It has been 108 days since my teacher's mother made any meat.

Even the old man who has no meat and no pleasure now sees the dog running on the street, his eyes will be green.

no use.

Li Nanfang didn't dare to make his mother angry, and the old man didn't dare.

If Li Nanfang treats his teacher's mother as his mother, then she is his mother in the old man's heart!

So the old man, more than anyone else, would like to hear from that son of a bitch earlier.

His teacher's mother promised him that he would not be able to have meat until the news came from the south.

Looking at the local dog who deliberately raised his hind legs and peed at him when he passed in front of him, the old man hated the itching of his gums, but did not dare to kick out. When there was no news from the south, the old man must not do a bad thing, which was also the imperial edict of his teacher's mother.

After sighing heavily, the old man went home to the window, picked up the rope and axe, and looked back when he was ready to be burned.

This room, which used to be a utility room, is now a Buddhist hall.

It can also be said to be Taoist.

In addition to Guanyin Bodhisattva, there are also Sanqing old people, incense curling, which has never been broken in 108 days.

These days, my teacher's mother is here, day or night.

My teacher's mother is praying for Li Nanfang.

For Yue Zitong.

But the old man stayed alone in the empty room for more than three months. What he felt was choking——

After staring at Westinghouse for a long time, the old man sighed silently again, put the rope on his shoulder, turned around, and just as he was about to go out, he saw several women in white linen and white satin standing outside.

After seeing these women, the old man was not surprised at all.

Because after more work from home, I don't know whether to call it a Buddhist temple or a Taoist temple. Every day at dawn, these women will come here to burn incense and sit down with their teacher's mother.

The tallest is Li Mu Chen.

Her left surname is Zhan, Zhan Xingshen.

Chen yu'er is the most Petite one.

These three women are poor people who have been harmed by Li NanFang's son, but they pray for him every day. It's a sin.

In fact, in the second month when they came to 800, they wanted to go out with Helan Xiaoxin and others to "work" at the maritime search and rescue company in Binhai, Eastern Province, and take turns to go out to sea with them, but Yang Xiao did not allow them.

After his little aunt died, Yang Xiao automatically upgraded to elder sister. She asked Shen Yun to put down her child and go back to South Korea. She had to go back and let Chen yu'er wait at home, so they had to wait at home.

As if they had made an appointment, every morning when the old man went out, they would appear in front of the door.

After the old man left, they would go to Westinghouse and silently accompany their teacher's mother to pray.

In fact, the old man felt that the three women didn't have much affection for Li Nanfang. When they prayed for him now, they might secretly curse him that he would die outside——

The old man laughed at them and stepped forward.

Doodle, doodle!

Suddenly, a telephone rang in Westinghouse.

It's not serious that there is a telephone in the solemn Buddhist hall or Taoist temple.

But this is the wife's request, the old man can only obediently do.

The phone didn't ring very loud, but in the ears of the old man and the three women outside the fence, it was like thunder. Everyone couldn't breathe - all of them suddenly looked up and looked over there, and their heartbeat seemed to stop.

As if after ten thousand years, the door of Westinghouse creaked open.

In just a few months, the teacher's mother came out, facing half of the golden sunrise rising in the East, and gave the old man a gentle smile: "master, from today on, you can eat meat."

"Eating meat? Ha, what's good about meat? Tofu is still delicious. "

The old man laughed and smelled the beany smell coming out of his mouth. He just wanted to vomit.

He quickly raised his head, swallowed his saliva, looked to the East, and said with emotion, "Alas, why didn't you see Chaoyang so beautiful before?"

Fade that layer of golden sunlight, sprinkle on Sanpu's light and pure face, there are gorgeous five color flashing.

It's tears shining in the sun.

Her poor father was killed by a stone in the field.

So from this moment on, light became an orphan, automatically upgraded to the boss——

Boatman is dumb, or Li Nanfang.

Sanpu light heartbroken, but also some surprise, found that more and more do not understand Li Nanfang.

From the action of Sakura Shangdao kissing him like crazy, even a fool can see how much she loves this man.

But he patted her on the back a few times at most, still silent.

It's also the most dangerous time when a girl begins to be formally interested in a man.

Sakura on the island is a living example.

Back then, if she had not been interested in the barbaric occupation of Li Nanfang, she would not have been so excited after finding him.

More will not be excited after her eyes and floating fear of color.

She finally found out Li NanFang's indifference and thought that after he killed Yue Zitong, he didn't want to pay attention to her and all the women who were looking for him.

What does Li Nanfang want to see in order to wake up Yue Zitong who committed suicide?


Not at all!

When Shangdao Sakura shakes her head in fear, Li Nanfang finally makes a move. With the tip of his right foot, he draws a few words on the sand - sorry.

Before he finds Yue Zitong's body, he won't talk any more, let alone fall in love with any woman.

He is using this very ridiculous, but also to the island cherry blossom and other unfair way to atone.

It's more tactful to tell Sakura Shangdao that he will continue to look for her and won't go home with her.

Sakura on the island understood and wanted to persuade him, but her lips trembled, but she did not dare to say.

Li Nanfang, who was saddened by Yue Zitong's death, was more terrible than when he was angry.

But Sakura on the island would never allow him to go on like this. He had to be pulled out of his grief, even if he was lost.

Sakura on the island forced to bite the lower lip, just about to say something, but closed his mouth.

She saw the girl on the fishing boat coming.

Sanpu's light face was full of fear of nowhere to go, but she pursed the corners of her mouth and tried to be as strong as possible. She temporarily abandoned the pain of her father's death and came to do what she should do.

When she bent over Li Nanfang and bowed deeply, tears fell on the beach and disappeared in a moment.

Li Nanfang definitely looked at her, but of course he couldn't speak.

"Thank you, Liu and Li Nanfang. Thank you for avenging my father. "

Sanpu Youhe was killed by Tanaka's stone. Li Nanfang killed him, even if he helped Sanpu Qinghao avenge his father's death.

Li Nanfang shook his head slowly, as if with a smile.

Just, don't wait for the smile to float up from the corner of his mouth, disappear.

After more than 100 days, he almost lost his speech function. How could he remember how to laugh?

In a word, his action means you are welcome.

Blah, blah, blah.

Several police cars and ambulances finally arrived at sea area 72.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'll cooperate with the police investigation, so I won't disturb you."

Sanpu raises her head and wipes her tears. As she walks to the side of the road, she passes Sakura. She finds that her fists are tightly clenched, her knuckles are white, and her breasts begin to fluctuate violently. Her heart suddenly moves.

Of course, Li Nanfang also saw what Shangdao cherry wanted to do, but he refused to give her a chance. He turned to look at the sea, and his eyes began to dull again.

Sakura on the island of courage, immediately dissipated, despair rose, Sanpu light quickly walked back.

She walked up to Li Nanfang, looked into his eyes and said seriously, "Li Nanfang, although I never knew Yue Zitong, I never heard anyone talk about your love. But I can see how much you love her from the way you are. She is happy even if she is really unhappy. But there's one thing you should never ignore. Besides her, there are other women who love you as much as she does. "

Li NanFang's eyebrows trembled violently, but Sanpu lightly wiped his shoulder and walked quickly to the police car.

When she walked out more than ten meters, she finally heard a hoarse voice saying, "cherry, cherry, I'm sorry."

The sudden cry of Sakura on the island, just like the tear gas explosion, let Sanpu light just stop tears, burst into tears again.

In the past few months, Li Nanfang has always been immersed in unspeakable regret and avoided all this.

No one can help him lift the blindfold sorrow, let him soberly realize, in addition to Yue Zitong, there are many women, deeply love him.

If he can't extricate himself from his remorse, Yue Zitong will scold you scum. My aunt will commit suicide to save you. It's to make you live happily, not to make you become such a ghost.

Sanpu saw it.

More see the island cherry dare not say these words.

She felt that it was unfair to Sakura, so she said that.

Li Nanfang was finally willing to speak.

Someone came to guide Li Nanfang to be enlightened and let Shangdao Cherry Blossom feel real happiness. Then, who cares about Sanpu light?

My father died.

According to the relevant regulations, the police will take out the corresponding compensation from the property of Tanaka and enter it into her bank account.

This is also the last legacy that Miura left to her daughter, and it is enough for her to return to the university campus and live a happy life in the past.

However, for a girl whose family is broken, what she needs most is not money, but the warmth of her relatives.

Who will give Sanpu the warmth it needs?

With the help of the community staff, Sanpu light, who made his father safe in the autumn rain, came back from the cemetery without an umbrella and went back home like a lost man.

Miura Youhe has become a bear. In the past two years, he has been fishing all the time. Can his home be regarded as home?

The light of the low simple room is gloomy, and the air is filled with the musty smell of dead mice. The light of two white candles flickers from left to right, shining on the portrait of Miura Youhe, as if he would speak at any time.

"Good night, Dad."

When the candle burned out, Sanpu, who was kneeling on the tatami, was light. He sat in the dark for a long time. Then he said something low. He lay down slowly, closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep.

She had a dream.

Dream of a happy childhood, father dressed in a suit, mother happy smile, a family of three walking on the beach in the sunset.

Suddenly a gust of wind blowing, parents were blown to the sky, Sanpu light panic open hands, shouting mom and Dad, want to chase, but no trace of strength.

But she still desperately stretched out her hands and scratched.

Finally, she caught a hand.

Strong, calloused hands.

Sanpu light a stay, opened his eyes, saw the light, also saw a shadow, a fuzzy face.

This face is familiar and strange.

It's a man's face, not Dad.

The man spoke, voice a little hoarse: "you have a fever."

Sanpu light seems to hear what he said, also seems not to hear, just try to grasp his hand, sat up.

As soon as she sat up, she fell into the dark, collapsed into the man's arms, and quickly fell into the abyss.

But, you can hear a strong heartbeat.

This heartbeat, let Sanpu light fear, gradually dispersed, slowly opened his eyes, looked at the fuzzy face, tried to raise his right hand, murmured: "Dad --"

As soon as her hand touched the face, it fell down powerlessly.

She fainted, but the corner of her mouth was filled with the happiness of finally finding a backer.

It seems to be floating.

Also seems to be struggling, struggling desperately.

I don't know how long it took for Yue Zitong to struggle out of the endless black abyss and slowly open his eyes.

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