and dress quickly, put on the posture that suits my taste most, and wait for my luck."

Li Nanfang raised his foot, gently lifted Zhan Xingshen's chin with the tip of his foot, and said with a smile: "otherwise, when I finish counting ten, the child will die."

When he counted to three, Zhanxing God began to tear his clothes madly.

Li Muchen followed.

They don't know anything and can't think about it, but they are sure that if Li Nanfang doesn't do what he says when he finishes counting ten, the child will be killed.

Soon, the two women were unarmed.

Zhanxing God kneels, and Li Muchen stands reluctantly.

Looking at the two charming fruit bodies, Li NanFang's eyes are more evil. He holds the child in his left hand, stretches out his right hand, and pinches the beauty of Zhan Xingshen.

She screamed with pain. There was a white emulsion that spilled out of the silver thread and spilled on the corner of Li Nanfang's mouth.

Zhanxingshen's milk is not good, but he insists on breast-feeding, so the child is almost two years old and never weaned.

Li Nanfang grabs too hard and gives the milk out.

He was stunned, then stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked it. His eyes suddenly brightened and he said with a giggle: "good - sweet."

Without waiting for Zhan Xingshen to say anything, Li Nanfang took her hair, pulled her up from the ground, pressed her on the wall of the cave, bent down and opened her mouth

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