With the help of other people's hands, there is no psychological obstacle for Shangguan to eradicate the competitors who threaten him.

It's not difficult.

After all, in order to eliminate the threat from my cousins, Shangguan has cultivated their arrogance and arrogance since they were young!

And then, on the pretext of worrying about their safety, they will not be given any chance to practice.

Then, when the opportunity comes, Shangguan will release them forever. They will have no other idea except to prove their excitement.

In fact, it is.

When they can finally use Li Nanfang to prove their next unique skill, they will only rush up like jackals, showing their sharp teeth!!

Don't care, the two children will be Shen Qingwu and others, take the opportunity to carry away.

Even they don't care about Shen Xuelian's safety.

They just want to kill Li Nanfang!!

Li Nanfang has a headache.

It's not difficult for him to get rid of the superior officials who just need to be calm.

The problem is, Li Nanfang doesn't want to be a sword for Shangguan forever!!

In this world, few people are qualified to let Li Nanfang be his sword.

"Kill him! Cut him to pieces, cut him to pieces, and then blow up his ashes! "

When Shangguan's gold and silver baton smashed Li NanFang's head with earth shaking power, Shen Xuelian, standing in the distance, clamped her legs and put her hands to her mouth, making the biggest noise.

This scum!

Last night, when she and Shen Jiahui were the happiest, they broke into the house and killed the future baby's father in front of her!

Not only that, but also use her to threaten Shangguan forever, take a black thorn, stabbed her leg.

It's a shame that he won't die!!

In front of Shen Xuelian's eyes, the scene of Li Nanfang being broken into pieces has emerged.

The unspeakable resentment turned into a volcano that could not be suppressed and suddenly gushed out from the deepest place.

All of a sudden, she trembled like a pendulum, her neck was drawn, her head was raised, her eyes were closed, her mouth was open, and she was forced to sit on the ground.

I don't know how long it took for Shen Xuelian, lying on the ground in a strange posture, to float up from the soon solidified magma.

She opened her mouth and took a big breath.

Then I heard a man's voice asking, "what's wrong with her?"

Immediately, there was a very sour woman's voice, answered: "what's the matter with her? An expert like you can't see what's wrong with her? "

"How can I become an expert?"

The man discontented said: "you explain to me, what happened to this girl."

"Well, I'll explain to you, she"

That woman just about to explain, another woman, weak said: "in front of the child, don't say this kind of thing, OK?"

A woman pretending to be rude echoed: "yes, yes. We can not care, but we must protect my son's pure heart, don't be polluted by this stupid girl. Li Han, let's go. Get the hell out of here. Don't always look at this smelly man. He's not a good bird. It's not your dad. "

Shen Xuelian opened her eyes slowly.

Sweat blinded eyes, but can hazy see, lying on the ground of people, all face panic, pale, but all dead bite lips, looking at a person.

Shen Xuelian also looks at the man.


In Shen Xuelian's head, there was a bang.

Li Nanfang!

This man, who was frightened and looked at by Shangguan family, is Li Nanfang who should be cut to pieces!

"Why didn't you die?"

Shen Xuelian murmured.

"I'm strange, too."

Li Nanfang shrugged his shoulders, bent down to snatch the child from Ham's hand and gave it a kiss.

This kind of buttocks developed, lack of brain woman, there is no need to pay attention to.

"You dare to stab my son. You and I are at odds!"

After Shen Qingwu looked at Ham's howling, he felt like vomiting. He scolded him in secret: "it's just for this scum to rob Mr. Chen a son? What's the point? No matter how the eldest son is, the blood of robber also flows on him. Compared with my noble lineage, I'm a little short of my nose. Pooh, Pooh, Pooh! Who gives birth to scum

Squatting on the ground, holding her daughter in both hands, Avril is full of forced smile.

Eyes light, some dim.

Daughter safely back to arms, still as clever, lovely, Avril feel, this moment even if immediately die, also worth.

But why, when she saw Li NanFang's violent action and madly kissing Li Han, Avril felt a sense of loss in her heart?

"It turns out that my little grace doesn't have her blood running through her."

Avril finally found the answer.

Then she curled her lips slightly.

Grace is not Li NanFang's daughter, so what?

She has a mother who loves her most in the world!

Avril vowed that she would make grace the happiest little princess in the world.

No matter where she is.

Poor or rich.

Even, no matter what occupation it is!!

Avril will not let grace and Li Han grow up together and be treated differently by Li Nanfang.

Inexplicably, Avril was moved by herself. Tears filled her eyes, she stood up, bent down and pursed her hips. She was about to hold grace, who was envious of Li Han's father, in her arms, and then let anyone stay and never turn back to leave here, PA!!

After her buttocks were pulled out, she felt electrified, and her delicate body trembled.

Avril ah exclaimed, looking back in a hurry, the child was taken away.

Li Nanfang held grace in his arms. His eyes were extremely soft and his mouth was hateful. As if he was kissing the most precious porcelain in the world, he touched the child's red face.

He whispered, "when you first came into the world, the first thing you saw was me. This proves that we are very predestined. You're meant to call me dad. I will use practical actions to prove that your original choice is not wrong. "


There is no sign, Hua from Avril's eyes, burst into tears.

Just now, her ambition was gone.

Just because she could see that the man she trusted most told grace what was in his heart!

No wonder he was smoking her just now.

That's because he felt the loss in her heart and punished her. How can he see him like this!

Just like last night, she died because she thought he didn't care about her children.

Avril opened her hand, put the man and daughter in her arms, sobbed and said in his ear, "I'm wrong again. Tonight, you hit me. Don't be merciful. "


Li Nanfang swallowed her saliva, broke away from her, bent down and picked up Li Han again. As he walked away, he said in a cold voice: "don't say such shameless words in front of a child. So as not to pollute her pure little heart. "

Avril Lavigne

In an instant, Jiao Yan Feihong had no face to see others, but she didn't forget it and quickly caught up with her.

A few people, so do affectation, even flirting, as if no one else.

Perhaps, they really regard Shen Xuelian, the officials and young people everywhere, as dead people.

Senior officials and young people, there are several dead people in the trunk of the car.

That's Avril's mother-in-law, who dedicated her to the White Flower Club.

Shangguan is always embarrassed to kill those young people directly, but he will not be polite to these big noses.

If it wasn't for them, how could he have lost all his women?

"We're leaving like this?"

Shen Qingwu looked back at the children in the yard and asked.

"I don't have the consciousness to be a knife. Shangguan is never qualified. "

Li Nanfang looked back at Shen Qingwu and asked, "where did you go last night?"

"In Shen Xuelian's room, what's the matter?"

After Shen Qingwu asked casually, he suddenly understood something from Li NanFang's dirty eyes, immediately scolded him to death, and raised his feet to fly in the past!

Li Nanfang deftly dodged and complained: "your thoughts are too dirty. I just ask you casually and care about you. You should think of that aspect of the war between the three British and Lu Bu. It's a well-known beggar woman. "

"Dare to scold me again, you and I are irreconcilable!"

When Shen Qingwu wants to raise her feet again, her mobile phone rings.

She quickly took it out to cover up the guilty feeling of being despised by ham. Without looking at the call, she connected it.

As soon as she made a sound, Xiu Mei suddenly wrinkled.

Li Nanfang slowly put the child on the ground.

It's nothing that can make Shen Qingwu turn pale.

Sure enough, Shen Qingwu put down his cell phone and looked at him: "white David was killed. The developed happiness No.1 was robbed. Graf, we've left for Bangkok. Helan Xiaoxin is coming to you. "

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