Aunt Yue said to give face, Li Nanfang no longer give face is not good, besides the stomach also began to cry, a promise down.

Of course, he didn't believe that Mr. Yue had already cooked a meal and waited for him to open his mouth. I guess he just bought the ingredients and waited for him to do it.

I haven't eaten my own food for several days, and Li NanFang's hands are itchy. He decided to show off his skills tonight and make a delicious meal to reward himself, so as to pacify his injured heart after being pushed back by the ghost woman last night.

Li Nanfang just called Lao Wang. Lao Wang, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, immediately pushed the door in and nodded. What's Mr. Li's order.

"Tell them that our products will appear on the platform of the International Convention and Exhibition Center on the 1st of next month to show the world their charming style."

After Li Nanfang left kaihuang group in the morning, he went directly to Dong Shixiong and listened to his face-to-face report on recent work progress.

After Dong Shixiong's hard work for several days, the recruitment work of Nanfang group has come to an end. At present, the final training is being done. When the company's headquarters will be listed for business depends on Mr. Li's meaning.

Dong Shixiong is worthy of being an elite in shopping malls. Li Nanfang is not the only one who can grasp business opportunities. During the recruitment process, he even cared about the fashion festival to be held in the exhibition center on the weekend of the first of next month, and successfully ordered a booth.

This is a good thing. Li Nanfang strongly supports it. He says that as long as it is useful, no matter how much money it costs, it will be OK. If the money is not enough, he will think of a way.

Now that the booth has been set over there, Lao Wang's production task should also be grasped. In case the southern silk stockings are launched, the orders will fly like snowflakes, but there is no supply here. That will undoubtedly be a fatal blow to the most important first step of the company's development.

"Please don't worry, Mr. Li. We won't delay!"

Mr. Li was very pleased with Wang Defa's sonorous assurance. He decided to reward them with the jade on the table as welfare.

Lao Wang was naturally surprised, but he was eager to say something.

Li Nanfang knew that he was still thinking about the stones in the ravine of his hometown.

This woodlouse is possessed by ghosts. Do you really think that jade is produced in the mountains on this side?

Once in a while, a piece of jade with low quality is found among the rocks. It's already a green smoke on the ancestral grave. Don't expect to find another one. After all, there is no record of jade found in the history of Qingshan.

Scolded him a few bewilderment, and threatened him, or quit the vice president, back home to concentrate on looking for the stone?

Lao Wang, who is willing, swears that even if there are lots of glass Jadeites, he will not take a look at them. He will only dedicate his limited life to Nanfang group——

After helping Lao Wang correct his view of money, Li Nanfang, who has a great sense of achievement, jumped into the car and drove to the city.

Yuezitong's garden villa area is in the southern suburb, but the factory is in the northern suburb. It's a far cry to cross the whole Qingshan city. Fortunately, it's already dark and it's already past the rush hour. Otherwise, it will take Li Nanfang at least two hours to cross the whole city.

The car passed Quancheng Square not far away, and the mobile phone rang again. It was Hua yeshen. Li Nanfang didn't want to pick it up.

He had the most direct relationship with that woman for a long time, and when he needed a huge amount of money, he didn't ask what he used to do. With a stroke of the pen, he lent him a hundred million yuan. His forthright spirit has broken his heart up to now.

No matter which man, after meeting a woman like Hua yeshen, it may be some bullshit to say that he is in love with her from the bottom of his heart, but he will certainly have different feelings for her. It's just the so-called gentle lady, the gentleman is fond of her.

What's more, Hua yeshen is the kind of old rich and dignified imperial sister. He knows how to be considerate of men. Of course, Li Nanfang has some unspeakable ideas about her.

He just didn't wait for him to turn this idea into reality - reality is a dog's grass. He gave him a hard blow on the head, and beat him so hard that his eyes were full of stars, and he vomited blood with internal injuries.

The ghost also can't imagine that the flower night God, who is scared by Longcheng, is actually a big man who has been chasing Helan Fusu for several years and failed.

On that day, Hua yeshen's performance after seeing Helan Fusu was far less affected and exaggerated than Yue Zitong's, but Li Nanfang could see her ecstasy in her endurance.

Why is she so patient?

That's because she cares more about Helan Fusu than Yue Zitong!

In front of Lin Yiting's face, she is afraid of making trouble for Helan Fusu, so she tries her best to endure. If this patience is converted into emotion, it can crush General Yue into dregs.

Don't forget, just before Helan Fusu appeared, she and Yue Zitong fought for Li Nanfang, and the three real fires came out, as if leaving him was the fish out of the water, and they couldn't live any more.

It's all bullshit. It's an illusion!

Li Nanfang was treated like that only because he Lan Fu Su's famous grass had no place to vent his depression after it was owned, so he found a spare tire.

Li Nanfang thinks that it's just an accident that he can become the spare tire of Hua yeshen. If he doesn't show up, Hua yeshen will definitely go to Wang Nanfang or Liu Nanfang. He really doesn't need to take women seriously, just like people don't think a hundred million is heavy.

In this case, why did Li Nanfang treat her with the same attitude as before?

However, due to the 100 million loan, she is a creditor. If Li Nanfang doesn't answer the phone, what's the difference between Li Nanfang and her grandson who owes money and doesn't pay it back?

"Hello, I'm Li Nanfang."

Li NanFang's first words after getting through the phone were very polite and formal, but also unfamiliar.

"I know you are Li Nanfang, so I don't need to introduce myself."

Flower night God's voice, is still so good to hear, just listen to her voice, can also imagine that she must be the queen of such a noble woman.

Li Nanfang laughed and said, "I'll return the one hundred million I borrowed from you as soon as possible. If you are in a hurry, I'll find a way to get it to you tomorrow evening at the latest. "

Flower night God over there faint smile: "I call you, not to debt."

Li Nanfang held the steering wheel with one hand and said with a smile, "well, Hua always has something to tell me. Just say that as long as I can do it, I will try my best to do it."

"I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

After a pause, Hua yeshen said, "you come to my place. I'll cook for you and have a drink. Let's talk about it. If you don't have anything important at night - don't leave. "

Queen like beauty calls a man to cook for him, and says that after a drink, don't leave tonight, which is an irresistible temptation for any man.

Li Nanfang resisted and was very polite: "Mr. Hua, unfortunately, I have something to do tonight."

Flower night God immediately asked: "that, tomorrow night?"

"Tomorrow night, too."

"The day after tomorrow?"

"From tonight on, from the first to the thirtieth of the new year, everything will be OK."

"Well, excuse me."

After Li NanFang's stiff refusal, Hua yeshen didn't coldly say that you deliberately didn't see me because I hurt your self-esteem that day.

She disdained to say.

Helan Fusu is the only person in the world who is qualified to let him say so.

"This woman has a real personality."

Hearing a beep coming from the mobile phone, Li Nanfang looks at the screen of the mobile phone, smiles and doesn't care. He concentrates on driving.

At 8:30 in the evening, the car came to the door of yuezitong villa, gently lit the horn, and soon the iron fence slowly opened.

Two cars have been parked in the yard. One is Yue Zitong's strong black Mercedes Benz, and the other is the best white BMW for girls.

A black and a white, two cars side by side together, black and white Xiangying appears to be very coordinated, but also on a higher level.

Through the windows and doors of the living room, Li Nanfang can see two women sitting on the sofa, each holding a glass of wine, talking and laughing. His aunt seems to have raised her hand and pointed out that she should have told people that he is back.

Li Nanfang can guess who it is without looking at who the woman is.

Besides Helan Xiaoxin, who else?

Sure enough, Li Nanfang just walked into the living room. Helan Xiaoxin raised his glass and asked, "Li Nanfang, I will not disturb you and Zitong when I live in your house, will I?"

In a word, He Lan expressed two meanings.

I know your relationship with Yue Zitong.

In the future, I will live here.

As for her asking if she had disturbed Li NanFang's world, she was just being polite.

Yue Zitong will tell he LAN Xiaoxin about their relationship sooner or later, which has long been expected by Li Nanfang. It's not surprising.

As for her saying that she will live in this family in the future - does it have much to do with Mr. Li?

Strictly speaking, he is only a resident at present.

"Welcome, deputy Helan can always live here. My humble home is full of splendor."

Li Nanfang naturally put on his slippers and went to the bathroom.

"Listen to Zitong, you are a good cook?"

"She thought I was nothing and deliberately blew it to me. But I think my cooking is OK. "

"Well, can I have the pleasure of tasting your own cooking tonight?"

"Which of the eight major cuisines does vice president Helan like?"

"Ha ha, I'm not too picky about food. I'll eat whatever you do."

He Lan Xiaoxin said: "this is not in the company, there is no need to call the position in the company, you are like Zitong, call me new sister."

"OK, new sister."

Li Nanfang nodded and closed the bathroom door.

"You are a man, a character."

Helan Xiaoxin sipped the red wine and said to Yue Zitong.

"New sister, you flatter me."

Yue Zi Tong shrugged his shoulders and said with a bitter smile, "he's just a stranger. Now that I see you and can keep so calm, I'm sure I'm trying to harden my head. "

The more new sister praises Li Nanfang for his excellence, the more Yue Zitong will belittle him.

Only by making the new sister feel that this boy is a guy with great professional potential and no other use, can she not be interested in him.

This is also a strategy to protect Li Nanfang.

Li Nanfang doesn't care what two women are talking about outside.

Every time he put on his apron and went into the kitchen, he would abandon all his selfish thoughts and cook with the most correct attitude.

The two women bought a lot of food, including vegetables, radish, spareribs and old hens.

"Wow, it smells good."

Unconsciously, an hour later, He Lan Xiaoxin, who was watching TV and chatting with Yue Zitong, suddenly took a small nose, put down his glass, stood up and ran to the restaurant with his slippers.

Seeing this, Yue Zitong is very proud.

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