Zhanxing had a dream, a terrible nightmare.

In her dream, she seemed to be in the water and in the clouds. She was tightly entangled by a black dragon. The dragon head bigger than the bucket was in front of her face. In the open mouth, rows of teeth were as sharp as knives, with cold light. The smell of fishy smell made her nauseous.

She wanted to break away from the snake like dragon body, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break away. On the contrary, the tighter she was, the bones seemed to be broken, and there was no air in her lungs. The irresistible sense of suffocation forced her to open her mouth, but she couldn't make any sound.

After she opened her mouth, the black dragon's vertical pupils suddenly showed evil luster. The red tongue, like a chameleon's lightning speed, reached into her mouth.

Zhanxingshen has already suffocated, and her brain has almost stopped working. When her mouth is blocked by the black dragon's tongue, she not only doesn't feel much, but also doesn't understand what it is doing, but she can acutely perceive that the Dragon tongue is a huff and puff in her mouth.

She has completely lost the ability to resist, only eyes staring at that with the in and out, far and near the tap, let it make this inexplicable action, mouth was stuffed, crystal saliva dripping down.

The evil and obscene black dragon was very dissatisfied with her no action reaction. After retracting the Dragon tongue, he raised his head and chanted, and the dragon body wrapped around her body relaxed slightly.

Fresh air, immediately along her nose and mouth pressure in, let her instinctive open mouth, issued a drowning person floating on the surface, will be issued by the inhalation sound: "Ha - Hoo!"

The shriveled lobes of the lungs are instantly filled with oxygen, which accelerates the blood flow and supplies the brain.

Just like the engine that is about to stop running when there is no fuel, when the blood full of oxygen rushes to the brain, all parts of the engine run quickly, driving her reflection nerves and making her thinking gradually clear.

Where am I?

Where did this terrible black dragon come from?

What is it going to do to me?

When Zhanxing God thought of the third question, black dragon answered her with practical action -- the Dragon tongue like blood red pitching, and got into her mouth again.

She instinctively refused and pushed out with her tongue.

But the strength of her tongue, obviously less than the strength of the Dragon tongue, was soon flattened. The smelly and disgusting dragon tongue quickly reached into her throat and stimulated her epiglottis.

Epiglottis is a kind of milk like thing hanging from the top of the human throat. Usually, as long as you hold your finger, it will cause nausea and vomiting. Those who drink too much will basically use this trick. Just spit out the wine, no matter how expensive it is. Continue to drink until you die!

As soon as she felt nauseous, the Dragon tongue quickly drew back, and without waiting for her nauseous feeling to disappear, it came in again.

So repeatedly, every time she reaches in, it seems to break her throat, so that she can't make the action of biting off the Dragon tongue at all. She can only passively accept the inexplicable action of the black dragon tongue in her mouth.

Gradually, from the rapid expansion of the Dragon tongue, she felt something strange that she had never felt before. All the trembling cells in her body were no longer afraid. Instead, she cheered with excitement. As a result, when the Dragon tongue quickly retracted again, she couldn't help sending out a sour and numb nasal sound: "hum --"

This sound is like a lightning that rips open the dark cloud, which makes zhanxingchen wake up and realize what the black dragon is doing.

It's imitating human beings, biting them with her mouth - but don't all men in human beings use that thing?

How can it use its tongue?

Dragon and snake are similar in nature. They have to reproduce almost every day. There are a lot of records in many ancient myths and legends. Zhanxing God had seen these in the organization's book collection when he was a child.

But according to her human thinking, whether it's a dragon or a snake, you should use the following thing to do that kind of thing.

How could this black dragon stick its tongue into her mouth to make piston movement and give her instinctive pleasure?

She was disgusting and really wanted to vomit, but she didn't have a chance to vomit at all, because whenever vomit came up from her stomach, it would be blocked back by the Dragon tongue.

The feeling that she wants to vomit, but can't vomit out, is undoubtedly quite uncomfortable. It's not too much to say that life is worse than death. But Zhanxing God has no room for resistance except passively accepting. Her powerful force value can counterattack each other's limbs. Now it seems that she has disappeared, only passively being humiliated.

At this time, she didn't have the idea to kill the black dragon. She didn't even have the courage to think that human beings can compete with the legendary dragon?

Zhanxing gave up his resistance.

Just because she found that the more determined she was to resist, the faster the Dragon tongue moved in and out, and the more uncomfortable she felt.

But when she gave up her resistance, the movement of dragon tongue slowed down.

When she unconsciously makes a cooperative action with the cheerful cell request, the Dragon tongue becomes gentle, just like caressing the lover's hand. Her nausea and discomfort are even smaller, but the strange numbness is obviously enhanced.

After discovering the change of dragon tongue, zhanxingshen finally knew how to do it subconsciously. That is to use her mouth to provide special services for the male owner, just like the female owner in the small island movies, so that the audience can enjoy higher pleasure from their wonderful performances.

In short, as long as she gives the black dragon the export action, then she not only won't be uncomfortable, but also will enjoy the happiness she never had.

After making clear the final intention of the black dragon, Zhanxing God, like the concubine who was subdued by the king, completely crawls under his feet, no longer does the slightest resistance, but will follow his will and try to please and serve him.

And she got a lot of satisfaction from it.

And this kind of satisfaction, with her more and more skilled cooperation, black dragon faster and faster speed, also more and more intense.

Finally, when she couldn't control her happiness, she shuddered all over her body and let out a roaring scream in her nasal voice, the Dragon tongue in her mouth also vibrated like electricity. A stream of warm things with fishy smell, like a torrent, slid down her throat and choked into her trachea, which made her instinctively shake her head and cough loudly.

But the black dragon didn't allow her to spit out her tongue. She pressed her back with something so hard that she couldn't cough. After she swallowed it with a thump, she quickly fell into the bottomless abyss, and then knew nothing.

When she had consciousness again, she still felt cold as she did last time, as if she was walking naked in the cold wind of winter night. Subconsciously, she wanted to put her hands around her chest to find some warmth, but her hands and wrists were almost strangled, and her mouth was smelly and disgusting.

Then she heard a man laughing and talking.

That laugh, it sounds so arrogant and arrogant, it's annoying: "ha, ha ha, yes, I'm Li Nanfang of course, such as fake package exchange. God sister, you didn't expect that your good sister and Kung Fu Star didn't kill me, did you

Just now, when Hua yeshen dialed zhanxingshen's mobile phone, the first sentence was to ask if Li Nanfang begged for mercy before he died. That's why he asked.

"Not really."

In the silent mountains, the voice of Hua yeshen from the mobile phone is clearly audible: "star God, how can she let you go?"

Zhanxingshen is not afraid to use Helan to support su. Of course, it's not to chat with Li Nanfang, but to kill him. It's just like a cat playing with a mouse. After enough playing, kill him.

In that way, she can spit out the evil breath that she has been holding for months.

But now, Li Nanfang answers Hua yeshen's call with her mobile phone.

Hua yeshen won't think about it. Li Nanfang won't get her cell phone until she defeated Zhan Xingshen.

Because she knows how powerful Zhanxing's force value is, which is better than her. Even if she closes her eyes and binds her hand, she can still get rid of Li Renzha.

Her question annoyed Li Nanfang: "sister God, do you think I can still answer your call alive? It's the result of your sister's great mercy and letting me go?"

"Isn't it? If she didn't let it go -- "

Flower night God blurts out to say half time, shut mouth.

She can't think of any reason why Zhanxing God can let Li Nanfang go.

So, Li Nanfang is still alive, only he defeated Zhanxing God.

But how is that possible?

"She tried to kill me, but she didn't succeed."

Li Nanfang restrained his smile and said faintly.

"Where is the star God? She, how is she now? "

After hearing the worry in Hua yeshen's voice, Li Nanfang comforted her: "don't worry. She wants to kill me, but I don't have to. Of course, to show my dissatisfaction with her pettiness, I punished her a little bit to let her understand that it's not easy for anyone to live such a big life. Don't end one's life so easily. "

"How did you punish her?"

After listening to Li NanFang's words, Hua yeshen was relieved, but then sneered: "ha ha, I know. You must have ruined her innocence."

"I think so. But it's a pity that your aunt, who doesn't know whether you are Zhan Fei or Xing Shen, has come to visit you. Alas, what's so special? Looking at such a charming big star, you can't enjoy it. Who can understand the hardship in my heart? "

Li Nanfang looked up to heaven and sighed. Before Hua yeshen wanted to say anything, he changed the subject: "although I'm a big man, and I never have the same opinion with women, she really offended me this time. If I don't punish her, it's not enough to calm the people's anger."

"What on earth did you do to her?"

"I bought her a drink."

"Oh, chronic poison."


Li Nanfang shook his head and said with a smile, "it's not only not a chronic poison, but also a nutritious protein."

Flower night God wonder: "what high nutrition protein?"

Li Nanfang lowered his voice and said two words.


Flower night God a stay, suddenly understand these two words, contains what meaning, suddenly burst into a rage: "Li Nanfang, you scum, asshole!"

"It's better to drink that than to be killed by me, isn't it?"

Li NanFang's voice became cold.

Hua yeshen is speechless, because what others say is right. As long as Zhan Xingshen kills him, there is no need for others to bite her after they defeat her?

Li Nanfang looked back and laughed: "sister God, your good sister is awake. Would you like to talk to her? "

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