The beauty has been gone for a long time. Li Nanfang is still in a daze and suspects that she was dreaming just now.

It seems that there is no such plot in any absurd novel, right?

It's not real and it's quite exciting, but what makes him unwilling is that as soon as he finds a sense of passivity, the beauty finds it meaningless. She gets up and leaves him without considering the feelings of the victim.

Fortunately, there is a left hand——

After lighting a post event cigarette, Li Nan Fang was about to relive the scene just now when the mobile phone on the chair next to him hummed and vibrated.


He reached for his mobile phone, looked at the caller ID, and Li Nan Nan sighed to get through.

An old voice came: "south, what are you doing now?"

"Lying in the sun on the beach in Hawaii."

Looking at the ceiling, Li Nanfang lazily replied: "there are many beautiful women here, with long legs and big buttocks. Do you want to open your eyes?"

"Son of a bitch, is there any apprentice who talks to master like this?"

"Don't make up. If you have something to say, I'll hang up if I don't have to. It's very expensive for a long distance. "

Li Nanfang has no respect for the old man.

"Slow down, of course."

The old man pondered for a moment, then slowly asked: "do you remember Yue Zitong?"

Yue Zitong?

After hearing the old man mention the name, Li NanFang's heart suddenly jumped and a touch of pain flashed in his eyes.

How can he not remember Yue Zitong?

Over the years, whenever he thought of the name, the door of painful memories in his heart would be opened.

Twenty four years ago, a baby was born.

According to the old man, the night when the baby was born, there was lightning and thunder, strong wind, and the sky in the northwest was red as if there was a fire burning. This seems to be in line with the vision of a big man when he was born, but the baby is by no means a big man.

At least Li Nanfang can be sure, because he is the baby who was abandoned after birth.

He was abandoned not because he was the product of a certain unmarried woman, but because he was just born, like an 80 year old man, with wrinkled skin and old age spots all over his body - congenital premature senility.

So far, science has not been able to solve the mystery of congenital premature senility. It can only be determined that only one out of every eight million newborns is likely to occur, which is lower than the probability of winning the grand prize for two yuan in the lottery.

Few babies with progeria live beyond the age of 13.

When Li Nanfang was seven years old, he knew he couldn't live long.

However, the old man who raised him vowed that he was the Savior God gave to the world to eliminate evil and save all mankind

Seven year old children are always easy to cheat, so Li Nanfang is looking forward to growing up and becoming a savior.

As if the old man and God were relatives, he said Li Nanfang could survive, and Li Nanfang really survived.

Moreover, as Li Nanfang grew older, his old age spots began to fade, his teeth grew out, and his sparse white hair began to become dense and gray.

Reverse growth.

Other patients with progeria, from birth to more aging death, but he from aging to youth.

He lived safely to 14 years old. Although he was 50 years older than his peers, he could look like a normal little old man. Only his eyes became more and more clear and deep, with the innocence of youth.

It was in that year that he was taken by the old man to Jinghua's mother-in-law's home, which was his teacher's mother's home.

In his mother-in-law's family, Li Nanfang met his youngest sister, Yue Zitong, who was two years younger than his mother-in-law.

It was this little aunt who ruined Li NanFang's originally happy life. Out of curiosity about women, he peeked at Yue Zitong who was taking a bath.

After finding the monster who was brought back by the elder sister peeping, Yue Zitong screamed in horror, which shocked everyone.

The old man was the first to clap his horse and pick Li NanFang's hair. If his mother didn't stop him, he would have been killed on the spot.

When this happened, of course, the teacher's mother had no face to live in her mother's house any more. In addition, the husband she was looking for was not welcomed by the family in law, so she left the family with Li Nanfang that night.

In order to punish Li Nanfang for his hooliganism, the old man threw him into an overseas robber's den regardless of his teacher's mother's strong opposition, and told him harshly: you are just a monster abandoned by others. If you want to get ahead, you have to suffer!

For ten years, Li Nanfang went through all kinds of tribulations. Finally, the fragrance of plum blossom came from the bitter cold. It not only grew perfectly and became a standard little white face, but also found the value of his life.

In the light, he is a respected private detective in New York. In the dark, he turns into a ghost of the night and appears in front of those evil people, making them pay the price they should have paid.

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