The master of the gate was so angry that his knees softened. Putong fell on his knees and lowered his head. He didn't dare to breathe.

The corner of her eye is still shining, but she stares at the knife on the table.

If the master picked up the broken knife, apricot, a head full of loyal thoughts, would fly with the blood splashing.

Break the knife.

Looking at the cold knife under the light, apricot really can't believe that she was the wife of a "literary magnate" a few years ago. She was a very traditional woman. For her, to be submissive is the real life.

However, her fate has changed since her husband, the literary magnate of the sect leader, said so much.

The process of the change of the master's fate is absolutely a secret to apricot, a new confidant.

Even Gala, who was regarded as the absolute confidant by the sect leader, was unknown.

But a few months after the front door owner answered a phone call and learned that a man jumped into the sea, her whole person changed again.

She just like crazy, scatter all the hands that can use, go to the vast sea, looking for the man, and the body of a young woman.

I don't care about the business of daijindoujin and the stream of broken swords that was collected later.

I love drinking too.

Almost every time I drink, I get drunk.

When she's drunk, she tells the old story.

Apricot knew that the reason why the sect leader changed from the most traditional oriental woman to the strong woman on the local gray road was that she was brutally pushed down by Li Nanfang, the murderer, on the night her literary hero husband was hanged.

Then, she fell in love with the murderer and said that she had to go to Huaxia to find Li Nanfang, but she was kidnapped by a villain.

Then, forgetting her, Li Nanfang saved her, accepted her, and worked hard to cultivate her to be the boss of the Oriental side.

At the beginning, the sect leader thought she was difficult to be a great leader.

But when she was forced to go nowhere by the teacher of duandaoliu, she finally cut off his head with a knife. From then on, she set foot on the road of no return.

Sakura on the island.

This name has long been listed as a top criminal by Interpol, offering a reward of up to one million US dollars.

It is also for her own safety that Sakura Shangdao relies on the big profits of drug trafficking to rebuild the broken knife stream destroyed by her, just to be responsible for her safety.

This woman is a legend of Toyo.

A few years ago, she was a submissive traditional woman. Even after being bullied by men, she would only cry in silence without any resistance.

But now, she has become a legend.

Her heart is full of the man named Li Nanfang.

For him, Sakura can do anything.

Go crazy.

So, when Li Nanfang was boarded by a demon a few months ago, Yue Zitong did not hesitate to commit suicide and fall into the sea in order to awaken his humanity. He followed him closely. Since then, when there was no news, Shangdao Cherry Blossom felt the sky collapsed.

She frantically seeks Li NanFang's whereabouts, regardless of any cost.

She more than once told apricot and others that Li Nanfang would not die.

Never die!

But, apricot really don't understand, Li Nanfang has fallen into the sea for several months, he is not immortal, why can't he die?

But that's what Sakura sheshima thinks.

She doesn't care about business any more, and she doesn't take care of the booming business.

Even the nanny who cooked for her was fired.

In order to save money, they hire people to search for Li Nanfang.

For a man obsessed with such a degree, in addition to the island cherry blossom, it is estimated that no one.

But her obsession not only caused her business to plummet, but also affected her own safety.

With all her thoughts on finding people and no longer focusing on business, some market forces that have long coveted have quietly risen.

Among them, Tanaka is the most powerful.

Tanaka's intelligence quotient and force value are both excellent and surprising. After a few years, Tanaka has become second only to Sakura Shangdao.

Why does she exist?

And why do you want to survive after "doing nothing"?

Since she does exist, and it is generally acknowledged that she is a leader in the field, why doesn't he design to eradicate her?

Tonight, after apricot got the news that a man's body was found in No. 72 sea area, she highly suspected that it was Tanaka's plot to attract Sakura to go there and plot against her.

She is not only the Secretary of Sakura Shangdao, but also the apricot of her own disciple. She intends to hide the news, but she is afraid that she will be hurt when she learns of it——

After weighing hard, apricot still came to tell her.

Just apricot did not expect, she just truthfully report, the reaction of Sakura on the island was so big.

When she suddenly turned around and yelled, apricot felt the overwhelming sense of killing, surging.

Fortunately, when the Apricot's eyes were staring at the terrible knife and her forehead was sweating, the Sakura on the island spoke again.

As she spoke again, the murderous spirit in the room quickly disappeared: "he will not die. Remember, he won't die before I die, no matter what kind of fatal blow he encounters. You never know what a terrible existence he is. "


Is this the fundamental reason why you are obsessed with him?

When apricot thought so, Sakura on the island had already walked out quickly: "go, go to the 72 sea area."

Apricot stood up in a hurry and ran after him: "door master, should we inform Gala first and then go there? I suspect that this is a trap laid by Tanaka against you. "

Sakura on the island did not return to ask: "where is gala?"

Apricot truthfully replied: "I don't know. He's been out searching for 13 days and hasn't come back. "

"I can't wait."

Don't look at the island cherry blossom to 72 sea area of mind is very urgent, but will not be silly to be reminded by apricot, desperate to die.

After a moment's hesitation, she turned: "take that knife."


Break the knife.

The edge of the blade is cold and shining, just like the brightness of the cold moon that is about to disappear from the sky, cold and cold on the shore of the 72 sea area.

A mottled small fishing boat, in the darkest hours before dawn, whimpered the whistle and slowly landed.

The owner of the boat in his 40s has a cool name.

Yoshiho Miura.

Decades ago, there was one of the most popular male movie stars, also called this name.

It's just that the shipowner with a heavy beard and heavy foreign debt has nothing to do with the word "cool".

If you let him be a slovenly spokesman, he should be very competent.

A few years ago, if you didn't go to Tanaka's casino, you would never have gone from a wealthy man to a wife who ran away with others, leaving only him and his daughter. Relying on the face of the past, you pieced together to buy this boat that should have been eliminated and went fishing.

Every down and out man basically drinks too much

Such a person, in addition to his virtuous daughter, who would go fishing with him?

Sanpu light is his daughter, now just 20 years old.

Sanpu light as the name, delicate body light, beautiful eyes flow of light, soft smile of light, but also let the atomic survival never forget.

His daughter is the lifeblood of Miura Youhe. Whoever dares to hurt her and take her away from him, he dares to pull off the grenade hanging around his waist and die with whom!

This beautiful girl, going out to sea with a useless father, is a waste.

However, Sanpu light has never complained, will only take good care of his father.

She knew very well that she was the last and only hope for her father to pick himself up.

The hope is slim——

I can't even find a helper to go fishing with me. I can imagine how tired I would be if I only depended on my father and daughter.

Fortunately, two months ago, when he came back from the sea to send fish to the market, Sanpu light saw a beggar.

Very young, ragged, bearded, haggard, the dog would not care——

But light and he occasionally look at one eye, but found that his eyes, good light.

It's like, it's not a normal eye.

Although the beggar's eyes are bright, they are full of remorse, remorse and despair.

But when Sanpu was stunned and looked at the beggar's eyes again, his eyes were numb again.

The beggar is a mute.

At least, Sanpu has been with him for two months, and has not heard a word from him.

Young beggars have hands and feet, but they don't go to work. No one looks up to him, and no one is willing to give him a bite.

Beggars don't seem to ask for anything, and they don't kneel down to beg for us dollars like other beggars. If they have no money, they can swipe cards or wechat——

He stood at the door of the market, with no job at his feet. He just drew a circle on the ground and wrote a few words: "I have no money to eat."

It's strange that this kind of begging will be pitied.

Sanpu light but because accidentally and he looked at one eye, heart, slowly walk past, asked if you want to go with her.

The girl sincerely told him that she was a little fisherman, and her father depended on each other, foreign debt.

If he can go with her, he can go fishing together.

However, before the foreign debt is paid off, there is no salary, but we can manage it well.

The beggar looked at her and the food bag in her left hand. He hesitated for a long time before nodding slowly.

In this way, Sanpu led the beggar back to the boat.

When he saw that his daughter had brought back a young beggar, Miura Youhe, who was drinking on the boat, was very angry. He raised his hand and smashed the bottle at him and scolded him for going away.

The bottle of wine banged on the beggar's forehead, blood streaming.

But the beggar didn't feel anything, just stood there, staring at Miura Youhe.

Miura Youhe was a little afraid - push him hard and let him roll.

The beggar did not move.

Miura Youhe picked up the harpoon, the beggar just looked at him, without the slightest fear.

Miura Youhe lost his temper, and his daughter begged him to stay, but he confessed that he would use him as an animal.

First of all, the beggar has to screw up the anchor which weighs hundreds of kilograms from the sea. The motor is broken, isn't it?

The beggar didn't use the pulley. He took the chain in his hands and pulled it out with his bare hands.


Miura is completely afraid, but he hopes the beggar can help him. After all, he is too tired to go fishing, so he and his daughter can't play.

To his surprise, except that he can't speak, the beggar just sits in the bow of the boat and stares at the sea when he has nothing to do. He even ignores what light takes the initiative to say to him.

Moreover, although beggars can eat more than pigs, they are absolutely good at work. They don't have any complaints or bad intentions.

Beggars are sent by Haishen to help Sanpu Youhe.

"Dumb, drop the anchor!"

With the roar of Miura Youhe, the dumb man sitting in the stern with his knees crossed immediately stood up, picked up the heavy anchor and threw it into the sea.

"Dad, you call him dumb again. His name is Canghai meteor. Remember, this is my name. Don't forget it any more. "

Sanpu light from the cabin came out, Jiaochou complained about the next Sanpu Youhe, came to the dumb side, raised with a towel hand, soft voice said: "come, meteor, I help you wipe your face."

In the face of light care, the mute didn't seem to hear or even look at her. He quickly walked to the side, sat cross knee again and looked at the sea stupidly.

It's like a statue.

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