Zhang xutuo, with strong character and brave strategy, is considered to be a pillar of the Sui Dynasty and the first general of the great Sui Dynasty.

In 616 A.D., Zhang xutuo was defeated by the Wagang army. He dismounted and died at the age of 52. When his soldiers heard of his death, they cried for several days.

The legendary Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin were all his subordinates when he was the prefect of Qi county. After he was killed by Wagang Li Mi, he finally belonged to Li Shimin and helped his majesty Li Er to create the most powerful Tang Dynasty in Han history.

According to historical records, Zhang xutuo was one of the most trusted people of Yang emperor Yang Guang. Because he had been fighting outside, Yang Guang specially sent painters to paint his appearance and hang it in the palace. Every day, he had to observe the portrait, saying that as long as Zhang xutuo was there, my country was made of copper and cast iron.

Facts have proved that when Zhang xutuo was defeated and died, the Sui Dynasty collapsed.

Zhang xutuo, compared with Mai Tiezhang and other generals, has enough qualifications and is located on the eighth floor of the temple.

Moreover, Li Nanfang also saw that in the eighth floor of the temple, there are not only the statue of Zhang xutuo, the altar, but also four paper men on both sides of the statue.

The paper man with the finishing touch.

Eyes with Li NanFang's winding rise, and flow, with a strange smile.

After facing one of the paper man's eyes, Li Nanfang trembles all over and his strength disappears. When he is about to fall off the dragon's back, the black dragon suddenly utters Qingyue's Dragon chant.

The nine halls ring, and countless golden bells ring at the same time, driving away Li NanFang's evil eyes.

When Li Nanfang looked at the paper man again, his eyes were already dark.

Finally came to the ninth floor of the temple.

Li Nanfang saw the paper men in the palace, including men and women, old and young, each wearing different clothes, including officials, generals, concubines, eunuchs, and golden warriors with axes and axes.

All the paper men, are the point of the eye, in the black dragon suddenly appeared, Qi brush looked over.

9、 It's the largest singular number. In Chinese traditional culture, it has a different meaning, such as "the Ninth Five Year Plan" or "the Forbidden City has a total of 9999 palaces".

Since Zhang xutuo and other officials and military generals are all in the temple below, there is only one person sitting on this floor. That is Yang Guang, the emperor of Yangzi, who once developed the Grand Canal and made three expeditions to Koguryo.

Li Nanfang looked up and saw a wider offering table, which was full of three animals and six animals. This was a sacrifice that only the emperor could use.

There is no black Spirit card, the emperor does not need a spirit card.

Li Nanfang saw a man.

It's not Yangdi Yang Guang, but a very young and beautiful woman, wearing gorgeous palace clothes, kneeling on the right side of the center of the temple, hands crossed in front of her abdomen, eyes like paint, slightly pursed corners of her mouth, with a smile.

This beautiful lady in Imperial costume should be the empress of emperor Yang, the famous empress Xiao in history.

Empress Xiao is also very famous in history, even more famous than many famous generals in Sui and Tang Dynasties. First, she is dignified and beautiful in appearance, gentle and virtuous in character. She is the only woman in ancient Chinese history who can compete with empress Li Er's eldest grandson; Second, she suffered a lot.

It is said that empress Xiao, who was born in February of the lunar calendar, was surprised by her natural beauty when she was a child. After carefully deducing the eight characters of her birth, she was given eight words, which meant that her mother was in favor of the world and her life was against peach blossom.

It turns out that the master did not miscalculate. Empress Xiao once served six emperors in her life. When she came back from Turkey in her late fifties and was seen by the great emperor Li Er, she was still fascinated and wanted to be included in the harem.

Eh, since the statue of empress Xiao is here, why is there no Yang emperor Yang Guang?

Li Nanfang was a little puzzled. He was just about to turn his head to search for Yang emperor, but his heart jumped wildly again for no reason. Alas, the dust fell from the black dragon's back in a scream.

Just as his eyes were about to move away from empress Xiao's face, he suddenly found that her appearance was very similar to himself, just like this woman who can make men fascinated at a glance was carefully sculpted with Li Nanfang as a model.

Although Li Nanfang is not a mother at all, and has not the peerless appearance of empress Xiao, he just has this idea, and can be sure that she is him, or he is her copy.

When he saw her, he saw himself.

At this moment, he may become empress Xiao, and empress Xiao may also become him, otherwise he would never have such a clear sense of fear.


Never before, when the sweat came out from Li NanFang's forehead, another picture flashed into his mind. It was in the cave under the 800 startled manger. In an ancient coffin, he saw a woman who had died for many years, but still shed tears.

At that time, when Li Nanfang saw that woman, he had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

As if, she should be his closest person, but can't remember who she is.

Now Li Nanfang suddenly realized that he was familiar with the woman in the ancient coffin under the manger because he saw his own appearance on her face!

That feeling, should be like now, clearly two different faces, but strange coincidence, into one.

What's going on?

When Li NanFang's heart was beating wildly, a man's laughter rang out, which made him subconsciously look at it.

Around empress Xiao, I don't know when there will be another man.

Li Nanfang knew this man. It was the emperor he had seen twice in his dream. He was wearing a Black Embroidered Golden Dragon Robe and a golden crown. He pinched his waist with one hand and pointed at him with the other. He said: "Oh, today, I want to see who can save you! Come on, take him down for me. I want to eat his flesh raw

With the emperor a violent drink, countless armed with axes and tomahawks of the golden warrior, shouting rushed up.

The statue of empress Xiao moved, bowed her head, touched the ground with her forehead, and cried in a sad voice: "Your Majesty, let him go! Anyway, he's always yours - ah

"Shut up, bitch!"

Before empress Xiao finished speaking, the emperor raised his right foot and kicked her hard in her heart. He said sternly, "what is he? It's just the dark disaster star from the reincarnation world! I was lucky to be my funeral paper man, but I took away the beauty of my six courtyards. I'm so angry. I was so confused that I wanted to eat him raw to vent my anger. Unfortunately, I was absorbed by him and bothered him for 24 years! "

"Let me almost die. I will never live beyond myself. I have to endure humiliation, live with this beast and be bullied by him. I've had enough. I've had enough! I have been waiting for this opportunity for too long, too long! "

In the roar of the emperor, she stepped on empress Xiao's heart, making her speechless. She was angry at the golden warrior and said, "Why are you in a daze and not moving? Do you want to disobey my will?"

The warriors of the golden armour dare not slack off any more. They shout again and rush to catch Li Nanfang. They don't allow him to resist. They drag him to the altar table and lift it up with all hands and feet. Someone grabs his hair and puts a machete with ghost's head on his neck.

"Kill, kill this beast from the dark, cut off his head, then I can vent my anger!"

The emperor was angry and yelled at the golden warrior.


The samurai holding the Ghost Head sword, exhaled, raised his big sword with both hands and cut Li NanFang's neck viciously.

Since the age of 14, Li Nanfang has been living and dying in a scum den. He has been injured by Xie Qing, one of the four best melee fighters in the world. After ten years of abuse, he finally built his reputation as a black ghost. His force value is abnormal, especially his explosive power at the critical moment, which scares him.

Now, however, he is powerless.

It is clear that he can get out of the encirclement and take the road, but he really has no strength. There is a void in the atmosphere of Dantian, just like an 80 year old man holding an 18-year-old cardamom girl. No matter how he wants to jump with a gun, he has more heart than strength.

Black dragon, it's gone.

Li Nanfang suddenly realized why he didn't have strength. That's because the black dragon hidden in his body is no longer there. Now it has changed into the emperor.

Without the black dragon, Li Nanfang is rapidly aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He can live because of the black dragon in his body.

When the black dragon, who had been imprisoned by him for 24 years, was out of the body, all his vitality and vitality disappeared, and he had to be slaughtered.

"No, no! I don't want to die, don't want to die! "

Just when the Ghost Head sword was cut down with the force of thunderbolt, Li Nanfang could only give out an unwilling roar.

Just his roar, is so weak, can't stop the ghost knife cut off.

"Ha ha!"

The emperor raised his hands and looked up to the sky with a wild smile: "twenty four years, twenty-four years, I have finally been free again, returned to where I should have come, and got everything I should have. No one can deprive me of my freedom and imprison me in the dirty body of a dark disaster star. Ha ha, ha ha, kill me

In the emperor's wild laughter, suddenly there was a dazzling white light shining, illuminating the whole hall, even the whole world.

In the white light, a woman in white, with hair and dirty body, screamed out from Li NanFang's chest and rushed to the Emperor: "Yang Guang, how dare you kill my son?"

The emperor's laughter stopped suddenly, and he was strangled by the crazy woman.

The dazzling white light made all the people, including Li Nanfang and the knights with ghost swords, no longer see anything. They only heard the shrill voice of the mad woman and the angry roar of the emperor.


No one saw what happened to the emperor. He suddenly uttered a shrill scream, which almost penetrated Li NanFang's eardrum and made him instinctively open his mouth.

A black dragon, howling miserably and waving its teeth and claws, shot an arrow from the white light and went into his mouth. The ghost knife that had been cut into Li NanFang's neck suddenly disappeared.

All the people, including empress Xiao, have recovered their sculptures or paper figures. Only the crazy woman, who still stands on the altar, stretches her hands and looks up at the sky with a shrill smile, with blood pouring from the corner of her mouth: "no one can kill my son!"

The woman in white suddenly turned into a white light and shot to Li NanFang's chest in the midst of the sad sound and crazy laughter. Suddenly, he disappeared. His strength just disappeared, but with the black dragon, he fell back into the sea of Dantian Qi.

The black dragon was roaring, flying from left to right, pounding Li NanFang's internal organs, which made him unable to bear any more. He had to open his mouth - poof, with a mouthful of blood.

"Ah, President Lu, President Lu, the patient is awake!"

There was a woman's scream in Li NanFang's ear, which made him suddenly open his eyes and see the sun.

The bright sun, hanging in the sky outside the window, sprinkles all over the world.

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