At ten o'clock in the morning, kaihuang group held a small meeting.

Mr. Yue stressed at the meeting that through the unremitting efforts of the staff, it has played a decisive role in the company's rapid development and remarkable profits.

But we must not be complacent about it. We must strive to make it to a higher level, to be a meeting, and to see all the mountains at a glance.

The company's current healthy rapid development is destined to need more talents to appear in important positions.

Therefore, after several considerations, President Yue made several important job transfers.

Among them, the most prominent one is Mr. Yue's absolute confidant. Min Rou was transferred to the north suburb of the Yellow River bank to take over the new car shop creation work of Mr. Wang. The post is tentatively set up as the team leader and enjoys the treatment of vice president.

At 11 o'clock, the meeting was successfully closed with congratulations and applause from all participants.

After returning to the president's office with Mr. Yue, min Rou stood behind the door and looked at the furniture in the room. She didn't speak for a long time.

Before the meeting, she wanted to leave the headquarters immediately and go to the place where the birds didn't poop. With the desolation of saline land and the roar of machines on the construction site, she comforted her injured girl heart.

Can wait until really want to leave the familiar job, familiar people, she has a reluctant, at a loss.

So is Yue Zitong.

How could she let min Rou out if she didn't take precautions?

Although min Rou is still an employee of the company and has never left Qingshan City, they can no longer get along with each other like before.

Min Rou took good care of her when she had a high fever. When she was trapped in Mexico, she was also a weak girl who stood firm for her. When she thought of her fake jumping off a building to die for her love, the girl would rather die than follow her. Yue Zitong had a deep sense of remorse in her heart and didn't want her to leave her side.

There is even an impulse to "let's have two ladies serve a husband together.".

Mr. Yue held back.

There are many men in the world, but there is only one man who belongs to her. In line with the principle that love is selfish, she must not let min Rou share Li Nanfang because of her sisterhood.

Min Rou, you have to go.

Take office tomorrow!

But before she left, Yue always put wine to see her off.

Looking for a good hotel is the best way for general manager Yue to express his guilt for min rou.

She meant to go to Castle Peak Hotel, but min Rou didn't agree. She didn't want to make such a fuss before she left. She suggested that she could just get together at any place. At noon, more than an hour's free time would be enough for them to have a drink.

Yue Zi Tong agreed, of course, will not find a place to send the meal away, and will not attend the banquet alone.

After thinking about it carefully, Yue Zitong chose the triumphal hotel in Shizhong District and asked deputy general manager he LAN to accompany him with three people in a car and two bottles of wine. He told us what to do when he was about to leave.

At 11:40, the three arrived at box 516 of triumph hotel.

Mr. Yue chose this hotel because there is a famous brand dish, cabbage, vermicelli and pork.

The three ingredients of this dish look very common, but a skilled cook can make ordinary dishes taste unusual.

With Helan Xiaoxin's participation, he intended to have a showdown with general manager Yue and talk about min Rou of Li Nanfang in detail, so he couldn't say anything more.

Min Rou usually doesn't talk much, but she is a smart girl with her own ideas. Of course, she can see that general manager Yue has to bring deputy general manager he LAN together. She just doesn't want her to say these words to avoid embarrassment.

Forget it.

It's the most boring dinner when you can't talk to each other.

Just after half an hour, min Rou looks at the time and is about to say that she wants to go back early to clean up. Then she hears a man's scream in the corridor outside.

"Why, is there a fight outside?"

After sitting down, Helan Xiaoxin, who also felt speechless, heard the unusual movement coming from outside the door. He stood up with a slight sound, walked quickly behind the door, opened the door, and peeped out his head.

Just a look, the new sister's brow wrinkled: "how can he come here?"


Yue Zitong also came.

"Lin Kangbai, Lin Yiting's brother."

Helan Xiaoxin doesn't want to mention Lin Yiting's name in front of Yue Zitong, but it's not good not to say it.

Yue Zitong's eyes immediately changed. He also looked out and saw several people fighting in the corridor. Two men bullied a girl with short hair.

"Grass, the Lin family is getting better and better. Let two of them bully one of them. Eh

Helan Xiaoxin said half of it, and then he said, "isn't that Bai ling'er of the Municipal Bureau? How did she provoke Lin Kangbai? This, this is simply the rhythm of their own death

"Ah, vice president He Lan, do you know Lin Shao?"

Min Rou also recognizes Bai ling'er. After hearing what he LAN Xiaoxin said, she immediately understands that she is in a bad situation.

Min Rou and Bai ling'er are good friends now. Of course, they can't watch her misfortune. They just want to let new sister come forward and make peace.

Just wait for her to say this meaning, Helan Xiaoxin shook his head and said faintly: "I don't want to get involved in the affairs of Jinghua Lin family."

Although Bai ling'er once saved her new sister on the Bank of Xiaoqing River, it's not enough for her to be a peacemaker at the risk of offending Lin Shao.

This is not to say that the new sister is afraid of Lin Shao, because the Helan family and the Lin family are now two in laws, and she also knows what Lin Kangbai is. She must be teasing the waitress, but Bai ling'er bumps into her, which stops the conflict.

If she goes out to be a peacemaker at this time, it will make Lin Kangbai hate her and add unnecessary trouble to herself.

In order not to affect the family relationship between the two families, Helan Xiaoxin is hard to come forward, but min Rou can't help but watch her sister being bullied. She is about to squeeze out, but Yue Zitong grabs her arm: "xiaorou, don't be impulsive. You don't know how cruel these aristocratic CHILDES are. Don't worry. Bai ling'er is a policeman. They dare not hurt her. "

Is bailing'er a policeman?

Helan Xiaoxin heart ha ha, just a small local police, will be in the eye of Lin Shao?

Bai ling'er doesn't want to know who the young man is leaning on the doorframe. She doesn't care to know, because she is forced to step back by Wang Dong and Zhang Hao. One of them is not careful, and she gets a foot on her buttock. It hurts a lot.

"Zhang Hao, you go and watch the other little bitches smash. I'll take care of the little bitches smash!"

In front of the young and the big, Wang Dong was bleeding from a girl's knee. He was absolutely angry. He vowed to smash the little bitch and do it alone!

Zhang Hao understood what he meant. After a punch, he retreated quickly. He grabbed Sui Yueyue, who was about to sneak away from the wall. He directly kicked her at the knee bend and let her collapse to the ground with a scream.

Wang Dong was originally a fighting master. At this time, he was furious. Every foot and fist was sharper than before.

Bai ling'er, after all, is only a girl who has practiced Sanda in the police academy. She is far from Wang Dong's fierce opponent. After a few times, she got a foot again and hit the corridor wall heavily. In front of her, Venus burst out and yelled: "stop, I'm a policeman!"

"Damn police, do you think I care?"

Wang Dong grinned, twisted his body and kicked hard at Bai ling'er's left face.

Lin Da Shao, who watched the battle in Yimen, said in time: "don't break your teeth. If your mouth is swollen, you can't use it."

Thanks to Lin Shao's prompt warning, the foot that was about to kick Bai ling'er's face hard sank quickly and kicked her shoulder.

Bai ling'er groaned and was kicked forward along the corridor wall, passing the door of box 511.

Wang Dong is powerful and unforgiving. He jumps forward with a low roar!

The right foot had already popped up rapidly when people rushed to the door of box 511. This time it was against Bai ling'er's side.

If this kick really kicked, Bai ling'er would immediately shut his breath in pain and let him be slaughtered.

Seeing Wang Dong's shadowless feet, he will kick Bai ling'er hard. Everyone who pays close attention to all this will see a flash of green shadow!


A wine bottle is broken, just can send out of explosion sound, from Wang Dong's head.

The wine is fragrant.

Like a happy bird flying in the sky, hit by a naughty child with a slingshot, Wang Dong fell to the ground with a bang.

Trough, who threw the bottle?

That's right.

So powerful!

When everyone at the scene was surprised to see the door of box 511, another wine bottle flew out and hit Wang Dong on the head again, making him lie on the ground again.

The third wine bottle, the fourth, the fifth - just like shooting, seven or eight wine bottles flew out one after another, each of which hit Wang Dong's head accurately, and directly knocked him unconscious. His head was full of big bags, and his face was full of blood.

"Who's in there?"

Zhang Hao woke up just like a dream. When he rushed over with a roar, the sixth bottle flew out in time.

With a bang, the bottle opened directly in his face and broke the bridge of his nose.

Zhang Hao was knocked unconscious by a bottle.

Then, it's quiet.

Lin Shao, who is leaning on the door to watch the battle, and Sui Yueyue, who is sitting on the ground, several hotel security guards who have heard the news, and Yue Zitong, who are hiding in box 516, all look into box 511 with the look of ghosts on their faces.

Maybe there are ghosts in this box, right?

Otherwise, how can you throw wine bottles so accurately?

Covering his left shoulder, Bai ling'er bares his teeth, but knows that there is no ghost in the box, only Li Nanfang.

Just now, she was so cruel that Wang Dong abused her. Now Li Nanfang found the place for her. While she was happy, she didn't know what was going on, but also had some grievances. In the voice of opening her mouth and shouting, there was a trace of crying: "Li Nanfang, don't you hurry out and hide in it to install a magic wand?"

Li Nanfang?

Li Nanfang!

Li Nanfang, in this box!?

Sui Yueyue, who is sitting on the ground, Yue Zitong, who is hiding in box 516, and Lin Dashao, who is leaning on the door to watch the battle, hear Bai linger call out Li NanFang's name. After that, tiger body or Jiao body all shake violently.

Lin Shao was shocked because he had been cleaned up by Li Nanfang, but he could only swallow the bad breath.

What about today?

Is it still like this?

Yue Zitong and their four women were shocked, but for various reasons.

Li Nanfang came out with a bottle of wine in his hand. There was half a bottle of wine in it. His laziness proved that he didn't want to come out.

After going out, he gave Lin Shao a friendly smile. Li Nanfang handed the wine bottle to Bai ling'er: "have a good time?"

Bai ling'er really wanted to take the bottle, but considering that he was a police officer, if he abused anyone who had no ability to fight back, it would be a violation of discipline, so he had to shake his head and feel sorry.

Li Nanfang did not force her, and handed the bottle to Sui Yueyue: "what about you?"

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