Li NanFang's name is Li Nanfang——

It's not called the meteor of the sea.

But Sanpu insisted on calling his name.

Good night. After burying his father and falling into a coma with a high fever, Sanpu felt that he was back in his childhood and was held in his arms by his father.

The person holding her, of course, is not Miura Youhe, but Li Nanfang who is worried about her.

Li Nanfang went to see her, not because she was a beauty.

If he has that dirty idea, there are countless opportunities for Mr. Sanpu to hurt her after his death in the two months when he gets along with lightness.

The real reason why Li Nanfang couldn't let go of lightness was that this simple minded girl spent the most painful two months with him.

In those two months, Li Nanfang didn't say a word to her.

Sanpu light but she can say, all say to him.

When a girl loses her mother, she has a lot to say to her father but not to her friends.


Sanpu light is to Li Nanfang as a friend, her happy, unhappy words, say to him.

In his spare time, he always sits at the stern of the boat and stares at Li Nanfang in the deep of the sea. Have you ever heard what lightness says?

It doesn't matter.

As long as she can find someone to tell.

As long as he can have a simple friend with him.

Even later, Li Nanfang found that lightness's affection for him was no longer a simple friend, but with a certain degree of sincerity. He was as gloomy as ashes, and had no slightest fluctuation.

He thought that he would not care about the existence of lightness.

He was wrong.

After comforting Sakura on the island, he decided to wander on the sea. As soon as he got to the seaside, he felt lonely.

Unconsciously, he has been used to having a girl around him, always saying those very childish words to him.

Listening to her soft voice, he will feel that he is still alive.

In fact, as long as Li Nanfang gives a look, she can let Shangdao cherry put everything down and follow him to the sea.

Li Nanfang will not do that.

He is not allowed to love any of his women, and then accompany him in pain.

"One year. Give me another year. If I haven't heard from her, I'll take you back to 800 and never come out again. "

When the star suddenly lit up and gave off a strange light, Li Nanfang thought of the words he had said to Sakura Shangdao.

Sakura on the island sobbed with joy.

Her eyes full of tears are also bright like this star.

Li Nanfang smiles, looks back at Sanpu and says, "I see it."

Sanpu light asked: "why does it suddenly light up?"

"Because it thinks that you are tired and should have a rest."

"I'm not going."

Lightness wakes up from her high fever and finds that she returns to her father's fishing boat and floats on the sea. Her back, which is not burly but rather strong, can be seen when she opens her eyes. The helplessness and fear after her father's death instantly goes with the wind and reappears her charming and naive nature.

Fishing boats have been floating on the sea these days.

Lightness never asked where the ship was going.

Because she is also very clear that Li Nanfang is just looking for an impossible miracle. No matter where she goes, she can do it.

Similarly, as long as you can be with him, you don't care where you go.

The best way is to spend your whole life floating on the sea.

The only thing that makes light dissatisfied is that whenever Li Nanfang says that she is tired and should go to rest, she will go to sleep.

Why is she so obedient?

When Li Nanfang said this in a soft voice, she could not help looking into his eyes, and then she would see something.

What is that thing?

I don't know.

Because every time she didn't wait for her to see clearly, sleepiness would flood in, making her even yawn. She would lean on his arms, sleep sweetly, dream back to the sunny lawn when she was a child, giggle and chase butterflies under the care of her parents.

By the time she woke up from her deep sleep, the sun had risen.

No matter how hard she tried to recall, she couldn't think of what she saw in Li NanFang's eyes.

She only sees fresh food and fresh water.

Who's the one who sent these things?

Lightness wants to know, and has asked Li Nanfang many times. He just doesn't say it, even if he twists his ear and bites his shoulder with his white teeth.

After asking many times, lightness is too lazy to ask again.

She only hoped that when she was very happy tonight, she would not fall into his evil again and sleep again.

But as soon as she opposed it, she saw it in Li NanFang's eyes.

Black, fog.

How can there be two black mists in people's eyes?

This is clearly in the dark, why light from her eyes, see these two, black fog?

This is the question that arises instinctively every time she is drowned by the tide of sleepiness.

This time, too——

No, it's not.

Light in addition to the first I do not know how many times to see the two black fog, there is a new discovery.

In the two black mists in Li NanFang's eyes, there was a pair of evil eyes hidden.

That pair of evil eyes, and light in the face, without the slightest hostility.

Only endless salivation.

What is this kind of salivation that has never been touched before?

Sanpu light immersed in the peaceful sleep of the brain thinking, again slowly turning up, that pair of evil eyes, immediately floating from the bottom of my heart.

Then, she heard the sound of rapid breathing.

Then she felt her hands, trembling slightly, swimming slowly on her body.

The sea, the lonely boat, Li Nanfang.

In addition to Li Nanfang, who offended her after she was hypnotized by him?

"No wonder he said he couldn't let me go and would take me out to sea. No wonder I fall asleep whenever he says I'm tired. It turned out that he just wanted me to "relieve his boredom" when I was wandering with him. Ha ha, meteor, why do you need it? In fact, as long as you want, I will give it to you. Because now, I have nothing in my world but you. "

Sanpu light heart wry smile, suddenly heard a low whistle sound, from a distance - Wu!

Li NanFang's rapid breathing, hands swimming on her body, immediately stopped.

Three seconds later, I closed my eyes and heard a clear slap.

Li Nanfang, smoking his own mouth.

After he was woken up by the whistle and found out what he was doing.

"My stupidity has killed my aunt. Who else do you want me to kill? "

After listening to Li NanFang's words, Sanpu was a little curious. He didn't know who he was talking to. When he was about to open his eyes quietly, his evil eyes suddenly appeared.

Dead, stare at her!

She was afraid to open her eyes.

She can only listen to Li Nanfang continue to say: "you dare to bewitch me, I will make you regret, you are also extremely stupid."

"Who is that" you "

Sanpu light subconsciously think so, that pair of staring at her evil eyes, disappeared.

She opened her eyes quietly.

I saw the moon at midnight.

How can you see the moon at midnight?

Since she and Li Nanfang drifted like headless flies on the sea, she had never seen the bright moon at midnight.

Of course, she never woke up in the middle of the night and found that she was insulted by Li Nanfang. She felt the unspeakable evil spirit and listened to him say those words.

Does Li Nanfang have a dual personality?

Day, and night, are two different people?

Although Sanpu's idea is not correct, it is not too far away from Li NanFang's secret.

Even in an instant, she realized that Li Nanfang appeared after her father had a high fever the night she buried him, because he was influenced by another person.

For two months, his other personality has been used to lightness around him.

Similarly, his personality would do something to her every night.

It's just another personality, and it's not allowed.

When she was in school, she once read about dual personality in books and knew that such people were very dangerous.

After thinking about these, I'm afraid——

She was really afraid that Li Nanfang could not hold down the terrible side and would rush to hurt her.

It's one thing for a girl to hand her over to a man. Being bullied by a man is another feeling.

Especially when Li Nanfang is physically and mentally strongest, his asexual life for several months in a row is bound to make him unbearable.

The normal physiological needs of strong men are beyond the control of perseverance.

In particular, after a lonely boat with lonely men and few women all day long, it's normal for Li Nanfang to have evil thoughts about lightness.

Whoa, whoa.

In light some fear, even breathing will not, ear came oar water skiing sound.

She quietly rolled her eyes and looked to the right side of the boat from the corner of her eyes. Then she saw a rubber boat coming leisurely from a distance.

Hundreds of meters away on the sea, I do not know when to stop a white sea rescue ship.

There were no lights and no one walking on the deck, just like a ghost ship coming out of the sea.

When the light eyes turned again, they could see a tall and powerful figure standing on the bow of the boat, as motionless as a sculpture.

Only when the rubber boat safely approached the light fishing boat did the figure turn around and disappear in the mercury like moonlight.

The bright moon is in the sky.

The moon is silver, sprinkled on the rubber boat.

A white figure stood up from the rubber boat.

"Oh, I see. This is the cherry blossom man on the island. Every night when I'm asleep, he comes to bring us fresh water and vegetables

When Sanpu thought of it, he thought it was wrong.

Because the white figure standing up from the rubber boat was a woman.

In the moonlight, I can see clearly.

White robes, slender waist, but tied with a black band, black hair was a white silk, tied in the back of the head.

put on mourning apparel.

Sanpu thought of this idiom.

In fact, a woman in mourning is more like a girl, especially her clean little face, with a cute 18-year-old high school student. But when she looks into Li NanFang's eyes, she contains too much excitement, sadness, sorrow and desire.

"Who is this soft looking girl? What's the relationship between her and Li Nanfang? "

Sanpu's light and slow brain thought turned here. When he got there, he saw Li Nanfang turn around silently, turn his back to the soft girl and say in a low voice, "soft, it's dangerous for you to sail so far alone. I've said that many times. Please give me a year. If I haven't found her, I'll take you back to 800 and never come out again. "

Rouer nodded slightly, her voice trembled: "I, I know. I'm glad you finally figured it out. I, I come here, just miss you. I want to see you. Don't be upset. I'll leave as soon as I put down my things. "

She is Li NanFang's woman.

She loves him very much.

Otherwise, she would not talk to him like that.

I didn't expect that there would be such a wonderful woman around him.

He is looking for the woman, and how excellent - completely out of female instinct, Sanpu light quickly analyzed these.

She felt that if she was Li Nanfang, no matter how sad she was because of a woman's misfortune, she would not be willing to let a girl like rouer feel so sad for her.

Li Nanfang was indifferent and did not speak.

Rouer lifted a box from the rubber boat, leaned forward and lifted it to the fishing boat.

too bad!

A look at her this action, three Pu light heart secretly called a sound bad.

This rouer obviously has no experience of working at sea.

It's on the sea, not on land. If she lifts things like this, it will only make the rubber boat retreat quickly and let her fall into the sea.

Sure enough, before the voice of lightness screams, rouer screams: "ah!"


Water splash, rouer with a box of food, all fell into the sea, rapid sinking.

Before lightness makes a second reaction, he suddenly feels a flash of dark shadow in front of him. Li Nanfang, who was originally sitting on the deck, is gone.

She sat up quickly, grasped the side of the boat and looked down.

Soon, she saw Li Nanfang holding rouer and coming out of the sea.

Rouer is crying.

Crying with both hands, hard hit Li NanFang's chest.

She just cried and didn't talk.

Li Nanfang didn't speak either. He just swam to the rubber boat and put rou'er on it carefully, just like lifting a rare treasure.

Rou'er stops crying. Her eyes are dull. She looks at Li Nanfang who is swimming in front of the fishing boat. Just as he is about to jump on the boat, she suddenly asks, "Nanfang, are you going to destroy this girl's innocence?"

Li Nanfang, who had already raised his feet, froze and looked at Sanpu light, who was in a hurry to close his eyes and pretend to sleep.

Sanpu's light clothes have obvious traces of being untied.

Accompanied by his silence for a long time, rou'er stood up, raised her hand to untie the black belt around her waist, and said in a soft voice, "south, you can bear it. I can't bear it. Come here, I'll give it to you. "

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