No matter how angry Bai ling'er is, he doesn't dare to beat min Rou in the street. He can only throw away his stick and grab Li NanFang's shoulder and pull him to the car.

She is going to take the boy back to the city hall and pick up him. It's her place, and the iron gate of the interrogation room is closed. Others will not go in. Do you want to have Li Nanfang Cuo Chengyuan's flat has the final say?

As for boss Hao, who is in a coma in front of the car with blood on his face, and Mrs. Hao, who has been whipped into a pig's head by Li Nanfang all of a sudden, there are two men under his command. Officer Bai won't take care of them.

Min Rou wants to go to the market with her, but Bai ling'er ignores her at all. After putting Li Nanfang in the back of the car, she jumps on the car and roars away.

Ask the two policemen that they are calling for an ambulance and have no time to talk to her.

Seeing boss Hao's face full of blood, min Rou's legs soften and she wants to squat on the ground and cry helplessly: Li Nanfang did this to save her. Now she is taken away by the furious white police officer. The fool knows that she has been abused into a dog, but she can't help.

Fortunately, Secretary min is an organized person - she can't help it. Isn't there boss Yue? That's Li NanFang's fiancee. She usually deals with officials. Even if she can't save Li Nanfang, she can always speak up, right?

Yue Zitong is not willing to talk at all. He is sitting lazily in the sofa watching TV with a cigarette in his right hand and a goblet in his left hand. His beautiful feet are on the table. His nightgown slides down to reveal half of his white legs. The whole villa is filled with laziness.

What's on TV? Yue Zitong doesn't know at all. She always replays the scene she saw this morning in her mind.

Li Nanfang was right. When he walked into the Secretary's office without knocking, he screamed at Min Rou, who was changing her clothes. Yue Zitong heard that. He immediately stood up and rushed to the door to open the door——

Then, in the Secretary's office opposite, min Rou bares herself and covers her hands, while Li Nanfang stares at the door and stares at others.

Yue Zitong's intelligence quotient is quite high. He quickly guessed what was going on. He was sure that Li Nanfang was not playing a hooligan on purpose. It was his bad habit of entering the house without knocking.

After thinking about what happened, Yue didn't dare to go out and immediately closed the door.

If she goes out and yells at Li Nanfang to get out of here, min Rou will die of shame. It's better to pretend that no one has seen it.

At that time, neither minrou, who was extremely shy and indignant, nor Li Nanfang, who was so numb, noticed that President Yue had ever opened the door and looked out. Xiao Li thought that she would look out from the cat's eye at most.

Yue Zitong dares to swear to the gods and Buddhas all over the sky that she doesn't care for Li Nanfang at all, even though they have had that kind of relationship.

So what?

Now many girls have been fooling around with several men before they get married, even as a fashion. She has just come to the half court with Li Nanfang, which is nothing at all!

I've hated a man since I was a girl. The resentment I've accumulated for many years can go straight to the bullfight. She can't see the benefits of a man by pasting her eyes. She just wants him to go away!

As for where he would go, dead or alive, Yue Zi Tong didn't care at all.

But Yue's tough attitude makes Yue Zitong very desperate. In order to let the scum leave himself, he promises to help him soak minrou.

Yue Zitong clearly thinks so, but why does Li Nanfang suddenly feel sour when he sees min Rou "playing a hooligan"?

Does she care about Li Nanfang?

Cut, how can it be!

Yue Zitong despises this idea. She can be sure that she doesn't care about the boy, but because she scolds him many times every day for years.

Hate a person to the extreme, it will evolve into a care.

Mr. Yue didn't like this kind of care very much. He shook his head hard. When he was about to have a drink, the mobile phone on the desk hummed and vibrated.

Putting the long extinguished cigarette end in the ashtray, Yue Zitong picked up his mobile phone and said lazily: "Hello, xiaorou, you --"

Before her words were finished, min Rou's voice with a crying voice came from her mobile phone: "Mr. Yue, something's wrong, something's wrong!"

Yue Zitong has a headache.

Her little secretary is very good. She looks beautiful, gentle and kind, soft outside and hard inside, and has strong working ability. She likes to talk about sesame affairs. For example, she sent Wang Defa to clean up Li Nanfang a few days ago, and min Rou thought they had "died in honor of their duty". She immediately called her and asked her to clean up and run away.

In fact, there's nothing. It's children from small places who haven't seen much of the world.

"Xiaorou, what's the matter?"

Yue Zitong sighed: "Alas, speak slowly, the sky will not fall down."

"General manager Yue, Li Nanfang hit people and attacked the police. Now he has been arrested by the police."

Min Rou said that later, she could no longer suppress her grievances and fears and began to cry.


Yue Zitong suddenly to spirit, tengdi sat up straight body: "don't be busy crying, you say again."

Intermittently, min Rou simply said what just happened from beginning to end, and finally cried and said, "Mr. Yue, I, I can see that officer Bai intended to kill Li Nanfang. You should find a way to save him. If it's too late, it's too late."

Oh, it turns out that this boy is a hero again. Ha ha, his luck is good. He can always find the chance to show off his ability.

Last night, when she rushed to the blue sky bar to send money to Li Nanfang, she saw Sui Yueyue. After she arrived, she turned pale and ran away in a hurry.

After taking over kaihuang group, Yue Zitong once made it clear that the front desk girls of customer service were not allowed to work or fool around in cluttered places such as bars, singing halls and nightclubs, because they represented the image of the group.

For this reason, President Yue specially raised their salary and warned that anyone who violated the regulations would be dismissed immediately.

So that night, after Jin Shao was knocked down by a wine bottle of Sui Yueyue, he found that general manager Yue suddenly arrived. He was afraid that he would be recognized and expelled. Then he quickly ran away, which made Mr. Li, who was brave enough to do a good deed, very angry.

Sui Yueyue really doesn't want to lose her job.

Just as the so-called magic power is nothing more than human feelings, Yue Zitong found Sui Yueyue's violation of the regulations in the blue sky bar. She thought that she was doing a good job in her daily life, so she didn't investigate.

According to her intelligence quotient, it's not difficult to guess that Li Nanfang was cruelly abused by Tiger brother and others because of Sui Yueyue. If this boy didn't deliberately hate her afterwards, Yue Zitong might praise him.

Last night, this guy just showed up. Tonight, he met this kind of good thing again. He caused more trouble than last night. He even beat the police. Hehe, he really has the courage to make a hole for the flower protector!

"Boy, you have a good eye. Kaihuang group is the most brilliant of these two beauties. You have seized the chance."

After deducting min Rou's phone, Yue Zitong sneers a few times, but he doesn't rush out to get people.

Li Nanfang had better be broken by the white police officer, which is what she wants.

Of course, she couldn't ignore it. If she really stood by, the old man in law would not spare her.

But she can treat the ink as calm. It's not too late to go out in half an hour. Anyway, she has to make the boy suffer. Anyway, the police will not dare to do anything to him as min Rou said.

Half an hour is half an hour. It's only 40 minutes later that Yue Zitong, who was dressed, drove out of the villa in her "thick, solid, stupid, strong" Benz 600.

It's estimated that it's about an hour's drive from Huayuan road villa area to the Municipal Bureau. Yue Zitong decided to drive slowly. He had to abide by the traffic regulations and would rather stop for three minutes than one second.

Twenty minutes after she left the villa, a black car stopped under the street lamp on the east side of her door. The door opened. Two men in black sportswear got out of the car one after another, hid in the shadow, looked around for a moment, looked at each other, passed through the green and brought them to the flower wall.

Just like two civet cats, they skilfully climbed over the flower wall and quickly came to the east window of the villa, listening for a moment. One of them opened the screen window and jumped up slightly.

Both of them had guns in their hands. Mufflers were put on the barrel of the guns. The sound of shooting could not be heard three meters away.

Even if 30 meters, there is a thick iron door in the middle, you can hear Li NanFang's pitiful howl like a pig, which makes the police feel painful. They ask in a low voice: "who is making people, so cruel?"

"Hey, who dares to be so brave except our overbearing white officer?"

"Well, I guess so. Who's in her hands, do you know? "

"I don't know, but I heard that the guy attacked the police, but he still attacked the overlord flower. It's said that she was offended here, hehe."

"Lying trough, that boy is looking for death - but he is also a blessed one. As long as you can eat the bean curd of bawanghua, it's worth it even if you're disabled. "

"Why don't you try?"

"I have a lovely wife and a young son, but I dare not."

The policeman looked at the interrogation room and died under the peony flower. He was also envious of being a ghost.

Li Nanfang didn't resist romantic, but he didn't want to die.

Let alone die under a peony, even in the sea of flowers, so after seeing that Bai ling'er was going to clean it up, without waiting for someone else's fingers to touch it, he let out a terrible howl.

"Shut up

Li NanFang's affectation made Bai ling'er more angry, gritting his teeth and grinning grimly. Like a villain who wants to occupy a good woman, he forced him to the corner step by step: "boy, put away your little tricks and play this in front of my aunt, it's useless! Call, even if you shout out loud, no one will take charge of it

Of course, Li Nanfang won't shut up. When he can't resist violence with force, he howls at the top of his voice and becomes his only weapon to defend himself.

shut up?

Pepper, you are joking with me. I don't think I know that when I shut up, you will be more ruthless?

"Don't, don't come here! Ah, ah

Retreating to the corner, Li Nanfang, who has no choice but to retreat, howls with a louder voice, which makes the iron and stone people burst into tears.

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