Yue Zitong doesn't have to look back to know who is coming.

In addition to bean sprout like figure, appearance is particularly pure, temperament is particularly isolated little fox Zhuang Chun, who can be.

After waking up from a long coma, Yue Zitong passed the joy of "I'm not dead" and the anger of "I want to go but I can't go".

There is also the expectation that "my aunt can only wait hard, hoping to find the south by smelling Yan dance".

Finally, after the anxiety of "can the fool find the south? Is she dead outside?" she finally calmed down: "it seems that after my aunt gave birth to two children, the thief God didn't intend to let me go. He can only let me continue to suffer, and finally become a Buddha and help all living beings. Amitabha, damn it. "

"Hey, I'm talking to you. Don't you hear me?"

Chuang Chun, who is stepping on a pair of snow feet, appears in the sight of Yue Zitong. He pinches his waist with both hands and stares at his black and white eyes. He looks very angry because he is ignored. He has unique shrew potential.

I really don't want to talk to her.

But when she was young, she had such a terrible value of force, especially her eccentric personality. If she didn't make trouble, she would throw my aunt into the lake and drink natural mineral water while no one was around. Isn't it miserable?

Yue Zitong raised his hand and gathered the hair at his temples. He looked up at her: "how can you understand the greatness of love when you are young? When you grow up and meet the man you like, you will know that you can't see him for a moment, and you will feel that your heart, liver and lungs are being scratched by the cat. "

Zhuang Chun sneered: "cut. In this way, your heart, liver and lungs are all scratched by the cat? "

Yue Zitong does not want to discuss this mature issue with her.

Talking about love with Zhuang Chun is more speechless than playing the lute to a cow.

She slowly changed the topic: "did you hear the news of Yan dance?"

A few days ago, Yue Zitong saw Wen Yanwu and was surprised to learn that she was the maid of his wife Zhuang Qing.

Before his aunt's stomach was enlarged, she was already the most elite agent of national security——

That pair of wise eyes, especially accurate - sometimes.

She can see at a glance that Wen Yan dance is not the accessory of those noble people in the script.

The figure and appearance have nothing to do with the temperament, but when you do everything you can, you can smell the Yan dance, which is almost the same as those rich young women who Yue Zitong is familiar with.

How can this kind of woman be a maid and serve people in a humble way?

However, Wen Yanwu's performance in front of Zhuang Chun's mother and daughter absolutely meets all the requirements of the best maid, who says, "if you let me die, I have to die.".

After hearing that Yanwu was ordered to go out and search for Li NanFang's whereabouts, Yue Zitong learned from Zhuang Chun that she was really a rich lady.

The commander-in-chief of the Li family, Yue Zitong, who guarantees that there will be no fire in the scum's backyard, is not too easy to tell zhuangchun what she wants to know.

Wen Yan, who is 28 years old, has been here for more than ten years.

At the age of 16, she married the first-class family in Lingnan and gave birth to a daughter.

On her daughter's 100th birthday, she danced impromptu. She was famous in Lingnan for her enchanting dancing style. Wen Yanwu, who was regarded as a swallow dance fairy by a good man, said that although her mother's family was down, her husband's family was thriving. Moreover, her husband was handsome and knew how to love her wife - she should have been prosperous all her life.

But who would have thought that when her daughter just turned one year old, disaster came.

After hearing the legend of black fog beach in Qingling County, I had to run to see it.

It's said that every night when the moon is full, the sea will be foggy and there will be the cry of fox from the sea.

Why is it that the rounder and brighter the moon is, the more vast the sea is, and the fog rises here alone?

How can the calls of foxes, which should have grown in the forest, come from the sea in the fog?

According to the older generation, every night when the moon is full, a wooden boat several stories high will appear from the fog.

On the boat, there is a red lantern.

The faint cry of the fox came from the boat.

However, those who were lucky enough to see the boat found that there was no one in the sky, let alone a fox.

Ghost boat.

The meaning of ghost ship is simple and easy to understand: "no one knows where it comes from, where it goes, why it appears, and how many years it has been floating on the sea."

If it's just the legend of ghost ship, it won't arouse the interest of Yun Er Shao.

According to legend, when the ghost ship appears, there may be a beautiful woman wearing a white veil robe.

The beauty is all over her body, only wearing a white robe that seems to be indistinct. Her hair is set up behind her head with white silk, and she is stepping on a pair of snow feet. With a smile and a twinkle, she shows her extraordinary and refined fairy temperament.

If you can meet this beautiful woman in the black fog beach and get her favor, then Yun Er Shao will not live in vain in his life.

So, with this flower like dream, Yun Er Shao came to Heiwu beach in Qingling County on the full moon night more than ten years ago.

Facts have proved that the saying "if you don't die, you won't die" is quite reasonable.

Ignoring the warning of "danger here, don't come at night" on the stone tablet in front of the black fog beach, Yun Er Shao came to the black fog beach and met the legendary white robed beauty, who won her favor and favor.

Two people in front of the stone tablet, Lang Qing concubine meaning has been to the East Mengliang.

The fairy said, she's leaving.

In the future, if they are predestined, they will see each other again.

With Yun Er Shao's romantic temperament, he actually slept with the fairy in legend. How could he let her leave?

Even if you leave, you have to do that again. Is it a good memory?

The fairy also loved Yun Er Shao, who was handsome and romantic. He was shy and timid. He agreed to him delicately.

Therefore, the bad luck of Lingnan cloud family came——

All night long, the fairy didn't get rid of the gauze white robe. He also politely refused Yun Er Shao's request to increase the pleasure of the boudoir, and always met him face to face.

This aroused Yun Er Shao's great interest. Just after the last cloud and rain, when the fairy got up to leave, he suddenly lifted her gossamer robe, which could be regarded as opening Pandora's ink cartridge and seeing the white fox tail.

No wonder the fairy was only with Yun Er Shao all night and didn't dare face to face.

Originally, she grew a white fox tail, or the kind of nine heads!

Cloud two little immediately stay than, fairy scream, cover face jump down the black fog beach.

There was a fox's cry, coming from the sea.

The cry is shrill and evil, which indicates something bad.

The spirit of Yun Er Shao has been in trouble since that day.

He would never go to the money selling cave again. When he saw people, he said with a smirk that he had fallen asleep.

For this reason, the cloud family racked their brains and took him to seek medical treatment everywhere, hoping to make him return to normal.

It's a pity that Yun Er Shao is more and more powerful. At last, he can only be locked in the house by the Yun family in case he gets lost.

Although it's painful for a person to become a madman, it's better than running out and not knowing where he will die sooner or later.

On the first anniversary of Yun Er Shao's madness, his condition became more serious. He beat the door hard, yelled that Fox fairy was coming, and the family of Yun was full of disaster, so he had better escape quickly.

No one paid any attention to his words.

On the eve of the full moon night, the cloud family heard the cry of the fox, which came from somewhere outside.

Even, there are a lot of strange things happening.

It seems to indicate that Yun Er Shao's crazy words will come true——

It's a prophecy!

On the full moon night of the first anniversary of Yun er's being favored by Nine Tailed Fox, he was celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival in the courtyard. All the other members of Yun's family, except him and Wen Yanwu's mother and daughter, were killed.

Hearing that Yan Wu's mother and daughter are missing, Yun Er Shao finally smashes the window and shouts that he has gone to sleep.

Since then, the cloud family, a powerful family in Lingnan, has been removed from the list. The local authorities have been searching for clues to the crime for many years, but to no avail.

The fox fairy who brings the disaster to the cloud family is Zhuang Chun's mother, Zhuang Qing.

Zhuang Chun is Yun Er Shao's own daughter.

No matter which ethnic group, where they live and when they are old enough to marry a man or a woman, they always regard the inheritance of excellent genes as a top priority.

If we want to inherit excellent genes, we must not marry close relatives to ensure the blood line, just like the royal family of a certain country.

The appointed heirs of youtan kings of the past dynasties in Miaomiao township are all shouldering a certain burden. When they are old enough to have a baby, they go out to find a husband.

To this point, Yue Zitong feels a little familiar.

Because she has heard for a long time that when the emperor Xuanyuan of all ages reached the age of being able to have a baby, he would go out of the valley to find seeds. They didn't have much choice. When they went out of the valley and sat on the side of the road, the first man they saw, whether young or old, was her father.

The father of the child will die happily after completing the mission given by God -- staying in Fengdu City, looking at his own daughter from afar, born in the coffin, waiting for his beloved wife to find her.

When Xuanyuan kings were born and raised, they would die, and they could not even see their children.

Such a strange way of inheritance has finally changed after Yang Xiao's generation met Li Nanfang.

It has also become a taboo that everyone in the Li family can't mention without authorization.

But Yue did not expect that there was a similar genetic inheritance in addition to flame valley.

However, compared with the past Xuanyuan king, the situation of the past youtan king is much better.

Maybe it's God's compensation to show the beauty of the world when they all drag a fox tail and dare not wear a skirt and show their long legs?

When they reach their age, they will go out to find their sweetheart, get pregnant afterwards, and will not let their lover die.

The premise is that the lover can't see her fox tail.

If you see it, you will suffer all over the house - this is the strictest family rule in misty village.

So Yun Er Shao, who had a lucky sleep with the fox fairy, set off Zhuang Chun's white robe out of curiosity, and brought disaster to the Yun family.

But because of Zhuang Qing's kneeling and crying, he hopes that the head of the village can raise his hand and let his lover go. After the failure, he has saved the lives of Yun Er Shao and Wen Yan Wu's mother and daughter, which can be regarded as a small misfortune.

After the disaster of the Yun family, Zhuang Chun doesn't know where the culprit Yun Er Shao has gone.

I don't care about her father.

She only knew that in order to ensure the safety of Wen Yanwu's mother and daughter, her mother Zhuang Chun took her as a maid.

Otherwise, Wen Yanwu, who survives by chance, will be taken over by Zhuang Dahai, who carries out the task of destroying the family of the cloud family.

And her own daughter will also be killed by big brother -- how can a character like big brother help other men raise children?

In short, Zhuang Qing receives Yan Wu as a maid just to protect her.

In order to ensure that her daughter will not be affected by Zhuang Dahai, because she can not get her, she will lay hands on the child and give it to someone.

Chuang Chun doesn't know who is the daughter of Wen Yanwu.

But Zhuang Chun also knows that in order to dispel the stupid idea of hearing Yan dance and go out to find a girl without permission, and to protect her from being hurt by big brother Hai, his wife Zhuang Qing has planted a lover's curse on her - who dares to play a modern version of the overlord of western Chu to her, just wait for poisoning.

After AI Lang was killed, Zhuang Qing began to get depressed.

Finally, when she closed the door one time, she became obsessed because of her restlessness.

Ten percent of the skills are not even available in Chengdu.

Also always cough, may die at any time——

If it's just like this, Zhuang Chun's grandmother and village chief are very dissatisfied with her daughter's behavior of being trapped by love. They want to abolish her position as king youtan and pass it on to Zhuang Dahai's wife and niece, Zhuang Wujian.

Zhuang Qing knows very well that once you tan Wang's laurel falls on Zhuang Wujian's head, it is the time for mother and daughter to go to the West.

The truth that cutting grass without removing roots will bring endless troubles to the future is also very marketable in the misty countryside.

But Zhuang Qing's ability is greatly damaged, and he can't swim through the undersea tunnel in the ethereal hometown. How can he fight against the villains?

What's more, over the years, in order to replace Zhuang Qing, Zhuang Wujian and his wife secretly eradicated all the forces loyal to her.

It was when Zhuang Chun's mother and daughter were in the most dangerous situation that his aunt, the goddess of luck, was sent to ethereal country by the kind-hearted big brother Hai.

With the help of Li Nanfang, all the villains who threaten the lives of Zhuang Qing's mother and daughter are dead!

For this reason, Zhuang qingpai's maid went out to search Li NanFang's whereabouts.

Zhuang Chun, who is familiar with these things, really doesn't like men.

She knew that her mother Zhuang Qing had been missing Yun Er Shao so far.

Yue Zitong, who may be knocked down by big brother Hai at any time, misses Li Nanfang very much.

Zhuang Qing is possessed for the sake of a man, and Zhuang Chun is killed at any time. Yue Zitong falls into the sea for the sake of a man's suicide, and he may wear a hat at any time. Man is the source of all disasters.

These days, after Yue Zitong has found out this, although she still can't bear to see the little devil, the overflowing maternal love still makes her feel sorry for Zhuang chunte. She changes the topic and asks if there is any news about the Yan dance. Her tone is still gentle.

In fact, she has asked Zhuang Chun this question many times.

Zhuang Chun would answer every time - of course.

Just when Yue Zitong's eyes were shining and asked in a hurry, Zhuang Chun would ask: "I say yes, do you believe it? Hum, stupid woman with simple mind. "

This time, Zhuang Chun also replied, "of course there are."

But Yue Zitong would not ask as he used to. He just pursed his lips and laughed, which fully showed the transcendent quality that the palace did not agree with Huang Mao girl.

Zhuang Chun raised her foot discontentedly and kicked Yue Zitong gently. She frowned and asked, "why don't you ask me? Did you find Li Nanfang when you heard Yan Wu?"

"I'm sleepy. I'm going to have a rest. Good night

Yue Zitong raised his hand and yawned, stood up and patted his ass, turned and walked to the stone house.

Behind, came Zhuang Chun's cold laughter.

"Dead girl, after I kiss the man, I have to let him cut off your tongue. When the time comes, see if you can still laugh! "

Yue Zitong, whose dignity has been trampled on by a yellow haired girl again and again, was full of hatred. When he arrived here, Zhuang Chun said, "I heard Yan dance and found Li Nanfang. But he -- "

Yue Zitong's delicate body trembled and his face turned pale suddenly. He turned slowly and looked at Zhuang Chun in the moonlight. His voice was hoarse: "south, South, what's wrong with him?"

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