Li always feels a little sad when he thinks that he can't go to dinner with his friends and accept their high level of flattery, but has to eat with a little female tiger.

In particular, the worried eyes of Wanqing's younger sister, who did not dare to ask carefully, made Li always feel that he was so great. In order to give everyone a platform to display their talents and let them show the value of life, he had to wear the big hat of "Uncle" and go to the meeting with a heavy heart.

Great men basically give happiness to others and misery to themselves.

Triumphal Hotel, located in the old city, is on the same street as the ICAC.

When the car passed the anti-corruption bureau, Li Nan looked inside.

He has been to this place twice. Every time, he can see the little red car of Longju parking on the left side of the steps in the hall of the office building. It is clear that the price is only thirty or fifty thousand, but he is proud to be like a king. All the people who pass by it will look at it with restrained respect.

But now, the car is not there.

Only the staff in twos and threes, with grim complexion and hasty steps, walked past the place where it had stopped.

When Li Nanfang gently braked, he suddenly thought of Nanzhuang, the capital of Tang Dynasty, written by poet Cui Hu: in this gate last year and today, people's faces and peach blossoms are red. People do not know where to go, peach blossom still smile spring breeze.

The main idea of this poem is to tell people that things are right and people are wrong.

The anti-corruption bureau is still there, and the staff are still there, but the woman who is arrogant and domineering on the surface, cruel and cruel on the bottom of her heart is actually a woman who pursues love, but she is no longer there.

Well, at least, not at the moment.

Will she come to Castle Peak and sit high in the most prominent seat in this building, which makes the officials who live in the dead scared?

Li Nanfang said it was impossible to know.

Help, help, in Li NanFang's ear, when Longcheng said that she was in love, someone knocked on the door.

Looking back, I saw a traffic police man standing outside the window, wearing sunglasses and white gloves. He saluted with a slap and said in a serious tone: "Sir, no parking here. Please drive away."

This brother's appearance interrupted Li NanFang's lingering feeling of seeing things and thinking of people. He turned his eyes and said faintly, "if I have to park my car here?"

It seems that this should be my brother-in-law. I didn't see my uncle's license plate number, so I came to drive him away.

As long as Bai ling'er is coaxed, he will be able to climb the red light on Qingshan street, and no one dares to take charge of it. Li Nanfang is really not happy. He decides to use his power to show his brother what the privileged class is. It's a disgusting old bastard. I invite Bai ling'er to dinner. What's your heart?

"Oh, man, you're so horizontal."

The traffic police, even younger than Li Nanfang, was stunned and laughed out: "I doubt where you have the courage to fight against the government. Here, get your license, your license! "

Li Nanfang, who had poor sleep quality last night, yawned: "Er, I'm sorry, I forgot to bring it."

"It doesn't matter if you forget. Bring me the key."

"Take it for yourself."

"Man, you are really tough!"

My brother-in-law is also in a vigorous and impulsive age. Not long after he joined the work, he is in a state of shaking around in his tiger skin. Now when he works according to the law, he actually meets someone who dares not to pay for it. Is that ok?

If you don't teach me a lesson, I don't think it will cause trouble. Then when he passes the red light in the future, he won't have to crawl?

He reached out and pulled out the key under the steering wheel. Then he pointed Li Nanfang with his hand, took out the invoice and pen, went to the front of the car and began to remember the license plate of the Land Rover.

Let's not say anything else. Let's stick a note to him for the reason of illegal parking.

"Qi a77521 --"

My brother-in-law was reciting words and writing down the license plate number. When he was about to tear it off, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. The license plate number was familiar. It seemed that the team leader had said it at the morning meeting.

But what did he say? At that time, my brother-in-law was sending a text message to his girlfriend, but he didn't hear it clearly.

The license plate number that the team leader specially said at the morning meeting is either the car owner has made mistakes or the big guy needs to hide after seeing it.

So, what kind of situation is the license plate of Qi a77521?

No, call the captain first to ask first, so as not to miss the opportunity to arrest or offend the dignitaries.

Well, in our line of work, we are looking at the prestige. In fact, we are suffering from it.

When my brother-in-law sighed in his heart, the voice of the team leader came from the mobile phone: "Xiao Liu, what's the situation? I'm in a meeting. I need to talk about something. "

My brother-in-law bowed slightly and said respectfully: "team Zhang, it's such a thing. I stopped a car at the gate of the anti-corruption bureau. The license plate number is Qi a77521. Team Zhang, at the meeting in the morning, I didn't hear you clearly. When you said this license plate number, was it the problem vehicle or -- "

Before my brother-in-law finished speaking, Zhang's team, like a rabbit trampled on its tail, roared: "Crouching trough, Xiao Liu, are you so special? This is to pull me off the horse! Do you know who the owner of that license plate number is? Do you know that when we meet the car owner, we have to talk with a smiling face? You know - grass, grass, you wait, I'll be right there, right away! "

My brother-in-law was scolded and confused. Looking at the mobile phone screen where the call had ended, my mind was buzzing. What's the matter?

Suddenly, he thought of what he heard from his colleagues last night.


Lying trough, the fork sitting in the car is not the uncle of thousands of police officers of Qingshan Municipal Bureau, is it?

Oh, grandma, I stopped my uncle's car?

It's the rhythm of looking for death. No wonder team Zhang yelled at me like that.

Finally wake up, what's the matter with my brother-in-law, cold sweat brush came out of his forehead, quickly went to the car, a salute again, respectfully asked: "excuse me, your name?"

"Li Nanfang, Muzi Li, Li Nanfang from the south."

Seeing his brother-in-law's pale face, Li Nanfang felt a little sour. He thought that it was time to print a batch of business cards.

No matter what, he is also a boss worth tens of millions now. In this age when he started a company and took the post of chairman, part-time general manager, advertising director, logistics director, purchasing director, sales section chief, etc., he was definitely the best among them. Without a business card, his identity would be damaged.

It's really my uncle!

What bad luck did I have to stop my uncle's car!

All blame that little fox spirit, in the chapter team meeting, must let me kiss her from the mobile phone.

Now, with a sweet kiss, I might lose my job. My brother-in-law thought of the words from the chief director of Qingshan Municipal Bureau again. His pale face turned yellowish and his body began to crumble. He quickly raised his hand to hold the roof of the car and said, "I'm sorry, aunt. You have a large number of old people. Don't be like me, who just joined the work for a short time

Li Nanfang is a fool to embarrass a traffic policeman who is on duty according to law.

Just now, his attitude was not very friendly. Because his brother-in-law disturbed him, he missed his mother deeply.

Now I see that my brother-in-law's face is yellowish brown, and the evil spirit in my heart disappears. I know that it's a little too much to joke: "ha ha, don't do this, you haven't done anything wrong. To say that, I was wrong and affected your normal work. "

My brother-in-law didn't dare to say that my uncle was wrong. He raised his hand to wipe his sweat and said that he was wrong. I asked my uncle to forgive me. He also told me with a sad face that it took him ten years, no, more than ten years of hard work to get this position. It's really not easy.

"It's all right, isn't it?"

Seeing that 12 o'clock was coming, Li Nanfang didn't want to write any more ink. After comforting his brother-in-law for a few words, he was ready to leave: "if something really happened, you go to Nanfang group to find me, and I'll settle it for you."

"Thank you, thank you, uncle!"

My brother-in-law naturally said thank you.

"Then give it to me?"

"For what?"

Li Nanfang pointed to the car key in his hand.

My brother-in-law woke up and hurriedly put the car key into the car.

In his third salute, Li Nanfang started the car.

When you have a light sadness in your heart, if you can scare others into a cold sweat, you will feel better.

When the car stopped at the gate of the triumphal Hotel, Li Nanfang had forgotten what it meant. After getting off the car, he looked around for Bai linger's big prince motorcycle, but he didn't see it.

"Isn't she coming? Hey, it's a good relationship

When Li Nanfang laughed, a young man in a blue shirt came quickly from the side, smiling: "uncle, Captain Bai is waiting for you in the box. The smallest, but also the best box, 511. "

Lying trough, these people are everywhere. In order to ensure that Bai ling'er and I have dinner, I don't know how many plain clothes there are around.

Alas, are your police officers idle? They take people's taxes, do nothing but come to dogs.

With a sigh in his heart, Li Nan Nan forced a smile, arranged his clothes, and walked up the steps quickly. Then he heard the man say, "uncle, when you invite captain Bai to dinner next time, can you order in advance? It seems unscientific to keep girls waiting for you all the time. "

It's unscientific for a dog to take a mouse.

Li Nanfang cursed in his heart, raised his hand and waved without looking back, and walked into the hall.

"How did you come?"

Li Nanfang just walked into box 511. Bai ling'er, who was holding her arms in both hands and walking back and forth in front of the table, frowned and complained unfriendly: "it's unscientific to ask me to dinner, but it's later than me."

This is unscientific. Is this sentence very popular in the city now?

Li Nanfang asked a question in his heart and explained: "if he had not come long ago, he would have been checked by your colleagues when he passed by the anti-corruption bureau. After half an hour of strict questioning, he would have been released."


Bai ling'er was angry: "who dares to check you? Don't you know that you are covered by me in the Castle Peak area? Tell me about his alarm. I'll see which little bunny dares to check the person I'm covering. "

"It's unscientific to retaliate against colleagues without asking right or wrong."

Now learning and selling, Li Nanfang sat down and said, "OK, it's not a big deal. Don't worry about it. Oh, have you ordered yet? I'll pay today. Don't compete with me. "

"Don't pretend to be generous. It's not that you don't know that this meal is reimbursed in the form of working meal."

Bai ling'er asked who dared to check Li NanFang's car. In fact, it was just an expression of attitude, which proved that she was still concerned about him. After sitting down, she followed his topic and said, "what's the big deal? Do you have to ask me for dinner?"

"Order first. I'm hungry."

Li Nanfang was just about to pick up the menu when the door opened and three Hotel waiters came in pushing the dining car.

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